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Bloodgifted Page 32

by Tima Maria Lacoba

  My stomach plummeted sickeningly and I wanted nothing more than to get away from him.

  ‘Tell me what you think of them, Laura?’

  What could I possibly say? That they were beautiful and frightening at the same time?

  ‘They’re beautiful.’ I didn’t want him to detect the tremor in my voice, so I willed myself to be calm.

  His smile widened. ‘I wanted you the first time I set eyes on you.’ He took a step toward me and touched my hair. ‘Jake and Cal were guarding you in Italy. I joined them and persuaded Jake to let me take you out. Luc never knew I was there. By the time he found out it was too late to interfere—we’d already met and he couldn’t let himself be seen by you.’

  ‘What happened that night we were supposed to meet? You never showed up at the hotel. I waited for you for hours! Cried myself to sleep, worried you’d been in an accident or something, or that you—’

  ‘No!’ He groaned and gripped my upper arms. ‘Luc ordered me to return to Paris; even took me to the jet to make sure I got on. I wasn’t allowed to leave you a note, no matter how desperately I wanted to!’ The bitterness in his voice was clear and the pain in his eyes cut straight to my heart.

  ‘Is that why you disappeared so suddenly?’ I had thought he’d got bored with me. I was only eighteen, after all, and naïve to the extreme. ‘Why now, after all these years? And why not at the Ritual? I saw you there.’

  He groaned again. ‘I was forbidden to come anywhere near you. It was made very clear you were not meant for me. When we met in Sorrento, I wanted to make love to you.’ His voice softened. ‘But I daren’t. You were so innocent. Luc showed up… I knew I couldn’t live apart from you, so I left my home in France to settle here—be near you. If I couldn’t touch you, at least I could watch you from a distance. These thirty-two years have been torture.’

  ‘I had no idea!’

  ‘Of course not. They kept you well hidden and ignorant till you came-of-age.’

  ‘You know the reason for that, so please don’t accuse them of wrongdoing. It saved my life, Philippe.’

  He smiled again. ‘It’s been a long time since anyone has called me that.’

  ‘Where does “Jean” come from?’

  ‘That’s my name—Jean-Philippe Louis Auguste Reynard,’ he said proudly. ‘Although I prefer Philippe.’

  His eyes travelled to my mouth and he leaned down toward me.


  ‘Why not? I’ve been waiting a long time. Now here you are as if sent by fate.’

  ‘It’s different now. I don’t feel that way toward you anymore.’

  ‘Can’t you even try?’

  I shook my head. ‘I’m so sorry, I can’t.’

  Silence. He leaned toward me and sniffed, and his expression changed. It hardened. ‘He’s bedded you! All these years, waiting, watching—all for nothing!’ he said bitterly. ‘I defied Luc, left France for you. Would have done anything for you! Dared anything! I didn’t do all that and wait for you to come-of-age only to see you choose him.’

  ‘It’s not what you think—’

  ‘I waited for you!’ He shook me.

  I winced as his fingers dug into my shoulders and my fear escalated. ‘Let go, Philippe. Stop!’

  ‘Don’t you see? Luc planned for you to be with him. All because of his Pictish blood. Luc chose him when you were a child. It was all planned.’

  ‘That’s not true!’ I tried to wriggle free but his grip only tightened.

  ‘I don’t lie, Laura. Ask him yourself. Luc won’t be able to deny it. He went to meet you the night of your birthday because Luc ordered him. I heard it all! He didn’t want to go, had no interest in meeting you, but Luc promised to end his servitude if he did this for him, otherwise he’d increase it indefinitely and he’d be indentured to him for life!’ he sneered.

  I stared back at him, unwilling to believe what he said could possibly be true. ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘When we’re transformed, we serve our sires for a century. Munro has five years left and if he doesn’t do Luc’s bidding that could be increased for another century, even more. That’s why he’s doing this!’

  I felt the blood drain from my face. If Philippe wasn’t lying, then my falling for Alec was the stupidest thing I could have ever done, especially if it meant I was nothing more to him except a ticket out of servitude. It would explain his eagerness to end the curse and if “bedding” me—as Philippe put it—achieved that, then Alec had succeeded.

