Beautiful Savage

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Beautiful Savage Page 15

by Victoria Ashley

  Each day I feel more and more like a prisoner, and I’d do anything for an escape. A kind of an escape where I don’t have to feel anymore.

  My eyes become weaker and weaker with each minute that passes, and just as I’m about to give in and let myself fall asleep, the creaking of my door opening has me gripping at the blanket and cussing under my breath.

  “You’re so beautiful, girl.” My insides twist into knots as George steps into my room and closes the door behind him. “Just be a good girl and this won’t take long.”

  I back away and kick his hand away when he reaches for my leg to pull me down to the end of the bed. “No! Don’t touch me. Just leave me alone.”

  He grits his teeth in anger and reaches for my leg again, but I back up and curl my legs beneath me. “You want to play games, little girl?” He slaps the bed and reaches for his belt, slipping it through the loops. “Hey, Hank. Might want to get in here and teach this little bitch of yours a lesson before you wind up on the streets.”

  My body shakes with anger and fear as my father appears in the doorway looking displeased. “She won’t be a problem anymore, George.” I watch, unable to turn away as my father grabs the belt from his friend and looks me over with hate-filled eyes. “Get over here, girl!”

  I close my eyes and try my best not to scream as he grabs me by the hair and pulls me up to my knees. I know I should cower as I hear the sound of him adjusting the belt in his hand, but instead I sit up straight, prepared to get it over with.

  The leather hitting me across the left cheek has me whimpering and grabbing at the bed. It hurts so bad that all I want to do is scream and cry, but I know all that will do is make my punishment worse.

  “Don’t embarrass me again or I’ll come back in here and whip you till you bleed. That face won’t be so pretty anymore. Do you hear me, girl?” When I don’t respond fast enough, he slaps me across the face and then grabs a fistful of my hair, pulling me closer to him. “Answer me!”

  “Yes,” I cry out. “I hear you.”

  “Good.” He hands the belt back to George and walks away without another word.

  I hate him so much for this. I hate him so much that he could die tonight and I wouldn’t shed a tear. Not a single one. It’s because of him that I’m damaged. The only thing I feel is hate, anger, and fear, because he took me away from the one person who made me feel something else.

  I don’t want to look at George while he touches me, so I lay down and close my eyes, facing away from him.

  I flinch, but don’t say a word when I feel his hand move across my hip, before lowering to my thigh. If I pretend to lay here asleep and don’t move it seems to make him go faster.

  It’s disgusting.

  I swallow and try to keep my body from shaking as I listen to the sound of him unzipping his jeans. The moan that leaves his mouth a few seconds later lets me know that he’s touching himself.

  His touch on my leg is gentle, his hand slowly making its way back up my leg until he grabs my ass in his hand and squeezes it.

  “Oh yeah,” he groans, moving is hand over the shape of my ass, before yanking my pants down so he can see my panties. “What a tight little ass. I have to remember to thank your daddy later.”

  His hand moves down my ass and I cry into the bed when I feel his finger slide between my legs, touching me in a place that makes me want to puke.

  I cry silently, squeezing the blanket in my hands as he rubs me through my panties, his movements picking up speed as he pleasures himself to touching me.

  Seconds of him touching me feels like an eternity, before he finally groans out his pleasure as he comes. I squeeze my eyes shut and hold back my bile as the sounds of him finishing echo throughout the room, dirtying my comforter, before buckling back up and leaving my room without another word.

  As soon as I’m alone, I cover my face and cry into my hands, letting it all out as quietly as I can.

  I sit here for hours, staring at the bedroom window, unable to stop the tears from falling. I feel dirty and used. His filthy touch lingers. It makes me hate myself more.

  I would give anything to have Jax come through that window and take me away from this life, and it kills me to know he never will. But what hurts the most is that there’s a possibility he’s already forgotten about me.

  That’s what makes me wish with everything in me that I could disappear from this world.

  Because without him I’m truly alone in this world, and I’m not sure how much longer I can live this way.

