Alien Attachments

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Alien Attachments Page 8

by Sabine Priestley

  Dani’s heart raced as he came closer in nothing but a tee shirt and jeans. His bare feet silent on the tile.

  “Awhile. I couldn’t sleep.” His voice sounded husky and low, much more than usual. It played on her emotions, confusing and exciting her. A wave of pleasure radiated from her core.

  Ian stepped past her, his arm brushing against her sleeve. Behind her, she heard the sound of his plate clink against the granite counter. She nearly jumped when his hot breath caressed the side of her neck.

  “Don’t let me stop you. You’re obviously hungry.”

  The way he emphasized the last word made her shiver and her stomach flip-flop. She turned to face him, their bodies inches apart. He trailed a finger down her arm from shoulder to wrist, then took her hand in his and raised it to his mouth. “No more pain?” His lips pressed against her palm.

  Her knees almost buckled when a thrill shot through her, causing an involuntary shudder. “Ian—” Her voice caught, and she cleared her throat. “What are you doing?”

  Ian inhaled deeply as he closed the gap between them. “I’m giving in, Dani. You want me to, don’t you?” One hand slid around her waist, the other trailing up her arm to stroke the line of her jaw.

  Waves of pleasure rolled out from his touch. Hot moisture pooled between her legs. Ian’s eyes were impossibly vivid, the greenest she’d ever seen, and right before her, they began to glow.

  Oh, shit. Dani took a slow, shaky breath. She stood in the arms of an alien and this was the point of no return. Did she want to?

  His thumb brushed her lower lip.

  The heat in her grew.


  He said her name in a rumbling growl that reverberated deep inside. She tingled everywhere.

  Leaning forward, his mouth brushed her ear. “I’ll leave if you want me to, just say the word.”

  He kissed her neck, tentatively, questioningly. The heat of his lips melted any resolve she may have harbored. The thought of him leaving her now, in this state, was unbearable. Aroused on every level, she reached her arms around his neck and pressed against him.

  This must be a dream. She moaned as he nipped his way down her neck causing little sparks of pain. Her entire body rippled with the effect. If I wake up now, I’m killing the person responsible.

  In one smooth movement, Ian scooped her into his arms. His eyes burned brighter than ever, their light visible on her robe. Her nipples were painfully hard and she was ready for him in every way. Impossibly fast, he carried her out of the kitchen, up the stairs, and pushed open the door to his suite. He closed the door and set her down. Soft carpet caressed the soles of her feet, her senses in overdrive. She slid her hands up his chest and around his neck. She stared into his luminous alien eyes as he leaned down and kissed her. Gentle at first, still questioning, his tongue parted her lips. The kiss became fervent as his hands explored the contours of her body, and his erection pressed against her. She needed desperately to touch him everywhere, to feel his skin on hers. As though reading her mind, he stepped back. She swayed slightly when he peeled off his shirt. His muscled body beautiful in the soft light of the moon streaming in from the window.

  She untied her robe, dropped it to the floor and pulled her gown over her head, leaving her in a cotton bikini, wet with her desire. Ian took his time as he drank her in from head to toe.

  He paused at her breasts, his eyes a flash of green, and a wave of pleasure so intense she couldn’t breath, washed over her. Helpless, she leaned against the door, eyes closed, and let the sensation reign—like an orgasm, but not limited to her loins. Something pulsed outside of her body. How is this possible? Dani tried to make sense of what was happening when it stopped as quickly as it started. No, no, no. She moaned, wanting more. She opened her eyes to find Ian removing his jeans.

  A moment of panic flashed through her when she remembered he wasn’t human. What if he wasn’t…the same down there? She held her gaze on the floor, afraid to look.

  He stepped closer.

  She lifted her head. Oh yes. He was definitely normal there, but…was there such a thing as too big?

  “Not between us,” Ian said.


