Endless Abduction

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Endless Abduction Page 87

by Gloria Martin

  I had just pulled the blanket over me when Alice came into my room. I really should tell people to ask for a response from me before just barging in. Well I suppose Alice had that privilege, but had she dropped in a few moments earlier I would have been mortified.

  “My lady…” she said tentatively and glanced around slowly, there was no doubt she was putting some things together in her mind.

  “Don’t tell me someone wants to see me right now?” I sighed deeply when she nodded. “Who is it?”

  “Your father and your mother, they’d like to speak with you in their suite.”

  Poor Alice just stayed by the door with her hands clasped in front of her and her eyes a little wide. No doubt she felt more than awkward.

  “Okay I’ll be there in a sec,” I told her, she nodded and then hurried from the room. I was making everyone bolt from my room lately…

  I got up and took a few minutes to get my clothes back on. Luke had indeed fled with my underwear and I was too lazy to put on a new pair. But I was going to see my parents so I forced myself to freshen up and look decent, especially with guests wandering around the castle.

  Thankfully I made it to their room without running into Fredrick. My mom was sitting in their living room and my dad was standing by the huge window that overlooked the meadow behind the castle. I remembered my date with Rune and our first kiss…

  “Emily, there you are,” my mom said as she stood up and came over to hug me just as my dad turned around.

  “What’s up?” I asked and he walked over while my mom pulled me down on the couch.

  “We just want to know where you are with choosing a mate. Have you decided yet?” he asked me and I shrugged for lack of a better reaction.

  “We only ask because it would bode well if you have a mate chosen, just in case more Fredriks pour in. That and we saw two dragons practically shoot out of your balcony like canons, one fairly soon after the other,” my mom said without any more preamble.

  “What! How did you see that?” I asked and she shrugged slightly.

  “We were in the garden; you know your balcony overlooks it.”

  I groaned and my mom patted my hand.

  “You should choose soon Emily, as in before the other clans begin to arrive,” she said.

  “Perhaps we should look into a contest between Luke and Rune,” my dad suggested, while my mother studied my armlet and then my bracelet.

  “How do you feel about the both of them?”

  “I…I really like both of them, I can’t choose between them…I’m unsure that I can,” I admitted in a small voice.

  “All the more reason why we should set up a contest. Why not stage a kidnapping and have them look for you? Whoever finds you first…well wins,” he said, and my jaw dropped.

  “Just like that?”

  “Yes just like that, and I’d suggest we do it now.”

  “Dad,” I complained like a little kid and didn’t care. I wasn’t ready to choose yet, I really…really… liked them both.

  “Don’t complain Emily, this is bigger than you. I’m sure you will be happy with either choice,” he said and then started to tell me about his plan.

  I sat and listened stoically.



  “She is what?” my heart hammered against my ribs. I sat in shock as my father told me the news. “Emily is missing; she’s been kidnapped?” Suddenly I stood up, ready to fight an entire horde of dragons and find Emily.

  “Rune take a deep breath; you should think about this rationally,” my mother cautioned me and I shook my head.

  “I must find her, I have to get to the castle and see what happened,” I said and sidestepped both of my parents to get to the bottom of things. Quickly I made my way outside, shifted, and flew to the castle. My father only told me that Emily had gone missing and that she’d been kidnapped. I needed more information than that. I hurried to the throne room and found Luke already there with some members of the special guard.

  “What happened to Princess Emily?” I asked King Lucas once I was close enough, and his eyes flitted over to me.

  “She was taken from her room earlier,” was all he said and my chest seized up, I had left her in bed completely naked.

  “There are no clues as to who took her, or where they could have taken her?” I asked and he gestured to the castle behind him.

  “You are welcome to look for clues like the others were about to do,” he said and I led the charge so to speak. Luke and I were in the forefront of the small group and we found Emily’s room in perfect order.

  “Fuck,” Luke muttered and we both walked around.

  “How about we just follow her scent, we both know it well,” I suggested and he nodded.

  “That’s the only way at this point. Let’s go.”

  Emily’s scent was strong in her room, but it was fresh outside. Luke and I both shifted quickly and her scent grew stronger. It was like a trail we followed out into the woods. Luke’s few warriors followed us until we came to one of the royal family’s vacation cabins. Both Luke and I shared a glance and then we landed in front of the house to shift back.

  “Kidnappers would take her to her own cabin?” Luke mused out loud and he sent his males to scout out the surrounding area while we went inside. The cabin was big and it actually took time for us to find her sitting in the second floor family room.

  “You both are here?” she stood up from the couch she was curled up on and my eyes searched her for wounds or anything that could be amiss.

  “You’re alright,” I breathed and she looked at us both rather sheepishly.

  “Care to explain what happened?” Luke asked and she nodded.

  “My dad thought you guys should compete to see which of you I should pick…because frankly I can’t pick just one or the other. But of course you guys had to work together and now…now I don’t know what to do,” she fell back on the couch and ran her fingers through her hair in frustration.

  “Let me go and tell the others that they can return home,” Luke mumbled and then quickly went to dismiss his men.

