Captive: Nomadican Mates Series 1: Alien Reverse Harem Romance

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Captive: Nomadican Mates Series 1: Alien Reverse Harem Romance Page 5

by Iona Strom

  My cheek rests against a peculiar surface. Black as coal, it sparkles as if littered with a million tiny diamonds. Absently, I notice the surface isn’t so much hard as it has some give to it with radiant warmth that seeps into my aching body.

  There will be no relief from the demands of the curling heat between my thighs until I can manage to wash it from my skin.

  Clawing my way toward the hidden shower, I’m so horny, I not so much crawl as hunch my way over. Like a snail in heat, I slither toward my destination, leaving a trail of the ejaculate the males pumped inside of me. I just hope once I get there, I have enough wits about me to figure out how to operate the alien’s utilities.

  If I weren’t in so much agony, I would find humor in my predicament. If someone were to tell me I would be ravenous for alien cock and about to attempt to operate an otherworldly shower, I would have laughed at the ridiculousness of it all.

  Right now, there is nothing funny about where I find myself.

  A few more heaving drags across the strange floor, and I’m almost there. Startled by a sharp gasp, the gorgeous one rushes over and falls to his knees beside my squirming body. His eyes grow wide with concern at my pitiful state.

  At the sight of a male, my body responses faster than my mind. Rolling to my back, I raise my hips off the floor with bended knees, offering myself up to him.

  The glow in his eyes darkens with longing. Touching himself through the rough fabric of his pants, I take note of the bulging outline of his erection. I want what’s hidden beneath his clothing.

  With a hand that shakes, he brushes the tangled hair from my face. Licking his lips with a wicked tongue, he smooths his hand down my belly and brushes across my mons and up again. The fiery blossom of my sex blooms at his gentle exploration, but the tender way he handles my body is driving me wild. Rolling my hips, my hungry gaze rakes over his muscular form. His preternatural abs flex with the efforts of his harsh breaths. I plan to watch that show of strength when he pounds me to orgasm.

  Spreading my legs wide, the low growl rumbling from his chest sends a new rush of wetness to where I want him most. Pinching my nipples, I roll them between my fingers, arching dramatically as I wait for his cock to fill me.

  His huge palm roams over my breasts and down my belly. When it doesn’t immediately fall between my thighs, I slap my hand over his and lead him to where I want his fingers buried.

  His touch is cautious as he strokes my fevered flesh. I whine and strain against his palm, wanting more. He pulls away. My eyes slam shut with desperation. My mind consumed with an irrational yearning conjures an image of him already inside of me.

  When nothing comes at me, I look down my body where he’s seated on his knees between my sprawled thighs. Studying the hand that touched me, he rubs the tips of his fingers together, a peculiar expression erasing all his desire.

  The split of his pupils widens as he scans the room. Fixating on a spot, he surges to his feet, crossing the room in two vast strides to crouch at the table. My eyes follow him, my body screaming for that which was denied.

  With the container of pearly jelly in hand, he rejoins me. My mind recoils, but my body doesn’t care what he does as long as a promise of an orgasm is in my immediate future. I wriggle and undulate under his keen eye as he considers me. Looking to the container of jelly, then at what coats my sex, he grimaces with disgust.

  Not the look I was after.

  “Please… make the aching stop.”

  I’m not sure what I’m begging for—the shower or his cock. The longer this jelly shit remains on my skin, and inside of me, the more I burn for release.

  “What have they done to you?” His tone is empathetic, luminous eyes bouncing over my trembling form. “I must get Xuel.”

  On a sob, I reach out for his retreating form as the wall opens, then seemingly swallows him whole. Openly weeping, I start down the rabbit hole of wallowing in self-pity.

  “Just stop, Ivey!” I shout at myself. “You’re stronger than this.”

  I have to keep going and take care of myself. If no one will help me, I must help myself. I make very little progress toward the hidden shower when alien-Jason suddenly appears before me. Crouching low, he sneers, barking out what sounds like orders.

