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Cronkite Page 100

by Douglas Brinkley

  and Nixon, 467, 469, 480, 502, 505, 506

  retirement from CBS News, 530–31

  on What’s My Line?, 186–87

  Seven Days (book/CBS), 236

  S-for-Sugar (B-17), 109

  Shadel, Bill, 154, 155, 180

  Shafer, Jack, 384

  Shah of Iran, 534

  Shales, Tom, 280, 518, 541, 654

  Shamick, John, 490

  Shanahan, Eileen, 148

  Shaplen, Robert, 199

  Shaw, Bernard, 482–85, 487, 600, 605, 606, 612–13

  Sheehan, Neil, 346–47, 381, 459

  Sheets, Bob, 109

  Shepard, Alan B., 227–29, 236, 332, 337, 413

  Sherr, Lynn, 338

  Shirer, William L., 48, 61, 64, 131

  Shoo Shoo Baby (aircraft), 109

  Shoss, Fay, 33

  Shover, Bill, 583

  “Showdown in Iran” (CBS News), 534

  Shribman, David, 657

  Shriver, Sargent, 472

  Shultz, George P., 609, 631

  Sidey, Hugh, 536–37

  Sidney Lanier Middle School, Houston, TX, 26, 29

  Siemens, 129

  silent majority, 445

  Silent Spring (Carson), 429, 430, 438–39

  Silverman, Ed, 273

  Simmons, Jim, 46, 51–52

  Simon, Bob, 606–7

  Simon, Carly, 646

  Simon, Joanna, 624, 644–45, 646–47, 649, 653–54, 663

  Simon, Paul, 513

  Simon, Peter, 650

  Simon, Richard, 646

  Singiser, Frank, 219

  Sirhan, Sirhan, 397, 409

  Sirius XM Radio, 660

  Six Million Dollar Man, The (ABC TV), 517

  Sixteenth Street Baptist Church, Birmingham, AL, 329

  60 Minutes (CBS News), 253, 326, 411, 442, 524, 533, 551, 614, 627, 642, 643, 648, 652, 658, 659

  60 Minutes Wednesday (CBS News), 640, 641, 642

  Slate, 384

  Slaughterhouse-Five (Vonnegut), 417

  Small, Collie, 92

  Smaller Dragon, The (Buttinger), 343

  Small, William, 254–56, 265, 293, 295, 304, 380, 454, 466, 471, 484, 485, 515, 516, 517, 529, 645

  Smith, Al, 25, 26

  Smith, Cecil, 236

  Smith, Harry, 58, 660, 661

  Smith, Howard K.

