The Devil's Tattoo

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The Devil's Tattoo Page 17

by Taylor, Nicole R

  We walked hand in hand in the sunshine, shoulders rammed together and it was a miracle we didn't bash into anything the way we kept looking at each other like love sick teenagers. I never thought I'd see the day when something like this would happen to me. I'd never felt this way about any of my ex-boyfriends, all two of them, and I hoped with every fibre of my being that it wasn't a dream.

  It was a Thursday morning, and the street was alive with traffic. Cafes were open and people were sitting out on the street enjoying the sunshine. We passed a small green grocer and the smell of fresh fruit wafted out towards us. Stores had their doors propped open and music filtered out. I was so happy and content, nothing could have come along then and destroyed it.

  "Stop," I declared suddenly. We'd passed by the front of a music shop. Guitars were hanging in one window and drums in the other, but what caught my eye was something else hanging just inside. I plastered my hands on the window to get a better look.

  "God, Zoe," Will was laughing at me. "We can go inside, you know." He grabbed my hand and pulled me away from the window, leading me into the shop.

  The store had just opened, and was quiet inside. Rows on rows of guitars hung to one side, acoustics, electrics, basses, even banjos, but I had eyes for none of them. I went straight up to the wall just inside the window where I'd seen it.

  It was a blue starburst Fender, with a metallic cobalt blue middle fading into black around the edges. It had a matte black scratch pad and I knew it was a custom. I stroked my fingers along the neck, looking for the price tag. Custom Fender equaled dollars. Big ones.

  "Hey," the sales guy said, wandering up to us, obviously smelling a potential big sale. "She's a beauty. Wanna give her a try?"

  "Go on," Will said, nudging me forward. "I can see the lust in your eyes and I'm jealous already."

  I nodded. Looks meant nothing if it sounded like shit. The sales guy pulled out a small amp and took the guitar from the shelf and plugged it in. I pulled the strap over my head, perching on a stool Will brought over.

  I played a few chords and the sound, even though it was only plugged into a small amp, was divine. Ignoring the look on the sales guy's face, I went through the opening bars of Walls, wondering how it would sound. It had a different tone without effects on it, but it sounded good. So good, I would have killed to add it to my collection of two. I had my matte black Epiphone Les Paul and an Epiphone electric acoustic. I was a bit of a fan girl.

  "Wow," the guy said. "How long have you been playing?"

  "About three years, I guess," I said absently, trying not to drool over the guitar.

  "Only three years?" he exclaimed. "Did you teach yourself, or did you get lessons?"


  "She's a genius," Will said and I could hear the pride in his voice. I looked up to see him smiling down at me.

  The sales guy was still a little flabbergasted. I'm sure he didn't think I could play that well when we walked in. "It's tagged at three eight, but I can cut it to three five."

  Three and a half thousand? I'd never paid more than one and a half thousand for a guitar. That would put a serious dent in my savings. I didn't like to ask for help in case I got into a tough spot, so that money was my sense of security. I didn't really need a new guitar, not right now, but it was so nice…

  "No," I said reluctantly. "I can't right now."

  The guy's face dropped a little and I knew he was bummed at losing the sale. Will shrugged and squeezed my shoulder.

  "Can I ask you about some leads, mate?" he asked, to deflect another sales pitch.

  "Sure. What are you after?"

  Will wandered off with the sales guy and I unplugged the leads and set the guitar back into its holder on the shelf. Three and a half thousand. The band had been doing really well, but I was still tight with my money. My parents had brought me up to be careful with it, making me save half my pocket money as a kid. When I was fifteen, I'd gone out and gotten my first job at a fast food joint and I'd saved half my wages, just like I had my pocket money. So, spending that much on something frivolous, even though it was now my job in a way, kind of made me feel sick.

  As Will talked with the sales guy, I wandered through the other guitars, but nothing caught my eye, not like that Fender did. Damn my tight pockets.

  "Ready?" Will asked, coming up behind me, a bag in his hand.


