The Watchmaker's Gift

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The Watchmaker's Gift Page 32

by Charles Zitta

  “Wow, the big drop tired you out that much, did it?” their father asked.

  “You have no idea,” Charlie answered back.

  The remainder of the day, the boys and their parents toured the lands of the Magic Kingdom, riding attractions, snacking on snacks, and combing the shops.

  Though neither boy was paying much attention to what they were doing. Their minds were occupied with only two thoughts. Where was the crystal? And, where was Ben?.

  As evening settled in, Charlie and his family enjoyed the fireworks show. Shortly afterwards, they returned to their resort, where he and his brother quickly fell asleep—physically tired from the past day’s experiences, and mentally tired from thinking about the next day, and what it may bring.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Morning had come. The final day of Charlie and Michael’s Walt Disney World vacation began like any ordinary day. Not that any day was ever ordinary when spent at the most magical place on earth, but compared to the Zastawits brother’s experiences, a day spent at Walt Disney World was just the tip of the iceberg compared to a day spent in WONDER.

  Their morning had been filled with a quick grab and go breakfast from the Beach Club Marketplace, a handful of attractions at the Magic Kingdom, and a sad farewell, as they walked down Main Street and out under the railroad station for the final time during their visit.

  But there was still plenty of time before they had to leave. And better still, it was time to eat lunch.

  After a short boat ride, the Zastawits family arrived at the Wilderness Lodge for a root’n toot’n good time, not to mention a mighty fine meal, at the Whispering Canyon Cafe.

  Despite all the tasty fare, ketchup bottles, and generous hospitality from their entertaining waitress, Boxcar Barbara, Charlie could not escape his thoughts about the crystal and Ben. The more time passed, the more consuming his thoughts became. If Midnight did not contact them soon, Charlie was almost certain he would lose his mind.

  The afternoon began at the Tri-Circle-D Ranch, where each member of the family saddled up and prepared for a relaxing horseback ride. Mrs. Z was first behind their guide, with Michael, Charlie, and their father bringing up the rear. The natural rhythm of the ride, combined with the peacefulness of their surroundings, helped to ease the tension in Charlie’s mind. There were deer, rabbits, ducks on a pond, and the soothing sound of trees swaying in the breeze, as they made their way through the trails of the Fort Wilderness Resort.

  All was peaceful and quiet, when the most unexpected of things happened.

  Charlie’s horse spoke.

  “I’m sorry, did you not hear me the first time?”

  Charlie looked around, trying to pinpoint the voice, as their group continued down the trail. The young boy leaned over, placing his head close to the horse’s face.

  “Yes?” the horse said.

  “Whoa! That was you?” Charlie whispered.

  “Well of course it was. You didn’t think the ducks were talking, did you?”

  “I wasn’t sure. Out here on the trails there are all sorts of animals. And after what I’ve seen, I wouldn’t be surprised if all the animals here could talk.

  “Really, Charlie? All the animals? Even the most magical place on earth has its limits.”

  “I’m not so sure. I mean, you’re talking to me right now.”

  “Oh, heh-heh, quite right you are,” the horse replied.

  “Say, your voice sounds familiar.”

  “I sure hope so. I mean, after all we’ve been through.”

  Charlie leaned over again and looked into the horses eyes, which sparkled electric green. “Midnight?”

  “In person.”

  “But…we’re not in WONDER. How…how did you manage to transport into reality?”

  The horse neighed at the boy. “The same way I met you in the World of Disney Store as a plush Cheshire Cat. I guess Frank didn’t tell you everything about me? You see, Charlie, since I was dreamt up for Frank’s own personal companionship, he wanted to make sure I could travel anywhere he could. So unlike most animated characters from WONDER, he made sure I had the ability to transport into reality. Not only that, I have the ability to appear in any shape or form I choose.”

  “Like a horse?”

  “Ye…yeees, like a horse. Exactly.”

  “So how does—”

  “Charlie, who on earth are you talking to? The horse?” his fathered interrupted, startling the boy.

