Beautiful Savage

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Beautiful Savage Page 17

by Victoria Ashley

  I smirk, flicking my tongue out to run it up his lips, making my way around to whisper in his ear. “I never want you to.”

  He growls into the air and grabs my hips with both hands. “Fuck. You’re not going to be able to walk into the house after this.”

  His fingers dig into my hips as he lifts me up, before slamming into me so hard I feel like he’s splitting me in two.

  I scream out and grab onto the leather seat, fighting to catch my breath. “Don’t stop,” I whisper.

  “Fuck!” he screams into the air. “Hold on, babe.”

  I do as he says, digging my fingers into the leather as he fucks me deep and hard, owning my pussy in a way no other man has before or no other man ever will.

  No one can fuck me like Jax.

  No one can make me feel the way Jax can.

  Jaxon Kade is the only man for me, and I know without a doubt, now that I have him back, I’ll never let him go without a fight.

  I will fight for him. For this. For us.

  He pushes into me one last time, causing me to grab his shoulder and dig my nails in as I scream out his name through my orgasm.

  Seconds later, he’s filling me with his cum and we’re both exhausted, fighting to catch our breath.

  “Are you okay?” he whispers, moving his hands up to cup my face. “Did I hurt you?”

  I nod. “Just a little,” I admit. “But in a good way. So, so good.”

  He smiles in relief and rests his forehead to mine. “I’m calling in tonight. Blaine can handle the bar by himself. I’m not letting you out of my sight. I can’t. Not yet.”

  I smile and lean in to kiss him. “Good,” I say against his mouth. “Because I don’t want you to.”

  With the way I’m feeling right now, right here in this moment, I’m not willing to let him out of my sight either.

  I want to spend the night with him. No fighting or running away. Tonight, I want to be his.

  I’M COVERED IN SWEAT AND haven’t been able to catch my breath for the last hour. I was wrong to think she couldn’t handle my roughness, because she’s been taking me like a champ all night—biting, choking and fucking just as hard as I do.

  We barely made it into the house before she jumped on me, nearly knocking me into the wall, eager for me to take her again. Since then, we’ve hardly left my bed except to grab another bottle of whiskey to satisfy our thirsts.

  I lost count of how many times we’ve had sex already, but shit, I’m not complaining. For her, I’d go all through the night. I wouldn’t care how bad my muscles ached from holding myself above her. I can’t get enough of her in my bed.

  “We should eat.” I brush my lips over hers before speaking again. “It’s close to midnight. I’ll make us some dinner.”

  I get ready to roll off of her to get out of bed, but she grabs the back of my head, stopping me. “Not yet, Jax.” She shakes her head and reaches between us to grab my cock that hasn’t gone down all damn night. “One more time. Just one more . . .”

  She wraps her legs around my thighs and pulls me to her, causing me to groan into her neck when my sensitive cock enters her again.

  I’ve never had a woman want me so much and I’ve never wanted a woman as much as I want her.

  “Are you trying to kill me, baby?” I move my hips, pushing her up the mattress with each thrust, catching her moans with my mouth.

  “Shhh . . .” She places her finger in my mouth and smiles when I bite it. “Don’t talk. Just move those sexy hips.” I move slow, keeping a steady rhythm, burying myself deep each time. “Yessss . . . Oh God . . . Yes.”

  I smile against her mouth, before biting her bottom lip and then slowly licking it. “I’m going to come inside you again. You like me filling you with my cum?”

  She throws her head back and lets out a silent moan as her pussy clenches tightly around my cock. “Yes. Holy shit,” she breathes, slapping my sweaty chest. “It’s extremely sensitive now.”

  I laugh and still my hips. “It’s only about your tenth orgasm of the night. Have you had enough?”

  She raises a brow and gives me a mischievous look. “Have you?” I let her push me over so she can climb on top of me and sink back onto my hard cock.

  “Shit, Lex!” I grip her hair and pull when she begins moving.

