One Good Favor

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One Good Favor Page 3

by J. L. Langley

  An arm wrapped around his waist and a warm, hard body pressed up against Evan’s back, keeping him from falling.

  Evan gasped and grabbed the muscled forearm looped around him.

  “Looking for something, cowboy?” A soft, deep voice purred into his ear.

  Evan shivered as the hot breath caressed his cheek.

  The man started walking them toward the wall as his hand snaked down, pressing Evan’s hips back against him. He moved forward, nestling his front to Evan’s ass. There was no mistaking the hard prick touching Evan.

  “I’m looking for someone.” Evan whispered and glanced down to see if he could make out the color of the man’s shirt under the red light. He couldn’t. Turning his head, he tried to glance over his shoulder, but the man’s head was too close, all he saw was the couple kissing next to them.

  “I’d say you found him.” The gruff voice rasped into Evan’s ear making his cock throb. Damn, that voice. Not much of a drawl, but it was deep and sexy. He sounded like Josh Turner. God, Evan loved the country singer’s voice. How many times had he jerked off to Josh’s “Your Man?”

  He maneuvered Evan up next to a wall. “Put your hands on the wall.”

  Evan hesitated. What if it wasn’t his cowboy?

  The man nipped Evan’s neck, hard enough that the pressure shot right through his body, leaving goose bumps in its wake. “Put your hands on the wall.” He said again in reprimand.

  Oh God, Evan loved a commanding, confident man. His cock jerked and his stomach tensed. His body got all shivery.

  The warm whisper of breath touched Evan’s cheek, then his companion bent and kissed the skin of Evan’s neck, exposed above the collar of his Texas flag shirt. Their hats hit and Evan’s fell from his head. He reached for it, but his savior caught it first and held it up toward the wall.

  There was a peg about a foot over their heads to the left of them. Evan stared as his hat came to rest on the peg. Nifty. It made sense, this was a western bar and cowboy hats did tend to get in the way.

  Before Evan could drop his outstretched hand, his wrist was seized in a strong, warm palm. His other wrist soon joined it, then both were pushed above his head against the smooth, cool wall.

  A light-colored hat brim appeared out of the corner of Evan’s eye as the man licked up the side of his face from his jawbone to his cheekbone. “Be still, Tex.” He pressed his hips against Evan’s ass again, mashing Evan’s own throbbing prick into the wall.

  The pressure on his cock felt good. Evan groaned and pushed backwards a little. He straightened his arms so he could press further back against his companion, letting the man’s warmth sink into him, feeling the hard prick against his ass cheek. It was like a branding iron garnering all of Evan’s attention. It felt huge. Evan groaned and rocked back.

  “Mmm… You like that?” The man reached around and squeezed Evan’s cock through his jeans.

  Evan gasped and thrust into the touch. His dick twitched, begging for attention. The sounds and smells of sex surrounded them, adding to the excitement. Evan was too caught up in the feel of his cowboy touching him to speak. He should ask the man’s name, find out why he hadn’t approached Evan before. Maybe Mark was right and he’d been watching Evan. At least Evan hoped it was his cowboy. At this point it didn’t really matter, he was too far gone to care. His balls were so tight, he wanted to come…needed it.

  The hand left his prick and fumbled with his belt. The heavy buckle jangled free, hitting Evan’s hip, and the nimble fingers started working on his pants. He should help, but his wrists were still caught and held against the wall. He was certain he could get away if he wanted to, the grip wasn’t that tight, but he didn’t want to. The need for someone else to take charge for a change was overwhelming.

  The warm hand wormed into his briefs and wrapped around his cock. “So fucking hard.” The thumb swiped over the head, smearing precome Evan hadn’t even known was there. “Tell me you want it.” The sexy voice rumbled in his ear.

  Evan nodded, dipping his head back and letting it fall on the other man’s shoulder. He stared up at a pale, felt cowboy hat brim and a dark chin. “Yes.” He’d never had a lover take over so completely, it was exciting. Somehow he’d known his mystery man would just sweep him away and take what he wanted, what they both wanted.

  His cowboy released his hands and let go of his prick. He pushed Evan’s pants and underwear down over his hips. “Spread your legs to keep your jeans from falling all the way down. The Great Spirit only knows what’s on this floor.”

