Awakened in Shadows

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Awakened in Shadows Page 13

by Tigris Eden

  “What did he say, Faith?” Xee sat forward and grabbed the little girl’s hands. Faith cleared her throat and spoke to her imaginary friend. It seemed the two were arguing, then she finally spoke.

  “Eremiel said that Miss Jorunn is very important and that she would need help, especially at the end.”

  “At the end of what?” Jorunn asked, her voice a hoarse whisper.

  Faith shrugged then looked at Dietrich and smiled.

  “I don’t know, he didn’t say, only that Dietrich will help you, just like he helped me.”

  Jo looked from Faith to Dietrich. Questions swirled in her head, he could almost see them. She wanted to know what he’d done to help Faith, and if he could do the same for her. Well, that was something he couldn’t answer because he didn’t know what the hell the Angel was even going on about. He hadn’t saved Faith. He hadn’t really even helped her. He’d just sat with her at night when she’d had her bad dreams. Jo already depended on him too much as it was. Now it appeared she had another reason. He didn’t know if that was a good thing or a bad thing. Maybe he could hold that over her head and use it as leverage. He could have just been handed a carrot thanks to Faith.

  “How about we eat those omelets?” Xee asked, deflecting any more questions. She knew how he felt about unwanted attention. He didn’t need Jo thinking he had a soft spot. He was just being nice on that particular evening when he’d walked into Faith’s body the night Enri had helped her through a window. She’d been scared, and he’d felt it from miles away. He was sensitive to children. He’d been the one to help keep her calm as she listened to the horrors of what the man on the porch had been saying to them out on the lawn. A man who still hadn’t revealed his true face or intentions.

  “I’d better get started on breakfast. Sorry I’m late,” Jesminda’s voice was tired as she walked in with Draven following close behind. Dietrich watched as the tension in the room became so thick, it was almost suffocating.

  “Don’t worry, Mama, Miss Jorunn is making us all omelets and biscuits.”

  If the twins had been here, Royce would have quickly diffused the situation.

  “No, baby, I got it. I’m sure Miss Jorunn has other things she needs to tend to.” Jes looked at Jo and snorted.

  “That’s enough, Jesminda,” Dietrich snapped.

  “What? I don’t want her cooking for my kid. I’m Faith’s mom, I have the right to decide who I want my child to associate with.”

  Draven stepped up behind Jes and grabbed her shoulders.

  “Petal, I’m sure Jo’s cooking is fine. Besides, you’re tired.”

  “I said I can cook, dammit,” Jes hissed under her breath.

  Jo stood and looked at the others at the table. “It’s fine. I don’t want to cause any problems. I can eat in the cafeteria.”

  D was not having her alienate herself from the rest of the group. Not after he’d promised her it wouldn’t happen.

  “Sit down, Jorunn,” he made sure his tone was harsh.

  Her eyes flew up to his, and even though he wasn’t in the habit of going without his shades, he removed them. This way, she would know he was serious. Her eyes scrunched and her lips thinned, but she sat. She could be pissed all she wanted. At this point, he didn’t care whose feelings were hurt. He was not going to put up with the drama. It had never been an issue before, and it wasn’t going to become an issue now.

  “Don’t be a fool, Jesminda. Jorunn’s no junkie.” He saw Jo’s reaction out of the corner of his eye. She’d flinched at the word junkie. “The VAB is needed to stop her body from shutting down. So if survival makes her a junkie, then we all are. We all have our vices, things that help us cope. But you’re not going to go around here treating people like shit because you’re in a sour mood. I won’t stand here and let you disrespect her.” Jes was about to interrupt him when D cut her off. “Her father’s given us our next clue in finding the Sahidic. In exchange, we’re taking Jo with us in hopes that the brothers are able to help her. Don’t be a bitch, it’s not a good look for you.”

  Jesminda listened and didn’t attempt to interrupt. As he spoke, he looked to Jo and noticed her eyes stayed downcast the entire time. There was no reason for her to be ashamed.

  “Jo, I told you to look at me.”

  Her breath hitched, and slowly, very slowly, her eyes moved up to meet his.