  She grabs my neck with both hands and squeezes while she rides me hard and fast, and within minutes, I’m coming inside her again.

  “Shit.” I roll us over until I’m towering over her, getting a perfect view of her sexy-as-fuck body. I grab the base of my dick and slowly pull out, watching my cum drip out of her with every tightening of her pussy. I can’t help but feel pride as I grab my shirt and clean her off, again. “No more excuses. I’m grabbing us something to eat.”

  She looks up at me with her eyelids heavy as she watches me slip into my boxer briefs. “Don’t take too long,” she says quietly.

  My stomach sinks when I notice the uncertainty in her eyes—the fear of what will happen if I leave her alone too long. I know she’s afraid she’ll need an escape the moment I walk away. “I’ll never leave you for too long,” I reassure her. “We’re in this together, Lex. I promise you.”

  She nods, but then stiffens when her phone vibrates. It’s about the fifth time it’s gone off tonight, and every time it does she gets this frozen look on her face like she wants to hide.

  “Who keeps calling you?” I ask, my gut telling me I’m not going to like any answer she gives me. I can feel my muscles flexing while my entire body comes alive with adrenaline, ready to hurt someone if it comes down to it. “I don’t want any secrets between us.”

  “It’s no one I can’t handle.” She crawls out of bed and grabs her phone, silencing it. “I told him to fuck off the other day, so it’ll probably take him a few days to get it through his thick skull that I was serious.”

  My stomach twists into knots at the thought of her being involved with another man. “Someone you were fucking?” I barely get the words out without punching my fist through a wall.

  She swallows, keeping her eyes downcast on the mattress. “He’s no one important to me. Just a guy I was sleeping with before I moved here. He’s . . . attached to me is all. We fucked and got high together. That’s all James was to me and he knew that from the beginning, but he still chose to follow me to town.”

  Rage spreads through me and it takes me gripping the dresser to keep from tearing this whole room apart. I know I have no right to be angry. It was before me. And it’s not like I expected her to still be a virgin after all this time. Until her, I’ve never cared about who the girls I’m involved with fucks before me, but Lex has always been different. Always. “He keeps calling and texting still? Even though you ended it?”

  “He’s never been good at staying away from me, but he’ll eventually forget I exist and move on to someone else desperate enough to take him.”

  “I doubt that,” I grind out. “Did he supply you with drugs?”

  She runs a shaky hand through her hair, looking up to catch my gaze. “He started to after a while. It’s probably the only reason I kept him around for as long as I did as shitty as it sounds, but James made me feel nothing. And the more drugs he brought around, the more out of my head I was able to get. I got used to living . . . surviving that way.”

  I can’t stand here any longer and listen to her talk about this piece of shit James guy, without wanting to find him and rip him apart limb by fucking limb, so I give Alexandra a kiss on the forehead and make my way to the kitchen to calm down.

  I slam the fridge and cupboard doors shut, not really knowing what I’m looking for. All I know is that I need a distraction, because I hate the way I’m feeling right now.

  Hearing about this James guy makes me wonder just how many assholes gave her the impression over the years that she wasn’t worth saving; that all she was valued for was a high. It had to be every son of a bitch she’s ever been involved with for her to believe she’s ruined.

; It started with her piece of shit father and continued throughout her life with every guy she’s come across. How am I the only person who has ever cared enough to protect her?

  She doesn’t deserve the shitty hand she was dealt.

  I’m not sure how long I’ve been in here, but after a while I finally give up, grab the leftover pizza from the other night, and head back to the bedroom.

  Alexandra is sitting in the same spot she was in when I left her and she looks up at me with eyes that practically break my heart in two. “There are a few things I need to tell you, Jax. Things about my father and the past. After I do, I won’t be able to eat and I don’t think you’ll want to either.”

  Anxiety hits me and I run my hand over my face.

  I’m not sure I’ll ever be ready to hear what I could’ve saved her from all those years ago but never got the chance to.

  But I also need to know.

