Rescued By Tordin: Olodian Alien Warrior Romance

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Rescued By Tordin: Olodian Alien Warrior Romance Page 7

by Mychal Daniels

  Would she be able to withstand the scrutiny? Would he still want her if he saw all of her? All the flaws and ugly parts were there, ready to be laid bare. Shivers of fear shook her to the core. He would see her.

  She dared to look back at him and felt a range of true emotions all at once. Love, insecurity, trust, shame, excitement, guilt, loyalty, desperation, joy and longing—all juxtapositions warring with one another, caught in the swirling vortex of intensity they shared. The power of it threatened to make her heart leap out of her chest as her heartbeat accelerated.

  In tune with her, he placed a hand on her heart and leaned down again to capture her mouth with his once more. This time she felt a transfer of something akin to a quick electrical shock. She startled and jumped at the sensation. What was he doing to her?

  * * *

  Kyra woke with a sharp intake of breath. This time the dream felt too real. It was a dream, right? The way her body had writhed and moved in response to her dream lover was more intense. She swore she could still feel the touch of his hands and mouth. And the moisture between her thighs was undeniable.

  Kyra squeezed her eyes shut again, hoping it would clear up her sleep-fogged, passionate state. After a few more minutes, she knew it was no use. Her body still hummed with passion and wanted release—release that could only come from him. The dream was too real, and it almost frightened her how strong the effect was.

  Once her eyes opened again and decided to play nice by focusing, she chanced a look around. Nothing looked right. And what was she lying on? Nothing felt right, either. She felt sore and disjointed, and her orientation was off. These surroundings didn’t add up. Where was she? Kyra continued to lie there, allowing herself to emerge from the haze of what felt like an exceptionally deep sleep. As if her brain was attempting to reboot and come back online, the events leading up to now replayed across a screen in her mind’s eye.

  Brantley, the space station, the commander, death and rescue were the prevalent thoughts that came to the forefront. The room’s warm, dim lighting was not enough to soften the emotional blow when all the memories came rushing back.

  Oh God, where was Phoebe?

  She had to find out if the Russian cosmonauts were taking them home or to their own country. She started planning her tasks. She had to locate Phoebe, find out their current location, make contact with the surface to give a report, have Brantley arrested for causing the deaths of so many on board the station and… locate some clothes.

  At that moment she became keenly aware of two things. One, she wasn’t wearing her own clothes. It felt more like a light sheet or weirdly shaped gown. And two, she wasn’t alone. The sensation of being watched edged into her consciousness. Instead of giving in to the panic that wanted to take over, she practiced the deep breathing patterns that had helped her remain calm in stressful situations all her life. Were they friend or foe?

  She attempted to sit up, and the sore stiffness of every muscle in her body wrenched a painful yelp from deep in her throat. Before she could try again, two very large men were at either side of the massive, soft form she lay upon. They must have sensed the overload of fear she gave off at seeing them rushing toward her, because as if on cue, both stopped and waited.

  Kyra dared to look at the one to her right and gasped when her eyes met his face. He was huge and… almost too handsome to be real, except for the white line of a scar that traveled from just above the start of his very pronounced left cheekbone to his jawline. Perhaps it needed to be there to make him appear real.

  With softening eyes so green they looked like emeralds, he smiled down at her. Did he know her? Why was this hunk of a man in here with her? The old, familiar shyness that came on her when she was in the presence of a hot, attractive man rushed over her. She pulled the material up to her chin as if it could aid her in speaking up. After taking another breath for courage and hoping her voice wouldn’t fail her, she attempted to speak.

  “Where am I?” she asked, noting the roughness of her timid voice. She hated that. It was time to be confident and strong, not timid. She didn’t know where she was, and she needed answers.

  The emerald-eyed stranger spoke with a slightly familiar yet almost inhumanly deep voice. “You are aboard the mother ship of the Olodian fleet led by his highness, the Warrior Lord Tordin. I am Malm. We met onboard your failed vessel.”