  AN INSTANT ACHE HITS MY chest when I wake up to find my bed empty, the spot beside me cold as if she’s been gone for a while. The first thought that occurs is that she’s taken off on me again, the ache in my chest growing.

  After Alexandra fell asleep last night, I stayed awake for hours, lost in thought as I held her in my arms. Years of memories went through my head of all the times I held her late at night, giving her a few hours of peaceful sleep that she never got while at home.

  Just a couple of weeks ago I was unsure if I’d ever see her again, so the thought of being able to actually hold her seemed impossible. There was a constant weight on my chest whenever she was gone and I’ll never forget that feeling. That made having her in my arms last night—after all these years—that much more bittersweet.

  I don’t think I managed to get more than two hours of sleep, and tonight will probably be hell, but it was worth it just to feel her in my arms again. That peace I always got from having her close to me, to feel valuable by taking care of her. It was always the best part of my day.

  Sitting up, I grunt, while running my hands over my face. I throw the blanket off and stand up, the salty smell of pork hitting me. Then I hear it—the crackling of grease. I breathe deep, my mouth watering—bacon.

  Relief washes over me, because I know damn well it’s not Blaine in the kitchen cooking. There’s no way he’ll be up before noon unless I shove him off the couch.

  I step out of the room, and the first thing I’m greeted with is Blaine’s naked ass as he sleeps face first on the couch. Hasn’t the asshole ever heard of underwear?

  Cussing under my breath, I walk past him to the kitchen. That fucker really needs to learn some limits, and I’m not pleased that Alexandra had to witness him naked this morning.

  “Sorry you had to wake up to Blaine’s naked ass,” I say, my voice still tired from the lack of sleep.

  Alexandra turns away from the stove and shrugs as if it’s no big deal. She’s still wearing my t-shirt, which consumes me with possessiveness over her since Blaine is exposed just one room over. “It’s not a bad sight; he has a nice ass, so I’m not complaining.”

  I growl under my breath, despising her comment, which only causes her to smirk, no doubt enjoying my annoyance. Instead of commenting on it, she goes back to cooking.

  I guess she still likes working me up just as much as when she thought we were strangers. She wants to go back to playing that way . . . I have no problem showing her what her playfulness does to me.

  Walking up behind her, I grip her hips and pull her hard against my body, causing her to release a small moan. “So you like Blaine’s ass, huh?” I gently grab the front of her neck and move around to speak against her ear. “Do I need to take you right here in the kitchen to remind you how much you like mine?”

  I feel her throat move as she swallows. “Are you threatening me, Jax?”

  “What if I am?” I reach my free hand around to turn the stove off. “And it’s not a threat. It’s a promise.”

  She moans and digs her nails into my arm when I press my hard cock against her ass and bite her neck. If it weren’t for the fact that I want to keep Alexandra to myself I’d lift my t-shirt she’s wearing and slip inside of her right here. “Dammit, Jax,” she breathes when I grind my hips into her. “Do you know how hard it is to resist you?”

  “Yes. You still want to play this game right now?” I question against the spot on her neck that I just bit. “If we are, t
hen prepare yourself for Blaine to wake up and witness that you’re mine.”

  She spins around in my arms and grabs my dick, giving it a hard squeeze as she bites her bottom lip. “What makes you think I wouldn’t like Blaine watching?”

  Oh, she’s pushing it now.

  I growl out my frustration and take a step back. I was wrong when I said she’d never win at this game. When it comes to her and anything involving another man . . .

  “How did you sleep?” I ask, changing the subject before I lose my shit and kill Blaine in his sleep. Because for once the fucker would be innocent.

  “Pretty well, actually.” She grabs a fork and transfers the rest of the bacon onto a plate, before setting the food down on the table. “Sit and eat.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” I smile and pull out a chair for her, before taking a seat and reaching for a piece of bacon. “I talked to Royal last night and told him we’d be at the salon by eleven. I’ll take you home after we eat so you can shower and change before we go.”