  I toss the pizza box down on the bed and get down on my knees in front of Alexandra, cupping her face with my hands. “Are you sure you’re ready for this?”

  She nods and grips the blanket as if she needs something to hold onto for this. I grab her hands and place them on my shoulders. “Hold onto me, babe. I don’t care if you have to slice me open with your nails to get the words out. Don’t let go.”

  “I never thought the day would come that I’d speak these words to you, Jax. You have no idea how many years I looked out my bedroom window, waiting for you to show up . . . but you never did. I knew it was impossible. I knew you’d never find me, but hope that you’d come in and save me was the only thing that kept me going for a long time.” Her nails dig into my flesh when she continues.

  “For most of the years it was the same abuse I was used to from my father. He got drunk, got mad, and would hit me. But . . .” She stops to swallow and my heart speeds up, nervous to hear what she’s going to say next. “My body developed . . . my breasts came in . . . my curves . . .”

  My nostrils flare out in anger at the thoughts running through my head. There’s nothing in this world that could stop me from finding her father and killing him if this story goes where I think it’s going.

  “His friend let us live with him for free when we had nowhere to go. It was his place, and so was everything in it. And when I turned fifteen that included me too.” Her hands tremble and I grip them and hold them against my lips, fighting with everything in me to hold back the tears stinging my eyes.

  “Tell me, Lex. Tell me everything.” My heart is beating so fast and loud I can hear it thundering in my ears. I can’t handle this. I can’t hear the words without exploding. “I need you to fucking tell me.”

  “At first, he just touched me above my underwear,” she continues, “and my father would beat me with his belt if I wasn’t a good girl by letting his friend do what he wanted. A few times he hit me across the face with it. It hurt so badly, but I wouldn’t allow him the pleasure of seeing my tears. I held my ground, no matter how bad it got. Then one night . . .” She begins to tremble and shiver even more against my heated skin.

  I pull her down into me and press my forehead to hers. Everything inside me wants to stop her from going any further. Stop her from saying aloud the very torture that ruined her all those years ago and still torments her now. But I need to hear it all. I have to know how bad I’m going to destroy this motherfucker. “Say it. Tell me what happened.”

  “He raped me.” She forces the words out, tears wetting her face. “He fucking raped me while my father listened to me screaming for help and did nothing. My own dad didn’t care what happened to me, and that’s when I knew I was ruined. He let it happen more than once, Jax. He let it happen.”

  I can’t breathe. I’m fucking suffocating. It’s like I’ve just been punched in the gut a hundred times and I can’t find air. I want to destroy everything in this room, but I hold her close instead, because comforting her comes first.

  Her needs will always come first with me. They always have.

  “I’m going to kill him, Lex.” I press kisses all over her face and head, keeping her as close to me as possible. “I’m going to find him and I’m going to tear him apart with my bare fucking hands.”

  “It’s over, Jax.” She grabs my face and forces me to look into her eyes. “I only told you so we wouldn’t have any secrets. I haven’t seen him in almost ten years. All I want to do is forget about him and find a way to move on.”

  “That’s what I’m going to make sure of, Lex. Now tell me where he lives.”

  “I don’t know if he’s still there.”

  “I’ll find out. Just give me the address and I’ll take care of the rest.”

  “Can we talk about this later? I’m tired. I think I just want to sleep now.”

  I wrap my hands into the back of her hair and kiss her long and hard, before pulling her further into bed with me and pulling her against me.

  Hours after she has fallen asleep, I lie here wide awake, staring up at the ceiling, and thinking of all the ways I can hurt her father and make him feel just as helpless as he made her feel.

  That motherfucker is going to wish for death to take him once I’m through with him.

  After dropping Alexandra off at the salon this morning, I called Royal and asked him to send Big Brute and Frankie my way for the road trip I’m on today. I found her father’s address. A simple search revealed where the filth sits in squander. Even though Alexandra didn’t hand the address over, she admitted the piece of shit’s name that raped her. It’s the name I needed all these years to find her but didn’t have.