  No wonder he’d been so keen to point out I’d be free to marry whomever I wanted afterwards—Alec Munro had no intention of remaining my guardian or perhaps, even Princeps. After I gave birth, he’d be free!

  Horribly, it all made sense, but what was worse, was that my own father was behind it all. Was that also for my benefit?

  Alec made you no promises, my inner voice yelled at me. You went along with his proposition knowing fully well he didn’t love you. It was a business arrangement and you consented, so you have no right to be angry with him! You’re the one who made it more than it actually was by falling for him.

  My inner voice was right. It was heart that was diseased. Why did I listen to it?

  Yet it didn’t ease the pain and I had to swallow the rising lump in my throat.

  Laura! Laura, are you all right? Alec’s voice boomed in my head. I blocked my ears and refused to answer. Laura, answer me!

  Go to hell, Alec Munro!

  I was sure I heard him swear, but I couldn’t care less, as I was angry and hurt enough to spit! And I was angry with Philippe for telling me.

  ‘You must really hate Alec. You can’t even say his name.’

  ‘I hate anyone who tries to take you from me. I love you. I never stopped loving you.’

  Philippe crushed me to him and kissed me, his mouth fierce as if making up for those lost years. All his pent up feelings come out in one explosive contact. He crushed my shoulders and painfully bruised my mouth. It was impossible to scream as his tongue forced its way past my teeth and down my throat.

  My struggle to free myself only enraged him further. He pressed my mouth even harder until our teeth clashed. I struck out and he grabbed my wrists.

  Finally he raised his head. ‘You once loved me. I remember and so do you. I’m not giving you up that easily, especially not to that son of a blacksmith. He’s not worthy of you.’ His eyes blazed, his face contorted with rage.

  ‘And you are?’

  It was pointless struggling against him. Philippe’s strength was far greater than any human’s and I would only end up hurting myself. He imprisoned both my hands behind my back in one of his while he held the back of my head with his other.

  ‘Yes. I have every right to claim you!’ Philippe said.

  ‘Claim me? What era do you think we’re living in, the Middle Ages?’ I spat out at him. ‘This is the twenty-first century in case you’ve forgotten. Women are no longer taken by the toughest thug around.’ I kneed him in the crotch.

  He looked at me, stunned for a moment and his grip temporarily relaxed. I tried to take advantage and break free. And failed. He must have balls of steel.

  ‘Don’t try that again. You’re mine, Laura, and I will take you from him by any means necessary. Kiss me back and remember the way it used to be between us.’

  It was pathetic. He was both pleading and forcing me at the same time. I looked at him incredulously. ‘You think treating me like this will rekindle a past romance? That’s not going to happen!’

  His pupils elongated into vertical, reptilian slits as the rest of his eyes paled. I baulked, but there was no way I was going to give in to him.

  ‘Kiss me back!’

  ‘You have drawings of me. Kiss them!’ I locked my lips together in a tight line.

  His handsome features changed and revealed the monster within—fangs sliding out, lips pulled back in a snarl.

  My blood chilled. I strained against him and tried to twist my head to the side, bu
t he simply bunched my hair in his fist and dragged my face back to his.

  ‘Open. Your. Mouth,’ he slowly enunciated, his voice low and cold.

  I sucked in my lower lip and bit down hard while trying to control the terrified beating of my heart.

  ‘Have it your way then; but if I hurt you, you only have yourself to blame.’ He squeezed my hands painfully until I was forced to cry out. He swooped and his mouth was on mine, crushing, invading.

  I tried to scream as his fangs sliced through my bottom lip, filling my mouth with blood. His tongue licked and sucked as tears of pain streamed down my cheeks.

  There was a sudden loud crashing sound, wood splintering, and in an instant I was prised free only to collapse into Luc’s arms as Alec tackled Philippe to the floor.

  Chapter 44



  Luc carried me off the stage. ‘Laura, ma petite. I have you now. You’re safe.’ He held me tightly.

  Blood dribbled down my chin, onto my dress and I tried not to gag as some of it slid down my throat. I glanced up into Luc’s alarmed face. He sat me down on the ballroom floor and pressed a handkerchief to my mouth.