  Evan spread his thighs and reached for his throbbing cock as he heard the clink of a belt buckle and rustle of clothes.

  “I didn’t say you could move your hands, Tex.” The sound of something—a condom wrapper?—being torn came from behind Evan. Then his cowboy’s breath danced across his cheek and his hat brim once again appeared in Evan’s line of sight. “Put them back on the wall.”

  Evan shivered and his balls drew tighter at the smooth, cocky voice. It was a difficult command to obey with his prick already dripping. The room was fairly warm, but the air felt cool on his heated skin, more so where precome had trickled from the tip and down his shaft. The hairs on Evan’s legs stood out and a tremble raced up his spine. He slapped his palms against the wall. “Hurry.”

  “Mmm… That’s a good boy.”

  Something wet slid up Evan’s crease to find his hole. It was small like a finger.


  As Evan let out the breath he was holding, the finger slipped in. It didn’t hurt, but it had been awhile since he’d done this.

  Cowboy pulled his finger free, then his hand appeared and tapped at Evan’s lips. “Get them wet.” He pushed two long fingers into Evan’s mouth.

  Evan’s eyes widened, but he sucked both fingers, getting them good and wet. It was such a primal act. The taste was tangy, not what he’d expected. Evan’s cock jerked again. Damn, he was so hard. He moaned around the fingers, wishing like hell his cowboy would grab his cock again.

  Pulling his fingers from Evan’s lips, the taller man grabbed his hip with the other hand. His wet fingertips trailed across Evan’s ass before pushing against his hole. When they slid in, Evan groaned and moved back toward them, his body on fire. Fuck, that feels good.

  “That’s it, move with me.”

  Sweat dotted Evan’s forehead, he squeezed his eyes shut and concentrated on the feel of those long fingers in his ass. His cock bobbed up and down as he moved.

  His cowboy moaned in his ear and pulled his fingers free. The tip of the cowboy’s cock touched him, sliding up and down the crack of his ass. When it found his hole, it pushed slowly and steadily inside.

  Evan’s breath hitched. The slight stinging feeling he expected was way more intense than he’d anticipated, but not enough to make his erection flag. His companion was freaking huge.

  “Breathe, Evan.” An arm wrapped around Evan’s chest, rubbing softly. That sexy-as-sin voice crooned to him, telling him to relax and telling him how hot he was. Then his cowboy’s free hand wrapped around his prick and squeezed. Denim touched Evan’s bare ass and his lover stilled. He licked up Evan’s neck to his jaw. The pinch of pain receded as tall, dark and handsome worked Evan’s cock with one hand and slipped his other down Evan’s chest to his hip.

  The tingly feeling intensified in Evan’s ass and his cock jerked against the palm holding it. Pleasure coiled tight in his balls. Damn, he couldn’t believe he was doing this.


  “Oh, hell yes.” He pushed back.

  A groan flooded his ear then his partner started moving, thrusting hard and fast.

  Evan thrust too. Sweat trickled down his chest making his shirt stick to him. His cowboy let go of Evan’s dick and clutched his hips in a punishing grip. He fucked Evan hard and deep, all the while maneuvering Evan until he was bent over with just his hands on the wall for support.

  Using the wall as leverage, Evan shoved backward. He was so close. He
needed more. If he could only— His lover moved just right, the head of his prick rubbing against Evan’s gland.

  Evan’s whole body tightened. He actually felt faint for a moment. He reached down with one hand and tugged his cock. Once, twice…that was all it took, his balls drew up, his ass clenched and his cock spewed. He barely heard his partner groaning out his own release.

  Bent double, Evan panted, trying to get his wits about him as his cowboy’s cock slipped out of him. He heard the jingle of a belt, saw his companion’s hands fastening his pants, then all the other sounds came back to him. He was in the back room of a bar, dripping with come and his ass hanging out.

  Evan stood.

  A hard arm encircled him. Denim pressed against one ass cheek and his lover slid almost beside him.

  Evan saw a flash of white, or gray, as the man pulled off his hat. He caught Evan’s chin and melded their lips together. Evan squeezed his eyes shut and threw himself into the kiss. It was rough and possessive and took Evan’s breath away.