  “I’m sorry if I scared you or anything…” Emily murmured and I took a deep breath.

  “I’m just glad that you are alright.”

  She nodded and then took another long breath.

  “My parents want me to have my choice by morning and I don’t want to choose…if I could have both of you, I would,” she sighed just as Luke returned.

  I shared a glance with Luke and we both went to sit next to her on the couch.

  “You know I’d actually prefer it if you didn’t have to choose either,” I said and Luke nodded.

  “It’s clear you have feelings for both of us, we don’t want you to be unhappy…” he said and I think in that moment we both made an unspoken agreement. All that mattered was that Emily was happy and if it took both of us to give her that then so be it.

  “Maybe we can appeal to your mother and father, perhaps get them to allow an exception in our case. In the old days it wasn’t uncommon for a ruler to have a lifelong consort as well as a wedded mate and be bonded to both,” I told her and she shrugged.

  “Well I guess I could try but…you both are okay with that possibility? One of you being my husband and the other my consort, even if it’s like an ‘official’ consort?”

  “As long as we both get to be with you without having to hide,” Luke answered. He reached out and stroked her cheek comfortingly. I had my hand lightly on her lap and she smiled at both of us. A small spark of hope was in her eyes.

  “I really can’t believe you guys get along and stuff…” she trailed off and I watched her pupils dilate a bit just before she pressed her legs close.

  “Are you alright?” Luke asked and she nodded.

  “Yeah, it’s just…um…we’re all in an enclosed space and you’re both touching me and neither of you have fully bonded with me yet and it’s—kind of painful,” she said honestly and then stood up and paced around
a bit.

  There was an almost awkward silence and then Luke and I shared a glance and it was decided between the two of us at least. Emily gravitated towards the view of the surrounding woods, she had her back turned to us and we both stood, practically mirroring each other, and walked towards her.

  “Maybe we should head back to the castle… or go for a flight, I could—” Emily realized that we were near her when I gently wrapped a lock of her hair around my finger.

  “How about you let us take care of you.”

  What Luke said should have sounded a bit cliché, but it fit the moment, and at that moment I doubted Luke or I wanted to go for a flight. Emily turned around, her eyes wide as they swung from Luke to me and back.

  “Seriously?” she sounded more eager than surprised and I laughed.

  “Yes, clearly it’s what you need. Come,” I led her over to the couch and she was quiet, though I felt the anticipation rolling off of her in waves.



  I felt vaguely like I had entered an alternate reality. Where all the things I want actually come true… I looked up at Luke who ran his hands through his hair and pushed it out of his face. He then, without preamble pulled off his shirt and I let my eyes roam over his perfectly fit body. But then next to me Rune caught my attention as he lowered onto the couch, his shirt gone as well. For a second I wondered if this was what a sultan felt like when in the midst of his concubines. Not that I regarded Luke and Rune as such at all…I was pretty sure my feelings for both of them were very close to love, if not so already.

  “Why are you grinning so wide,” Luke chuckled and I shrugged.

  “I’m just…extremely pleased with where things are going.” I sighed happily as both Luke and Rune laughed. “Okay, we can continue, I’m done basking in the moment.”

  “Emily you’ve hardly started basking in the moment…just saying,” Luke said before he bent down and pressed a quick kiss to my lips, meanwhile Rune’s hand was on my thigh and sliding upward. The sensitive muscles deep in my belly were throbbing and that had caused goose bumps to spread across my skin and my nipples to harden into pebbles. There was also an increasingly strong urge for me to bond with both Luke and Rune that came from the part of me that was dragon. And it was ready for a mate, or apparently two.

  Rune’s hand found my core finally and he rubbed his fingers slowly against my clit through a couple layers of fabric. Meanwhile Luke had sat down next to me and his hand slid underneath my shirt to cup my breast and pinch my nipple, rolling it in between his fingers. My mind clouded with the pleasure from the electric sensation that coursed through my entire body. There was a moment when I sort of wasn’t aware of much and then the next thing I knew my clothes had been removed and I was stretched out on the couch. Luke was in my line of sight, his eyes were intent on mine for a moment and then he lowered his mouth to the sensitive skin just under my ear. I shivered and felt Rune push my legs open and then his mouth was on my inner thigh. He kissed and sucked his way to the lips of my sex and held them open with his fingers so his tongue could flick against my clit.

  My body was unprepared for such attention even though I needed it. I cried out and was quickly going to be lost to the sharp sensation of Luke now pulling my nipples in between his teeth and Rune circling his tongue around my clitoris. My back arched and the movement gave both of them more access to me. Luke groaned, and my vision actually blurred when he massaged my other breast in his hand and Rune blew on my clit.

  Before I knew it I was dissolving into a wave of sensation and the orgasm that crashed over me was intense and overwhelming. I gripped the couch cushions tight enough to rip them and then I was being lifted up to straddle Luke on the floor who was completely naked. He positioned his cock in between my folds and I slid against him easily given how wet I was. Luke cursed and I groaned at how good it felt. I clasped my hands behind his neck and then kissed him deeply while he gripped my bottom and rocked me against him. Then I felt Rune’s hand caress my back and Luke’s mouth slid to my neck. Rune was naked as well, his cock straining towards his belly button. He bent down to kiss me softly, and a series of intense thrills ran through me with Luke sucking on my neck while I slid against him and kissed Rune, our tongues caressing.