  I expect her to give me a hard time about wanting to go to her place, figuring she still wants to be shady about where she lives, but instead, she nods and reaches for some bacon. “I woke up early this morning to watch some video tutorials on YouTube. The least I can do if I’m expecting them to hire me is refresh my memory. It’s been years since I’ve gotten practice.”

  I smile, my gaze going to her fiery red hair. “Well if you did your own hair then I’m damn confident you can do the job just fine, but I’m sure the girls will appreciate that you took the time to watch tutorials. It shows you’re serious about the job.”

  She’s silent for a few moments as we eat, and as hard as I try to keep my hands to myself, I can’t. Everything inside of me is aching to touch her again. Making eye contact with her, I grab the leg of her chair and scoot it toward me. It’s hard to miss the way her breathing picks up when I grab her waist and yank her into my lap so she’s straddling me.

  “What are you doing, Jax? Are you trying to put on a show for Blaine?”

  “Hell no.” I wrap one arm around her waist and grip the back of her neck with my free hand, pulling her close until our mouths are brushing. “Thanking my woman for breakfast the best way I can with jackass sleeping just fifteen feet away, naked.”

  “Who says I’m your woman, Jax?” She’s trying hard to resist me, but I can tell with the small breath that escapes her lips when I pull her harder against me, she wants to give in and stop fighting me. She’s afraid, and I need to break that damn wall down.

  “No one has to say it.” I run my tongue over her bottom lip, before sucking it into my mouth and releasing it. “You’ve been mine since the day I found you behind your garage.”

  “Hell fucking yes.” Blaine’s tired voice comes from the doorway, causing us to both look his way. “I woke up just in time for breakfast and a show.” He winks and grabs a piece of bacon. “Go on. My cock doesn’t mind.”

  The dumbass is lucky he decided to put his jeans on before making an appearance. I’m not much of a fan of his at the moment. Especially now that I know Alexandra finds him attractive. Or at least his ass.

  “Nice to see you own some goddamn clothes.” I growl out as he pulls out a chair and joins us at the table. I’m tempted to kick it over, but I keep my cool, eyeing him up and down as he looks at Alexandra in my lap.

  “My head is just fine by the way,” Blaine mutters. “You have pretty good aim.”

  “Yeah, well I’ve had a lot of practice.”

  She gets ready to move from my lap, but I grab her ass with both hands and hold in her place before she can. “Stay. Blaine can eat in the living room.”

  She narrows her eyes at me and pinches my nipple so hard that I cuss and hit the table. “Fucking shit, Lex!”

  “I have a mess to clean so we can get to the salon.” She pushes her way out of my lap and tosses the last piece of bacon to Blaine when he opens his mouth and tilts his head back.

  He manages to catch the end of the piece with his mouth and the rest of it crumbles to the table as he speaks. “The salon?” His nostrils flare and I have a feeling his little show last night had to do with Madison.

  “Yeah. Lex is getting a job there.”

  “Good. I’ll go with then.” He stands up and walks to the fridge, yanking it open to grab a water, before slamming it shut so hard that it shakes.

  “Are you going to take your anger out on my fridge or tell me what you’re so worked up about?”

  “What? A motherfucker can’t do both?” He stops to watch Alexandra as she leaves the kitchen to most likely get dressed. “She went on a date last night. A fucking date. Can you believe that shit?”

  A small smile curves at the corner of my lips as I watch him mutilate the bottle in his hand, while drinking it. “Yeah, I can asshole.”

  He stops drinking to give me a hard look. “Are you serious? Have you seen me, motherfucker? Why would she need to go on a date when all she has to do is call me?”

  “Because maybe she wants more than a fuck, which is all you’re willing to give her, dumbass.” I stand up and push my chair in, my gaze focused on Blaine as he gets lost in thought. “Meet us at the salon at eleven if you’re going. Lock up on the way out and don’t make an ass of yourself there either.”

  He nods but doesn’t say anything, so I walk away to throw some clean clothes on if we’re going to make it to Alexandra’s in enough time for her to shower and get ready.