  “Either fuck me or get out of my way, asshole.” The burning pain of orgasm never realized is a fire in my belly.

  His movements are so fast, they’re impossible to track. One second I’m squirming on the floor toward my destination, the next, I’m being flipped onto my back with him between my legs.

  Rocking my hips against the air that separates us, I flinch and moan when both of his hands suddenly land on my inner thighs. His touch is gone just as quickly. Scrutinizing the wetness left on his palms, I’m ready to scream.

  “This is false arousal,” alien-Jason says to the gorgeous one, waving down at me.

  Natu holds up the container of jelly. “Agris and Orius used this on her.”

  “More like bathed her in it.” Alien-Jason sneers at my sex.

  Natu nods in agreement. “Then left her to suffer.”

  “Yeah. Well. Nice chat,” I groan. “Oh, and thanks for the help.”

  Scooting away from alien-Jason’s fantastic body, I fight my carnal impulses brought on by that stupid jelly. My brain is doing a commendable job at fighting my body’s desires as I ignore the unintelligible conversation of the two males and start wriggling my exhausted, overused body to the shower.

  Snatched up from the floor like the small prey of a giant predator, I’m whisked in seconds over to where I’ve been struggling forever to reach. I suppose belly-crawling across the floor is a much slower means of travel than being carried by a herculean male alien.

  The gorgeous one is already at the section of the wall with the indentation, swiping his hand across what I suspected was a panel, he reveals a type of shower head similar to what I’m used to. Starting the spray of water is a different story. There’re no knobs or handles, just a sequence of lit dots touched by the male’s fingertips.

  My back rests against the strength of alien-Jason’s chest. Dropping his arms from around my waist for only a moment, in a lithe move, alien-Jason catches me with a hand under each knee, lifting me. Spreading my legs wide, the gorgeous one removes the spray wand.

  It’s a powerful thing to be between two extraordinary males. Attracted to both, I want to experience the attention this duo would pay my greedy flesh. Leaning my weight back against thick slabs of hard muscle, I reach back to wrap my arms around alien-Jason’s neck, opening myself up to whatever they have in mind.

  The rush of water hits me between the legs. Tantalizing at first, the spray then turns into tiny licks of fire. A wicked sensation like no other, the sharp sting of torn flesh takes over with a tormenting burn.

  I scream in agony.

  My once loose hold around the male’s neck tightens to a chokehold. Replacing one agony with another, my scream turns into wrenching sobs.

  My flesh, so ready for more male attention, is no longer burning from desire but the result of the brutal treatment from those two males. By the feel of it, there must be nothing remaining of my labia except raw meat.

  Trying to close my legs against the pelting water, alien-Jason easily holds my thighs apart in a punishing grip.

  The gorgeous one shows me mercy by moving the wand north, washing away the jelly from my breasts. That’s only a reprieve as the same poignant burn is left behind on my delicate flesh. Without the jelly to mask the pain with desire, my nipples pulsate from all the pinching and squeezing.

  Wailing, I struggle against the male holding me. Murmurs with an apologetic inflection are uttered from the gorgeous one. Alien-Jason remains quiet.

  The water shuts off, and I’m wrapped in a sheet of strange material, reminiscent of cheesecloth, only much softer and lighter. Shifting me in his powerful arms, alien-Jason cradles me against his body. Even with me sawing my legs together and writhing from pain, he carries me if I
were no more a burden than a wiggling pup.

  Stopping face-to-face with the wall, I can’t fathom why he’s carried me over here until he leans us forward to swipe a hand over another hidden panel and a padded platform similar to the table I was fucked on slides out.

  “Xuel, the Sorcerist is here,” the gorgeous one says as I’m laid on my back.

  The language they speak is still very foreign to me, but there are certain words I keep hearing. Through my delirium of pain, I believe Xuel is a name as is Natu.

  Curling into myself, the jelly that still coats my vaginal walls is beginning to break through the agony of my ravaged flesh. It’s a strange combination of pain and the desire for more orgasms. Slamming my eyes shut, I’m consumed with the torrent of sensations plaguing my body inside and out.