  Okay, so this was Malm, and he was sexy as hell! Then she took a longer look at him and decided he didn’t look Russian, either. Maybe Greek? His features were almost ethereal like the portrayals of the ancient Greek gods. Who knew? Malm was a total stud!

  Get your mind right, girl. You are on a space craft going God knows where, and you’re checking out your rescuer—all while you’re practically naked under this sheet thing. She scolded herself as a way to break the trance his presence induced.

  “Malm, did you say an Oolong or Oolongian fleet? I’ve never heard of that place, just the tea.”

  His chuckle managed to put her at ease. She then looked to her left to see another stud muffin. This one looked younger but had the weirdest colored eyes. They were purple against his olive tan complexion, and long, medium-brown hair framed his face like a rock star.

  She didn’t know Greeks could look this hot up close… or that they had a space program. Maybe they’d rebounded more than anyone thought from their twenty-first century financial chaos. The younger one gave her a breath-snatchingly gorgeous smile, and she blushed in return.

  She was such a spaz!

  Malm’s deep voice drew her attention back to him. He spoke with a hint of laughter in his tone. “No, Kyra, I said Olodia from the galaxy of the same name.” He paused, and she noted the change back to all seriousness. After a breath’s beat he added, “Kyra, we are not of your world or galaxy. Our fleet was near the outer fringes of your galaxy when we intercepted your distress call and came to assist you. When your vessel failed, you and two other Terrains were brought on board our mother ship by order of Lord Tordin himself. You are safe under his and his father’s, the Emperor’s, protection. It is my truthful pledge, nothing harmful will befall you.”

  Aliens. That was the only word floating around her mind now. Aliens! She had managed to get herself beamed up to a freaking alien spacecraft of movie star supermen. Great! Dorothy and Toto had nothing on this wrap.

  She spoke, more to herself than anyone. “Now you’ve really done it. Olodian from the Olodian galaxy? I don’t even know how to begin to find that on any star map. This is going to be a good dream when I finally wake up.” As if to test the theory that she was still in a dream, she attempted to sit up more.

  Strong hands from either side gently helped her up as a cushion was placed against her back. On a whim, she reached out and pinched Malm’s forearm.

  “Yes? That gesture is a little painful, Kyra. What does it mean?” he asked, and she yelped in spite of herself.

  “Oh no! This isn’t a dream? I’m really here? You…and you, too,” she said, motioning to the amethyst-eyed hottie, “you’re both real? Say something. What is the capital of the United States?”

  The other one answered this time. “It is the District of Columbia, more commonly known as Washington, D. C.”

  “Ha! Got you. You are human,” she said and eyed him suspiciously. He was surreal in his beauty, but he looked like he could be a huge human. Nah, they weren’t aliens, couldn’t be. Aliens don’t exist. Then she wondered if this was for some crazy video segment for the surface’s entertainment pleasure. She wouldn’t put it past the space council as a way to continue to garner support for the expensive space program they ran.

  Kyra looked around, searching for hidden cameras and said to the air, “I’m onto you. I’m not some puppet you can string along. Was that bastard Brantley part of this sick experiment? Where is everyone? The gig is up. Bring out the crew and stop playing around.”

  Malm and the other man exchanged looks of concern and then looked back to her.

  “Jalek, get one of th
e healers in here to check her for fever. She seems to be in some sort of mental torment.”

  “Hey, I can hear and understand you. That’s not going to scare me. Stop playing around, Malm, or whatever your real name is. I’m not feverish—feel my forehead.”

  He obeyed and placed the back of an enormous hand up to her forehead. After a moment he removed it and spoke to the other man in a language she couldn’t make out. The other one, Jay-lick was what she thought she heard Malm call him, left the room.

  “Look, Malm, I’m serious and not playing around. Please, tell me the truth. Where are we, and what’s really going on? Don’t you think I’ve been through enough to deserve the truth?”