  Big Brute and Frankie are the two most ruthless, sick bastards I’ve ever met. Even I know better than to fuck with them, but for the job I want done, they’re the only two that will work.

  When I told Blaine and Royal my plans to find Alexandra’s father today, they both offered to go on the road with me. But they can’t do what I have in mind.

  They may be crazy and willing to do anything to help me out, but even they have limits. They’re not willing to get this dirty and I’m not about to tell them the details of what my intentions are. I need this to start quick and I don’t have time to explain myself and have them try to talk me down.

  I pull my truck in front of a small, rundown house and kill the engine. My blood pumps with need to tear the whole place down, starting with the fuckers inside.

  Brute and Frankie pull up seconds behind me and climb off their bikes, waiting for direction from me. The old Station Wagon he had over thirteen years ago catches my eye. I know the asshole is here.

  Closing my eyes, I grab my old bat and squeeze it in my hands; the feel of the grip a reminder of how Alexandra looked the night I walked in on him beating her. It’s the fuel I need to get this job done. I’ve waited too damn long to use this bat on him again and this time shit is going to end differently.

  My mind continues to flash with memories of everything that happened all those years ago. When I went back to Alexandra’s house days later, the only thing I found besides some random things left behind was my bat. I’ve been holding onto it ever since . . . waiting for the right time.

  Climbing out of my truck, I motion for Brute and Frankie to stay put as I make my way around to the back of the house. I want my time alone with these fuckers first.

  I need it.

  Just before I turn the corner on the backside of the house, my body freezes when I see a boarded up window with old wood covering it . . . nails sticking out everywhere. Hot rage burns through my chest, because I know deep down this was Alexandra’s room.

  All those times she climbed out of her window to be with me back before they moved and then he made her a prisoner in this house.

  I pick up speed, only stopping at the back door long enough to kick the half-broken thing open.

  As soon as I step into the kitchen, I hear two male voices as they scramble to their feet and hurry to see who just intruded on their nasty fucking property.

  The moment Alexandra’s fath
er comes into view I crack my neck and spin my bat around in my hand. He may be older and gray now, but there’s no mistaking the crooked nose and bushy eyebrows from my childhood.

  “Who the fuck are you?” He takes a step forward, but stops when he notices the bat in my hand. “We don’t have anything worth stealing. Go ahead, asshole. Take a look around.”

  I flex my jaw, watching, as the piece of shit looks me over, sizing me up. He looks much smaller than I remember him as a kid, but back then I was barely five-three and weighed under a hundred pounds soaking wet.

  I’m a beast now compared to this rat.

  “Take what you want.” My attention turns to the second person that just stepped into the room. He’s tall and thin and looks to be around the same age as Alexandra’s father. He’s oily and disgusting, dressed in only a pair of old stained jeans. My blood boils at the sight of him, knowing what he did to Alexandra.

  I can’t decide who I want to annihilate first—the piece of shit who started her pain and suffering or the one who took her innocence from her when she was nothing but a scared kid.

  “Jax,” I finally say, taking a step closer, my muscles flexing as I look him over and allow the bat to smack against my palm. “Remember me, Mr. Adams?”

  His eyes go wide when it finally registers what I’m here for. And it sure as hell isn’t anything they have in this shitty house. He knows that now and the fear in his eyes is unmistakable.

  He swallows and stumbles backward, his eyes focused on the blood-stained bat in my hand. “That was a long time ago. I’ve changed since then. I haven’t touched her in over ten years. I swear.”

  I tilt my head and walk toward him. “That’s because you don’t know where she is.” I back him against the wall and get in his face, so when I speak he’ll see the savage in my eyes and just how fucked he truly is. “Now be a good boy and this will only hurt . . . a lot.”

  Before either of them can comprehend what’s going on, I grip the bat on both ends and shove it against his neck, choking him against the wall, lifting him off the ground with ease. I leave him there to struggle and fight for air, before I turn to his friend and warn him when he makes a move to run. “Don’t fucking move.”


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