The Watchmaker's Gift

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The Watchmaker's Gift Page 19

by Charles Zitta

  “Very impressive,” Midnight said.

  “So what are the small, green circles surrounding the face for?” Michael asked.

  “Ahh yes. Good question, Michael. The small, green circles around the perimeter of the watch face are activated when you get close to a dream dot. The closer you get to a dream dot, the faster the green circles blink in a clockwise succession. Once you are at your location, they turn solid green, and the watch would illuminate green. Which is precisely when Charlie, and whoever is with him, will want to touch or walk through the dream dot.”

  “So if we were using the snow man in Hollywood Studios, like last year, everyone would have to touch him when the green lights on the watch turn solid?”

  “Exactly, Charlie. See, the watch is actually quite easy to understand, once you understand its basic functions,” the old man replied with a chuckle.

  “I don’t understand, how do the green circles light up, if they are made of wood?” Michael asked.

  “Disney Magic, Michael,” the watchmaker replied.

  “That is quite the watch,” Ben said. “It would make a great gift for a friend of mine. He loves his Mickey watches.”

  “Yeah, if only he could use it,” Featherwink replied, jokingly.

  “Oh, that’s right. I plumb forgot. Only the chosen outsider can do that,” Ben said, blushing. Everyone in the room burst into laughter.

  “That was a good one,” Raphael said, “but now it’s time we all go and relax, yes? Everyone, please, go into the living room and sit around the fireplace. Make yourselves comfortable. We can chat for a while over a nice cup of hot cocoa before I fix the watch, eh? Except for you Midnight, I will get you a nice big bowl of spaghetti and meatballs.”

  Midnight’s eye’s lit up.

  Everyone burst into laughter once more, as they headed towards the living room.

  The watchmaker went to prepare food and several warm mugs of cocoa. He even had miniature wooden mugs for Mr. Featherwink and Provo the mouse.

  They all sat by the fireplace, as the watchmaker shared tall tales about the many adventures he had had through the years in his realm of WONDER. Several included the likes of Featherwink, the snow fairy, and even Ticky and Tocky.

  It was then that Midnight asked a question that everyone in the group had wanted to ask. “Those are all such marvelous stories, Raphael, but there is still something that has had me baffled ever since the snow fairy unveiled the hidden village we are in right now.”

  “Oh, and what is that, my friend?”

  “How in the name of WONDER is it possible to hide an entire village? And even if it is invisible, how does the snow fairy keep those who travel through this valley from bumping into it? I mean, even if they cannot see it, it is still physically sitting here, correct? Or, isn’t it?”

  Raphael gazed deep into the burning embers of the fireplace. A look of seriousness blanketed his face. “You met the snow fairy, yes?” he asked.

  “Why sure we did,” Ben replied.

  “Without the assistance of Mr. Featherwink, we never would have met her,” Sassyfran added.

  “And if we had not met the snow fairy, we never would have found the hidden village,” Provo said.

  “Right. That is a very good point, my little mouse friend,” the watchmaker said. So, let me try and explain to you how the snow fairy makes it allllll possible.” He turned his attention away from the fire and towards his newfound friends. “A long time ago, shortly after I designed the Watch of WONDER as a favor to the Patrons, it was decided by their council that my well being was too valuable to leave unprotected. In turn, they dreamt up the snow fairy and released her into WONDER to guard me from the evil forces of the Forest of Thorns Order.”

  “I think we all understand that the snow fairy is responsible for keeping the village hidden,” Midnight said, “but what I think we are all having a hard time comprehending is exactly how she can keep it hidden, both visually AND physically.”

  “Yeah, how can anyone have the power to make something disappear, yet still exist?” Michael questioned.

  “That is where the real magic of WONDER shines, my friends,” the watchmaker said, with a grin from ear-to-ear. “In the real world, people only see what their eyes reveal—which is one reality. But in WONDER, there are many conceptual realities which coexist within each layer. Which is why this world is called the World of Natural Dream Enhanced Realities, and not, the World of Dream Enhanced Reality.” The old man paused for a moment and turned quickly towards the front door.

