Awakened in Shadows

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Awakened in Shadows Page 6

by Tigris Eden

  Royce sighed. “I’ll get you the vials.”

  Draven stood with Faith in his arms and approached them both.

  “Thanks, man, it means a lot. I’ll have Xee contact Phineas.”

  Royce nodded and walked back into the infirmary.

  “I’d like to be a part of this mission,” D said the words before he could stop them. Shaking his head to clear his brain, he stood back. Did he really just volunteer? He’d gotten what he needed. Now all he had to do was stick close to the club owner.

  “You’re always a part of the missions. You’re transport,” Xee reminded, as if he’d gone and lost his mind.

  Shaking his head, he walked up to Xee, making sure that she understood his intentions. He didn’t like the way Draven was eyeing him.

  “I want to be on the ground for this one.”

  The female’s eyes got big. Even Draven and Gabe’s eyebrows shot skyward.


  Xee tried placing her hand on his forehead, but he easily dodged her.

  “You feeling okay?”

  He was fine. It wasn’t like anyone truly cared either way. He stuck to his shit, they stuck to theirs.

  “I’m good. I just want…” What the hell did he want? Oh, right, to get closer to Phineas, fuck Jorunn out of his system, and in the end, be one step closer to getting his sister back. Wait, what? Fuck Jorunn? No. Hell, no! That was not part of the plan. Dick says otherwise. His dick was fucking stupid. “I just want to ensure we get the Sahidic and tell Eremiel he can go fuck himself.” Yeah, you sound so convincing. He never bragged he was up for the next Academy Award. It was convincing enough, though.

  “Well, fuck me and call me Sally. Dietrich is trying to be a model citizen,” Xee laughed.

  “Is that an invite, girl?” He growled.

  Xee knew him better than that. She was tied to Gabe, he knew, but he wanted to remind everyone listening that he was still a dick.

  “Dude, seriously, sooo not my type,” Xee quipped back.

  “You ain’t got a type, girl.”

  Xee cracked a grin. “How do you figure that?”

  Dietrich turned his attention to Gabe, who was standing with his arms crossed, trying his best to look badass. Draven quietly left, taking Faith with him. The wolf was probably going in search of his mate. Now it was his turn to arch a brow.

  “You’re literally fucking Death,” he deadpanned.

  The room got eerily silent. Dietrich lived for these awkward moments. He wanted them to feel out of sorts. It didn’t leave room for his teammates to attempt to know the real him. Gabe uncrossed his arms, the look on his face harsh, as he stared. Xee was doing her best to hide her smile. She was the only one that understood D’s warped sense of humor. Although, straight up, she was doing the deed with Death on the regular, it was not something one should brag about, let alone admit. The Angel and his siblings had started wars and ended entire civilizations.

  So what if the Angel was technically retired. He’d handed in his instrument of death, and instead, helped gather intel for the Unit. His brothers had taken over his job duties. He could still kill, though. With a single look if he wanted to. It was there, right behind his eyes, screaming for some action.

  Fuck Death.

  Dietrich was already dead, had been a ghost for a long fucking time. But if Gabe stepped out of line, there were four Seraph Angels ready to step in and lock his ass up. As appealing as it sounded, Dietrich wouldn’t wish that on his worst enemy. Correction, he wouldn’t wish that on his teammates. Everyone else, well…fuck them fools.

  “For serious, D, stop poking fun at Angel boy, you know he has zero sense of humor.”

  “You’re too good for him. You ever want a taste of rich, dark chocolate,” he grinned, “the kind that melts in your mouth not in your hands. You come knock on a brotha’s door.”

  He was fucking with her. She knew it. But Gabe didn’t.

  Bitch ass.

  “Gross,” Xee squeaked, walking over to Gabe and placing a hand on his chest. She could see her man had reached his tolerance. “He’s fucking with you, baby.” Gabe starred at D a moment longer. Doing what he perhaps thought was his mad-dog face. He looked down at Xee and his eyes softened.

  “He’s not worth it, Blossom.” Gabe wrapped his arms around his girl and pulled her into his arms, kissing her soundly on the lips. That was D’s cue to leave. Before walking out, he reminded Xee to make the call to Phineas.

