Endless Abduction

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Endless Abduction Page 64

by Gloria Martin

  Darlene blushed, but was also dumbfounded. She wondered, is this some kind of marriage proposal? Until this point, Darlene never considered the idea that Pete wanted something long-term with her. There was no denying the attraction they shared, but in Darlene’s heart she feared to get attached to him.

  “I can be the woman you need,” she said.

  “I know you can.”

  “I can be more than that, too.”

  “I know you can.” His lips lingered inches away from hers. “But I’m not just proposing that you and I become an item.”

  Pete lowered himself down to the ground, and balanced himself on one knee. He looked up at her, and smiled with his eyes wide. Darlene was now entranced in the way the moon shone in his eyes.

  “I know we rushed into things, Darlene,” Pete laughed. “I know some people would call us fools for that. But if we’re going to live this life together, I promise you that I will take care of you and love you until I die. With you by my side I feel like I can run the world. I feel like I can be the best man I can be. I want to cherish you, Darlene. I want to spend every dollar and then some on you. Hell, I’ll move to Detroit and rob every bank in the Great Lakes area with your father, if that’s what you wanted.”

  Darlene’s face grew hot, even in the cool, salty air. All of a sudden she felt the moisture rising behind her eyes, and the tears welled up like raindrops falling down her cheek.

  “Darlene, I know that we just met,” Pete went on, “But I would love nothing more than to take your hand in marriage. Will you marry me, Darlene?”

  Pete’s words echoed in the silence of the night, and forever after in Darlene’s ears. There had been men in her life who had confessed her love to her before, but none of them like this. None them ever officially got down on one knee and proposed to her. Darlene felt like she was stuck in that continuous dream. She was nearly convinced that she was still in Detroit, fast asleep or potentially in a coma, and that this gorgeous man kneeling below, and Los Angeles, and the boat, the money, and the dead guy in her apartment—all of it was a dream. How could it be real?

  But it is real, she thought. This wasn’t exactly the life she imagined, but somehow it seemed like something better. It was the perfect synthesis of her old life and her new life. She realized that Pete was still kneeling, and that all of her thinking had left him hanging.

  “Yes, Pete. I’ll marry you. I’ll be the woman in your life. And I want you to be the man in my life.”

  Pete stood up and looked toward his new fiancé’s beautiful, moonlit face. It took no time for their lips to find each other’s, and as Darlene opened her mouth to take in Pete’s tongue, the salt of her tears was shared between both of them. In the friction of their kiss, Darlene was blindsided by a surge of lust that came over her. Pete was now going to be her man for life. They were going to get married. The fact that he wanted her in such a way made Darlene pulsate with joy.

  “I need you right now, Pete,” Darlene said. She had only been intimate with him the one time, and if that and a few days of romantic drama was enough for Pete to fall for her, then she’d have to consummate it right away. If she was going to marry this man, she needed to please him. She needed to feel him inside of her. She needed to taste him this time.

  Since he had just knelt down on the one knee for her, she felt like it was her turn. With Pete standing up, it was Darlene’s turn to drop to her knees. She felt the cool wood of the boat under her knees. A wad of cash rested uncomfortably under her leg until she kicked it aside. It went overboard, and Darlene nearly choked.

  “Don’t worry, baby,” Pete said. He put his hand on the back of her head. “I’m not worried about it. I’m more interested in what you’re about to do to me.”

  Darlene smiled. That comment made her feel like more than the amount of money she just put into the ocean. The thought of the green paper becoming useless fled from her mind—her attention was back to Pete’s body. Reaching her hands forward she smoothed her hands along the backside of his Armani pants. Staring at where his dick rested behind the pants and underwear, Darlene sat there on her knees licking her lips. She wanted Pete to look at her. She wanted Pete to see how much she craved him in her mouth.

  “I love you, Darlene,” Pete moaned.

  “I love you too, baby,” Darlene said. She looked into his eyes and imagined the life of danger they would indulge in, licked her lips, and then gave him her mouth.


  Bonus Story 19 of 40

  Alien’s Accidental Queen


  I stood at the foot of my father’s throne and looked up through the circular window above. The light of the setting sun shone directly through it, haloing me in light. It was my time to step forward and be no more my father’s heir, but take up the throne as king of Avant.

  “Rod, walk with me son,” my father’s gravelly voice sounded from behind me, and I was pulled from my reverie.

  “Father, you named me yourself, you know I prefer Roderick,” I said.

  I turned around to walk with him from the marble throne room and out into the courtyard. The cool season was chasing away the warmer weather across Avant, and soon the colors of the trees would change. It was the perfect season for taking the throne and I was certain that my father wanted to discuss my crowning ceremony.

  “Roderick, I want to discuss your role as heir,” my father said. King Rylen, was a tall and statuesque male. He never spoke without deliberation and, therefore, always had wise things to say. He wasn’t one to waste your time with conversation. I had grown to know my father well in observing him over the years, while learning to become a great leader. He had not yet set the date for passing on the crown and I wondered why it took him this long even to speak with me on the matter.

  “What of it father?” I asked, and he sighed as we slowly made our way around the perimeter of the diamond courtyard.