  "I'd prefer you look at me like that, and not a guitar," Will murmured into my ear as we left the store.

  "I already do," I retorted.

  "I'm talking exclusively."

  "Such a worry when you have to compete with an inanimate object."

  He burst out laughing, tugging me towards him. "Zoe Granger, you're beautiful, but I don't think a guitar can get you off like I can."

  I squirmed, suddenly conscious we were standing out on a busy street. "You'll just have to remind me later."

  "Oh," he said, his lips brushing against mine. "I intend to."



  Being able to walk hand in hand down the street with Zoe was the best feeling in the world. And what we'd done last night and this morning… She was my forever. I wanted to tell her so bad, but I was still afraid that I might scare her away. I mean, it'd only been a week since she'd let me back in. How I knew this so soon was beyond me. It was more than phenomenal sex. She was the person who challenged me and set me on fire. I was never complete until I met Zoe Granger.

  And knowing the effect I had on her was better than any drug.

  I wondered if she felt the same, but I remembered what she'd said to me last night, that was the best orgasm I've had in my entire life and I knew she had all the right words.

  This morning I'd almost fucked it up again. I wasn't ready to tell her about my ex and all of that shit just as I knew she wasn't ready to tell me about her past. I got it. We just needed to have this time together. Those things would come soon enough.

  When Zoe suddenly cried, "Stop!" and plastered her hands on the window of a music shop, I had to laugh. She was fucking adorable.

  "God, Zoe. We can go inside you know." I grabbed her hand and led her into the store.

  It was empty this time of day and the sales assistant jumped on us the moment Zoe put her hands on the guitar she'd spotted through the window. She pawed a blue starburst Fender with a metallic cobalt blue middle fading into black around the edges. It had a matte black scratch pad. Custom. She knew her stuff.

  "Hey," the sales assistant said with a big grin. He obviously saw dollars over us. "She's a beauty. Wanna give her a try?"

  "Go on," I said, nudging her forward. "I can see the lust in your eyes and I'm jealous already."

  When she nodded, I brought over a stool and sat her down as the sales assistant handled the guitar and plugged it into a portable amp. She pulled the strap over her head like she was in the care of something precious and her fingers slid over the strings. As she played the opening bars of Walls, I didn't think I could fall for her anymore than I already had, but I found myself wanting to get down on my knees there and then and tell her everything.

  "Wow," the sales assistant said. "How long have you been playing?"

  "About three years, I guess," she said absently, obviously captivated by the guitar.

  "Only three years?" he exclaimed. "Did you teach yourself, or did you get lessons?"


  "She's a genius," I said proudly, smiling down at her. She looked up at me and bit her lip and it took everything I had not to reach down and run a thumb over it.

  The sales assistant was still a little lost for words. I'm sure he didn't think she could play that well. Maybe he was thinking it was for me. "It's tagged at three eight, but I can cut it to three five."

  Three and a half thousand? Shit.

  "No," she said reluctantly. "I can't right now."

  The sales assistant's face dropped a little and I knew he thought he was losing the sale. I shrugged and squeezed
her shoulder. Dee had told me a secret the other day and it was the perfect opportunity to get her the one thing she wanted. She didn't seem to ask for anything and if I could do this for her, it would be worth it to see the smile on her face.

  "Can I ask you about some leads, mate?" I asked, to deflect another sales pitch on Zoe, who was looking down at the Fender with a disappointed frown.

  "Sure. What are you after?"

  I led the guy away towards the front counter and when we were out of earshot, I said, "Is there any chance of putting that Fender on hold until tomorrow?"

  He looked at me with a knowing smile. "Birthday coming up?"

  "Something like that," I grinned.

  "I think I can work something out," he said giving me a card with his name on.

  "And you'll do the same price?"

  "Sure thing."

  "Okay. Leave it with me. I'll probably have to get a mate to come get it if we can work it out."

  "No problems at all. Just get them to bring the card in," he took it back and wrote the price on top, "and the guys here will know."