  Chapter 7

  Jorunn could hear a voice. She could tell by the voice’s muffled nature that she’d been out for a while. How long’s a while?

  “Jo! Fuck! Jo, can you hear me?”

  Khalid had finally found her. A soaked towel was placed on her forehead, allowing the water to run down her dry face, giving life back to her cracked and brittle skin. Her hands looked like the hands of a ninety-year-old woman.

  “I’m sorry, sis. I had some business to handle. Fuck!” Her brother was cursing low under his breath. She must really look bad. Khalid ran strong fingers through her hair and cursed some more. “Your hair is starting to change.”

  Great. She was shriveling up and dying. Last time, her hair had almost completely fallen out, it had gotten so coarse and dry. Every touch or stroke of her hair had felt like it was being ripped from the scalp. Chunks of it had broken off in matted clumps.

  “It’s okay. At least you showed up. What time is it?” She could tell it was dark outside.

  “Late. It’s the reason I’m here. The Ferals have agreed to give up a vial of their blood on the condition that you and Phineas go to their headquarters. They want to run tests with their doctors, as well as ensure you won’t get crazy. Their blood is a super-charged sex stimulant.”

  She remembered hearing about that, but she seriously doubted she would have that kind of reaction.

  “I know, Khalid.”

  “You’re going to turn into Super Nympho. That means someone is going to have to volunteer for captain of the save-a-ho team.” Her brother tried going for funny, and if her head didn’t hurt so bad, she’d have died of laughter. Instead, she offered her brother the middle finger and squinty eyes.

  Khalid shrugged his shoulders while grinning. “What? It’s true.”

  “You’re stupid.”

  “But you still love me, sis, so it’s all good.”

  Khalid winked and smiled. She knew her brother was trying to mask his worry. He didn’t like getting emotional.

  “You think you can get me more water?”

  “Anything for you, kid.”

  She hated when he called her that. Her brother was older than her by hundreds of years, if not more. But he barely looked twenty-one, if that. Jorunn was really her age. Twenty-seven and counting. When they were kids, or when she’d thought he was a kid, he’d been going through his first maturation cycle. He was so small and quiet, she’d always thought she was the oldest, but he’d been born to a Demon mother, and his father was a Fallen Angel.

  Jorunn rested her head against the cool surface of the metal desk. She was grateful the twins had agreed to give their blood. She’d be able to survive the trip at least. She wasn’t excited at all about meeting the Unit’s doctors. But she was one step closer to finding out what she was, and in doing so, she hoped it would prolong her life. If not forever, then at least the length of a human’s lifespan.

  Her father still hadn’t told them the location of the island. Now that he’d gotten what he asked for, she was sure the Unit would be one step closer to finding the Sahidic. Jo stood on shaky legs. The long skirt and shirt she wore irritated her dry skin. She needed to at least shower, then she’d be ready to go. She hated wearing clothes that made her look frumpy and stuffy. But if she didn’t cover up, her markings would light up like a glowworm. She had symbols down her left arm, the back of her neck, the right side of her back and right thigh, as well as covering her lower hip and left ass cheek. They looked almost hieroglyphic. She had a feeling they were markings showing her
origins of birth. If only someone had seen writings or markings similar to what was on her skin, it would have at least been a place to start.

  Her brother returned with her water, and Jo gratefully took the cup, downing its contents in two gulps.

  “Father says he will be ready when you are. I told him about your episode, so he knows it could be a while before you’re ready to go.”

  Nodding, she made her way over to her closet and pulled out a fresh set of clothes she kept in the office, just in case she had an episode.

  “I’ll be ready in about thirty minutes.”

  ~ ~ ~

  Blood vials in hand, Dietrich sat in the game room. He was waiting for everyone to head to dinner. He needed to make a call, and if he went to his room, it would look out of character for even him. The twins were still in the infirmary with their newborn babies and mate. Surelle, Harper, Aria, and the birthing maidens had already headed back to their compound, promising to return in a few hours to escort the new family back to their realm.

  Adam walked into the game room, eyes on the twins’ blood.

  “I talked with Dagas about Teresa,” Adam informed.

