The Watchmaker's Gift

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The Watchmaker's Gift Page 5

by Charles Zitta

  Mr. Z was taking Charlie and his younger brother, Michael, to begin one of their last full weeks of school before summer vacation. The daily drop-off routine now required two stops. First, the middle school, to drop off Charlie. Then Washington Elementary, to drop off Michael.

  “Hey Dad, don’t you have some errands to run after you pick us up from school today?” Charlie asked.

  “Yes. Yes I do. Thanks for the reminder, Son.”

  “Do you think you could drop us off before you go? I have a bunch of homework to do.”

  “Actually, I have to take your brother to find a pair of new shoes for our trip to Disney World in a few weeks. But yeah, I can drop you off if you have school work to get done.”

  “Great. Thanks Dad,” Charlie replied. In his head he was thinking, perfect, I can watch the vacation disc and no one will ever know. He smiled while looking out the passenger seat window—the morning sun, comforting his face.

  At last, school was out and Charlie’s father had dropped him off at home. It was the ideal time to watch the Disney vacation planner disc. Alone, without anyone else around to interrupt. He popped in the DVD, which started off with a friendly barrage of testimonials, informative updates and entertaining details regarding the Walt Disney World parks, hotels, restaurants and more—all of which, excited Charlie for their upcoming trip. But just as the video was transitioning from water parks to Disney Springs, the recording was interrupted by a very unusual message. One clearly not intended for the everyday viewer.

  The screen jumped to Frank Wellington’s small studio apartment, just above the Plaza Ice Cream Parlor in WONDER. And in the background, was his abnormally large cat, Midnight, rolling about on the oriental carpet without a care in the world.

  Startled by the noise of something falling in the background, Midnight sprung to his feet and addressed the person shooting the video.

  “I say, man, can’t you see that I was trying to relax,” the well spoken cat said. “Well go on then, get on with it. Don’t let me interrupt your precious message. What? I’m sure he’ll see it. You sent him a message in his dream the other night, did you not? Well, you have nothing to worry about,” Midnight said, rolling his sparkling green eyes at the one working the video camera. “Right, right, right. I understand. But you’re wasting time. You need to get on with it so I can be fed for lunch.”

  Frank’s face popped into view, up close and large—very large, from the right side of the camera lens, with wide open, bug-like eyes. “Oh, hi Charlie. It’s your friend Frank. I hope you uh, had a great school year? The other Patrons and I are very much looking forward to seeing you again,” he said, smiling. “Now then, let me get you up to speed on what you and your brother have to look forward to when you arrive in a few weeks. As you know, there are five Kingdom Crystals, one of which, we found last year. Thanks in part to the Ears of Virtue, and more notably, the courageous efforts of you and Michael. For that, we are truly grateful. This year, your trip down will have a similar goal in mind. To find the second of five Crystals—though how you achieve this, will most likely involve a set of very different experiences. Perhaps even more challenging, and dangerous, then last year’s. And of course, as you also know, there are five Objects of Magic—each of which, has its own special set of powers. More importantly, each magical piece has the ability to guide the one who controls it, to one of the Kingdom Crystals. And that of course, would be you Charlie, the chosen outsider of the Patrons. Which, brings me to my next point. And this is very important. We have already removed the Object of Magic from safe keeping to be used in your search for the second Kingdom Crystal. And you should know, as I did not tell you before, each Object of Magic is bonded to one specific Kingdom Crystal by the powers of Disney imagination. And more importantly—“

  White noise covered the screen. Frank had been cut off.

  Then he returned. But this time, under much distress and in a place Charlie did not recognize. It was very small and cramped—crowded with books, hats, jackets and things. The lighting was dim. From what little Charlie could see, it appeared Frank was in a closet, and very out of sorts. Perhaps he was hiding from someone evil? Like the Dark Thorns? Charlie pondered in his mind.