  Hands begin prying me out of my ball of hurt. I fight against them, but my efforts are insignificant compared to the strength of the males laying me out flat. The sheet of material now wadded up around my body is moved aside to expose my flesh.

  My eyes fly open when a small hand touches my left breast with something cold. Looking over to where the instant relief has come, I don’t believe the sight of the slight figure.

  Hooded and robed with a head bent to its task, all I can see of the wrist and hand of the figure’s exposed skin is royal-blue. The hand working the cooling ointment into my flesh is frail with forked fingers, and what I suppose is a thumb. The profound relief of my discomfort is such that any panic I might have felt over the freakish creature’s appendage touching my flesh is washed away.

  The forked fingers dip into a jar held with the opposite hand and slather my right breast in the same cooling relief. My top half is then covered with the strange material as my bottom half is revealed.

  The robed figure moves to the end of the table, and the two males move my legs apart. I don’t fight them with hopes of relief soon to be coming there as well—more with the dipping of the creepy fingers into the jar. The instant the ointment is applied, the piercing sting subsides, leaving the curling heat of desire in its wake.

  I grit my teeth, refusing to succumb to the pearly jelly’s effects. That’s what got me into this situation. My feminine folds will never be the same after the ruttings I begged for.

  The length of a slender tube is pulled from a bag I didn’t notice hanging from the thin arm of the royal-blue creature. The transparent tube looks to be filled with the same ointment. When the males’ holds tighten, it becomes evident where that tube is destined.

  The tube isn’t as cold as I first expected as it slides easily into my channel. I try to hide the pleasure that shoots through me from the insertion as the arousing effects of the jelly is constant.

  The robed figure makes some movements between my thighs. I feel the slow glide of the tube’s retreat as it’s pulled from my vagina, taking with it the aching need for a male. My legs are repositioned together, and the sheet of material pulled back into place, covering me.

  For what feels like forever ago, I feel like myself—gone is the pain, vanished is the overwhelming desire to fornicate.

  On a long, slow exhale, I give myself over to the exhaustion that tugs at my war-torn body. Ever since I woke up on that strange red planet with the blood orange sun, I’ve been fighting one battle or another. But I’m still here—wherever here is—and I’m alive.

  As long as I’m still breathing, I will find a way to survive. My abduction from Earth is a total blank, but I had to have gotten here somehow, which means there has to be a way back home.

  The males exchange words with the robed figure. The hood slides back as the figure tilts its head to look up at the males. Huge almond-shaped eyes as black as coal look out from a triangular-shaped, royal-blue face. Well... scientists got it mostly right. I’m not sure what’s under all that robing, but the big angular, wide-set eyes and odd facial shape are spot-on; not the skin tone, however. I’ve always seen aliens depicted on television as gray. What’s standing at the foot of the platform I’m using for a bed is far from that.

  Feeling my stare, the royal-blue alien swings unblinking eyes my way. Like a doll’s eyes, they seem lifeless until a thin edge of white outlines the oddly shaped iris, letting me know my face is no longer in its line of sight but scanning over my body.

  “Thank you.” Those enormous eyes dart back to meet mine. “Thank you for taking away the pain.”

  A long moment passes before the royal-blue alien tips its chin at me in a quick nod.

  Chapter 6

  I watch as the gorgeous one escorts my robed savior to the dissolving door. Once gone, he returns to my bedside, offering me a kind smile. I return it and contemplate how handsome he truly is.

  I’m not ignorant to the purpose I must serve here until I can find my way back home. As long as I don’t have to service the two males who hurt me, having sex with the gorgeous one would be acceptable.

  “She heals fast.” At first, I think he is speaking to me, but he looks to alien-Jason standing on my opposite side.

  “Fast or not, she was meant for pleasure, not abuse.”

  “I agree.”

  Enough with this language barrier. If I’m going to make any headway, the first thing I’m going to have to do is figure out how to communicate. Sitting up, I take in the two males standing over me and put my theory to the test.

