The Watchmaker's Gift

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The Watchmaker's Gift Page 15

by Charles Zitta

  “There’s our little friends,” Elontra said with an evil smile.

  “It looks like they are headed into the woods,” Oltar added. “Tanion, you know this realm well, yes?”

  “But of course,” he replied.

  “So answer this question. Where might they be headed?”

  “There is a path through the woods which splits into three. One leads to a lake, one to a small village, and one to the mountains beyond.”

  “So there are three possibilities. Two of which, most likely, would lead to the watchmaker,” Elontra replied.

  “Only one if we head them off before they get to the split in the path,” Kunn added. “I could summon up a congress of baboonagins to attack from the trees above, and have the outsider and his friends brought back to us for interrogation?”

  “But the Object of Magic would not yet be repaired,” Senkrad replied. “I have already come to the conclusion that it would be most wise if we let them find the watchmaker first, so he can fix the watch BEFORE we take it from them.”

  “Senkrad makes a good point,” Elontra said.

  “But if we attack before they reach the divide in the woods, why can we not just fix the watch ourselves with dark magic?” Kunn replied.

  “The Watch of WONDER is protected by its own magic. Only the watchmaker has the ability to right its undoing,” Senkrad said.

  “Yes, I see where that may be true. But if a shadow villain was able to strike it down with lightning, should they not be able to reverse the damage as well?” Kunn asked.

  “From what the Shadow Queen has told me, the answer is no,” Elontra said. “The power to destroy it and the power to fix it are two different forms of magic. Neither of which, can be possessed by the same being, whether they are from reality, or a creation of WONDER. Therefore, it will be in our best interest to heed Senkrad’s words, and allow them to get the watch fixed before we take it away.”

  “And what do we do until that time arrives?” Oltar asked.

  “We devise a plan to take the watch,” Senkrad replied.

  “Yeeeees, I see one beginning to form. A plan involving a few of our favorite, creations?” Elontra added.

  “We can use them to collect the watch,” Kunn said with a devilish grin.

  “A most delightful plan,” Tanion added.

  “And I’m sure they will have fun in doing so,” Oltar said.

  “Then it is settled,” Senkrad said. “We will call on the shadow villains most familiar with this realm.”

  “Perfect,” Elontra said with a cackle.

  Fibs, now fully animated, along with Duke and Grim, looked quite different from how they appeared in reality. The captain was still short and round, though now he appeared twice as wide, including his head, with legs as thick as an elephant, arms not much smaller, and enormously large feet—all bearing down on a pair of double-wide flip flops. His partially bald head was still sun burnt, though his sunglasses were extraordinarily large and sat cockeyed upon the bridge of his sweaty nose.

  Duke and Grim no longer fit into the clean-cut Disney crowd. In the animated world their clothes were torn, dirty and weathered, their hair uncombed, and their partially toothed grins—framed by unshaven faces.

  Fibs and his men had arrived slightly ahead of the Patrons—who had stopped by Frank’s apartment to pick up Midnight before starting their journey. The three-Thorns had been waiting patiently, just beyond the old wood’s edge, for the Patrons to arrive. And now it was time to carry out their duties.

  “That’s right Senkrad,” Captain Fibs said into his Thorn wristband.

  Not only were the wristbands used for transportation, but also as transmitters for speaking to Dark Thorns. Cell phones and other real world devices were of no use in WONDER.

  “The boy and his Patron pals are well on their way to where the pathway splits in the woods,” Fibs added.

  “You are doing a fine job, Captain,” Senkrad replied.

  “Thank you sir, I mean, supreme leader. So what do you want us to do when they get to the split in the pathway?”

  “Just keep following them as we discussed before. Remember, all you need to do for now is keep an eye on them until they find the watchmaker and get the watch fixed. After that, I will provide more information. Understood, Fibs?”

  “Yes sir.”

  “Good. Until then, just keep track of where they go. And if possible, find out what their intentions are once they get the watch fixed. But, let me be perfectly clear. And this is extremely important. DO NOT give yourselves away. When it’s time for us to move in and take the watch, it needs to come as a total surprise. Otherwise we may lose our best opportunity to gain control of the magic watch. Is that clear”

  “Perfectly, Senkrad,” Fibs replied—while nervously looking at his men.