  “Peaches, you have nothing to be ashamed of. Fuck anyone here who thinks to throw that shit in your face.” A ghost of a smile tipped the corners of her mouth as he finished his sentence. The room was silent. Even Faith and Reese had the good sense not to comment. Jes swallowed whatever words she thought she wanted to say and cleared her throat before looking at Jorunn.

  “I’m not going to apologize.”

  Jo looked at Jesminda and smiled.

  “It’s okay, I’m not asking for an apology.”

  Draven cleared his throat then, and Dietrich made a quick promise to himself. If the wolf thought for one moment he was going to stick up for his mate and take the asshole route, well, then, D was just going to have to make an example out of both of them. He had yet to go rounds with Draven. They sparred verbally all the time, but never hand to hand. Dietrich would make him eat the dirt from the bottom of his boot.

  “I will apologize for my mate. We’re both dealing with some very ugly things right now. We lost a child a few months ago. So please understand, emotionally, Jes is in a different place.”

  That did not give the woman carte blanche to be a bitch. Everyone had been walking around on eggshells since the incident. He got it. Sympathy and all that, but damn, how much longer was everyone going to have to suffer. She got her revenge. All that was left to do now was heal.

  “I’m sorry to hear that. My deepest condolences,” Jo offered sincerely. She really meant what she said, too. The tension had eased a little, but not enough. The two women allowed for breathing room, but there was a low hum of animosity from Jesminda that was liable to escalate if one wrong thing was said.

  The intercom went off and Ellie’s voice came through loud and clear.

  “Dietrich, there are three men here who claim you asked them to come?”

  “Yeah, I’ll be down for them in five.”

  He looked to Jo then back at Jesminda, who he could see was struggling with remaining neutral.

  “We good here?” he asked everyone. There were nods from around the table. “Good, be back with the dynamic trio.”

  ~ ~ ~

  Breakfast was delicious. Jo hadn’t said another word to Draven or his mate. She knew it would take the woman some time to warm up to her. Time you possibly don’t have. Either way, she’d be patient. Dietrich returned to breakfast with three males that were like him, but not. They didn’t wear shades and their eyes weren’t white. The first one Dietrich introduced them to was Newton, who went by NuNu; he looked like a distant relative of Dietrich’s. Same height and build, with just as many tattoos. Where Dietrich’s skin was a rich brown with red undertones, NuNu’s was lighter, and his skin tone seemed more gold than brown, plus, his eyes were a chocolate brown. He was nice enough, if a bit forward. He continuously asked her if she wanted a new man in her life. She couldn’t tell if he was joking or serious. The second guy named Tavarious, who went by Mouth. He greeted her with a wink and a warm smile. He was shorter than NuNu and Dietrich, but not by much. He had tattoos everywhere—his face, hands, neck, and full sleeves on his arms. She was sure that even underneath his clothes he was completely covered. He had tribal markings on his face that she knew were indigenous Maori markings, only he didn’t look like he was a native. She knew why they called him Mouth, though. He would not stop talking through breakfast, going on and on about what he deemed immortal politics. He had some good points, but the rest of it was crap. Especially the part about organizing a task force to weed out the “bad humans” as he called them.

  The last one was Jacobi, who just went by Jacobi. He was exactly like Dietrich, save for the eyes, but he was
older. He watched everything and said very little. D sat directly across from her during breakfast. Shades in place as he ate and talked to no one. She felt ignored until he sat down his fork to tell her to finish her food. She’d been completely aware of him, thinking he wasn’t even concerned about her. Then he zeroed in on her and made sure she ate everything on her plate. It was kind of scary but nice at the same time. Maybe he did notice her.

  Now, they were all back in the conference room, which everyone called the war room and were going over logistics.

  “The monastery holds one of the Gates,” Xee said to the group.

  “Gotta test it first. What if their Gate isn’t safeguarded? Plus, only immortals can go through. What if she can’t?” The Angel nodded in Jo’s direction.

