The War Journals: Resistance (Screenplay)

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The War Journals: Resistance (Screenplay) Page 7

by Cory Mccoy



  I dont know. I was busy with the other two.


  So he tried to chop his own arm off as well?


  No, I did that when I breached. He bit the barrel while I was taking care of the other one.


  As long as we've been together, I've never once suspected you of lying to me. Not until right now.

  LIZ slams the door back open and heads to the car to get supplies. JESSE follows. CONNOR slumps down into a chair, conflicted about what has just taken place.


  CONNOR, JESSE, and LIZ are eating. The tension seems to have eased.


  There's a small gun range near the back. We need to get in their first thing in the morning and make sure we're at one hundred.


  I'm psyched. Can you really curve a bullet?


  No dummy. That wasn't real.


  You crush all my dreams.


  I know you're both upset with me. You've got every right to be, but I need you to understand what it's like to be in that moment. When it's life and death, you're going to do things you never thought you could and you won't even be debating it in your mind. You just react.


  I know you don't want this, hun. No one would.


  We all fantasize about being a fuckin hero.


  You are a hero man. You're a real life fuckin action star. I know we're gonna win. We've got you on our side. As long as that's the case, we're gonna keep putting them bitches in the ground.


  It's never like that though. When the shit hits the fan, the guilt sets in. We save one person, ten more die. How does a man make those choices? Fuck how does he make that choice even one god damn time? Then, back in the real world, we're forced to keep on making that same choice. Who do we save? Who can't we save? Which is just a nice way of saying 'Who the fuck are we gonna let die today? Guilt like that will tear right through to a heart of a man. There's a bullet with each and every one of our names on it, sure. But in war, sometimes that bullet is in our own gun, kid.


  The war will end eventually


  Not for us. Dont even think for a second that our war ends when the treaties are signed and the arms laid down. No, our war gets even harder because we're forced to live with that pain, except we're sitting behind a desk. We can no lonbger take action. We have to suffer with no real way of fighting back. No, kid. This war don't end for men like us


  I dream about it, every time I shut my eyes I see the mayhem.


  So do I. I remember every single face. Every scream and cry for mercy. I dream of their families. It's not just killin a man. It's robbin his family of a father, a son, a brother. Hell, someone's best friend. These guys, they aren't evil. They think they're fighting for the righteous cause just the same as us. Who's to say they're wrong? I kill them again and again, every night. No matter how hard I try to put that gun down, I cant. Don't you see? We can never completely put these weapons down. They're a part of us, just like every evil act we've used them to commit.

  Liz (in tears)

  This war is changing you, Connor.


  No. No it isnt. This war has simply shown you all who I really am. This is the real me. The man you fell in love with? He was a facade. An act I played while trying to forget the things I had done for my country. I wanted to be a better man. I still do, only now i've realized that the man I wanted to be before all this, he's someone else entirely.


  So now you know who you really are? That's bullshit CONNOR. What about my CONNOR, the man I've loved for so long? Is he just gone because you're afraid to have a little fucking hope?


  I'm just the murderer that these people turned to when they needed some serious killin' done. That's all I am and all I will ever be. Death follows me, Liz. You know that now. Only, i'm never entirely sure if he's uninvited.


  We can't stay here long.


  We've got maybe two days before someone notices these guys are missing. C'mon, let's go check out the firing range.

  Ext. Woods - shortly after dawn

  Mt St Helens looms in the distance as our group begins to make their way into the national park.

  CONNOR is clean shavenand tidy. His bandages unsullied. The enormity of the woods makes them seem like ants in comparison.

  Ext. London.

  Destruction rains through the damp night, reminiscent of the blitz nearly a century before.

  Soldiers, British and American alike, man heavy artillery taking down fighter jets. The debris crashing into the Thames.

  Int. Subway

  The trains have stopped running. Civilians and their families have formed a shanty town through out, leaving enough room for officials to use electric carts to navigate the tracks.

  Ext. Mecca.

  Mosques are in flames. Millions of religious pilgrims trapped within a warzone.

  Ext. Rockefeller center, New York city

  A large queue has formed. Civilians are lined up. Some for rations, others to join the war effort. We see a large banner with CONNOR's tattoo hanging behind the Resistance recruiters.

  Ext. Woods - Mid day.

  Connor is pulling a net out of the water, standing kneedeep in a slow moving stream. His beard is starting to grow.

  Int. War room. The vermilloion hotel - seattle, wa

  The Vermillion is an aptly named skyscraper/luxury hotel that THOMPSONhas requisitioned to serve as the temporary base of the government. THOMPSON and RIGALIO are going over a map of the northwest with a few Marines and a handful of civilians.