  “Very well, back at it then.” The Dark Thorn leader disconnected.

  “I guess that’s it for now boys,” Fibs said, as he closed the top of his wrist band device. “We just need to lay low and keep an eye on ‘em until the watch is fixed.”

  “Aye-aye, Captain. That we can do, right Grimsly?”

  “Right you are, Duke.”

  “Oh, and one more thing, fellas. If we get a chance to listen in on their conversations, we need to find out what plans the Patrons might have in store once the watch is fixed.”

  “That sounds easy enough,” Duke replied with a chuckle.

  “But, here’s the kicker boys, we can’t let them know we’re doing it. Otherwise, the Dark Thorns ain’t gonna be too happy with us.”

  “Now that might be a little more challenging,” Grim said.

  “Right,” Duke added. “But I’d say we’re up for it, don’t you agree, Captain?”

  Fibs lowered his head, peering over his sun glasses at Duke and Grim. “You best hope we are boys, for our sake.”

  The five Dark Thorns had summoned three diabolical shadow villains from deep within the darkest depths of the watchmaker’s realm. All of which, possessed skills for the task at hand, and had worked within this realm before. A place inspired by the conceptual artwork for the animated movie, Pinocchio. A realm, which through the years, had taken on many changes.

  First to arrive was the incredibly sneaky, silver fox—a real silver-tongued swindler, who was very sharp in the mind and could talk anyone into anything with his hypnotic eyes and conniving ways. One dared not look at, or listen to, him if he engaged you in conversation. His hairy physique of silvery grey, was dressed in a shabby, dark brown beggar’s suite, and his eyes of yellow could pierce one’s soul—making him ten times harder to say no to and much more dangerous than any normal swindler. And though he could walk on all fours, he preferred to only use his hind legs—claiming his left front paw was lame.

  Second to show was the coachman, Mr. Jollysnaps. As he landed his flying, mule-drawn coach of gold, which was covered with emeralds, rubies and diamonds, it was clearly obvious he was quite different from any coachman that had ever been seen before. A tall, well-dressed, stick-like fellow with long, blond hair and a big white grin, the commander of the flying mules was known for much more than just his transportation services to the FOTO army in WONDER. Upon his head sat a tall, gold top hat with a white feather. And held in his right hand was a golden rod with a magical whip attached at its end that could extend outward—snapping its victims, which released a burst of silver and gold sparks. Unfortunately, the victims were usually the winged mules, who when struck, would fly faster at the command of the evil, jolly man with the bright, shiny whip. As wheel man and maker of money, he provided expedited services which not only turned naughty boys into working mules for cash, but girls as well. At the end of the third pathway, just beyond the woods, was a lake. And on the far side of the lake sat Mr. Jollysnap’s island, known to those in WONDER as Mischief Island, where his mine of golden statues was hidden away. It is believed all his statues were at one time naughty children who had instantly been turned to gold by a single crack of his magical
whip if they had not changed into working mules after spending time on the island. Either way, Mr. Jollysnaps was sure to profit.

  Flamario was last to arrive. Originally known throughout WONDER as the Fire Breather, his sketch lines were similar in style to those used for the character Stramboli in Pinocchio, only Flamario was a much larger, and mightier, man. The ground and trees shook, knocking birds, squirrels and raccoons from their living quarters, and flushing rabbits, deer, and other woodland creatures out of their hiding places, as he stomped through the woods to meet up with his villainous counterparts. It was clear to see how the very presences of this colossal man brought fear to all those who looked upon him. He was easily twice the size of any normal man. Standing nearly twelve feet tall, with shoulders as broad as a car, arms like totem pulls, hands the size of beachballs, and legs the size of tree trunks, Flamario was a force almost unmatched in size and ferocity. He was an easy choice for the Shadow Queen, a natural fit for the FOTO army, and a one-man wrecking crew for Dark Thorn tasks such as this. The frazzled black hair upon his head was curly and wild. His long pointed beard reached well past his knees and acted as a focal point for the true power this beast of a villain possessed. One never before realized throughout the history of shadow villains, until that is, this large mountain of a man was reimagined by the Shadow Queen and given the power to breath fire like a dragon. A talent the leader of FOTO saw fit for a man who originally went by the name of Fire Breather. All that was needed was the source of a flame, such as a torch, a fireplace or a campfire, and his enemies stood little chance to survive. Flamario’s only limitation, he could not transport into reality.