  In a very quiet and cautious manner Frank looked into the camera as best he could for such a cramped area, and with a nervous voice said, “Charlie, something terrible and unexplainable has happened. The watch, which I’ll explain further once you arrive, was struck by lightning tonight while the Alice and Wonderland rabbit was transporting it to Uptown Jewelers by way of the Disney Festival of Fantasy Parade. Where, if all had gone according to plan, was to have been held until your arrival. We were certain the parade would be the perfect cover for the Object of Magic transfer, but it appears we were wrong. One of the Patrons claimed the green lighting strike came from somewhere over by Big Thunder Mountain Railroad and not the sky—which tells us it was not a natural occurrence, but rather some form of black magic. Perhaps by a Dark Thorn, or possibly even a shadow villain who had been called out of WONDER and into reality by either a Dark Thorn or their superior. I’ll explain shadow villains later. Regardless, they knew the white rabbit was carrying the watch. They knew about our plan to transfer it to the jewelers. And they knew we were using the parade to do so. Some way, some how, they knew. Fortunately for us, our furry rabbit friend was still able to get the watch to the jewelers, where it is being carefully guarded by the strongest magic we can provide at this time. Just minutes ago, I was informed the magic watch is too damaged to function correctly.”

  The eccentric Patron paused and looked away—his facial expressions told Charlie that his friend may have just heard an unexpected noise, possibly from someone who was opposed to Frank contacting an outsider, which in this case, was Charlie.

  The worried Patron returned his attention to the camera—pulling his hat further down over his forehead. “Where was I? Oh yes. As I was saying, this lightning strike, wherever it came from, damaged the watch so badly, that it is now unable to function properly—putting us in a very difficult situation. Without the magical powers of the watch, finding the second Kingdom Crystal will be unachievable. However, there is one tiny glimmer of hope, which will greatly depend on you and your brother. It is a favor I hate to ask, but have no alternative. And that is; take the watch, transport into deep WONDER, and find the watchmaker. I cannot tell you who he is at this time, but if anyone has the ability to fix the watch, it will be him. He, is the only chance we have at getting the watch repaired. It is imperative that you and your brother find him—with our assistance of course.”

  Frank paused a second, then came in closer towards the camera—speaking in a tone even softer than before. “Knowing that what happened here tonight was most likely an act of dark magic, this journey we’re asking you and Michael to take with us…well, we may be facing forces more powerful, more treacherous, and much more evil than anything we have ever experienced before. Once you arrive on Walt Disney World property, you and your brother will have to be extra careful who you talk to. DO NOT speak to anyone about what I told you today. Trust no one, even the friendliest of cast members or characters may be your enemy dressed in disguise. We will contact you the day of your arrival. How, I’m not certain yet. And be sure to bring Merlin’s magic looking glass with you. You will need to use it when”—Frank paused again. A pair of glistening green eyes appeared from the darkness beyond the camera’s light. It was Midnight.

  “Frank, we need to go,” the cat said.

  Upset from the news, Frank rolled his eyes towards Midnight, then back to the camera. “I’ll explain the rest later, Charlie. Remember, trust no one.”

  There was a blip of video noise—the regular vacation planner material resumed.

  Worried that he may have missed something, Charlie scrambled in a frantic attempt to try and jump back to the same spot on the DVD where the secret message was located. However, this time when he watched it, only the regular Disney vacation material played. Fran
k’s message had somehow magically been erased, as if it had never existed on the disc.

  Chapter Four

  The past two weeks of school had been filled with many fun projects and activities for the kids, though Charlie had hardly noticed. It was the end of the school year—which to most students, was a very exciting time of year, if not the most exciting time of year. But for Charlie, his mind had been so consumed with thoughts of what lied ahead in Disney World, that those two weeks seemed more like two days.