  Ext. Tianamen square

  Massive protests are being staged by Chinese citizens in opposition to the war. The same protests are taking place in nearly every Chinese city.

  Suddenly an explosion rips through the nearby government buildings. The crowd dissolves, revealing Chinese members of the Resistance. Each wears an armband with CONNOR's tattoo. An all out firefight has begun. The Resistance forces the Soldiers to retreat after destroying their heavy artillery and tanks.

  Ext woods. Base of a waterfall

  CONNOR looks up at the waterfal. His beard is now a few inches long and shaggy. They've been hiking for weeks and all look worse for wear.


  We've got to go up. It's the only way to put distance between ourselves and whoever else is out there setting up camp night after night.


  It doesn't seem safe.


  I'll have to find a good spot ten or so yards away from the water.


  The wall's too soft. If you use a pick, it'll crumble under you.


  I know. I'll have to freeclimb and then lower a rope for you two.


  Fuck, I really dont like this.


  Yeah, me neither. We're wasting daylight though.

  CONNOR gives LIZ a quick kiss, throws his bag to JESSE and starts toward the 70 meters tall wall.

  The climb is rough. CONNOR find a small ledge about 15 meters up, where he takes a quick break in order to survey the wall.

  Another 10 meters and his grips are becoming more sparse. His feet knocking dirt away as he tries to push himself upward. At this point the grips are almost nonexistant. CONNOR begins slowly moving closer to the waterfall where the grips are more common, but the wall is softer.

  The climb is becoming much more dangerous, CONNOR is now only about fifteen feet from the water. Moss is all over the rocks, making potential handles slippery. He keeps moving up, trying to move back away from the waterfall as he goes.
/>   Grabbing onto a rock jutting out of the wall, CONNOR pulls himself up once more. Only another ten meters to go. The rock breaks loose, sending him plummeting. CONNOR is clawing. Frantically trying to grab something, anything. His face scrapes as he falls, grabbing wildly like a mad man. Trying to get a hold on the wall before he plummets to his death. Finally he grips something. His left hand slips again. He is dangling by one hand, nothing below but the forest floor some forty yards away. The pain in his hand and arm is excruciating. His shoulder couldn't have been separated, he would not have been able to hold on. Finally connor finds a grip for his left hand, ready to begin once more. LIZ is yelling something, but we can't make it out. CONNOR's head is spinning, blood flowing down his face. He spits out a mouthful. CONNOR's right arm is also covered in blood. It seems to be flowing from his hand.

  CONNOR desperately tries to force himself up, fighting through the pain. His arms are weak and starting to give under the strain. His bullet wound has opened back up. Another few minutes and he has finally reached the top. CONNOR takes hold of a long root that is weaving in and out of the cliff side and uses it to lob himself onto solid ground.

  CONNOR stumbles away from the cliff's edge. The height is making his head swim worse than before. He's finally able to get a good look at his hand. The middle finger is gushing blood, it looks as if not only the finger nail but most of the skin to the middle knuckle has been ripped open. CONNOR takes off a shoe, using the sock to stifle the bleeding.

  F.O. As CONNOR secures a rope and tosses it over the cliff for JESSE and LIZ.

  Ext. Top of waterfall. Dawn.

  CONNOR wakes sometime after dawn. Quickly getting up, ready to start the day's hike. His face is bandaged extensively, as well as his hand. JESSE looks at him incredulously.


  Are you really in any shape to be doing that?


  I'm fine. Get up. We have to get moving soon.


  Oh really? Catch.

  JESSE throws the smallest bag at CONNOR, he screams and sinks to his knees as he catches it.


  Ahhh, fucking son of a bitch.


  Dude, you aren't ok. You need to rest some more. Just take a day off from being Captain Badass.


  I'm not trying to be a badass, god damnit. I'm trying to fucking keep us alive.


  Connor, if anyone was following us, we would have seen their camp fires last night, right?


  Just take a day, man. If you can move your arm tomorrow we'll keep going.


  We can take care of things while you rest. You got us up here, now let us help you.


  Fine, it doesn't fucking matter anyways.

  CONNOR sulks off to wash his face, unsure why he was even angry.


  Babe, what's the matter?


  Everything is the fucking matter! We have an entire fucking military looking for us, they want to fucking disply my head on a pole. How the hell am I not supposed to be worried about this shit? I didn't fucking ask for any of this!


  I'm right here with you Connor. We're in this together, we can't just give up or start yelling at each other. Are we supposed to fight and go our seperate ways? I'd rather die with you then apart and you know that.


  What the hell do you expect me to do? I have no fucking idea what I'm doing. For all I know, I|m going to get you both killed.


  You're being such a fuckin narcissist CONNOR. Maybe we do get killed, but we chose to be here with youSo stop being such an asshole, the only choice we have is staying together.