  “Wha…what? Who, me?”

  “No, I’m talking to your horse. Of course you, Charlie.”

  “Oh, heh-heh, that’s a good one, Dad.” Quickly thinking, the boy replied, “Actually, I was talking to the horse to keep him company. You know, like we talk to the cats at home.”

  “Well, as long as you don’t expect him to talk back.”

  “Of course not Dad, that would be crazy,” Charlie replied.

  Mr. Z chuckled at the boy’s answer, “I guess your’e right,” he said, brushing it off while continuing to take in nature’s beauty.

  “Whew, that was a close one,” Midnight said. “Way to be on your toes, Charlie. So where were we?”

  “You were telling me about your abilities for transporting into reality?”

  “Oh, yes. So, I can pretty much pop into reality as any type of creature I choose, and at any time I choose, as long as I am only interacting with Frank or chosen guests of his. I think it has something to do with the micro-dream particles he told you about last year? Anyway, back to why I am here.”

  “Is it about Ben and the crystal?”

  “Yes…and no.”


  “All I can tell you now, is that you and your brother are to join us at Raphael’s shop.”

  “And then we will talk about Ben and the crystal?”


  “Now I get it, but—”

  “What is it, Charlie? I sense you still have more to say.”

  “So when are we going to meet up?”

  “Precisely one hour from now.”

  The boy thought for a second. “OK, I’ll figure it out.”

  “Very good. Now, enjoy the rest of your ride.”

  For the short remainder of the trail ride, Charlie and Midnight did not talk.

  As the boy unmounted the horse and started walking away with his family, he looked back. The horse winked.

  Charlie returned the wink with a subtle nod.

  The doors slid open, Charlie and his family boarded the monorail, the doors closed, and the narration began, as the monorail started off for Epcot. Seated across from them was a young lady cast member, who smiled and looked as though she wanted to start a conversation.

  Mrs. Z was happy to oblige. “So what do you do here?” she asked.

  The young cast member gave Charlie’s parents a hypnotic smile, her eyes sparkled and gleamed, as she snapped her fingers with both hands, then replied, “Why it seems like yesterday I just started here, but really…” the cast member flicked her fingers towards the boy’s parents. Instantly, they were thrown into a memory knot.

  Charlie, suspecting what had just happened, looked at each of his parents then turned to the cast member, who’s name tag read, Lucy. “So I take it you are here to help us?”

  “At your service, young man. Frank has told us so much about you and your brother. You know, he really does think a great deal of both of you.”

  “Really? Michael questioned, “cause—”

  Charlie held up a finger to silence his brother. “Will we see him soon?”

  “That I don’t know, but rest assured, he is fully aware of where you are at all times, and is doing what he can to help you succeed.”

  “So you’ve seen him recently?”

  “Why yes, just yesterday we talked.”

  “Well, if you see him soon, could you please pass the word along that we would like to talk to him again before we leave tonight.”

  “Oh, I don’t think you’ll have to worry about that,”
Lucy replied.

  “Really?” the chosen outsider said with a quizzical look.

  “You and your brother better get moving, you don’t want to be late.”

  “Oh, right.” Charlie pushed the watch button, then said, “Take us to Raphael’s workshop.” An orb of light engulfed the boys, sparks flew round.

  “Good luck, Charlie,” the cast member said, waving goodbye.

  The orb around the boys grew brighter, there was a sudden burst, and then they were gone.

  Charlie’s parents remained seated across from Lucy, happily smiling and totally unaware of what had happened. They would remain safely in transit on the monorail until the boys returned.

  “The chosen outsider and his brother have just transported into the watchmaker’s realm. I am most certain they will be teaming up with their little ban of friends and will soon be headed your way,” Elontra said, her face superimposed on the painting above the giant fireplace in Mr. Jollysnap’s, grand dining hall on Mischief Island.

  The fox and Flamario were also present, as all three were enjoying a feast-like meal.

  “We will be ready, Elontra. I have a little surprise all set and ready to go, when they arrive,” Jollysnaps replied.