  Classes dismissed for the year as kids scurried for the buses or their parent’s cars. The halls looked like a chaotic ant farm. Kids wove in and out of each other, trying to avoid any catastrophic collisions, as they lugged around a years worth of projects, all crammed into their backpacks or tucked under their arms. Teachers conducted hallway traffic as best they could, though the only kids following their direction were a handful of sixth graders. The rest of the middle school students completely ignored the teachers—being they were too cool for such childlike direction. On the east side of the school was the teacher’s parking lot and pickup area for kids getting a ride home from their parents. It was here, that Charlie stood, leaning against the building; waiting for his father to arrive.

  “Charlie Z,” someone called out.

  He turned and spotted a familiar face. It was his best friend, Johnny Bibbs, loosely dressed in a faded teeshirt, baggy shorts and flip flops.

  “So buddy, all set for your big trip?” Johnny asked, while leaning into his friend.

  “No. Not at all. In fact, I had completely forgotten about it until just now when you asked me.”

  Johnny laughed out loud at Charlie’s response. He knew his friend was a Disney fanatic, and that there was no way he would ever forget about a trip to Disney World.

  “What?” Charlie replied with a straight face. “I’ve been busy with school work.

  “Yeah, whatever,” Johnny spat back. “You think I’m going to fall for that load of garbage? Maybe someone else, but not me, friend.”

  Charlie continued to stare at his friend with a straight face—which gave way to laughter. “Ha ha ha! Of course I’m ready Einstein, was there ever a doubt? C’mon.”

  Johnny laughed as well. “Geez Charlie, you almost had me on that one. Not. So, I suppose you’ve been packed for a week?”

  “More like two,” Charlie replied.

  “Two weeks? Obsess much, pal?”

  “Hardly. I was ready to pack a month ago, but my mom said it was too early.”

  “Well yeah, I’d say she was right on that one,” Johnny added. “Anyway, you’ll call me when you get back, right? I’m sure you’ll have plenty to tell me about your trip. And, maybe something to show me? Like a little something-something?” Johnny hinted.

  “Oh. What is that? A something-something?” Charlie said jokingly.

  “You know, a little token of appreciation for your best buddy, perhaps?”

  “My best buddy? Let me think for a minute…I don’t really have a best friend. At least I can’t think of one at the moment,” Charlie said, looking towards the sky—pretending to be in deep thought.

  “Aw c’mon dude. Right, like I’m not your best friend in the whole world. I mean, do I have to remind you about what you brought me back last year? The Mickey ears?”

  “That’s right, I did bring you back something, didn’t I?”

  “Well, to me they were much more than just something, Charlie. Why, you even had them personalized with my name stitched on the back. Only a best friend would think of something like that.”

  Charlie looked out of the corner of his eye at his friend and gave him a smirk. “True.”

  “Okay then, at least we’ve established the fact that I am your best friend.”

  “Of course you are, Johnny. I couldn’t think of a better person.”

  “So that’s a yes then?”

  “A yes for what, again?” Charlie was stringing his friend along.

  “A yes, as in you’ll bring me something back, ya knuckle-head.”

  “I’ll try and remember,” Charlie replied with a giggle—though deep down inside he knew he would never forget to bring something back for his best friend, Johnny, who’s family could not afford such a trip, and thus, had to live vicariously through his best friend’s experiences.

  “Thanks buddy.”

  Mr. Z pulled up in the pickup line and Charlie got into the car. As they were pulling away, he rolled down the window and yelled out to his friend, “I’ll call you next week when I get back!”

  “Okay, I’ll see ya soon!” Johnny smiled as he watched the Zastawits van pull out of the school parking lot.

  Michael was filled with giddy anticipation, while his brother’s stomach was turning like a cement mixer. Charlie, now twelve, and Michael ten, were in a restless state of pre-Disney thought—each for different reasons.

  The Zastawits house was buzzing like a beehive as their mother, upstairs in the bedrooms, was double checking the boys luggage for the trip—making sure each boy had everything packed they were told to bring.