  ‘Is it true, what Philippe said? How could you do something like that?’ I managed to say, even though my lip throbbed and I felt like throwing up. On top of that my body began to shudder uncontrollably.

  ‘Laura, ma petite, I didn’t want you to suffer the way your mother and I did. Please, believe me when I say I was only thinking of you.’

  I wanted to say more, but loud growls and snarls filled the room as a barefoot and shirtless Alec engaged in a deadly struggle with Philippe—barred fangs, pale reptilian eyes.

  I looked on as the battle between them raged—two deadly predators circling each other—until Alec took advantage of an opening, grabbed Philippe, flung him onto the floor, wrenched his head back then violently twisted it until it snapped.

  All went still and I was sure Alec had killed him.

  ‘He’s not dead, just rendered helpless,’ my father said. ‘His body will recover within the next fifteen, twenty minutes.’

  Alec rose from the floor, leaving Philippe’s unconscious body behind. The serpent tattoo on his muscled chest almost glowed as he strode toward us, and as he looked at me, his eyes returned to their normal shade of deep lavender. He was beautiful and I was in love with him, but he cared not a jolt for me.

  My body still shook from a combination of shock and anger and now tears threatened.

  ‘You can’t play with people’s lives like this!’ I told Luc and extricated myself from his arms, stumbled as I tried to rise from the floor and fell. Other hands grabbed me, but I threw them off. ‘Don’t touch me!’ I screamed and got up and ran to the door.

  ‘Laura!’ Alec blocked my way, and as I tried to push past him he locked me in a strong embrace.

  ‘Let go of me!’ I screamed and beat at his breast.

  ‘You can hit me all you want, scream, kick, whatever, but I’m not releasing you till we talk this out.’

  I squirmed and struggled, but he held me only tighter and I knew it was pointless to resist him. That’s when I broke down and sobbed into his chest, hating myself for being so weak and hating him for making me feel this way. Yet, I managed a few words. ‘There’s—nothing to—talk out. You did what Luc—told you. End—of story.’

  Alec lifted my chin even as I tried to evade his hand. His eyes lightened as he looked at my lip. He removed the handkerchief and examined my mouth. A deep snarl rumbled in his chest as he saw the damage and his hands shook with barely controlled rage. ‘I swear I’ll kill him for this!’

  He bent his head, as if to kiss me, and I tried to turn away. ‘Don’t fight me, Laura. I only want to lick your lip to speed up the healing process. Vampire saliva does that.’

  I closed my eyes and tried to pretend it was Matt’s tongue that gently laved my lower lip, first from one side and then from the other. As long as I kept telling myself that, I could remain calm. But it wasn’t Matt’s arms I wanted around me, nor his lips touching mine.

  Within seconds, the sting began to recede and even the painful throbbing ceased.

  ‘Thank you,’ I grudgingly said.

  ‘Laura, my darling, look at me.’

  ‘Don’t—call me that! You don’t mean—it.’ I hiccupped and looked down at his bare feet.

  ‘Why does that suddenly matter to you?’

  ‘Please, just let me go.’

  ‘Not yet.’

  I looked up and, through tear-stained eyes, gave him my coldest glare. ‘Job well done, Dr Munro. Now— you’re free to go and do—whatever it is you do. If I’m as fertile as you say I am, then—I’m probably already pregnant and you don’t need to hang around anymore!’ Damned hiccups!

  Alec lifted an eyebrow. ‘Oh, but I very much do. I like to see a job through properly. It might take a few more times till I’m absolutely sure.’

  ‘You bastard!’ He had the effrontery to smile! ‘Go to hell!’ I slapped his face.

  He caught my wrists and held them in front of me. ‘That’s twice now you’ve slapped my face and both times you’ve been wrong.’

  I tried to wriggle free. ‘Maybe the first time, but not now!’

  ‘You sure of that?’

  ‘Stop playing games with me, Alec and let me go.’ I contemplated kicking him in the shins.

  ‘Not till you tell me why you’re so upset. I know you’re not crying only because of Jean. There was a lot of emotion behind you telling me to go to hell!’

  I shook my head. No way was I going to tell him how I felt.

  ‘In that case, I’ll say it.’

  My head shot up. Was he about to humiliate me? How could he do such a thing?