  After grabbing my keys, I walk to the bathroom in search of Alexandra to find her standing in front of the mirror, gripping the sink as if she’s battling something in her head.

  I don’t hesitate before coming up behind her and wrapping my arms around her to show her that I’m here for her. “You don’t need that shit, Lex. I’m here and I’ll do anything you ask me to. What do you need from me?”

  She shakes her head and squeezes her eyes closed when I kiss her neck and hold her tighter. “I’m fine. I’m good.” She releases a deep breath and forces a smile. “I just needed a minute to get my head straight.”

  “Let’s get you home and cleaned up then.”

  We make it to the salon with five minutes to spare and I can tell from the way Alexandra keeps running her hands over her jeans that she’s nervous.

  Wanting to calm all those nerves down, I reach across my truck and grab her chin, pulling her in for a kiss. “There’s nothing to be nervous about. You’re with me, Lex. Fuck everything else.”

  She closes her eyes and grabs my hand that’s still on her chin. “What if they don’t like me? Most women don’t. Usually, that doesn’t bother me, but . . .”

  I grab her face with both hands and kiss her again, causing her to moan and grab my hair. “Most women are intimidated by strong women, and you’re by far the strongest woman I know. But these women—Avalon and Madison—are strong too. That’s why I know without a doubt they’ll love you.”

  She takes a deep breath and slowly exhales, before opening her eyes and grabbing my beard to pull me in for another kiss. The moment her tongue swipes across my lips my cock hardens, and I have to fight the urge to fuck her right here in my truck for good luck.

  “Thank you, Jax. Here goes nothing,” she says, breaking the kiss.

  My heart beats wild in my chest as she releases my beard and steps out of my truck. It’s the first time she’s kissed me since finding out who I was, and I can’t deny that it has me happier than shit. Makes me feel like I’m getting somewhere with her. With us.

  My heart still racing, I jump out of my truck and catch up with her as she reaches the door, opening it for her to walk inside.

  Avalon looks our way and smiles the moment the bell above the door dings, letting the ladies know someone has opened the door. Her eyes go from me to Alexandra, her smile widening as she takes her in. “Please tell me you colored your own hair. It’s gorgeous.”

  Madison stops cutting her customer’s hair and looks our way to see what Avalon is talking about. She
raises a brow in approval and goes back to cutting. “That hair has me crushing on her, Jax. Better keep her close.”

  “I did.” Alexandra smiles and looks around the salon, taking everything in. I can tell from the way her shoulders relax she feels a bit more comfortable and is warming up to the idea of working here. “I’m confident I can do the job.”

  “Jax assured me that you can and there’s no one I trust more than him and a few other people. Today we’ll just show you around and we’ll get everything else sorted out later.” Avalon walks over and grabs Alexandra’s hand as if they’re already friends. “Let me show you where everything is.” She turns and gives me a quick kiss on the cheek. “Lex is ours for the next few hours. We’ll be sure to take good care of her. Maybe you can hang with Royal at the bar for a bit.”

  I smile and watch the girls fall into easy conversation as Avalon walks her around the room. “Text me when you’re done and I’ll be back.”

  The girls are so busy getting along that they ignore my ass as if I’m not even here. I laugh to myself as I step outside and head for my truck. It looks like I’m going to need to learn to share her with the girls and that has me relieved. Alexandra needs some new people—better influences—in her life and there’s no one I trust more than my family.

  I almost forgot that Blaine was meeting us here until he pulls up beside my truck on his motorcycle and quickly hops off, making his way to me. “You might want to stop by your mom’s before heading wherever the hell you’re going.”

  “Why?” I nervously run a hand through my hair, unsure of what to expect.

  “I saw a familiar vehicle outside her house when I drove by on the way here. One that you won’t be the least bit happy about.”

  “Fucking shit.” Anger courses through me as I jump into my truck and drive off in a hurry. I know exactly what vehicle he’s speaking of and that thought has me gripping the wheel and driving a lot faster than I should to get there before that fucker takes off.


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