  Standing in a clearing of the woods stood five ghost-like images of Dark Thorn leaders: Elontra, Senkrad, Oltar, Tanion and Kunn. Ready to address the three shadow villains.

  “Welcome faithful friends,” Senkrad said. “By orders of the Shadow Queen, we have called upon the three of you for a single purpose. To seek out, and TAKE, the Watch of WONDER.”

  “This is what you are to look for,” Elontra said, as a fiery sphere of blue rose up from her boney, cupped hands, revealing a holographic image of the watch. “At this very moment it is on route through the woods to be delivered by a young boy, his brother and friends to the watchmaker.”

  “All we have to do is find the boy, take the watch, and deliver it to you?” the silver fox asked. “Doesn’t seem like much of a challenge.”

  “I don’t mean any disrespect, but are you sure you need our help for such a simple task?” Mr. Jollysnaps added.

  “DO NOT underestimate the task we have set before you,” Oltar replied. “This is who you are to find.” He expanded his hands to form a miniature cloud which displayed a live image of Charlie, Michael, Ben and Midnight walking through a field.

  Flamario bent down and squinted, as he stroked his beard—sizing up his enemies in the magic cloud. “Why, I could take this watch you speak of, crush the puny little boy, and throw all his friends up into the trees with one hand tied behind my back,” he said with a big thunderous voice, followed by laughter.

  “If it were merely that simple do you really think we would ask for help? Hmm?” Senkrad said in a sarcastic tone.

  “Well, I suppose not,” Jollysnaps replied.

  “Then where does the challenge lie?” the silver fox asked. “Obviously there is more to it than meets the eye.”

  “To begin with, you cannot take the watch until after the watchmaker has fixed it, and explained to the boy how to use it,” Elontra said.

  “And why is that?” asked the fox.

  “Because it is broken and needs to be fixed before it is of any use to us,” Elontra replied.

  “Isn’t there anyone you know who we can pay to fix it? Say, someone we can pay in gold?” Mr. Jollysnaps asked.

  “Nice try, but no,” Elontra replied. “Only the watchmaker has the ability to return the Watch of WONDER to its original state—before it was struck by lightning.”

  “What? Was someone wearing the watch out in a thunderstorm?” the fox asked.

  “You will learn more about that at a later time,” Senkrad said with a stern look—ending the topic of discussion immediately. Even the shadow villains, as powerful as they were, dared not tangle with a Dark Thorn, let alone, all five at one time.

  “But for now,” Elontra said, “all you need to do is follow them to the watchmaker’s dwelling.”

  “And once you are there, wait for the watch to be fixed, and for the watchman to explain how it works,” Kunn added.

  “And once’s that is done?” Mr. Jollysnaps asked.

  “TAKE IT,” Elontra replied with a devilish grin.

  “We look forward to seeing you soon,” Oltar said, “you may go now.”

  “Contact us once have the watch,” Senkrad added.

  The holographic image of the Dark Thorns vanished, leaving the three villains alone to stare at each other.

  Back in the cave where the Dark Thorns had gathered, one last detail was being discussed before they disbanded.

  “Do you think we should have told them about Captain Fibs and his flunky crew?” Oltar asked.

  “No,” Elontra replied. If anything, it will give them time to share a special bonding moment together.”

  The five Dark Thorns enjoyed a private moment of diabolical laughter, which echoed through the dimly lit cave, buried deep in a shadow of WONDER.