  "Cheers, mate. I appreciate it." I looked back over to Zoe, who was putting the guitar back on the wall. "Actually, I do need a new lead and it'll help with the ruse."

  The sales assistant laughed, "Sure, this way."

  The only thing I had to do now was try and get everyone to pitch in. I was pretty good with my money, but If she knew I spent all of that on her, she'd refuse to take it. It'd probably mean more if it was a gift from everyone. And the other problem was trying to hide it from her for the next few days.

  I don't know what she'd been through exactly with her ex, but from the few things she'd told me, she'd had a rough time of it. All I wanted to do was make her happy because she deserved it regardless of how I felt about her. When she found out what I'd done, she was gunna flip. I couldn't wait to see the smile on her face.



  The next few days went by in a blur of giddy happiness. We played another show in country Victoria, then another in South Australia and one in the capital, Adelaide.

  Today we had an eight hour drive back home to Melbourne where we had two sold out shows to close the tour. Even though it had all been such a roller coaster of highs and lows, I was sad to see it end. I knew there would be others, but nothing could compare to touring with The Stabs, not when it ended with Will Strickland in my bed and in my heart.

  With the promise of another long day on the bus, I stood in the car park, enjoying the sun on my shoulders and the coffee in my hand. It didn't escape me what today was, but I attempted to forget as per usual. The last few had been miserable.

  "Happy birthday, Hot Legs," Dee whispered into my ear.

  "God," I complained, almost jumping out of my skin. "Say it a little louder, why don't you."

  "I get why you didn't want to celebrate before, but this year? Damn, Zo. You've got a hot best friend, a hot band and a hotter boyfriend. I'd be asking for presents. Big ones."

  "Since when are you hot?" I joked.

  "Since always and forever. I have a butt that doesn't quit," he laughed, puffing out his chest and wiggling his ass. "Seriously, have you told Will it's your…"

  I slapped a hand over his mouth, before he could say the dreaded word, birthday. "No. I don't do well being the centre of attention."

  "Bloody hell, then what have you been doing the last few months?"

  "That's stage Zoe. She's a different beast." I remembered what Will had told me, about being different on stage than I was off. Somewhere between then and now, they'd become the same person.

  "Whichever way you put it, you're still a beast."

  Laughing, I turned to climb onto the bus, but I suddenly realised we were alone. Simone and Dean were nowhere in sight, by this time, they'd already be loading up the car. Even Bob was mysteriously absent from his spot in front of the bus, where he was usually smoking a cigarette and downing a coffee. Nine people were mysteriously not where they should be.


  "Yes?" he said amused.

  "You didn't?" I suddenly realised he'd been up to his usual meddling. He'd used our familiar arguing as a distraction.

  "I didn't what?" he shrugged, a lopsided grin on his face.

  "I hate you so much right now."

  "If I didn't annoy you at least once a day, then my work wouldn't be done."

  I felt my face turn red and I slapped a palm against my flaming cheeks as if it was going to cool me down.

  "C'mon," Dee said, grabbing my hand.

  As he pulled me up the stairs everyone cheered and let out wolf whistles and started singing Happy Birthday, the dirty version, as I hid my flaming face in my hands. My past few birthdays had been pretty lonely affairs, passing without much of a blip on the radar, but this was too much. I suddenly felt embarrassed that all these people, people who I'd come to call friends and extended family, were all looking at me, wanting to make this day special. It was totally surreal and unexpected.

  "Happy Birthday, Zo Zo," Frank pulled me into his trademark bear hug.

  Chris and Pete both hugged me and planted kisses on my cheek. Even Bob gave me a kiss on the cheek, before running out to have his awful, stinky cigarette. Dean clapped me on the shoulder and Simone pulled me into a long hug. Louie and Sticks got in on the action before my eyes collided with Will's. He was holding a black guitar hard case towards the back, a wicked grin on his face.

  "No way," I gasped, making everyone laugh.

  "Way," Frank said, pushing me forward down the aisle.