  “Did you hear something?” Charlie asked.

  “Naaaah. I don’t think so. It may just be the wind, a squirrel or something,” Raphael replied. “Now, where was I?”

  “You were explaining the conceptual realities of WONDER,” Provo said.

  “Ahhhhh yes. Thank you my little mouse friend. As I was saying, there are a multitude of realities which coexist within each level of WONDER. Like for instance, the snow fairy, being the clever guardian she is, placed a dimensional charm over this entire village, which when used, transports the village from where it is now, to a magic dimension in the exact same location.”

  “And because it is transported into a ‘magic dimension’, it is both invisible and untouchable?” Midnight asked.

  “Precisely, Mr. Kitty,” the watchmaker said. “Which keeps the village hidden from the dark forces of FOTO. But there is even more. Don’t forget, we have FOUR dimensions in each level of WONDER that can be utilized, as I mentioned earlier when showing you the watch.”

  “Right,” Charlie proclaimed. “Forwards, backwards, sideways and magic.”

  “Ha-haaaaa! I am so proud of you, Charlie,” Raphael said. “You are a very smart boy. That is exactly right. Not only can the village be transported to the magic dimension of Deep WONDER—”

  “It can also be sent forwards, backwards or sideways?” Charlie asked.

  Raphael looked upon Charlie with his chin down, proudly observing the boy over the rims of his glasses—his hand, resting gently on the boys shoulder. “Now I can see why Frank Wellington chose you to help our team. You are wise beyond your years, Charlie.”

  “What? Him?” Michael intervened, as he jumped out of his chair. “I’m the one who gets straight A’s, not him.”

  “You know, Michael,” the frog hinted, “there are all types of ‘wisdom’ in this world. Not just the type that comes from books.”

  “My little purple friend is right, Michael,” Raphael added. “Wisdom can come from almost any type of experience one goes through in life. And some, like your brother, are naturally gifted with what I like to refer to as, simple wisdom.”

  “Oh, you mean like common sense?” Michael asked.

  “Yes, something like that,” Raphael said with a chuckle. “For example, it is getting late, and a young boy like you needs a good nights sleep in order to be productive the next day.”

  “I’m not tired,” Michael replied with a yawn.

  “And I’m not made of wood,” Sassyfran said.

  “Besides, I need to get the watch fixed before sunrise, and the night isn’t getting any younger,” Raphael added.

  Everyone in the room received the watchmaker’s message well and collectively decided to call it a night.

  The watchmaker showed everyone upstairs to their rooms, said his goodnights, then headed back down to his workbench, where the watch of WONDER awaited his magical touch.

  All fell silent. The fire burned brightly in the adjoining room, casting long shadows throughout a dwelling where only the tick-tock sounds of the watchmaker’s clocks remained. He began to work diligently, yet carefully, on the magical timepiece with his skillful hands.

  Tomorrow was going to be a busy day for all.

  Chapter Twelve

  “Charlie, wake up!” Charlie, wake up now,” Michael said, as he pushed on his brother’s shoulder.

  Day three of their vacation had begun. But not from where they had thought.

  Charlie s
lowly pulled the covers from his eyes and was greeted by the sunlight breaking through the balcony blinds. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes, scratched his head, and sat up, heavily disoriented. As his eyes and mind cleared, the young boy took in his surroundings. It was a moment difficult to comprehend. They were no longer in Deep WONDER, but rather, back at the Beach Club Resort.

  “What happened, Charlie? How did we get back here? I, I don’t get it.”

  “Shhhhh. Keep it down, Michael, I think mom is in the bathroom.”

  The door latch clicked, and Mr. Z came walking in—startling the boys. “Goooooood morning fellas. Looks like we’re going to have another perfect day.”

  “Oh. Yeah. Sure, Dad. Looks pretty nice out,” Charlie replied.

  “Hey Susie, you gonna be a while?” her husband asked. “Cause if you are, I’m going to run down and grab a coffee at the Marketplace.”