  ‘I love you.’

  I gazed at him—dumbfounded—as my body still heaved with sobs and hiccups. ‘You can’t be! You—want to leave me once the baby’s—born.’

  ‘I only said that because I thought you were in love with Sommers.’

  The proverbial penny dropped. ‘Is that why you kept asking me if I loved him?’

  ‘I didn’t want to hurt you. The whole time I hoped you’d decide on your own to leave him, so I made that crazy bargain hoping you’d never want to go back to him; that somehow you’d realise I was anything but indifferent. Tell me I was right, Laura. Do you love him?’

  This time I had no hesitation answering. ‘No. I thought—’

  ‘Do you love me?’

  ‘Yes!’ The word leapt from my mouth so readily, for I’d never been surer of anything in my life.

  ‘That’s all I want to hear.’ Alec leaned down and kissed me tenderly, mindful of my sore lip.

  He loves me! My heart danced in my chest and my breathlessness had nothing to do with recent events. Alec released my hands and I ran them around his neck and pressed myself to him, revelling in the feel of his arms around me.

  ‘Seeing you with Jean nearly sent me insane. I wanted to kill him. Still do.’ I didn’t doubt it. His voice was filled with deadly menace.

  ‘Philippe said—’

  ‘I know and he heard right, but that was last week. A lot has happened since then.’ He looked past me, presumably to Luc then back to me. ‘As for Luc’s hold over me, I’ll just go to the Elders and they’ll overturn it. After all, I’m Princeps!’ He cracked a smile, then as we stood gazing at each other his expression sobered. ‘I love you, Laura. Now and for all eternity, my heart belongs to you. And if any man tries to take you from me, I swear I’ll kill him!’

  I gasped at the depth of passion in his voice.

  ‘Marry me?’

  The ground shifted beneath my feet and if Alec hadn’t been holding me… a loud guffaw came from Luc. He’d been sitting on the small stage area and I turned to see him grinning at us. ‘I was right!’ He clapped his hands together in glee. ‘You do love her! If I hadn’t given you that little push, you would’ve done nothing about it!’ He looked at me. ‘I had no intention of k
eeping Alec in servitude, ma petite, but I had to do something drastic for him to act. He’s been in love with you for years but too blind to see it!’

  ‘You scheming old fox!’ Alec said. He didn’t appear to be angry at all. On the contrary, he was smiling. ‘Are you sure you didn’t inspire Machiavelli?’

  ‘Who do you think wrote, The Prince?’ He winked at us.

  Alec’s thumb gently rubbed the tip of my nose. ‘You haven’t answered my question yet.’

  It took a while for me to find my voice and all I could do was nod!

  ‘Is that a yes, my darling?’

  I nodded again.

  ‘Say the words, Laura. I want to hear them.’

  I looked up into his eyes and they were filled with such love as they gazed back down at me, that my words came tumbling out. ‘Yes, yes—’

  His mouth effectively prevented me from saying more. I melted into his embrace and returned his kiss with a hunger that matched his.

  ‘Ahem!’ Luc’s polite interruption brought us both back to the present situation. ‘Now that that’s sorted out, we have another problem needs dealing with.’

  I’d completely forgotten about Philippe, or Jean-Philippe or whatever he called himself. It occurred to me he had tasted my blood and he was still alive. He hadn’t burnt up. Why? Not that I wanted it to happen. The thought of him dying the same way as Maris sickened me. I didn’t want him to die at all—just get over me and find someone else to be his muse for the next thousand years.

  I shivered.

  ‘He’ll never touch you again,’ Alec said, his voice grim.

  ‘Mon Dieu!’ I heard my father’s shocked voice. ‘Look at this.’ He’d risen from the stage area and was examining Jean-Philippe’s work, peering at the photos then as he crouched down to rifle through the myriad drawings scattered on the floor, he swore again. What would he do when he saw his latest one? As his gaze moved up to the easel, I stiffened. Luc straightened up, his eyes widened then quickly narrowed into pale slits as a deep snarl echoed around the room.

  ‘What is it?’ Alec asked.

  Luc turned the drawing around for him to see.

  I heard Alec’s sharp intake of breath. ‘Son of a bitch!’


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