  “Very good. And just to make sure you do not fail, Dark Thorn Senkrad and I will be joining you.”

  The silver fox nearly choked on a chicken bone, after hearing Elontra’s words. He gave the coachman a look of concern.

  “The more the merrier, ma’am,” the coachman replied, confident they would succeed.

  “Excellent, prepare yourselves. We will arrive shortly.”

  Before Mr. Jollysnaps could get another word in, Elonta’s face vanished from the painting.

  Upon their arrival at Raphael’s workshop, Charlie and Michael were surprised to see Midnight and Alexios already there, discussing a plan of attack to rescue Ben and regain control of the crystal.

  “Ahhhhh, the boys have arrived. So good to see you again,” Raphael said. “Come in and join us. We were just talking about you.”

  Charlie smiled humbly.

  “Please, sit down, sit down, we have much talking to do,” Raphael said, encouraging the boys to take a seat around the dining table.

  Charlie turned to Alexios, who was perched up on the back of his chair. “A most dangerous, evil-ridden, and challenging task, lies ahead young squires.”

  “More so than any you have ever faced before, my young friends,” Raphael added.

  “If we are to succeed in rescuing Ben and regaining control of the crystal, much will be asked, and even more will be expected, from the two of you,” Midnight said.

  “And especially you, Charlie,” Raphael said.

  The owl, cat and watchmaker continued on, explaining every detail, as the animated brothers remained silent and still—staring straight ahead, their eyes glassed over, fearful of what lied ahead.

  Somewhere deep in the woods, at the fork in the path where Charlie and Michael had originally met Featherwink, the three wooden signs stood quietly. There was a sudden flash of blue light, which left behind Charlie, Michael, Alexios and Midnight.

  “Well, here we are,” Midnight said.

  “Our path lies this way,” the owl said, landing on the lake sign.

  “The lake?” Charlie asked.

  “There’s an island, on the far side of the lake,” Midnight said.

  “An island?”

  “Yes, Charlie,” the owl said. “An island known to those in WONDER as Mischief Island.

  “There, inside a mountain, we’ll find the coachman’s mine of golden statues,” Midnight added. “Legend has it, the statues were once playful children that had been instantly turned to gold by a single crack of Mr. Jollysnaps’s magical whip, if they were deemed not worthy of being changed into working mules.”

  “And in this mine of gold, lies the coachman’s holding cells,” Alexios added.

  “Where they’re holding Ben?” Charlie asked.

  “We hope so,” Midnight answered.

  “Why don’t I just use the watch to transport us there?” Charlie asked. “Wouldn’t that be easier?”

  “Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah, they’re expecting that,” Alexios replied.

  “Right,” the cat added. “So we’re going to travel by foot.”

  “And by air,” Alexios said.

  “So we best be on our way,” Midnight said, as he turned and headed down the wooded trail towards the lake.

  Michael and Charlie followed close behind, while the owl kept a sharp eye out from the sky above.

  Back at Raphael’s workshop there was a knock at the door. “Frank, so glad to see you could make it. Please, come in.”

  “Thank you, my old friend,” Frank replied. He curiously stared at the grinning watchmaker. “Is it ready?”

  “Yes, yes, yes. Please, come this way,” Raphael quickly marched towards his shop room. Frank eagerly followed close behind.

  There, sitting on his work bench, highlighted by the soft glow of the candlelight, was a special gift Frank had requested. The old Imagineer picked it up and admired the watchmaker’s craftsmanship with wide open eyes. “It’s perfect.”

  Rays of sunshine cut through the canopy of overhanging trees, as Charlie and the small ban of Patrons continued to make their way through the thick forest, towards the lake.

  “So, does this lake have a name?” Michael asked.

  “Actually, it does not,” Midnight replied, leading the way.

  “A lake with no name? I’ve never heard of such a thing,” Charlie said.

  “Of course you haven’t. You had never heard of WONDER before last year either.”