  Malm looked at her for a long moment and then spoke. “The other male, Jalek, has gone to get Lord Tordin to speak with you and provide proof you are on board his spacecraft. When he gets here, he will explain to you what is going on. Kyra, I promise you, you are in no danger. Please believe me. I know this may be hard to accept, but we are who we say we are. We are Olodians. We are not from your Earth planet or constellation. I do wish there was some way to help you understand this, but maybe meeting our commander will provide the answers you seek.”

  Kyra released the breath she’d been holding. Of late she’d learned that about herself. When under extreme stress, she was a breath-holder. No time to analyze that at the moment, though. Right now she had to figure out what was truth and what was some horrible nightmare she’d woken up to.

  Malm looked a bit tense, and she felt bad for her antics. He had only been nice and accommodating to her. She, on the other hand had flown off the handle, insulting and accusing him of lying to her. She had better manners than that. From here on, she would be the better person and do what Phoebe would in a time like this. Oh no! Where was Phoebe?

  Kyra decided to start over and ask questions that got her the answers that mattered.

  “Malm? Do you happen to know where my friend Phoebe is? Is she all right?”

  Malm’s stance softened again as he answered, “Yes, Phoebe is here and alive. Your friend is in another part of the Healing Section. Her body is healing properly by your species’ standards. She endured quite a few injuries and gas poisoning. It will take time, but she should make a full bodily recovery.”

  He might be alien, but Kyra could still tell when a person wasn’t telling her the entire story.

  She asked, “Malm, what are you not telling me about Phoebe? Can I see and talk with her?”

  He hesitated, looking away for a brief moment as if searching for words. “Yes, you may see her, but as for talking with her, she is not able to communicate with you or anyone at this time.”

  “Why, what’s wrong? What happened to her?” Kyra asked. Her voice was laced with panic.

  “As I said before, she suffered many injuries and was without proper oxygen for a while. She is in a deep healing sleep from which she will not awaken until she is healed. I believe your language calls it a coma.”

  A coma! Phoebe was in a coma?

  “Malm, I have to see her for myself. How long has she been in a coma? How long have we been here?”

  “By your planet’s rotational scale, we calculate you’ve been on board for four Earth cycles… days.”

  “Four days! I’ve been sleep for four days? Did you give us something to keep us sedated for that long?”

  Malm looked confused. The corners of his eyes crinkled as if trying to scry into some unseen realm. Then he replied, “No. You were not given any healing applications except fluids to keep you hydrated and food to sustain your bodily systems. As for your friend, she was given applications to help her body heal, but her consciousness is healing on its own. She will be in her coma for as long as her system sees fit. Her body is healing, and we believe her consciousness is, too.”

  Kyra thought she understood most of what he said, but she still had a hard time believing she’d slept unaided for four days straight. Maybe their calculations of Earth time were off. She started to ask him how they calculated Earth days when the other man, Jalek, re-entered.

  Behind him was another even taller man dressed in what looked like impressive activity attire, like he was about to go to the gym, only more stylish and tailored. Since the room was dimly lit, she couldn’t make out faces too well until they came closer. The other man appeared to look at her from the shadowy periphery of the large space. What was he doing? Trying to intimidate her? She had to assume this was the famous Lord Tordin Malm had spoken of, based on how the two other men’s countenances straightened and became respectful of his presence.

  Then she heard that sub-vocal murmuring she’d heard when they first rescued her. Malm’s lips were moving slightly, as were Jalek’s as he came to stand by her again. She stayed silent, trying to take in as much information as possible. The atmosphere had changed significantly. Where she had been pleasant, she now felt hot and excited. She couldn’t be sure if, with the entrance of this Lord, the temperature had changed, or if it was him. Maybe he was a hotbox furnace, throwing off immense heat. That might explain his reason for being so rude and hanging back, like she was infected with something.