  with ABC News, 250, 253, 273, 320, 480

  with CBS News, 131, 162, 178, 194, 222, 294, 484

  memoir, 246

  on Mickelson, 248

  and Murrow, 61, 105, 107

  resignation from CBS News, 246–47

  Who Speaks for Birmingham? (CBS Reports), 245–46

  Smith, John, 381

  Smith, Merriman, 194

  and Kennedy assassination, 267–68, 269–70, 271, 273

  Smith, Stephen, 390

  Smothers Brothers, 357

  Snow, Richard, 395

  Snyder, Louis, 100

  Snyder, Tom, 487

  soap operas, 252, 270, 271, 354, 359

  Socolow, Sandy, 477, 484, 490, 492, 499, 510, 563, 626, 638

  CBS News producer, 307, 324–25, 366, 376, 395, 432, 434

  and The Cronkite Report, 619

  and Cronkite’s “chair” and “desk” incidents, 549–50, 567

  and Cronkite’s death, 661

  and Cronkite’s Evening News broadcast, 251, 258

  and Kennedy assassination, 273, 281

  Salant’s promotion of, 466, 474

  and space coverage, 226, 228

  and Three Mile Island nuclear accident, 534

  and Walters at 1980 GOP Convention, 541, 542–43

  Soldiers of the Press (radio show), 104

  Solidarity movement, 553

  Solzhenitsyn, Alexander, 501

  Sorensen, Ted, 215–16, 390

  Soros, George, 630, 631

  South Africa, apartheid system in, 559

  South by Southeast (Cronkite and Ellis), 580

  Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), 295

  Southern Illinois University, 639

  Soviet Union, 608–9

  Cronkite in Moscow, 136–40, 551–52

  and Cuban Missile Crisis, 256

  first man in space, 226–27

  and missile defense, 197

  Sputnik 1 launch, 191–92, 194, 195

  START treaty, 608

  U.S.-Soviet Wheat Deal, 474

  space exploration

  and effects on senior citizens, 628

  Glenn’s second space mission, 626–29

  Moon race, 332–33, 336, 337–38, 407, 408–26

  NASA’s Ambassador of Exploration Award to Cronkite, 648

  Project Gemini, 332–34, 336, 338

  Project Mercury, 224, 227, 232–34, 236–37, 257, 408, 422, 430

  space race, 191–93, 194–97, 223–24, 226–30, 232–36

  space flight participants (SFPs), 590–91

  Space (Michener), 590

  Spaceship Earth (EPCOT Center, Walt Disney World, Florida), 591

  space shuttle, 589–90

  Challenger disaster, 590, 591, 603

  space walks, 333, 409

  Speakes, Larry, 572

  Speer, Albert, 134

  Spielberg, Steven, 501, 610

  Spindletop (oil field), 23, 36

  Spock, Benjamin, 435

  sports broadcasts

  Cronkite and 1960 Olympic Games, 201–3

  Cronkite’s early, 40–41, 49, 59, 85

  reconstructed games, 49

  Sports in America (Michener), 453

  Sputnik 1 launch, 191–92, 194, 195

  Sputnik One: The Soviet Space Satellite (CBS News), 194

  Squaw Valley, 1960 Winter Olympics at, 201–2, 223

  Stahl, Lesley, 471, 474, 476, 503–4, 509

  Stalin, Joseph, 177

  Stanford, Mrs. Allie F. B., 331

  Stanley, Kim, 174

  Stanton, Frank, 491, 657

  on Agnew, 443

  and Cronkite’s early career in TV news, 152, 153, 154, 155, 158

  and demotion of Salant, 292

  and Eichmann trial, 226

  and LBJ, 286–87, 348

  on Murrow’s death, 335

  and Murrow’s departure from CBS, 226

  and political conventions, 311, 316, 399

  as president of CBS, 158, 172, 188, 210, 211, 216, 224, 246, 286

  and “The Selling of the Pentagon” report, 460–61, 462

  and Smith, 246

  and space coverage, 227, 229, 332, 418

  and Watergate scandal, 477

  Starr, Kenneth, 625

  Stars and Stripes, 87, 88, 107, 170, 326

  Stassen, Harold, 168, 538

  State Department, U.S., 346, 401

  St. Bartholomew’s Church, New York City, 644, 659, 661

  Stein, Gertrude, 38

  Steinbeck, John, 346, 579

  Steinem, Gloria, 470, 523

  Stennis, John, 296

  Steve Allen Show, The (NBC TV), 662

  Stevens, George, Jr., 632

  Stevenson, Adlai, 163, 165, 167, 177, 183–84, 186, 188, 205, 220

  Stewart, Alastair, 592

  Still Crazy After All These Years (album), 513

  Stills, Stephen, 594

  St. Joseph, Missouri, 11–12, 13, 14, 15–16, 19, 136, 442–43

  St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 532

  St. Luke’s Hospital, Kansas City, MO, 145

  Stone, I. F., 446

Story of My Life, The (Darrow), 12

  Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START I), 608

  Stringer, Ann, 134

  Stringer, Bill, 134

  Stringer, Howard, 568, 595

  Strudwick, Shepperd, 174

  Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), 295, 332

  Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), 342, 400, 401

  Sturrock, Jock, 244

  Sullivan, Ed, 181, 290, 306, 360

  Sullivan, Frank, 404

  Sulzberger, Arthur Ochs, 96, 457–58

  “Summer Ahead, The” (CBS News), 296

  Sun Broadcast Group, 598