  I reached for Rune’s sex and gripped him, he moaned and swayed on his feet a bit before righting himself. Then I started to stroke him with my hand and he groaned. Luke lifted me up a fraction by my waist and my eyes went to his, he wanted to be inside of me. I used my other hand to guide him and slowly he lowered me down and filled me up. I had to let Rune go so that I could grip Luke’s shoulders. There were no words to describe how good it felt that he was inside of me. His hands tightened around my waist and our eyes locked. He whispered my name and then kissed me deeply before he lifted me off of him a little and began to pump his hips.

  I was almost completely consumed by the pleasure Luke was bringing me until thoughts of Rune invaded my mind and I looked up at him.

  “Come here…” I whispered to him and he sat down next to Luke. I took him into my hand again then began to stroke him and leaned over a fraction to kiss him.

  Luke kissed my ear before he literally passed me over to Rune and I didn’t mind it. Being shared should have felt weird, but it was Luke, and it was Rune. and all I knew was that I didn’t want anyone else outside of them, nor could I be happy with just one of them.

  Rune had me in the same position I was in with Luke, we were face to face and connected just as intensely. My mind was blown at the fact that both of them fit inside of me so perfectly and felt so good. I moaned with the pleasure of it and rocked against Rune’s hips, so close to orgasm. When I did tip over the edge the orgasm was dizzying and the pleasure like ecstasy. Rune kissed me with all the passion he felt and I shook in his arms with the waves of sensation coursing through me. Before the last quakes of the climax could leave me Luke was there and sliding slowly into me. He held me up again and thrust into me hard and fast, impossibly, I was sent spiraling into another orgasm and screamed at the intense pleasure.

  I collapsed against Luke’s chest afterwards and he held me close before he slowly slid out of me and cradled me in his arms. He got up and then Rune led us to a bedroom where Luke laid me down and I tried to keep my eyes open.

  “Did you both…?” I wondered if they both climaxed as well and they chuckled at me before nodding.

  “I wouldn’t expect you to have noticed, you were sort of…in a thrall,” Rune said and I giggled.

  I watched as both of them seemed to think of something at the same time and then exchanged a few short words and turned towards the bathroom. I watched curiously until they came back, both still completely naked. Rune had a wet washcloth, Luke had a dry towel and I actually blushed. After all we did, I was blushing because they wanted to clean me up.

  “Are you hungry?” Luke asked me after they were done and I smiled.

  “Yes and I’d also like a foot rub,” I said and they both laughed.

  “What are we? Your sex slaves?” Luke asked and I snickered.

  “No, not at all. You both mean far too much to me,” I said seriously and then they both leaned in to kiss me on either cheek at the same time. I giggled and then wondered if it was possible for them to bond as well.

  “Relax, we’ll get food and some rubbing oils,” Rune said and I nodded.

  They left the room and I settled against the blankets and pillows while they went downstairs. They came back up with pants on, unfortunately, and a tray of food. The rest of the night was spent wonderfully and I got to fall asleep with Rune and Luke on either side of me. If every night could be like that one, even remotely, I’d be the happiest shifter girl on Earth.



  I woke up alone in bed with Emily. Rune wasn’t in the room and it was nice to be alone with her, not that I minded Rune or our situation at all. Emily was still fast asleep and from the lighting in the room I knew it was still pretty
early. I gingerly got up, stretched, and went to find Rune. I felt we needed to have an actual talk about things.

  I found him in the kitchen, searching the refrigerator and the pantry door was wide open as well.

  “What’s up Rune?” I asked him and he glanced back at me.

  “Oh good morning. I was just looking for something to eat that was…well bacon or perhaps something other than non-perishables,” he glanced back at me and chuckled a little bit.

  “Right. We ate up all the food last night. You want to go out and grab something?”

  He nodded and then shut the fridge door.

  “I was hoping we could speak about…this,” Rune said and I smirked.

  “Yeah, how do you feel about it? Not having Emily to yourself?”

  “I feel much for Emily and I know she would not be happy with simply either one of us, but both. I think we are both tempered similarly and share the same disposition,” I nodded and then gestured upstairs to where Emily slept.

  “Yeah, it’s all about her for me. As long as we’re cool I don’t mind having her be with us both,” Rune nodded his head and smiled.

  “Good then, we’re in agreement.” Rune came over and we shook hands.

  “But bacon sounds great right now, I can make a quick run to the store,” I offered and Rune laughed.

  “Sure, I will also go and get some breakfast pastries, hopefully we are back before she wakes.”

  I nodded and then we both found our shirts and such then headed out.

  I shifted and flew to the nearest market to pick up eggs and bacon, getting back took longer. Shifting often didn’t compromise clothing, but carrying stuff was tricky. Rune and I got back at the same time and as soon as we stepped onto the cabin’s porch we knew something was wrong. Without any preamble we both ran inside and found the house in disarray.


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