  “Shh, I’m glad you like what you see.” His voice, so deep and strange, resonated within her. Her breath caught and her back arched when he bent down and took her nipple in his mouth, biting to the point of pain. He picked her up again and carried her to the bed. He laid her down and removed her panties with his teeth, while his hands wreaked havoc with her breasts, then thighs. The energy between them grew as the tempo increased.

  Something built up inside her. Sexual yes, but more. On the verge of an orgasm, another burst of pure pleasure coursed through her. It was paralyzing. So similar yet so different from the orgasms she knew. She somehow experienced the space beyond her body. What is this? She opened her eyes, and again the feeling vanished, leaving her with an overwhelming sense of frustration.

  “Oh, God. Ian, that’s you, I know it is. Don’t stop, please.” Dani ached for completion.

  Ian growled and moved on top of her. He rested on his elbows as his erection played over her abdomen. He bit and nibbled her neck and ear.

  Sounds and moans escaped her without warning. “Ian, please.” She lifted her pelvis and rubbed against him. A look of sadness swept across his face and the word “human” slid into her mind. The pain that word caused him hit her physically, and she froze, confused. The green of his eyes intensified, held her captive.

  He shook his head and the look of pity turned into one of mischievous desire. A grin pulled at the corner of his mouth as he growled again. The sound sparked another wave of desire. It started between her legs and rolled over her head. Again, she floated in a sea of unimaginable pleasure, so much more than physical. When it stopped, all too soon, Dani hiked up her knees and wrapped her legs round his waist. She reached down to guide him in. He obliged, filling her completely. Every cell in her body responded. It was a thrill unlike any she had ever known and, with it, came an absolute inability to speak. Something outside her responded while he slid in and out, faster and faster. Pleasure flooded over her as the sensation echoed throughout, body and soul.

  His pace quickened and the pleasure narrowed its focus. The intensity increased, exquisite, but it wasn’t the same as before. He’s holding back. Her body responded by matching his rhythm, and taking it up a notch. Faster, they moved until the orgasm took her by force and rolled over her again and again. The thrill ran down her legs and up into her belly.

  And yet, out of reach but so close…something. Something more—something she needed. They came to a stop and their heartbeats slowed. Ian lowered his head next to hers, his breath hot on her shoulder.

  “Oh Dani, that was close.” His voice was back to normal.

  “I don’t know about you,” Dani laughed “but I got a lot more than close.”

  He brushed the hair away from her eyes. His own back to their brilliant but non-glowing color. “You are so beautiful.”

  Dani studied his face. “Why do you look so sad?”

  He smiled then. “Not sad, darling, sated.”

  “I’ll say.”

  Ian slid out of her and lay next to her body. One hand propping up his head and the other tracing her curves. The sensation tickled and made goose bumps spread over her. He laughed and pulled the sheet up to her belly button. He cupped a breast and toyed with her nipple.

  “Not fair,” she said.

  “Earth has a saying here, about love and war?”

  Dani laughed. “Yeah, ‘All’s fair in love and war.’”

  He leaned over and kissed her. Sweet and slow. Again she thought she sensed sadness but wasn’t sure why. Their lips parted and he lay next to her, one arm across her chest.

  She’d just had the best sex of her life with an alien. Her head swam. What next? Relationships never lasted with her. She wondered how he’d feel about a friends-with-benef
its scenario. She knew how she’d feel.

  She turned to face him.

  “I should probably get back to my room. I really need a few hours of sleep.”

  He let out a long sigh. “I’ll walk you.”

  * * * *

  Ian kissed her one last time and closed her bedroom door. He smelled her on his fingers and inhaled deeply. He took his time returning to his room. There would be no more sleep for him tonight.

  This was a mess. An achingly beautiful mess. She is the perfect mate. Perfect and impossible in equal measure.

  The empire was ruled and fueled by pure bloodlines. As an only child he had a duty to continue the line. To mate with a Sandarian of equal status.

  The thought of hiding her origins crossed his mind, only to be replaced by a vision of the massive birds of prey from Dortan. They took down creatures twice their size. Gordat Prayda would find out. Ian knew it to be fact. He would find out and destroy the Cavacent family.