  The Twelve Hours or Book of Gates were placed throughout different parts of the world. There was an Egyptian myth about the Gates separating the Twelve Hours of Night. It was a travel system known only to immortals. She also knew there was a Thirteenth Door and Hour. She’d travel from Scotland to the States using Third Hour, aptly named Mistress of Nurturing. It was one of her clearest memories. Each Gate was said to be guarded by either a serpent or some other immortal beast.

  “I can travel through,” she spoke up then. Gabe eyed her curiously.

  “How do you know? The only Gate here in the States is the one that sits below us here. You’ve never sought passage, and there is no record or signature of any kind that you ever came through.”

  That’s because there was another Gate in the States. The Lost Gate. It was a Gate that appeared and disappeared. Showing up in places whenever it wanted. The guardian of that Gate was said to be insane. Otherwise, she would have ended up at the Unit for sure. How would her life have turned out then? Would someone have taken responsibility for her like Phineas did?

  “It’s how I got to the States, I travelled through the Third Gate from Scotland and came out of the Lost Gate.”

  “You’re sure?” Gabe questioned, eyeing her closely.

  “It’s one of the clearest memories I have.”

  She’d been very young, but she still had a good memory. The Gate had been at Dunvegan Castle on the Isle of Skye. Her foster parents, Rose and Colin MacLeod, were the innkeepers, and descendants of the original landowners. She remembered playing in the castle keep as a child and swimming in the loch. The Gate itself was housed in the dungeon. It was a massive beast of a door. Rose and Colin had taken her down and explained that the Fae, who watched over the lands, told them it was necessary for her to make the journey.

  The door was carved into the rock side of the mountain that had been untouched when the castle was built. Intricate designs of Demons, Angels, and other immortals were carved in battle poses. Her foster parents had left the moment the Door opened, leaving her to walk through alone.

  “The MacLeods were my foster parents then. Rose and Colin. When my markings began to show, they were told that I had to go through the Gate. That I was Fae. Which is ridiculous, of course. I walked through and came out in New York, where I was put into foster care again.”

  “Was there someone waiting for you on the other side?”

  “No, I wandered the streets for a few months before I was picked up and placed in a home where I met Khalid. Phineas found us shortly after.”

  Gabe didn’t say anything else about whether she could use the Gate. They talked some more, and it was Adam who spoke up next.

  “We need to test the Gate or get some sort of communication to Gregor. See if his Gate is even functional.”

  “Ain’t walking through some gypsy door, man,” NuNu said, standing. “That’s what Dietrich does, transport. Let him fly us there.” The others in D’s group nodded their heads.

  “I can’t use the Gate, Gabe. I’m a Primori. The spirits will naturally cling to me. NuNu and the rest are only part Walker, their blood is diluted. More human than immortal.”

  “Hey, we’re still badass,” Mouth complained.

  “No one is discounting our skills, Mouth. D’s concerned about safety,” Jacobi reasoned.

  “The brotha should say that shit, then,” Mouth argued.

  The look Dietrich tossed Mouth’s way could have skinned him alive. Even with his shades in place, you couldn’t deny the air of danger.

  “Shut up, Mouth,” NuNu said in a low voice.

  Mouth didn’t argue; he stayed quiet as they went over the particulars of flight plans and timing. They discussed where they would land, and what type of vehicle would be driven. Everything was planned down to the last second. If everything went off without a hitch, they were planning to return before the week was out.

  Adam still felt he should travel with them, offering to be Jo’s buffer against Dietrich and his band of not so merry men.

  “She may need VAB, and I’m offering up my vein.”

  That got everyone’s attention.

  Jo turned to him, shocked that he would offer her his blood. He was a Royal, not a Reg. His blood would be potent. Powerful.

  “Thank you Adam, but–”

  “She won’t need it,” Dietrich remarked. He was putting his foot down on everything where she was concerned. “She still has the blood left from the twins. Although your offer is neither warranted, nor appreciated, that’s a big fuck no. Understand? Know your role, Vamp.”

  “You’re clingy all of a sudden,” Adam observed.

  “And, as always, pretty boy, you’re a dick and a poacher. First Jesminda, then your sorry ass attempt at Xee, and now Jorunn. Get your own girl.”