  “Yeah, so?” He’d taken her home and promptly left her in her grandfather’s care.

  “He’s requesting security detail.”

  What the hell did that have to do with him? Dietrich turned his shaded glare on Adam.

  “He wants you for the job.” Adam cleared his throat, trying to hide his smile.

  Well, that was never going to happen.

  “Hell, no. Get the dog Sam to do it.”

  “Can’t. Sam’s been given Melissa duty. I have a meeting with the Agency and the Immortal Council.”

  Adam was the shiny, happy face of the Shadow Unit. Pretty boy extraordinaire. He made sure to keep their noses clean of dirt, and talked on the Unit’s behalf where complaints were concerned. If he couldn’t placate the Agency or the IC, then shit would come down on their heads. Dietrich always forgot about Draven’s ex-girl, Melissa, who was also a traitor. Her trial with the Council would be soon. She’d be lucky if they just gave her a death sentence. The IC was old school, and they enjoyed other’s pain and suffering.

  “I’m not doing it, pretty boy. Draven and Gabe agreed, I’m front man on mission, save-the-world part two.”

  Adam glared at him, bearing fangs. The Vampiri was really testing D’s patience.

  “What the fuck you still staring at me for? Did I not make myself clear? Not babysitting the baby royal. Figure that shit out on your own.”

  Adam pushed off the wall he leaned against, clearly pissed. Dude could suck his left nut and make the right one jealous for all D cared.

  “Be good if you manned up and became an actual team player,” grunted Adam.

  “Ask me if I care what you think,” he shot back. D stretched his legs and sat forward, resting his elbows on his thighs. “Better yet, instead of talking, why don’t you just shut the fuck up?”

  “One day, someone is going to totally fuck your world up,” Adam pointed out.

  His world had been fucked up long before the Vampiri’s balls dropped.

  “You don’t say?” Dietrich drawled, rising from the sectional and making his way out. Of everyone on the team, the Vampiri was the biggest douche. He was still harboring feelings for Jesminda, and he had even hit on Xee. It was pathetic, really. Dietrich bumped into Ann on his way to his room. Why weren’t people eating dammit! He had a phone call to make.

  “D, I hear the twins and Bells’ family welcomed a pair of beautiful babies thanks to you.”

  He didn’t have time for her shit. Fuck, he was in a sour mood. He blamed the dick Vampiri. He grunted. He really didn’t care much for Ann either.

  “Yeah, I hear you’re Abaddon’s bitch.” He eyed her covered wrists before smiling up at her. She really had no business working with the Unit. But whatevs, her choice, not his.

  Ann gasped, clearly rattled by his observation. Her face heated and her eyes watered with unshed tears, but there was a nice dose of “fuck you” behind her orbs, as well. Good for you, princess. He never once proclaimed he was Mr. Sunshine. She knew that, and shouldn’t have been shocked. Ann had been placed in their midst by one of Gabe’s sadistic brothers. She had to have sucked serious dick in order to land the gig here at the Unit. Whoever she was sent to target was in for one hell of a ride.

  “Bastard,” Ann spat in his direction.

  “I know who my pops is. Like you, he’s a sellout,” he tossed over his shoulder before rounding the corner. If he hadn’t been paying attention, he would have run right into Jesminda, who was leaning against a wall. Her hands were balled into fists. Dietrich could tell by the look on her face that she was upset. Her eyes were downcast, forehead scrunched, and she was mumbling under her breath.

  “Cheer up, Jes. You and Draven can have a litter of pups.”

  Her head snapped up, pinning him with her death glare. It wasn’t like what he verbalized wasn’t true, and he wouldn’t pull punches, even for her. She needed to get her head out of her ass and back in the game. She was an Elder Angel. If she wanted to take on the entire Elite Council she could. Hell, she was a badass. He was man enough to admit that.

  “Fuck off, heartless wonder.”

  He chuckled as he walked by.

  “Seriously, Jes, you need to lock that shit up. Bastard who took your child from you is dead. Debt paid.”