  Downstairs, their father was going over tomorrow morning’s itinerary for their flight, transportation to the resort from the airport, and activities planned for their first day at the most magical place on earth. It was a masterful plan as usual. Mr. Z was a fanatic when it came to planning out the daily family itineraries for Disney World. Not a second would be waisted, nor an attraction missed. And every meal of the day would be accounted for. Their father knew well that trying to do it all was not within the realm of possibility, so he always asked the boys, and mother too, which attractions, shows, and other activities they most wished to see. From there, he scheduled out the details of each day, including meals, then added in a little fun time for unplanned activities or magical distractions that may arise.

  The early evening passed quickly, Mr. Z had just wrapped up his masterful plan for their vacation and was walking into the kitchen, where the rest of the family had gathered. Stomachs were growling and talk of food was the conversation at hand.

  “Okay, okay everyone, I’ve got everything figured out. So, who’s up for food?” Mr. Z asked. It was clearly a question he already knew the answer to.

  Instantaneously, the boys and their mother shouted, “Me!”

  “Great,” Mr. Z replied. “So of course, the next question is, what does everyone feel like eating?”

  “Didn’t we have burgers from Roxy’s last year?” their mother asked.

  “Oh, I believe you are right,” he replied.

  “Yeah, Roxy’s Dad,” Michael added.

  “Good with you, Charlie?”

  “Sure Dad, burgers work for me.”

  “Alright then, tell me what you guys want and I’ll take care of it.” Everyone spat out their requests as Mr. Z quickly jotted them down on a sticky note. Seconds later, he was out the door and off to Roxy’s. Disney adrenaline fueled his body as he took off in the family van down Cleveland Avenue to fetch dinner.

  Somewhere underground, hidden from all wandering eyes, in a secret room of the Magic Kingdom’s Pirates of the Caribbean attraction, Captain Plank and Dark Thorn Elontra were having a meeting. A crazy rumor had gotten out and was spreading like wild fire amongst the lower tier Thorns. A rumor that one of the Objects of Magic has been destroyed by a bolt of lightning—ending the Patron’s rule over all things Disney. And that a creature of great evil, more powerful than all the Dark Thorns combined, had delivered the fatal blow.

  “So Plank,” Elontra said, while staring into the Captain’s soul with her deep, dark eyes from across the table. “I understand that you and the rest of the foolish Thorns have spread a rumor that the Patron’s are finished?”

  “Yes. Yes, oh great one,” Plank stuttered in response—unable to get past the intimidating appearance of Elontra’s pale blue skin, white, blue-streaked hair, and deep black eyes. All of which, were encompassed by a black cloak that created a reaper-like silhouette, cast by the amber glow of th
e torches on the wall behind her.

  “Well, let me ask you a question, Captain,” she said in a raspy voice—the bony fingers of her right hand tapping on the small wooden table top.

  “Uh, yes? What do ya wants to ask me? Uh, master of darkness,” Plank nervously replied while starring at her tapping fingers—his eyes, too scared to look directly into hers.

  “A simple question,” she replied. “One a small child could easily answer, I would imagine.”

  “Sure. What, what is it?”

  “If the Partron’s are no longer in control, how come we’re still hiding down here in this retched room while they are roaming free in the Kingdom above?”

  “I. I don’t know? Because we ain’t in control?”

  Elontra tilted her head upward and let out a horrifying laugh. “Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! Because we aren’t in control,” she said while staring at the damp stone ceiling above. “And if we aren’t in control, who is?”

  Plank swallowed deeply, then answered. “The–the Patrons?”

  “The Patrons!” Elontra shouted, as she slammed her boney fist on the table. Her soulless eyes, now staring directly into the Captain’s. “So why would you, and all your babbling fools for friends, ever think for one second that we were in control?”

  “I don’t kno-know your excellency.”

  “Ah, very well—I figured as much. Obviously the Patrons still control things. And because they are still in control, we still have much to do.”

  “Right. Right your dark excellency. But what about the one who cast the bolt of lightning which destroyed the Object of Magic? I, I mean, we heard it was someone with great powers—enormous powers. Even more powerful than yours.” Plank turned to shield himself, waiting for Elontra to strike him down with a dreadful spell for saying such a thing.


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