  Sunday News Special (CBS News), 189, 325

  Supreme Court, U.S., 177, 455, 631

  Surveyor 7 robot, 426

  Suspense (CBS TV), 172

  Swayze, John Cameron, 55–56, 150, 156, 176, 186, 187

  Swigert, Jack, 428–29, 436

  Sylvan Beach, Galveston Bay, 27

  Symington, Stuart, 195, 205

  Syracuse Herald-Journal, 575

  Syracuse University, 453

  tabloid news, 531–32, 615, 665–66

  Taft, Robert, 164, 308

  Talese, Gay, 325

  Tales of the South Pacific (Michener), 453

  Taylor, Arthur, 477

  Taylor, Elizabeth (actress), 190

  Taylor, Elizabeth (author), 405

  Taylor, Maxwell, 351

  telegenic appeal, 141, 151, 153

  telegraph system, 23, 65

  TelePrompTer, 209

  Teletype machines, 53, 54, 126, 129, 258, 264, 268, 269–70


  cable TV, 543, 558–59

  Cronkite as game show host, 158

  Cronkite’s 1933 Chicago World’s Fair TV debut, 35–36, 39

  global TV service, 416

  and influence on presidential elections, 141

  Kennedy as “first television president,” 242

  1948 political convention coverage, 141, 159

  and 1967 AFTRA strike, 357–59

  and radio networks after World War II, 115–16

  TV license renewals, 475, 477

  TV sets in the U.S., 367

  as a “vast wasteland,” 229, 265

  See also CBS TV; NBC TV

  television news

  “anchorman” term, 115, 141, 142, 161, 543

  celebrity newscasters, 359–60

  complexities of, 290–91

  Cronkite and quality of, 614–15, 658

  Cronkite’s first TV newscast, 152–53

  Cronkite with WTOP-TV, Washington, D.C., 152–57, 251, 350, 520

  fifteen-minute news format, 250, 256

  first color broadcasts, 222, 242, 323

  Gulf War as cable TV’s war, 604–5

  half-hour news format, 256–63

  infancy of, 149–58

  live telecasts to Europe, 253–54

  Murrow legacy in, 218

  Nixon vs., 440–48, 451, 454–55, 457–58, 466

  shift from radio to TV, 165

  Vietnam War as “Television War,” 379

  See also CBS News; NBC News

  television ratings system, 288–90

  Tell Me a Story (Hewitt), 124, 411, 511

  Telstar communications satellite, 253–54, 416, 658

  Terry, Carolyn, 497

  Texas Air National Guard, 640–41

  Texas Dental School, 20, 24, 27

  Texas Monthly, 659

  Texas School Book Depository, Dallas, TX, 267, 276, 278–79

  Texas Star Hotel, Fort Worth, TX, 266

  Texas Supreme Court, 37

  Texas Theatre, Dallas, TX, 276–77

  Texas, U.S.S., 81, 82–84, 85

  Theatre Arts magazine, 170

  The Week’s News (WTOP-TV show), 155–56

  Thieu, Nguyen Van, 372

  This Is New York (CBS Radio), 308

  This Week (ABC News), 567

  Thomas, Lowell, 30, 31, 48, 160, 167, 168, 181, 192, 198–99, 203, 262, 360, 532

  Thompson, Hunter S., 592

  Thompson, Virgil, 21

  Thornburgh, Dick, 643

  303rd Bomber Group, 109

  Three Lives (Stein), 38

  Three Mile Island nuclear accident, 533–34

  Threlkeld, Richard, 509

  Thurmond, Strom, 294, 296

  Tiffany Network, 176, 179, 234, 315, 325, 331, 411, 585

  Time-Life broadcasting, 310, 519

  Time magazine, 20, 30, 125, 167, 187, 324, 433, 492, 536

  astronauts as its “Men of the Year,” 409

  Big Three anchormen on cover of, 445–46

  cover story of Cronkite, 487

  and Cronkite’s Middle East intervention, 528–29

  on Walters, 523, 524

  Time Out (album), 593

  Tippit, James, 276

  Tisch, Laurence, 585–86, 596

  “T Minus 4 Years, 4 Months, 30 Days, and Counting” (CBS News), 332–33

  “Today and Tomorrow” columns, Lippmann’s, 232

  Today show (NBC TV), 178, 179, 217, 495, 516, 523, 572, 623

  Todd, Mike, 190, 191

  Todman, Bill, 158

  Toklas, Alice B., 38

  Toland, John, 194

  To Make a Newer World (R. Kennedy), 365

  Tonight Show, The (NBC TV), 179, 180, 495, 499

  Toole, John Kennedy, 363

  Topeka Daily Capital, The, 516

  To the Moon (CBS News), 337–38

  Tour of the White House with Mrs. John F. Kennedy, A (CBS Eyewitness), 250

  Townsend, Dallas, 234

  Trade Mart, Dallas, TX, 265, 266

  Travels with Charley (Steinbeck), 579

  Trial of Billy Jack, The (movie), 521

  Trout Robert, 48, 49, 160, 185, 186–87, 648

  and 1964 political conventions, 309–10, 313, 317, 318, 320–21

  Truman, Harry S., 17, 46, 139, 141, 147, 163, 204, 341

  Cronkite’s interview with, 157–58

  “Legacy of Harry S. Truman, The” (CBS News), 574

  Truman Doctrine, 138

  Trump, Donald, 630

  Tuchman, Barbara W., 380

  Tulane University, 61, 512

  Turner, Ted, 516, 584–85, 586, 658

  Turner Broadcasting, 558

  TV Guide, 410, 464, 636

  Twelve Hours of Sebring race, 180–81

  Twentieth Century, The (CBS News), 179, 190, 191–94, 195, 196, 199, 200–201, 319, 320, 344, 350, 430