  “Xuel.” I first look at alien-Jason, then to the other male. “And Natu. I am Ivey. I-vee,” I say my name again but slower the second time and place a hand to my chest.

  Natu beams at me letting me know I got the names right. Those dagger-like canines are a fearsome sight that gleams a brilliant white in the luminescent ceiling and walls that illuminates the entire room in a pleasing glow.


  I smile at his pronunciation. “I-vee,” I repeat.

  “Awww... vaye,” Natu tries again, getting it wrong on his second attempt, but I think I like the way he says it better.

  Xuel doesn’t offer to try, just stares down at me from his lofty height.

  Just as open my mouth to try to exchange more words, the wall disappears and in strolls the shorter of the two males who hurt me. Focused on the sex table, he doesn’t immediately notice the three of us.

  His step falters when he does.

  Altering his direction, I shrink back against the wall as he draws near. Natu blocks the shorter male’s view, moving his immense body to the foot of my bed.

  Xuel surprises me by meeting the shorter male halfway before he can reach the platform where I’m trying to become one with the wall. Pulling the container of pearly jelly free from his pants pocket, the shorter male holds a hand out, expecting to be returned his property.

  “Is this what you came back for, Agris?”

  “Yes,” the male I believe named Agris answers, making a grab for the container kept out of his reach.

  “You know the effect this has on the flesh of species not our own?” Xuel says, waving a hand in my direction.

  I don’t know what to make of their conversation, but the next words spoken from the shorter male prompts Natu to sidle up to Xuel. Obviously, reinforcements are needed.

  “I know all too well,” the shorter male says, grabbing his crotch.

  “The female was torn to pieces.” Natu goes chest-to-chest with the shorter male, who I believe is named Agris. Male posturing at his most aggressive, I’m afraid I’m about to bear witness to a serious smackdown.

  Agris reciprocates by bumping his chest against Natu’s.

  “The female is a coitus servant. What difference does it make if she is harmed doing what she was purchased for?” Agris sneers at me from around Natu’s body.

  “You and Orius are not to avail yourself of her body again.” Xuel’s words snap Agris’s luminous gaze to meet his. “You were all told to be of care. Females of other species cannot take the same harsh ruttings as our females.”

  Orius. I kept hearing that from Agris when the two males forced me with that nasty jel
ly. That must be the boisterous one. As if thinking the names somehow earns their attention, Agris shoots me a look that leaves no doubt I’ve made an enemy.

  “This is fodder, Xuel! She is naught but for fucking. You said it yourself; she is but a trinket.”

  “Perhaps,”—Xuel pushes Natu aside, and chest bumps the male back a few feet— “but I never gave you leave to harm her.”

  “Perhaps?” Agris barks out a laugh, stepping back into Xuel’s personal space. “Was her cunt that good, you have developed an affinity for your purchase?”

  “I have no affinity for anyone or anything.”

  There’s no need for a translator with the amount of aggression that’s being displayed. I can practically smell the testosterone saturating the air as the males vie for dominance. As those muscular chests flex and pound one against the other, I’m surprised they aren’t using their horns the way ram’s do when they fight.

  “I would have believed those words when we witnessed our home planet being blown to bits, but the longer we roam the Universe hunting for survivors,” Agris taunts, “I think you grow as weak-willed as Natu.”

  Xuel allows Natu to shove his much larger frame aside. With a hard chest-to-chest show of force, Natu aggresses on Agris. Matched in body mass, Natu stands a couple inches above his opponent.

  The argument appears to be centered around the pearly jelly… and me. I’ve never had anyone fight because of me before. I hope I won’t be the cause of injuries to Natu.

  These are males of another species, capable of more than my imagination can conjure. Two against one, the odds must be in favor of my champions, but what do I know? All that is certain is my life depends on these two males defending me. If Agris wins… I don’t want to contemplate what he’ll do to me.

  Xuel steps to the side as Agris and Natu begin circling. Two snarling beasts, hungry to tear each other apart. The combatants lock eyes. Vibrant green explodes to an evil black. Fangs are bared. Guttural growls exchanged.


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