  “There’s a clearing ahead,” Alexeios shouted down from the sky above, though the others could not see him through the treetops. “Only about a twenty minute walk from here.”

  “Good, cause my feet are killing me,” Michael wined and moaned.

  “If your feet are tired, you could always change into something else, you know,” the cat replied.

  “Change into something else?”

  Midnight rolled his eyes. Fortunately the young boy could not see the feline’s expression.

  “What he means is, we’re in Deep WONDER, so you could change into anything you’re imagination can think up, Michael,” Charlie said. “A squirrel, a rabbit, a unicorn…anything.”

  “If your feet need a rest young man, may I suggest a creature with wings?” the cat said.

  Michael closed his eyes tight and concentrated hard. POOF! Instantly, he changed into a robin. “Hey, it worked. I feel lighter than air.” The boy flew in sporadic circles and loops around Midnight and his brother, who continued to march on.

  “Yes, yes, I can see that,” Midnight said, ignoring the boy’s jubilation. “Now that you can fly, why don’t you go up and give Alexios a little help in the sky.”

  “That’s a great idea.” Filled with excitement, Michael shot through the overhanging trees, high above the forest, where he located the owl—and within seconds, was flying circles around him.

  “Great scats! What on earth is wrong with you, bird?” Alexios screeched, irritated by the strange bird’s actions.

  The robin pulled up next to the great white owl, and matched his flight speed. “It’s me,” the bird said, while glancing over at Alexios.


  “Yeah,” the robin replied.

  Alexios did a double-take, adjusted his glasses, then sighed. “Well, stay close to me young squire. Flying may seem like fun at the moment, but it can become QUITE challenging during times of distress if you don’t have a lot of practice.”

  “Okaaaaaaaaaay,” Michael said, tailing off into a dive, before rising back up to join the owl.

  “Oh brother,” Alexios sighed again.

  “How’s everything going up there?” Charlie called out from below.

  “Splendidly, young squire. Just splendidly,” the owl replied, looking over at the robin.

  Michael responded with a bi
g grin.

  Alexios shook his head, as they flew on towards the clearing.

  The band of crystal seekers had reached the lake with no name. It was much larger than they had expected. In fact, it was so large they could not even see the Island.

  “Where do we go from here?” Charlie asked.

  “Yeah, it looks too far to swim,” Michael added.

  “You’re thinking too much like a human, young fellow,” Midnight replied. “It may be too far for a person, but for a fish, it would be rather easy to swim across.”

  “And to fly across would be just as easy,” Alexios added.

  “Hey…yeah,” Michael replied, suddenly realizing that he was a bird.

  “See,” Midnight said, as he dove towards the water—transforming into a lake trout in midair. SPLASH! Then he surfaced and asked the boy, “So how are you going to get across, Charlie? By water or by air?”

  I think I’ll swim,” the boy replied.

  “Before you do, make sure you put the watch in your pocket for safe keeping,” the cat said.

  “Oh, right.” Charlie removed the watch from his wrist and tucked it into his left pocket before diving into the water with his eyes closed tight. SPLOOSH! For almost a full minute there was nothing…and then, he broke the water’s surface. “I never dreamt this could be so much fun,” he shouted out, splashing and swimming around in a playful manner.

  “Now, now, boy, just because you’re an otter doesn’t mean you get to swim about without worry,” Midnight said.

  Charlie swam up next to Midnight. “Just wanted to try out the new me, but you’re right. I’m sorry. So where do we go from here?”

  “We head east,” Alexios called out from the shoreline, pointing with his right wing across the lake.

  The trout and otter watched from the lake as the majestic owl took off into the sky with Michael following close behind.

  “C’mon lad, it’s time we get moving,” Midnight said.

  The trout and otter swam off through the sun-drenched water, leaving behind a glistening wake, as they caught up to Alexios and Michael.

  “So, no sign of them yet?”

  “No, Senkrad, neither the boy, nor any of his friends, have been spotted on the island yet,” Mr.Jollysnaps replied.


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