  “Well I know you are expecting to take the throne soon, the court expects you to take the throne soon, as do the people, but Roderick…” he paused, and ran his hand through his shoulder-length silver hair. My father and I looked very much alike. We both had tall, impressive builds. I had the same sun-touched skin tone as him, and I had his diamond shaped face and angular features. My dirty blond hair and golden eyes were from my mother, whereas my father used to have brown hair before it all turned and his eyes were a piercing silver color. They were even more striking that his hair was silver as well.

  “You know you have a strong personality, though it is not a bad thing. The people respect you, and you have proven yourself on many occasion. For the purpose of keeping our line in power, you must be able to produce an heir.” My father’s words weren’t what I had been expecting at all. I was shocked and that is not an easy feat for me.

  “You question my… ability to… preform with a female?” I asked him slowly and incredulously.

  “No, no, no. I question your ability to find a wife and keep one Roderick.” My father said bluntly, and I fell silent while I thought about what he said.

  “In order for me to take the throne, you would have me first find a wife?” I asked and he nodded.

  “Yes precisely. That way the people can see you aren’t a calculating and decisive brute who simply thinks with logic and has little time for personal connections or common courtesy,” my father said, blunt as always.

  “I see what you mean father. And I suppose finding a wife would not be a waste. It is a necessary addition,” I said, and my father laughed while he shook his head at me fondly.

  “Tonight, go and visit the taverns and dancing halls with your close generals and go with the intention of finding a woman!” he slapped me on the back once, and then laughed at me again before he turned to leave the courtyard in the direction of the main grounds.

  I sighed quietly and then ground my teeth together. Finding a wife had been the last thing on my mind. My own father didn’t have to find a wife when he had been given the crown. Why was he f
orcing me to now?

  “Ah, I hope you forgive me for overhearing that my lord, but I know just the dancing hall where women are plenty,” said the familiar voice of my closest friend and general of the first quarter, Kaden. He emerged from the shadows with his usual knowing smirk. He was in full uniform wearing slim, armored white pants with his official light grey jacket decorated with his rankings.

  “Kaden you have an uncanny ability for overhearing,” I replied.

  “It’s a gift really. So what do you say? You do want to be king, don’t you?” he asked. I supposed I did, so I needed to take the finding a wife business seriously.

  “Fine, I will accompany you,” I said. Kaden clapped his arm against my shoulder in good humor.

  “Wonderful, but no guards. The women will be wary to come onto you,” Kaden said. Kaden was by no means an ugly male. He had kingly good looks and bright amethyst colored eyes that drew plenty of females’ attention. I wondered often if that sometimes affected his intelligence.

  “Precisely Kaden. Why would I want a person climbing onto me?” I asked, and he burst into laughter.

  “I said come onto you. As in approaching you and introducing themselves with romantic intent. Honestly, how is it you’ve lived so long without knowledge of a female?” Kaden teased. I shrugged his arm off me in annoyance.

  “I have knowledge of females. Courting them is the question,” I stated.

  “No matter. That will all change after tonight. If you do not find yourself a wife, then you will at least find a woman to ‘court,’” he said.

  Then saluted me before going on his way. I figured there must have been a meeting for the generals since he walked off in the direction of the council rooms. I wondered how things would go that night with Kaden, there was bound to be an adventure as long as I was letting him take me around.


  The dancing hall was loud and dimly lit. I stood just behind the reserved partition and observed couples dancing on the large circular floor in the center of the large space. Surrounding the dance floor was seating and bars, on a raised upper level. Kaden was seated on a plush couch with two females, who were equally vying for his attention and each becoming bolder with their hands.

  I shook my head and then stepped forward. The guards pulled back the partition so that I could walk freely through the rest of the hall. I decided to get a drink for myself and made my way to the nearest bar. People noticed who I was as I walked past them. Is Prince Roderick actually visiting a dance hall? No doubt I was the topic of multiple conversations in the room. I reached the half-circle shaped bar and took a seat between two females. They both glanced at me as I sat and lifted my finger for the attention of a spirit tend.

  “You’re Prince Roderick.” her voice was nasally. Her tone was too nosy. I looked to the female on my right. She was pleasing enough; soft features, doe-like caramel colored eyes, and long, dark violet colored hair that fell down to a small, shapely waist. Her skin was the color of her eyes and made them appear striking.

  “I am, and you are?” I tried for polite and she smiled at me enthusiastically. I found it odd and more unsettling than her voice.

  “I am Chrysene,” she said. I gave her a nod of my head and a small smile. Thankfully, the spirit tend came to me then and I asked for the strongest drink she could come up with. Once she walked away from me, Chrysene spoke once more. “What brings you out and about tonight, my lord?” she asked. I glanced at her.

  “Please, call me Roderick,” I said, and she perked up as if I had bestowed upon her a great gift.

  “So, what brings you here tonight…Roderick?” she asked, as she leaned in too closely. I sighed. This female was a bit too eager for my taste.

  “I am out with my First General out of obligation to a dare. I am sure you will want to go and gossip that bit of news. Off you go.” I dismissed her. She blinked at me in confusion for a moment, before she got up and stormed off.