  “Sure Ed, go ahead, the boys still have to get ready anyway. Could you get me one of those special coffees as well?”

  “Sure. You boys need anything?”

  “Too early for me, Dad,” Charlie answered. “My stomach isn’t awake yet.”

  “Can you get me a chocolate milk, Dad?”

  “You got it. Be back in a minute.” As quickly as he had showed up, their dad was out the door—clearing the room for Charlie and Michael to speak freely about the unusual string of events they had experienced over the past twenty four hours.

  “Do you see the watch anywhere, Michael?” Charlie asked quietly—not wanting his mother to hear.

  The younger brother scanned the room. “I don’t see anything Charlie. You mean, Raphael never gave you the watch back last night?”

  “How would I know? I was sleeping, just like you.”

  “Well, I don’t know. I thought maybe the watchmaker might have given you the watch when I was sleeping?”

  “I wish that were true, but unfortunately, it’s not.”

  The bathroom door opened. “OK, Michael. Why don’t you grab your things and get ready,” their mother said, as she walked out of the bathroom in search of her shoes.

  The boys conversation would have to continue later on.

  With no watch, no watchmaker, and no clue as to what happened, Charlie and Michael could do nothing but guess about what lied ahead that day.

  What happened to their friends? Were they all OK? Was the watchmaker able to fix the watch? A looping cycle of questions continued to run through Charlie’s mind as he walked along with his family. They were headed from the boat dock to the Hollywood Studios entryway.

  The lines were long and moving slowly to get into the park. A typical day for the summer vacation rush. Charlie continued to think, playing back everything in his mind from the night before in Deep WONDER. It was hard for him to see the magic band kiosks past the crowd. Will we ever get into the park? He impatiently thought to himself. Which for Charlie, was unusual. His eagerness was getting the best of him.

  The family ahead of theirs finally reached the magic band kiosk and checked in quickly.

  As they cleared out, and the Zastawits family stepped up, a pleasant surprise was revealed.

  Charlie held his MagicBand up to the kiosk—instead of lighting up green, the Mickey icon lit up in a rainbow of colors. The female cast member looked at the young boy with a smile and said, “Welcome back. Make sure you give Toy Story Mania a try this morning, I heard it’s full of surprises today.”

  Caught off guard by the cast member’s recommendation, Charlie only managed to stutter out a few words. “Uh, yeah. Sure. Thank you.” He walked over to join his family, where his father was picking up park maps.

  “So where would you like to start, Susie?” Mr. Z asked, while reviewing a park map. Knowing every square inch of the property, their father did it simply because he thought it necessary to get the full Disney experience. And they made great collectibles as well.

  “I don’t know, Ed. Maybe we should just let the boys decide.”

  “Yeah, I vote for that idea,” Michael blurted out.

  “What about you, Charlie. Any ideas where we should start?” their mother asked.

  “I think Toy Story Mania would be a fun place to begin,” he said.

  “I like it,” Mrs. Z replied. “Ed, what you think? Sound good?”

  Charlie’s father was scrolling through the My Disney Experience app on his phone. “One second dear, I juuuust want to check something.”

  “Check what, Ed? We’re here. Now. Don’t you think we need to—”

  “Well I’ll be. Would you look at that.”

  “What dear?”

  “I don’t know how to explain it, but it looks like we have FastPasses for Toy Story Mania at 9:45 this morning? Not sure how that happened?” Did you—”

  “No, Ed, I didn’t book any FastPasses,” she replied with a confused look on her face.

  “But, how then did…well…how did…who…what?”

  “I don’t think it really matters, does it, Dad?” Charlie asked.

  “I guess you’re right?” his father replied, scratching his head.

  The Zastawits family took off down Hollywood Boulevard towards Pixar Studios with great anticipation.

  “Since we have time, what do say we stop by One Man’s Dream and look around? This may be the last time we get to see it in its current format,” Mr. Z said.

  “Oh, that’s right, I read about that somewhere. Or maybe I heard them talking about it on one of the Disney podcasts?” Not sure which one, but yeah, great idea,” Mrs. Z replied.