  Instead of remaining shy, now she felt the beginnings of frustration. She didn’t want to throw a hate dance on this man’s ship, but would it kill him to act like he had some manners and come closer so she could meet him? She was pretty sure she wasn’t contagious or anything. They would have had her in a bubble or quarantine if that were the case, right? She decided to cling to the rapport she’d built with Malm and directed her attention toward him.

  “Malm, who came in? I can’t make the person out.” She felt certain it was their leader.

  Malm looked to the shadows, gave a nod and then said, “Kyra, please allow me to introduce Lord Tordin. He is here to answer any questions you might have. Due to our current mission, Jalek and I must return to the command bridge. Lord Tordin wanted to give you time to get settled before he came. Are you in pain or in need of anything? We can bring you refreshment and nourishment— food. I believe that is what you call it—if you are famished.”

  What? They were going to leave her with the Shadow? That was so rude, but she remained committed to acting with grace and dignity, no matter what they threw her way.

  Instead of voicing her feelings and thoughts on the way this was unfolding she said, “No, Malm, I’m fine. I’m in no pain, but I could use something to drink and eat if that wouldn’t be too much trouble.” She did have to admit her stomach had started speaking as loudly as anyone in the room.

  “As you wish, Kyra. We will have something brought to you now. We have modified your meals to mimic those of your region of the Earth planet, although our—I believe you call them vegetables and proteins…excuse me, I am still attempting to get used to using your words for things—will be slightly different. Your body has accepted everything we’ve fed you so far without rejection, so you should be able to eat without fear,” he said with a slight smile that made his scar move into a faint arc over the side of his face.

  Malm really was beautiful, but she was beginning to like him as a friend, as well. She offered him a smile and said, “Malm, I think you have a better grasp on what I need to eat than I do at the moment. I will accept whatever you send in. Thank you.” There, she hoped that was gracious enough. Plus, she found that she really meant it, where he was concerned.

  He offered her a wider smile this time, unleashing a dazzling set of straight, white teeth. This was so unfair. She could feel the plaque that started to feel like hair growing on her own teeth, and her breath was beyond putrid. How could they stand to stay in there with her? No, she needed a proper bath and to freshen up before she spoke with this shadowy Lord Tordin.

  Oh well, might as well ask for what I want. “Malm, there is something I am in great need of before I talk with…his highness Lord Tordin over there,” she said pointing with her chin to the shadows where he lurked, watching.

  “Yes, Kyra, what is it?”

�I need a bath. I would like to clean my teeth and mouth and put on some clothing before I eat and speak with Lord Tordin. Do you have things for me to attend to that?” Good, let the old stuffy Lord wait until she was able to get onto better footing. She didn’t want to talk with him with no clothes and a yucky mouth, anyway.

  Malm did that subvocalizing thing again and said, “Please forgive. We have invaded your sanctity of personal space. We are excited you are awake and well. Our enthusiasm exceeded our understanding of priorities. Yes, Lord Tordin has called for those things to be sent to you now. Do you need help attending to your personal ministrations?”

  “My personal ministrations? I’m sorry I don’t understand.”

  “Oh, again forgive. I mean with your cleansing ritual or relieving yourself?”

  “Oh, I see,” Kyra said, embarrassment flooding back in. “Does your designated area for doing this differ from that on Earth? If not, I should be able to handle it by myself. I mean, you don’t have any animals that will try to suck dirt off me or enter my mouth to brush my teeth or anything, do you?”

  Again he chuckled, and this time it was chorused with two other deep male voices.

  “No, Kyra. Our rooms differ a little from those on Earth, but you should be able to comprehend what to do once you’re in there. I also promise it will be only you in there, no other little… animals. Yes, I mean no animals will be in there with you.” He looked around to Lord Tordin, and after a moment he added, “We will leave until you are finished. Please wave your hand over this panel to let us know when to send food. For now, thank you for offering peace upon hearing of your current location and who we are. Your grace is greatly appreciated and admired. We will take our leave now.”

  And as quiet as the air, Malm and the others left the room, leaving Kyra to figure out how to get off that very soft platform and start her new life on this alien spacecraft.


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