  Their tongues tangled as they filled one another’s mouths with moans. Then as suddenly as it began, it ended.

  The tall, dark stranger kissed one of Evan’s eyelids, then the other. “Pull up your pants, Evan, the floor likely has cum all over it.” He stepped back, releasing Evan, and put his hat back on his head.

  Shit! Evan reached for his jeans, jerking them and his underwear up over his hips. He knew damned well his own spunk was on the floor. He buttoned his fly and fastened his belt, trying not to think about it. Then it dawned on him. The man had called him by name. He knew Evan, even if Evan didn’t know him.

  It was way past time they talk. Evan looked up, to thank his lover and finally ask the man his name.

  His cowboy was nowhere in sight.

  Chapter Four

  At least the music was good. Who was he kidding? Evan sighed, his shoulders slumping. His mystery man was nowhere in sight. Evan had been here for a good three hours and there was no sign of his tall, dark and handsome cowboy. He should just call it a night. Every time he’d seen the tall drink of water, he’d come into whatever bar they’d gone to shortly after Evan and his friends. They’d gotten into town earlier in the afternoon, so he hadn’t had a chance to look for a gay bar.

  Besides, he was tired. Okay, fine, he was brooding. He’d been hoping to run into the man again. He couldn’t stop thinking about that last night in Tulsa. It was like the man had read Evan’s mind, like he’d known him forever. Hell, the guy had even known Evan’s name. Evan could still feel that huge cock in his ass a day later. He wasn’t sore exactly, but there was a nice reminder of the night before every time he moved. Damn, that had been amazing.

  A tall, familiar-looking cowboy, a bulldogger Evan thought, walked by on his way to the bar and mumbled rather loudly, something about faggots masturbating horses. Asshole.

  Evan took another swig of his beer and slumped back against the bar, he was getting maudlin. He should really go check on Gus before the stables locked up at midnight, but he had to wait for Mark. Traveling all day yesterday, then spending the evening getting Gus settled into the rent stables and today’s qualifying round had him beat.

  Riding the circuit and rooming with Mark kept Evan from being lonely and helped with money, but on the occasion that one of them found a bedmate for the evening or just wanted to be alone, it sorta sucked. Like now. Tired or not, Evan’s truck was their only transportation and he couldn’t very well leave Mark here and go back to the motel.

  Mark was two-stepping with Doreen. He didn’t look ready to leave anytime soon.

  Someone bumped into Evan’s arm, sloshing his beer. He brushed the splatters of beer off his shirt and looked up a nicely muscled blue-plaid-clad arm to an equally impressive chest, then met glaring hazel eyes under a black cowboy hat.

  It was Jeff Benson, one of the bull riders. If he didn’t have such an attitude problem he might actually be a good-looking guy. The buckle bunnies seemed to find him pleasant enough, but he hadn’t spoken two words to Evan in the three years he’d been on the circuit. He never missed a chance to glare at Evan, though.

  “What are you doing here, fag?” Jeff snarled.

  Evan held up his beer and tipped his head. Just because Jeff was an ass didn’t mean he had to be. Mama always said politeness was the best way to deal with rude people. Oh fuck that. So he was gay, big deal. It didn’t give Jeff or anyone else an excuse to act like a dickhead to him. The man should apologize for spilling Evan’s beer. Besides, a good fight would likely get him out of here, where he was tired of being. “Having a beer…asshole.”

  Jeff’s eyes widened. Apparently, he hadn’t expected Evan to stand up to him.

  Why did macho—more brawn than brains—cowboys think gay equaled sissy? It was a stupid mistake on their part. Evan had grown up on a farm, just like most of them, and was no stranger to hard work and hard living. He’d been in more than his share of fights growing up. He stood straighter and moved his bottle to his other hand, in case he had to take a swing.

  “Pfft.” The bull rider shook his head. With one last glare, he ordered himself a beer and ignored Evan. Which was probably for the best, Evan didn’t know if he had enough bail money in the rodeo fund right now.

  He finished off his longneck and looked at his watch, still keeping tabs on Jeff out of the corner of his eye. Damn, today sure seemed longer than normal. He and Mark had qualified for the next round but they’d ridden late in the day. They’d gotten a decent time, but by no means their best.