  Why he tried the pep talk, he wasn’t quite sure. Maybe because she’d suffered a huge loss. Maybe because he knew she’d hit rock bottom if she didn’t bounce back. Or maybe it was because, besides Xee and Faith, he was the only other person that knew the baby stuck close to his mama whenever he could. The little guy had followed Xee in the beginning because he was unsure of what was what. Caleb hung with Faith, because she was his Parahoused, and she actually talked to him, and babies loved to be talked to. D figured it had a lot to do with Xee and the baby being housed in the same body, somehow creating an emotional connection between the two of them, despite the fact that she’d only housed his spirit for a handful of hours.

  “Easy for you to say, you can’t know what it’s like to hurt like this. You’ll never understand,” she hissed.

  She was wrong there.

  “You’re not the only one who’s suffered loss. You think you corner the market on grief? Sweetheart, you’re an idiot if you think that. People lose loved ones every day. Somewhere, right now, someone is feeling what you’re feeling. Ask Gabe how many mamas lost their babies or other family members. Don’t mope. Handle your shit and bounce back before you take Draven and Faith into darkness with you.”

  Jes pushed off the wall with a growl. “You don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about!”

  “What’s going on here?” Draven rounded the corner, a glower on his face.

  “Nothing. Tell your woman she needs to get her shit together. I’m not going out in the field with her as backup. She’s a liability.”

  Dietrich walked away from the couple and made his way down to Ellie. He wanted to know the moment Phineas and Jorunn arrived. Then, he was going to go make his phone call. Eventually.

  ~ ~ ~

  Jo stepped out of her father’s car and looked up at the nondescript building that housed the members of the Shadow Unit. These men and women were dedicated to policing the immortal community and making sure their kind stayed hidden from humans. Exactly the opposite of what Phineas wanted.

  He didn’t want to hide who and what he was. As a Demon, he knew all too well what it was like to be a kept secret. Her father said to lie was to deny one’s true self. In his eyes, he saw the members of the Unit as liars. Parading themselves in front of humans, pretending to be something they were not. Her father spoke of a time when humans and immortals had co-existed before they were banished back into the darkness and forced to hide in order to blend in.

  “Well, darling, it looks like everything will work itself out.” Phineas took her hand in his, and togeth
er they walked up the steps leading to the Shadow Unit.

  “They’ve set wards on the building,” Jo mentioned as a low hum of energy tickled her skin. She was extremely sensitive to magic of any kind.

  “It would appear so.”

  The doors were made of glass. There was a receptionist who manned the lobby. She wasn’t truly human. She was a serpent of some kind, disguised as a 1920’s pinup model, complete with cherry red lipstick and jet-black hair. Jo shuddered. She was deathly terrified of all things that slithered.

  “It’s all right, child. She can’t harm you.” Her father grinned down at her, chucking her under the chin. “You must lose your shyness and fear. Live in the light, little one. Don’t be afraid of it. Embrace it.” Easy for him to say, he wouldn’t light up like a damn night-light. Jo looked up at the night sky, the sun had slipped back into its slumber. There was no moon tonight, which in Houston, was due to the cloud coverage.

  As long as she kept covered up during the day, she wouldn’t glow at night. She wished it wasn’t the case at any time of the day. To be able to walk around in a tank top and shorts instead of completely covered or sequestered inside of a building where no light filtered in… Well, it was freaking depressing is what it was. It irritated her father, but it was the only way she knew how to cope. She’d tried once to be out in the open, and it had almost cost her, her life. Right now, she was covered from head to toe.

  “Can I–,” the receptionist stopped speaking the moment she saw Phineas.

  “Little Ellie.” Her father’s voice was pure sin. She hated when her father went into his commanding voice. His words and voice subdued even her.

  “Master Phineas.”

  “Call me Phineas, little serpent. I’ve not been called Master in eons.”

  He probably meant that literally.

  “Can you alert Draven of our arrival?”

  Ellie nodded immediately and picked up the phone. Her hands shook as she pressed the buttons. What was it about her father that brooked no argument for those he used his commanding voice on? She knew why she reacted to his voice. It was calming, soothing, and it meant shelter and safety. She was subservient by nature. It was in her nature to see to other’s needs. It made her happy, and made her feel loved and cherished when she was appreciated.


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