  Chapter Ten

  Dreams are like subconscious acts of creativity and emotion, occurring while we’re sleeping. Where ideas, or concepts, are more akin to intentional thoughts of the conscious mind. When the two are combined together, they can produce extraordinary things. Which was exactly what the Imagineers had in mind when they created WONDER—the World of Natural Dream Enhanced Realities. Realities shaped by dreams and ideas. A world where real people could experience and explore boundless imagination created by Imagineers and animators of past and present day. Where all the good Disney instills upon the world could be protected from darkness, and preserved forever within its magical realms.

  In one such realm, Charlie, Michael and their loyal Patron friends, Ben and Midnight, had just begun an incredible journey.

  Though they had visited Deep WONDER before, this was the first time Charlie and Michael had entered a fully developed realm. There were forests, rolling meadows, villages, snow-capped mountains, streams, lakes and animals. A place where no boundaries or end existed. And all of it was animated.

  As the four brave explorers made their way over and through the grassy, rolling hills, the boys noticed many unusual, and quite extraordinary, things. The first of which, was a grey field mouse that crossed their path. His body was small and plump, with a long, skinny tail that trailed behind and curled somewhat when he paused to stand on his large hind feet. His enormously large blue eyes looked like two giant saucers of kindness, as they took in the four strangers. Indeed, this was no ordinary mouse.

  “Oh, hello there,” the mouse said with an English accent.

  “Uh, hello,” Ben replied with a smile.

  “Going somewhere, are we?” The mouse asked politely.

  “Yes, indeed we are. We’re uh, on our way to find the watchmaker,” Ben answered.

  “Really, the watchmaker, eh? I can’t say I’ve ever met him.”

  “He’s a plump old fella with grey hair, crooked glasses and a big nose who likes to make watches, toys and things out of wood,” Midnight added, attempting to jog the mouses memory.

  The mouse squinted and scratched his head, trying to remember. “No, nope. Sorry, can’t say that I ever recall meeting a fella like that.”

  “That’s OK,” Charlie replied. “So, do you have a name?”

  “They call me—”


  “What was that?” Michael said with a startled voice.

  “It’s a hawk and he’s looking for an afternoon snack,” the mouse replied. He quickly ducked into the shadow of Charlie’s legs to hide
from the threat above.

  “Don’t worry little fella, I won’t let him get you,” Charlie said. He looked up at the hawk, then down at the frightened little mouse—who was now doubly scared, seeing a cat was in his presence as well.

  “What, what about him,” the mouse said, pointing at Midnight with his shaky little paw.

  “Oh him,” Ben said, “he only eats prepared food, like spaghetti, tacos and macaroni and cheese. You don’t have to worry about him.”

  Midnight shook his head and rolled his eyes.

  “Looks like the hawk is gone,” Michael said. “You can stop hiding now, little guy.”

  “Oh, thank you young man.” The mouse slowly came out from underneath Charlie’s shadow, continuing to look towards the sky.

  “I don’t believe we’ve introduced ourselves yet. My name is Ben, Ben Glimmer” the happy Irishman said. He extended a pinky finger to shake the mouses tiny little paw.

  “Around here they call me Provo, cause, well, you know, I like cheese. Especially provolone cheese.”

  “It’s nice to meet you, Provo,” My name is Charlie, and this is my kid brother, Michael.”

  “Hello,” Michael said with nod.

  “Nice to meet you, boys,” Provo replied.

  “So glad to meet you Provo, I am Midnight—and yes, as Ben here already said, if there were ever a cat you could trust, it most certainly would be me.”

  “Well, heh-heh, that’s good to know,” the mouse nervously replied. “It’s uh, nice meeting you as well.”

  “Oh, why don’t you just tell him how you really feel,” a young feminine voice called out from just beyond the tall grass.

  “Who’s there?” Ben asked, trying to identify the source of the voice. But all he could see was an old, grass-covered log, and a tiny gathering of yellow flowers.

  “Why don’t you leave me alone,” Provo replied. “You are always trying to tell everyone what to do.”

  “At least people know where I stand when I speak to them,” the voice snipped back.

  “Yeah, well I’m not the one who’s too afraid to show their face to strangers,” the mouse said with a frustrated expression.


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