  “Last time I looked, you weren’t into having a girl. When did that change?”

  Jorunn looked to Dietrich. She wanted to know the answer just as bad. Yeah, when did that change? She was in the dark. Because the last time she checked, he wanted nothing to do with her. At least not in that respect. Adam raked his fingers through his copper-brown hair.

  “You gonna answer the question? Since when has any woman been yours?”

  “Jorunn is my responsibility. Nothing more. Still don’t want you sniffing around or offering your blood. I got it covered, Hollywood.”

  Dislike. Big fucking dislike.

  Huge ass dislike! Jorunn thought as she listened to Dietrich and Adam discuss her affiliations like she was a commodity. Don’t react. Don’t let him see that he hurt you.

  Xee stood, walked over, and popped D in the back of the head. He didn’t flinch, just grunted and went back to discussing transportation. Like she was a non-topic and a done deal. Idiot ass man! She was seething on the inside. Why did he have to be a jerk, then turn around and say something nice or thoughtful? Her emotions were being pinged back and forth like a damn tennis match. She felt like she was about to hit net. The score was way off and clearly they were at match point. Dietrich said one thing but did another. His high-handedness, although responsible at times, seemed completely unbalanced at others.

  “We leave in eight hours,” Draven declared. He stood and waited for his mate. “We can at least get there, get back, check on things here, and attend the twins’ and Belinda’s naming ceremony.”

  “Ya’ll got an invite?” Mouth asked.

  “Yeah, why wouldn’t we?” Adam stated.

  “Naming ceremonies for Matria are usually only attended by family,” was NuNu’s explanation.

  “We are family, fool,” Xee threw out.

  The room cleared, and everyone knew their role in the journey except her. She felt so out of place. Dietrich had told his men they were taking shifts. But she found out quickly that each of them was not without formidable talent. She’d been talking to them and trying to get to know her security guards better.

  Jacobi was an Animal Walker, but because of his half human status, he could only walk in one form instead of many. His chosen form was a panther. Mouth was a Phantom Walker, he could go from his solid form to a ghostly form, but only for short periods of time. NuNu was a Sleep Walker, he could invade or assist in the dream realm, and he was a distant—v
ery distant—relative of Dietrich’s. All of the men were nice to her and had been given orders to keep an eye on her when D wasn’t around. Which seemed unlikely, as he was always around.

  “What should I do?” Jo asked.

  The men looked in her direction, their attention firmly on her.

  “What can you do?” Mouth questioned.

  She was good with plants and even some animals. But that’s not what they’d meant. They wanted to know how she could contribute to the team. She wasn’t about to tell them what she could do when her voice went double layered.

  “Give me something to do to earn my keep.”

  Mouth laughed.

  “Sweetheart, you just stay close to one of us. We’ll handle the rest.”

  “I’m not without the means to protect myself.”

  She could do something. There had to be something. Otherwise, she’d feel like a burden.

  “Well, what can you do? You never said,” Mouth continued.

  “Don’t put her on the spot. She’s shy.” Xee walked in, pushing Mouth and NuNu out of her way to sit next to Jo in the common room.

  “Honey, it’s okay, take your time.”

  She didn’t have time, and everyone staring at her only made her nervous. She could defend herself. She knew there was a possibility she could get hurt, but only if she didn’t use her voice to compel an attacker. Her father was an Elemental Demon, and although she couldn’t manipulate the elements, she could do other things. She could make plants grow just by singing to them. Yeah, okay, not the best attribute to have. Super green thumbs scared no one. But still, she could fight. Quite well, as long as no one tagged her too hard.

  “I can fight, my father taught me how to defend myself.”

  “Good to know,” Dietrich replied. He turned his gaze on NuNu. “You bring what I asked for?”

  The other man nodded.

  “We meet in the garage in a few hours, well take the SUV over to the tarmac and then we board for France. Jacobi, can you make sure that everything on the plane is stocked. I’ve done most of the work, left a list in the cockpit. If there is anything missing, ask Ellie for help.”


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