  They couldn’t hide a bond so he couldn’t be intimate with her again. His gut clenched at the thought.

  If only she were Sandarian. He closed the door to his room behind him and leaned against the cool surface of the door.

  In the morning he’d have Armond erase her memory of their night together. It meant telling Armond about her psi, but he saw no choice. All she’d remember is a peaceful night’s sleep, and all he had to do was stay away from her.

  He leaned his head against the door, the same place she’d stood before. She’d wondered if he was too big for her, and he told her nothing was too big between them. He was wrong. He pushed off the door. It was time to shower. Time to erase her smell and her taste. Time to get to work and forget about things he couldn’t have.

  Chapter 7

  Dani entered the kitchen the next morning to find she was the last one down. The EPs sat at the table where Ian had watched her the night before. A bolt of desire shot through her at the memory. I could sure handle a replay.

  Jared and Battista stood around the center island drinking coffee while Gina worked the stove. Dani smiled, and called out “morning” to the room in general. She couldn’t help but wonder if any of them had seen or heard her and Ian.

  Gina scooped a mound of scrambled eggs onto a plate. “Ciao bellezza, how are you this morning? You sleep well I hope?”

  “Um, yeah, I slept fine.” Heat rose to her face and she kept her back to the table.

  “Come. Do you want some eggs and toast? Ham and bacon are over there.” She pointed to where Jared and Battista stood around a granite island. “You better hurry. Those two, they don’t eat. They inhale.”

  Dani’s stomach answered for her and she took the offered plate. “Thank you.” She went over and stood next to Jared, helping herself to both ham and a slice of bacon.

  Jared poured some orange juice and slid the glass over to her. “How ya doin’? Feeling better this morning?”

  “Yeah. I think I just needed some rest.”

  Ian and his team finished up their food and carried their dishes to the sink. He and Armond approached her as she finished her eggs. “Are you ready to go?” Ian asked.

  “Sure,” she said, swallowing her food. “Let me run up and grab my bag.”

  “Great. Bring it downstairs and meet us in the library. Armond has an idea about why the Torogs might be after you. He only needs a few minutes to check something out.”

  “No problem. I’ll be right back.” Dani put her plate with the others and headed for her room.

  * * * *

  Downstairs, Ian and Armond waited in the library. The room was smaller than his on Cat Island but well appointed with dark mahogany bookcases, which filled the walls from floor to ceiling. An enormous fireplace took up most of one wall and was surrounded by overstuffed leather furniture. The fire pit was Ria’s portal and currently useless. He sat in one of the chairs and Armond on one side of the couch.

  “Are you sure?” Armond said.

  “I’m sure. I have no excuse for last night and you no doubt understand the sensitive nature of the situation.”

  “Indeed.” Armond leaned forward, elbows on his knees. “Do you think perhaps it would be better to simply…remove the situation entirely?”

  The look in Armond’s eyes told Ian he understood all too well the implications of a human with psi.

  “No. She is not to be harmed. None of this is her fault. I simply need to try and put this woman’s life back to normal. When this is all over, we can discuss erasing her memory of us entirely. For now, let’s just remove the complication I created last night.”

  Armond nodded but didn’t appear convinced. “It may not work. She’s not Sandarian, but if she has psi, I may not be able to erase her memory.”

  Ian hadn’t thought of that. “We have to try.”

  Dani knocked on the door a few moments later.

  “Come in,” Ian called. “Please, have a seat.” He motioned to the spot next to Armond. “Armond needs to connect with you. To see if he can find anything the Torogs might be picking up on.”


  She sounded more than a little nervous.

  “It’s all right. Just a light touch, skin on skin.”

  “Yes,” Armond said. “I can detect any unusual…activity.”

  Ian mentally kicked himself for not going over what to tell her. Armond had the tact of a Sandarian street peddler. “Please,” he said. “It won’t take a minute and we need to get going.”