  “Well that was rude,” the other female sitting next to me spoke up, and her voice, thankfully, was not nasally or prying. I looked at her and realized she was more attractive than the first. With golden tanned skin, long wheat colored waves, and aquamarine eyes. Her features were vaguely feline, but beautiful none-the-less. I hoped she would be better at conversation than the last one.

  “I’m sure you could tell that she was a gossip,” I said and she smirked.

  “That I could. I am Verruka. It is a pleasure to be in your presence Prince Roderick,” she said, with a genuine curious smile. I inclined my head and took the glass the spirit tend offered to me with a slight bow. I took a sip, the liquid felt and tasted like fire. I liked it. “Have you been to dance yet?” Verruka asked me, and I looked at her and chuckled.

  “I do not dance,” I stated. Verruka nodded slowly and took a sip from her own glass. I looked at what she was wearing, it was a tight dress the color of gold and it dipped low in the front to expose a portion of her breasts.

  “Might I ask why you actually came to a dance hall then?” she asked. I took a longer drink of the fire in my glass.

  “Because I was invited and I’ve never been,” I said. She finished her drink then stood abruptly.

  “Well then, you must experience a dance hall for the first time properly! Come and dance with me!” She beckoned and I hesitated. I glanced over at Kaden and quickly turned my head back to Verruka. “It’s seems like your general friend is quite occupied. Come, I won’t bite, my lord,” she said.

  She took my hand to pull me to the lower level of pulsing bodies moving to some sultry beat that was inherently sexual. Verruka slid her hands against my chest and I looked down at her, admittedly at a loss.

  “Don’t worry, just move to the rhythm, Roderick,” she said. I took a deep breath. I was uncomfortable with the entire ordeal as it was. I removed Verruka’s hands from my chest. She looked up at me, squinting her eyes and forehead.

  “I must go, excuse me,” I told her, and made my way back to the reserved area to tell one of the guards to inform Kaden that I had left. I was brought back to the palace in one of the official vehicles and made my way to the Royal Family wing.

  I entered my suite and walked through the small parlor so I could get some air on the balcony. I found my mother seated on one of the chaises, reading a book, still in evening clothes.

  “Mother. I…did not expect to find you here,” I said.

  She smiled at me before getting up to kiss me on both cheeks. My mother was beautiful in an ethereal sense. She carried herself regally when appropriate and seemed to hardly age. Her golden eyes were bright with intelligence and she saw much when it came to my father and me. There was no female I held in higher regard than my mother.

  “Yes well, I thought I would wait up for you, when you inevitably came back from the dance hall,” she said and smiled. I smirked. My mother knew me too well.

  “You know I never found those places to be appealing,” I said.

  “I think your father was wrong in how he told you to find a mate. Would you be open to my setting you up once or twice?” she asked and I hesitated.

  “Roderick, your father will not bend. He wants you to find a wife. The people think you may be too logical and militaristic as a leader,” she said.

  I pressed my lips together and then nodded. “Fine, you can set me up, but no one with a nasal voice,” I said, and she laughed.

  “I promise.” she kissed me on the cheek once more before she picked up her book and silently left.


  Upon waking and readying myself for the day there was a note in my dressing room from my mother that stated the time and place for the ‘date’ she set up for me. I was to have breakfast with General Tarsis’ daughter on the veranda. I had met Arielle before at many court gatherings and events. She was attractive, but I couldn’t recall if I had any lasting conversations with her.

  Once I was dressed, I crossed the palace to the east gardens and saw Arielle seated at a table set for two. She was loo
king out at the gardens.

  “Well, good morning, Arielle,” I said tentatively. She turned quickly to smile at me, as I approached.

  She bowed and said, “Good morning, My Lord. I hope you slept well.”

  I smiled at her politely as I remembered that Arielle was the one who was exceptionally well at small talk and not much else. I sat down across from her. A small breakfast was laid out; eggs, fruit, cheeses, bread.

  “Your mother tells me that you will soon be taking the crown and stepping in for King Rylen,” she said conversationally and I nodded.

  “Yes, but my father isn’t so keen on passing over the crown just yet,” I said without thinking, and Arielle looked at me curiously. I had given too much away. I barely knew her. What if she went gossiping about what I had just told her?

  “I, ah…he wants me to marry before I take over the throne,” I murmured, and Arielle smiled at me with a tilt of her head, as if she found the idea amusing.

  “That will be a feat indeed. Have you had any luck so far?” she asked and I immediately wondered what she meant by her comment.

  “Why would it be a feat?” I asked defensively. Arielle stared at me.

  “I only meant…finding a wife, in general, for anyone…would be difficult,” she stuttered. I crossed my arms over my chest.

  “I am not anyone. When I am ready to find a wife, I will,” I said. Arielle opened her mouth and closed it, at a loss for words.

  “I meant no offense, My Lord,” she said softly. I stood to leave.

  “If you will excuse me, I have business to attend to,” I said, and left the veranda and the gardens. I was going to look for my father in the throne room. My mother intercepted me in the courtyard.

  “Roderick, I expected you to be at breakfast with Arielle. What are you doing here?” I shook my head and sighed in frustration.


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