  “What do ya say, boys?”

  “Sure, Michael and I are always up for checking out the details of the miniature park models,” Charlie said.

  “Yeah, like Charlie said, we love checking out the models. Especially the ones that draw us into their world.” Charlie gave his brother a wide-eyed look.

  “What? Draw you into their world?” their mother questioned.

  Charlie elbowed his brother in the side as a warning not to tell their parents what had happened by the Tree of Life model the previous year.

  “Ouch! Watch it, Charlie,” Michael said.

  “Charlie, be nice to your brother,” their mom said.

  “I’ll do my best,” Charlie replied with a grin—happy to have succeeded in making his mother forget the question she had asked. A question that would have revealed the magical experience Charlie and his brother encountered the year before in the One Man’s Dream exhibit.

  “What do we do with the little fella? And what about the watch?” Duke asked his captain.

  “I tell ya what we’re going to do. We take him straight away to hiding until we can figure out exactly how we’re going to explain what happened to the Dark Thorns,” Captain Fibs replied.

  “We? Who’s we?” Flamario blurted out. “I say we take the little red headed man, tie him to a stick, then slowly turn him as I roast him like a marshmallow with fire from my belly. Then he will tell us where the watch is, yes?”

  Everyone went silent, then looked at the fire breather like he had lost his mind.

  “I’m not quite sure that will work,” replied the silver fox. “But you are on to something my overgrown friend. We do need to find the watch before meeting up with the Dark Thorns. Otherwise, as everyone here knows, there will be dire consequences to pay.”

  “Ha-ha-ha! Oh, sure. So who left you in charge?” Captain Fibs snapped at the fox. “Do ya really think me and my men are gonna listen to you, ya furry critter?”

  “Better you listen to me and get the watch, then the alternative.”

  “Alternative?” Fibs replied. His face growing redder by the second, as beads of sweat rolled down his forehead and over his puffy cheeks.

  “Yes, that’s precisely what I said,” the fox replied. “The alternative. Do you care to hear what it is?”

  “No, not really,” Fibs said with a scowl—knowing his reply would hold no weight.

  “Well, I’ll tell you anyway,” the fox said with an in
flated ego. “You and your two pathetic spies would crawl back to the Dark Thorns and beg for forgiveness, after telling them you were unable to obtain the watch. At which point, they will most likely turn you into cowardly toads or possibly even freeze you for an eternity. Who knows, the dreadful possibilities are endless when it comes to the power of the Dark Thorns. Then after they are done taking out their frustrations on the three of you, they will turn to the real help—that being the three of us, in order to get the job done.”

  “I’m no coward, and don’t you go saying I am,” Fibs spat back at the fox. “You might have a way with words ya silver-tongued fox, but me, I’m a man of action. Get ‘em boys!”

  On the captain’s command, Duke and Grim hit their belt buckles and instantly transformed into two very large troll-like toad creatures. Their skin was spotted with brown and green. Their dirty yellow eyes bulged out of their oversized, and oddly-shaped, heads. Warts and imperfections populated their tough, well worn skin, which was protected by heavily spiked, tarnished metal armor. Their feet were webbed and the legs on which they stood were short and muscular, which easily supported their obese figures, and could be used to leap great distances. Their ginormous toad-like hands could grab the largest of objects with ease, including things such as giant boulders, tree limbs and what not. And when they weren’t using their enormous hands for such unruly tasks, they hung so low, that their knuckles almost scraped the ground. Amongst the dwellers of WONDER, these ghastly creatures were commonly referred to as toady trolls, and were usually avoided if at all possible by the Patrons and their friends.

  “Alright, then. Let us see how well the two of you match up against someone as mighty as me,” Flamario shouted. He took an aggressive stance and prepared for battle.

  Duke and Grim countered with the same.

  Just as the battle between two colossal evils was about to begin, Mr. Jollysnaps came running out from within his secret mine of gold on Mischief Island—where Ben was being held against his will. It was a strange and mysterious place, and its only inhabitants were the coachman, his goons, and the innocent victims of mischief.


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