  Dani sat perched on the edge of the couch.

  “Give me your hand,” Armond said.

  Dani gave a nervous laugh. “Sure, if you give it back.”

  Ian smiled, but as usual, Armond just stared.

  “Oh, for Pete’s sake, here.” Dani stuck her hand out.

  Armond placed her hand in his open palm and took her wrist with his other hand. “Relax.”

  Ian nodded his assent. The albino closed his eyes, inhaled deeply, and appeared to simply stop breathing.

  Ian glanced at his watch. It was ten till seven. He wanted to get going and get this over with. He resisted the urge to move, and remained still and silent.

  Armond abruptly let go of the wrist and dropped Dani’s hand. “I see nothing here that would attract attention. I need a word with Ian. Close the door behind you.”

  “That’s it?” Dani asked Ian.

  “Guess so.” Ian stood and reached out to help her up. He walked her to the door. “Don’t mind him. Manners aren’t exactly his strong point.”

  “Yeah, I got that. See you in a bit?”

  “Be right there.” Ian closed the door behind her and listened as she walked away.

  “Well?” He asked Armond.

  “No. She’s unusually strong. Like you.” Armond stood and waited.

  Ian wanted to say he’d already figured that out, but held his tongue. It was clear Armond was not happy about having failed his assigned task. He would have found the albino’s discomfort with his failure funny if not for the ramifications.

  “You can’t erase her memory at all.”


  Damn. He hadn’t counted on this. Last night in the kitchen he’d known the moment her feet touched the floor in the room above. With each step, something inside woke and grew stronger. He sat in the shadows and watched her. The seconds passed and his psi energy increased with each tick. His body hummed with it. He knew bonding could produce such an effect but he never imagined he wouldn’t be able to control it. I couldn’t resist her last night any more than I could stop breathing now. Ian knew how to face his fears in battle, but this was something else. I have to stay away from her. And I need her to help.

  Chapter 8

  Dani left the library to find Ria coming back from the tunnel. “Hey, Sunshine,” Ria said. “Cruisers all loaded. The boys coming?”

  “I guess. Armond said he needed to talk to Ian. So, back to Cat Island, huh?”

searched her face.

  Dani hoped it didn’t show a tenth of the fear that threatened to overwhelm her.

  “You worried about the Torogs?”

  “You think?” Dani smiled. “This gets more and more like a cheesy fantasy flick every day. We’re on a quest to somehow mend a magic portal, and blocking our way are nasty, smelly, alien creatures. I assume we have a plan?”

  Ria laughed. “It’s going to be okay. We’ve been monitoring the villa and there only seems to be one Torog left. He’s in the library with the portal, so odds are he’s a guard. The library doubles as Ian’s office and he’s got another way in, so yeah, we have a plan.”

  “Why only one Torog?”

  “No idea and we can’t be certain. There are some small pockets not visible on the cams, but you couldn’t hide many there. All we have to do is get the portal open.”

  “What if they attack again?”

  “Worst case scenario, we take you through and you get to see Sandaria.”

  Dani thought of her dad and grinned. “Let’s do that.”

  Their chat was interrupted when Ian and Armond blew out of the library and called the team to action.

  No one spoke much on the ride to Cat Island but the energy was intense. The EPs fiddled with their devices, and constantly monitored the video feeds from the villa. Gina and Battista huddled together and talked in hushed tones. Jared spent the time messing with his phone, and was it her imagination, or was Ian avoiding her? He hadn’t looked at her once since the library.

  Dani wrung her hands in her lap. The portal approached and a flush of embarrassment ran through her at the thought of her earlier reaction. The surface shimmered, resembling a wall of standing water. There was a slight tug when they passed through, then they were on the other side. A few minutes later they stopped at the entry to the main tunnel.

  “All clear?” Ian asked.

  “I got nothing,” Marco said. The others confirmed. The portal opened and they turned right and headed for Jared’s bar.


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