  Will watched me approach with a satisfied smirk on his face. Leaning the case along the seat, he flipped it open and there was that blue sunburst Fender I'd slobbered all over days ago.

  "Guys," I gasped. "This is too much."

  "Shut up, Hot Legs," Dee said, looking over my shoulder. "If you don't want it, I'll have it."

  I elbowed him in the gut. "Hands off."

  Will watched me closely as I trailed my fingers along the strings. "Yea?" he asked.

  "Yea," I breathed, closing the case so I could thank him in style. Everyone seemed pleased with my reaction and cheered one more time before getting the hint and falling into their seats.

  Will trailed a finger along my jaw, pushing my chin up.

  "You weren't talking about leads, were you?" I whispered against his lips.

  "Nope." I saw the sparkle in his eyes and the curve in his lips.


  "I sent Dean to back get it while I distracted you."

  "You spent all that money on me?"

  "Not all of it," he admitted. "Everyone pitched in what they could. So, it's not just from me."

  "Well, I love it all the same."

  "Good," he said. "I like seeing you smile."

  Despite myself, I was beginning to like this birthday business.

  "You know how hard it's been trying to hide it from you?" he said when my face split into a huge grin.

  "I don't think it would have been that hard," I said, sitting back into a seat.

  "What makes you say that?"

  "I've been otherwise engaged." I wigged my eyebrows at him as he slid in the seat next to mine.

  I leant my back against the window and he pulled my legs over his lap, running his hand along my inner thigh, sending sparks into all the right places.

  "We won't always be on tour together," I said, letting my legs fall open slightly, so he could move higher.

  "No, but we knew that before this started."

  "Yeah, but it doesn't mean I like it."

  His fingers crept underneath the hem of my shorts. "Lets just enjoy these last few days before we have to go back to reality."

  "Fine with me," I whispered as he pressed higher. "But, it's still a G rated bus."

  Without warning, he slipped a finger inside me, and I had to stifle a gasp. "Happy Birthday, Zoe."

  When I was a kid, my parents would always take me on long drives across th
e countryside, to the beach, to random little towns on all these adventures. I loved to look out the window and see everything we passed. The forests of gum trees and ferns, rolling hills and paddocks full of cattle and that first glimpse of the ocean as we rolled over the hill. For most of our trips on the bus between tour stops, I'd done the same. It gave me a sense of where we were and where we were going. I didn't like the feeling of being lost on the highway, so my eyes were always on the road.

  But, today, my eyes were on Will as he lounged on the seats across the aisle from mine, his back against the window, eyes closed. He looked peaceful, even though the way he slept seemed awkward and it gave me a chance to study him without him knowing it.

  My back was against the window, hoodie over my head, sunglasses on, knees up and against the back of the seat. If he opened his eyes now, it would look as if I were sleeping, too. My thoughts wandered to the most obvious place, every night we'd had consuming sex. It had been impossible not to sleep together without it resulting in wandering hands and just thinking about it made me wet. Feeling him inside me, his touch all over me, the wicked things he said. He had such a dirty mouth on him, I was surprised at how turned on it made me feel. The way he spoke about the things he wanted to do to me awoke a beast I never thought I'd had inside me. And that Zoe was insatiable.

  I found myself thinking about Melbourne. When we got back I couldn't wait to show him where I lived. I wanted to see his home as well. I wanted to see what CDs he had in his collection, if he had any books. The pictures he hung on the wall. I wanted to know everything.

  Abruptly, he jerked awake, pulling me out of my daydream. He looked disoriented for a moment and I realised his phone must have vibrated in his pocket. Leaning my head against the back of the seat, I watched him as he pulled it out and looked at the screen.

  He looked surprised and then annoyed. I didn't know what I was expecting, but it wasn't that and I instantly wondered who it was that had texted him. Something I never thought I'd be was a snoopy girlfriend, jealous of everything and everyone, but the emotion that spiked through me at that moment felt eerily similar.


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