“Evening,” greeted Harris as he quickly walked
towards the palace gates. He asked with a rumbling
tone, “shouldn’t you be resting?”
Librye looked towards him, tears filled her eyes
and ran down her cheek. “I don’t want rest.”
A shock of sadness hit Harris as he saw her tears,
he knelt in front of her, the gravel in his knees made
him wince as he did. “What is it?” he softly asked. He
reached out and dried her tears with his gloves.
Librye held her head down, she turned back to the
gate. “I just want to be like that,” she sorrowfully said,
“all that I know, I wish I didn’t, I can bear not
knowing my family, my past, but what am I, Harris,
what kind of creature am I?” She was filled with a
longing to know, she did not care for the graphic state
of how her family were destroyed, she did not care for
the history of Farhope where she was found, she
simply wanted to know, what she was to call herself.
Harris took a deep sigh, he remained on his knees
as she turned back to face him.
“Librye,” he sighed, “so many times, each day, I
have to remind myself you’re only a child,” he softly
said as he looked into her eyes filled with sadness, “I’ll
tell you what you are, Librye. You are not a creature,
never call yourself that.” Harris stood; he was firm
with her. He placed his hand on Librye’s shoulder and
turned her towards the gate. “You are this, Librye,” he
softly said to her as she looked to the children playing.
“You are just as extraordinary as all of those children,
no one is better than anyone, no one is greater than
anyone, they are just as beautiful, just as brave, just as
intelligent,” he said with a low tone, “they are just like
you, the only difference is, you are, Librye, but that
makes them different too.” He crouched by her side.
“You see, Librye, what you are, it doesn’t matter, you
could be fey, torb, Atlanti, feyman, pooka, it doesn’t
matter, what matters, is the choices you make, that is
what makes us.” Harris looked to the children in the
grounds, playing, he could not help but think, he really
should listen to his own advice.
Harris had spent a few days out in the city with
Librye, helping her feel less secluded, whereas it
actually made her feel a lot more different to the other
children, regardless of what Harris, Mord and Brenin
told her, she was different, and she still did not like it.
A pattering rain had kept Harris awake most of the
night. The morning chorus remained silent in the
woods. A lingering air outside was thick with the smell
of leafy decay. Staring at the ceiling, Harris did not
want to get out of bed, sank into his pillow he
remained plain faced. The thought of what Harelda
was telling Branwen had plagued him. Although he
had almost ended the war, he had made the move to
contact his mother, his life had changed beyond
compare, from dark and dusty ale-soaked taverns, to a
lavish and comfortable palace, things just did not seem
to be going right for Harris.
Wandering from his room, Harris stepped directly
into his chambers, still with no boots on, he sat by his
desk and began to pluck through the letters which had
been left by the early morning carriers. He reached
over towards one which had caught his attention, a
green wax seal with the emblem of an eagle.
“Horace!” he excitedly said to himself as he
grabbed the letter. He shot from his desk and
pounded down the stairs. Running to Brenin’s
chambers he burst in. Flailing the letter in the air, he
wore a wide smile. “We have it!” he exclaimed, “Roe
is officially ours.” He slammed the letter onto Brenin’s
Brenin’s wide smile grew as he looked towards
Harris. “I must say, Harris, you never fail to please
me,” his voice broke with excitement as he looked
towards him. “I can’t wait to tell Branwen, she’s
mentioned it a few times.” His high voice seemed to
fill Harris more. “She returns today.”
Harris dropped his excitement slightly, he swayed
by the desk, unable to settle. “Well, anyway,” he
wobbled his head, “the war is over, now we await the
official letter of surrender.”
Brenin’s eyes seemed to twist. “Let’s just hope they
send it,” he said with hope.
Harris could not hold his excitement as he made
his way from the office and towards the kitchens,
taking the letter with him. It had been a while since he
had visited, but he could not wait to break the news.
“The war is over!” he called as he made his way
through the hall. “Roe is ours!” he shouted as the
council left their rooms towards the council hall. They
glared towards him, whispers and talk of the victory
began to fill the hall, hope was mixed with talk of
The kitchens were as lively as ever, Harris stepped
in with his arms out to his side. “I did it, Roe is
officially ours,” he looked to Gethen, stood at his
bench, chopping carrots.