  “I know that look.” Mark sidled up to the bar between Evan and Jeff, holding up a finger at the bartender. “Bud Light.” He tossed a few bucks on the bar and grinned at Evan.

  “What look?”

  “The Evan Marshal I’m-bored-and-ready-to-leave-look.”

  Evan chuckled. “I had no idea I was so transparent.”

  Mark shrugged. “Well, I’ve been your friend since we were in elementary school.” That much was true. They grew up about a mile apart from one another and started roping together in junior high school. “Go on and get outta here, I’m going back to Doreen’s room. I’ll catch up with you tomorrow at the arena.” Mark waggled his eyebrows and took his beer from the bartender.

  Mark glanced over his other side at Doreen, who was sitting at a table on the edge of the dance floor with her friends.

  Evan looked too and noticed that Jeff was gone.

  Mark turned his attention back to Evan, a big grin splitting his face.

  “All right, if you’re sure Doreen is taking you back to her motel, I’m leaving.”

  “Hmmm…” Mark’s face scrunched up and his brow wrinkled. “Maybe you should look around, see if you can find some company?”

  Evan leveled a stare at his buddy. Mark knew his rule about hitting on men in honky tonks.

  “Fine.” Mark nodded. “I’m sure. Go.”

  Evan slapped Mark on the shoulder. “See ya tomorrow.” Before Mark decided to say something else, Evan hightailed it out of the bar.

  On the way back to the rent stables, Evan detoured by a convenience store to buy Reese’s peanut-butter cups, peppermints and a sixteen-ounce bottle of Coke.

  Not surprising, when he got to the stable it was empty of people. It was late, about thirty minutes before the stable locked up for the night. Everybody had gone out to celebrate their wins or moved on if they hadn’t qualified.

  This was one of the nicer rent stables on the circuit. It smelled of sweet feed, oats, hay, sawdust, leather…horses, it smelled like horses. Evan loved the smell, it reminded him of home.

  The stables had painted cinderblock box stalls in the center of the building and nicer, wooden stalls along the perimeter of the building. Evan had paid the twenty extra dollars and rented one of the bigger stalls on the far wall. He’d had to skimp on his last couple of meals to afford it, but Gus was worth the extra money.

  As close as it was to closing time, the lights were also dimmed. It was almost cozy. Gus mig
ht be asleep. One thing about Gus, there was no sleeping standing up for him. He sprawled out and got comfortable. Evan grinned. His horse was truly unique and it wasn’t only his unusual coloring. Although not many horses were blue-eyed.

  Evan walked down the aisle where Gus’s stall was and blinked, he could swear there was someone standing in the stall. “Hey!” The person had black hair, Evan could only see the top of his head. “Hey! What are you doing?” His stomach tightened and heat raced up his body. Clinching his fists, Evan ran. What was that man doing with his horse? His boots clicked on the cement, echoed loudly and nearly kept time with his thundering heartbeat.

  When he got within ten feet of the stall, Gus stuck his head out over the door as far as he could get it, looking for Evan.

  Evan didn’t slow down. He grabbed the latch and threw the sliding door open.

  There was no one in there but Gus.

  Hmmm… Okay, he was seeing things.

  Gus butted his head up against Evan’s chest, looking for attention.

  “Hey, boy.” Evan chuckled, patted the black neck and leaned on the doorframe. “Man, my imagination is running away with me.” Whew, that gave him a scare. Evan let himself take a deep breath in an effort to calm his racing pulse.

  “Got something for you.” He held up the bag of peppermints and Reese’s. After dropping the peanut-butter cups into his shirt pocket, he balanced his drink on the part of the sliding half-door that was still sticking out and tore open the bag of candy for Gus.

  Prancing in place, Gus flipped his head in greeting to Evan.

  It was nice to be loved. Evan pulled out two mints and began unwrapping them. A hot puff of air blew over his cheek as Gus stepped closer, then a warm, wet tongue lapped over his jaw.

  Okay, maybe there was such a thing as too much love. “Ugh. I hate it when you do that. You’re not a dog, dang it.” Bending his head to the side, he rubbed his face on Gus’ shoulder. “You are so strange sometimes.”


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