by Kim Kavin
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Page numbers listed correspond to the print edition of this book. You can use your device’s search function to locate particular terms in the text. Please bookmark your page before following links.
“The American sector is the most saturated, with about half the households owning a dog”: Humane Society of the United States, “Pets by the Numbers.”
“Continental Europe and the United Kingdom are still growing as markets, with about a quarter of the households owning a dog”: Office of National Statistics; Coren, “How Many Dogs Are There in the World?”
“some thirty million pet dogs are brought home around the world every year”: ibid.; Humane Society of the United States, “Pets by the Numbers”; International Federation for Animal Health Europe; American Pet Products Association, “2013–2014 APPA National Pet Owners Survey”; Bradley and King.
“millions more pups would be needed annually to satisfy consumer demand”: Pacelle, p. 306.
“somewhere in the vicinity of $11 billion each year”: This estimate is based on sources including, but not limited to, American Pet Products Association, “2011–12 National Pet Owners Survey”; American Pet Products Association, “2013–2014 APPA National Pet Owners Survey”; Euromonitor International; the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals; the European Pet Food Industry; price research on independent dog-sale websites worldwide, such as and
“about the same value as the global IKEA brand”: Vranica and Hansegard.
“brought in on gaming revenues in 2013”: Stutz.
“to buy Tim Hortons”: Kedmey.
“smuggling operations everywhere from Missouri to Mexico to Poland”: Mott; interview with Julie Sanders.
“scope of multinational corporate control over the meat supply”: Leonard.
“was selling as many as ninety thousand puppies a year”: interview with Ryan Boyle of the Hunte Corporation.
“auctioned a single dog for $12,600”: Southwest Auction Service marketing materials.
“$6 million facility”: interview with Jerry Rosenthal of Monmouth County Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.
“brought in $514,371”: Southwest Auction Service marketing materi
“English Bulldog who went for $12,600”: ibid.
“living in conditions that did not meet federal standards”: United States Department of Agriculture, Animal Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) records search.
“largest, most successful USDA-licensed dog auction in the United States”: ibid.
“Jim Hughes was a middling college student”: Jim Hughes, “I Hate Retirement!!”
“Jim, meanwhile, was doing everything”: ibid.
“airing on television in 1948”:, “Westminster Facts and Figures.”
PetSmart and Petco have more locations than Petland: Statista, “Leading Pet Specialty Chains.”
“Jim bought a half million dogs”: Jim Hughes, “Gypsy.”
“Southwest Missouri is still considered the epicenter”: Better Business Bureau.
“in the early 2000s”: interview with Bob Hughes.
“Bob worked for DoBoTri”: interview with Bob Hughes.
“Chadd was offering one of his Bull Terriers”: advertisement in Kennel Spotlight, October/November 2013.
“brought in nearly a quarter million dollars”: Bob Hughes.
“nearly one out of three dogs in the auction that day did”: Southwest Auction Service auction-day pamphlet.
“gave birth to six puppies just four days later”: interview with Jane Rosenthal.
“just over $110,000”: original reporting at the October 5, 2013, auction.
“only thirty-five breeds appeared (and a portion of proceeds were donated”:, “Facts and Figures.”