“Did they send a surrender?” he asked as he
turned to see Harris, “where are your shoes?” he was
shocked to see Harris had not even put boots on.
Harris walked towards him; the flagstone floor was
cold but comfortable. “I don’t care,” he laughed, “they
haven’t sent it yet, but now it’s a matter of days.”
“So, you’ve proven your worth,” said Becky,
walking past with a basket of mushrooms. “What now
for The Commander?” she asked, “are you still
needed here?”
“I’m always needed,” laughed Harris, his laughter
soon turned to a strange realisation, “many people
need me, but usually not the right ones.”
“Well, may I be one of the first to congratulate you
on your victory, Commander,” said Gethen, his smile
widened as he came towards Harris.
“I didn’t win it, it isn’t my victory, I simply tried, it
was the victory of Commander Horace, and his army,
not me,” he insisted. Gethen saw the humble look
Harris held.
Making his way from the kitchen, Harris seemed
to bounce as he stepped through the hall, the fountain
seemed more welcoming that day, the hall seemed
brighter, the world seemed kinder. Walking through
the palace hall, Branwen had returned from Sonnin,
Harris forgot himself as he quickly walked towards
her, but she thundered towards him, her face was a
picture of fury.
“How could you?” she screamed, she gave a harsh
slap around his face, forcing an audible, ‘Ooh!’ from
several of the guards. “My mother, Harris!” she
“You’re causing a scene,” Harris quietly said,
“whilst I know you’re angry, I deserve everything you
need to throw at me, here is not the place.” He
widened his deep green eyes, her face melted, her eyes
glared around the room, a few of the councillors froze
at the door, having seen the harsh slap to his face. “My
tower,” he quietly said as she calmed.
He led the way through the east corridor, the
silence between them seemed to leave an ice-cold trail
as she followed him into his chambers. Harris turned
in his chambers to face her. He gave a look of sadness.
“Apologies,” he softly said.
“That is all you have to say?” she asked, unable to
catch her breath through anger.
“It’s all I can say,” he softly replied, “she came into
my room, while I slept, and I’m weak,” he shrugged
his shoulders and tried to defend himself.
Her mouth curled down, and eyes widened. Her
voice was deep and low as she replied, “A weak man
would’ve said no, even to a queen.”
“I am weaker than weak then!” he flailed his arm
up and turned to his desk. “On the bright side, Roe is
ours again,” he mentioned, his humour was lost on
“I couldn’t give a shit, Harris, she is my mother!”
she shouted at him, her eyes seemed to widen more as
she followed him towards the desk. “You asked me
once, if I love Brenin,” she came closer to him, Harris
turned, he placed his hands on the desk at the back of
him. “I’ll ask you the same, do you love her?”
“Of course not!” blasted Harris as he turned his
head away.
She drew closer, her body pressed against his, her
eyes softened as she looked to him, filled with hate
and rage. “I loved you once, Harris,” she whispered,
“I gave myself to the man I love, but he is dead to me
His role was fulfilled, but his life was broken, he
awaited the letter of surrender, which never arrived.
The tower was slowly turning to a place of cold
reminders, it had been less than a year since he had
arrived in Cronnin, and in less than a year, he had
ended all battles across Cammbour, but his pride was
in tatters, all rumours began to die within the palace,
all talk of Harris and Harelda lasted less than a turn,
but to Branwen, their relations had ruined her.
With the palace settled, Branwen and Harris
remained apart. Brenin had not noticed the downfall
of his friends as he remained at his desk, searching
through papers.
A scream woke the rest of the early morning
palace. Brenin shot from his desk, Harris pounded
down the stairs, Branwen shot from her room, Mord
and Maple pelted from the kitchens. Librye continued
screaming, Harris was the first to get there as he burst
into the room, two guards were stood by Librye’s bed,
keeping her as calm as possible. Harris ran to the bed,
she clung to his arm. Panicked, he glared towards
Brenin and Branwen as they thundered through the
“What happened?” asked Harris as he held Librye
Librye was still shaking, terrified of the secret she
had been told. Her eyes poured with tears. Brenin and
Branwen stood by the foot of the bed. Slowly, Librye
looked up to Harris, clinging to his arm, she glared
forward. “They took them all,” she whispered.