  Twenty-First Century, The (CBS News), 430, 437

  Twitter, 282

  2001: A Space Odyssey (Clarke), 415, 418

  U-boats, German, 87

  Umphress, F. E., Jr., 109

  Understanding Great Books (Discovery Channel), 610

  Union Carbide, 430, 437

  Union Oil, 429

  Unipressers, 53–65

  United Artists, 491

  United Nations, 630

  United Press International (UPI), 300, 320

  International News Service and, 325

  and Kennedy assassination, 267, 268, 269–70, 273

  and LBJ’s death, 489, 490

  United Press (UP), Cronkite with, 30, 41–42, 218

  chief correspondent, 134–40, 145–46

  “Dean of the Air-War Writers,” 108–9, 129

  departure from UP, 146

  establishment of UP bureaus, 126–29

  in Moscow, 136–40

  Nuremberg trials, 131–36, 654

bsp; war correspondent, 76–132

  wire service reporter, 53–58, 61–65, 69–76

  United States—Vietnam Relations, 1945-1967: A Study Prepared by the Department of the Defense (Pentagon report), 458

  UNIVAC (computer), 166–70

  Universe (CBS science magazine), 548, 554–58, 567, 568, 609

  University of Illinois–Chicago, 484

  University of Kansas–Lawrence, 160

  University of Michigan, 193

  University of Minnesota, 141

  University of Missouri–Columbia, 29, 36, 50, 55, 330, 435

  University of Oklahoma, 59

  University of Texas at Austin, 59, 208, 231, 379

  Cronkite at, 36–41, 44–45

  Dolph Briscoe Center for American History, 371, 597, 648, 651

  Walter Cronkite Regents Chair in Communications, 583

  University of Tulsa, 59

  University of Wisconsin Medical School, 632

  UN Plaza co-op, Cronkite’s, 624, 628, 637, 644–45, 646, 652, 653

  Up to the Minute (CBS News), 153, 155, 641

  USA Patriot Act, 638

  USA Today, 592, 608

  U.S.A. Trilogy (Dos Passos), 131

  U.S. Information Agency (USIA), 226, 245, 571–72, 620

  U.S. Open, 595, 633

  V-2 rocket, German, 121, 224

  Vanderbilt, Cornelius, 580–81

  Van Dyke, Dick, 179

  Vanguard satellite launch, 194–95

  Vanity Fair, 591, 662, 663

  Vann, John Paul, 346

  Vanocur, Sander, 188, 526

  Vantage Point, The (Johnson), 383, 490

  Vero Beach Press Journal, 628

  V-E (“Victory in Europe”) Day, 125–26, 620

  Viacom, 642

  “Vietnam Perspective” (CBS News), 351–52, 354

  Vietnam Perspective (Pocket Books), 351

  Vietnam: The Deadly Decision (CBS News), 300

  ”Vietnam: The Hawks and the Doves” (CBS News), 341

  Vietnam War, 257, 262, 300, 327, 340–42, 350–54, 356, 361–63, 364–65, 389–90, 401

  antiwar movement, 389, 400–401, 402–6, 443, 444

  Battle of Hué, 369, 372–73

  Battle of Ia Drang Valley, 348–49, 350

  Bau Me atrocity, 448–49, 458

  black Vietnam servicemen, 331

  correspondents tours of duty in Vietnam, 353, 361

  Cronkite’s “Report from Vietnam,” 376–86, 392, 393, 394–95, 513, 569, 570

  and Cronkite’s tours of Vietnam, 342–47, 368–76, 491–92, 577

  the demilitarized zone (DMZ), 340, 341

  Easter Offensive, 382

  end of, 512, 513

  fragging incidents, 365

  Gulf of Tonkin incident, 300–301, 302, 341

  Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, 301, 362, 380, 394

  heroin use by troops, 364–65


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