  You know what? You're right I'm sorry. I'm gonna take a walk.

  CONNOR walks off into the woods. He doesn't return until nearly dusk. CONNOR walks up to the fire JESSE is building and sits down.


  I think I found a park ranger station. There's a trail a few miles north of here and some relatively recent Gator tracks on it.


  You mean we might be able to sleep indoors for once?


  Looks that way, let's get some rest. I think I'll be up for it in the morning.


  I'm pretty sure I saw a bear earlier. Can you teach me how to use the gun in case it tries to eat us on my watch?


  Yeah, we've got a little light left. Grab the rifle with the laser sight


  What are we gonna shoot?


  Nothing, you're just gonna aim and turn on the laser when you think you have the shot. The echo up here would be way too loud.


  I suppose it's probably one of those lasers cats play with and not one of the Pew Pew Pew variety.


  Pretty sure they don't have the Pew Pew Pew kind yet.

  Late during the night JESSE sneaks across the camp, sure he has seen the bear.


  CONNOR, it's the bear! It's right there, what do I do?


  Give it a Pic-a-Nic basket.


  Yeah try that. Go away.

  The next day, the crew is walking some more when they come across a small bridge.


  How far do you think we've walked today?


  Five, maybe twelve miles. I dunno.


  Probably about halfway, maybe a little more.


  No fucking way. There's the bridge.


  This can't be right. I didn't see this at all yesterday.


  About time things go our way.


  Im not so sure they have. If the trail was this close it means we're nowhere near where we thought. We could be just miles from the edge of the park.


  I still say it's a good thing. I'm gonna fill up all of the water, just in case.


  Alright, we've got to be close. But if we're wrong we'll be setting up camp after dark. What do you guys want to do?


  Let's keep going.


  I agree, I'd rather sleep on a bed. We're bound to be there soon.


  Alrighty, let's go then.

  After dusk they near the ranger's cabin.


  Guys, be careful, I saw some tire tracks from what looked like a quad earlier. They didn't look more than a few days old. Someone might be here.


  Ok, what should we do?


  I hadn't thought about it. We're just going to move up slowly and if no one comes out, I'll go in first.

  No lights are on. The cabin was only a few hundred square feet by the looks of it. They make a loop around and still didn't see anything.


  Wait for me to call you in.

  CONNOR isn't thinking clearly and forgets to grab a flashlight. He walks in with his weapon down, squinting for a light switch. We hear the slight shuffle of feet. CONNOR tenses up. Through the faint light in the doorway we can see the cold steel of a shotgun barrel against the side of CONNOR's head.


  Who are you?




  What are you doing here?


  I'm just...


  Don't fucking move! Ill kill your gook ass!


  I'm an American


  He's the General, you fucking moron!

  JESSE walks slowly in, rifle trained toward the assailants head. LIZ has made her way in through a back door unnoticed.


Bullshit! that's just some rumor! Put the piece down kid.


  You aren't in a position to bargain.


  Listen, man. We can talk this over. I promise you'll be much better off if we do.


  Oh and you're calling the shots now? I have a fucking gun to your head, think about it!


  I'm thinking pretty clearly right now. You have one gun against my head, another two aimed at yours.


  Put your weapons down or he dies!


  I wasn't finished. If they're telling the truth and I am who they claim I am, you'll be dead before they have a chance to shoot you.

  MIKE seems uncertain, his voice is becoming shaky.


  You're lying!


  Perhaps, but I suggest we let cooler heads prevail.

  CONNOR is holding his hand low and fingers apart. He is trying to signal Jesse and Liz not to shoot.


  I don't believe any of you!

  MIKE screams. In an instant CONNOR acts, forcing his body to move. CONNOR yanks MIKE's gun down and slams him face first into the wall in a violent, twisting motion. His head bounces off the wall before CONNOR slams it back against the door jam, leaning in to whisper to MIKE. CONNOR's arm is shaking, but MIKE doesn't notice.

  You don't have to believe me, but I'd rather not kill you. I'll only tell you once, stand down or die.


  Ok! Ok.

  CONNOR releases his head, yanking the shotgun away with his free hand. CONNOR kicks him hard in the chest, knocking him to the ground. MIKE is sobbing. CONNOR throws the shotgun out the door to JESSE who catches it.


  We aren't here to hurt you, but you better believe that I will end you if I think you're trying to pull something on us.


  Please don't kill me.


  Get up and turn on the fucking lights.


  Try to remember that there are two guns aimed right at your head, asshole.

  The only light in the cabin is coming from the laser sight on MIKE's chest. CONNOR is standing a few feet away armed only with his kukri. There is a small table with two chairs in one corner. A messy desk in the other. A door leads into the small dorm.


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