A dark night had settled over the sleepy temple
town of Ossenlaw, the land was sacred, dedicated to
serving the gods, the sharmas and priests, alchemist
and druids continued their night of serving. A mist
began to drift towards them from the south, the sound
of heavy rumbling followed. The black dragons of old,
followed the Atlanti in their fury, Gaius had gathered
them all, for their battle with the gods, if they had
favoured Harris Bearwood, he would declare war on
the gods.
The temples of Ossenlaw were stricken with blood
drenched fury. Some of the women were taken to the
island of Crede, off the northern coast, men were
butchered where they stood, hands, arms, legs, and
heads quivered on the ground as the gobgee raged by,
feasting on the fresh, dead flesh. The war was far from
over, it had only just begun. Sirrona, Olwen, Sulis and
Brighid, the four temple daughters of Harelda
Duirwud were caught in the Atlanti fury.
Librye had seen it all, she had felt it all, she could
still smell the raging fires, the thick blood. Ossenlaw
was taken, the war was not over, Harris had begun a
fury the likes the world had never seen.
The End
Book Two Into the Shadows
A great lady once said, ‘Don’t hold that one
back, she’ll be a writer one day.’ Those
words were directed towards a six-year-old,
words of wisdom indeed.
In a world surrounded by such support how
could I ever feel alone, my deepest gratitude
to Malcolm Burton and Kath Barber who,
despite having all the reasons to, never gave
up on me, and pushed me to my very limit
while allowing me to become the wild child
many know me as today.
My dedicated husband, to whom I owe
everything, thanking you would seem like a
drop in the ocean for the years of support
you have shown me.
My ever-growing community of supporters,
as well as the customers who I have come to
call friends, thank you for your
encouragement and support.
Maxim La Lau, an audio artist who placed a
heartbeat into each written word, thank you.
Jo Blackey, whose endless talent has kept the
pages flowing, thank you.
Books by this author
Cammbour World of War Into
The Shadows
Cronnin struggles to bring an end to the on-going
war. Harris Bearwood's failure must be rectified.
The kingdoms must unite, to bring the world
Time is no longer on their side. An heir is needed,
but an heir is not always wanted. True colours
show from those who would see the atlanti in
control of Cammbour.
The fey are failing, but a new king is needed,
Harris's priorities change, time is a healer of
A throne without a king is just a seat.
Cammbour World of War The
Broken and alone, Librye must now make her own
The fractured remains of Cammbour speak to her,
she is a lonely creature, a frightening myth, and just
as broken as the world around her.
The Brotherhood awakens, protecting the land
from the invading forces, even creatures they were
once against, become their allies in their gripping
quest for peace.
he dragons will fly, when the king is found.
Cammbour World of War The
Promised King
As the world stirs, the dragons of old awaken.
The Promised King must be returned to Cronnin,
to take his rightful place beside the throne of King
Brenin Oakwood.
Harris Bearwood must now step into his former
self, while remaining in the shadow of Regan
Around every corner, they must learn what is
The war has worsened, their struggle goes on, it is
now left with their Promised King to guide them.
Dorcha Mae Apha has risen, with a legitimate claim
to the Kingdom of Arktos, death follows in her
Some will fall, but others will rise.
Cammbour World of War
Rage and fury fuel him now, as Regan journeys to
Evenmouth to end the battle once and for all.
The Brotherhood must find the heir to the throne
of Arktos before the death of the queen, else
Dorcha Mae Apha will take her seat upon the
frozen throne.
He is not the same, raised by the commander, the
shadow, he is ready to take on the world, and he is
ready to end the battle, only then can the war
He knows his enemy well.
The beauty in the world he sees is failing, death
must be chased from the lands, Regan will become
everything the world needs him to be.
The Hangman’s Turn
In the Town of Nottingham, 1810, a new
opportunity presents itself to the higher classes;
industry begins filling the town of Nottingham.
The aristocracy rules the weak and vulnerable, all
from the comfort of the Lion's Chambers
Gentleman's Club.
Town executioner, George Smith, has seen some
of the worst villains within the walls of
Nottingham Gaol, robbers, thieves, highwaymen,
rapists, and murderers. At the end of George's rope,
they all meet their fate. With the town changing,
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