Awakened in Shadows

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Awakened in Shadows Page 22

by Tigris Eden

  “Dietrich,” her voice was a soft and sleepy, full of longing.

  “Yeah, Peaches.”

  His hands explored her skin, coaxing her body to shift and stretch beneath his fingers.

  “You’re going to distract me with your body, aren’t you?” She yawned.

  “Hmm.” He kissed her collarbone, ignoring her question. She hissed when he closed his teeth over the skin at her shoulder. He’d distract her as long as he could. Fuck, he didn’t want the night to end. Your selfishness knows no bounds. Damn straight. He was going to take, and take, and take, until he’d gorged himself on her. Once they returned home, he’d take off with his sister, and Jo would go about her life. She may even want to stay in Fion with her own people. It made sense. She’d feel welcome here.

  “Dietrich,” Jo complained.

  He rose above her, shifting her body the way he wanted so that he was between her legs, making sure not to give her too much of his weight.

  “Jorunn.” He used his knees to spread her thighs, the heat of her pussy and the sticky-wetness between her legs a, “welcome home” sign to his cock.

  “I’m being serious.” She pouted, and Dietrich couldn’t resist. He pulled her lower lip between his teeth and nibbled gently.

  “I said to call me Omari,” he ground out against her lips. She pulled back and peered up at him. Her hair a tangled mess on the pillow.

  “You said I only had to call yoouuu–”

  She didn’t get to finish her sentence, before he slid deep. Balls deep. He kept her distracted well into the early morning hours with his attentions. Talking while having sex was not something he considered conducive to his main goal, which was to make them both feel good. Really good.

  When he finally released her, there was nothing left for them to talk about. She was too exhausted. Her body more than used. She was probably the only one in the keep still sleeping. He was sure her cries of passion had been heard throughout the palace. Dietrich pulled the covers over her sleeping form and eased himself out of bed. He grabbed his clothes, dressed quickly, and silently made his way out of her room and back to his own. Right before he opened his door, a noise behind him had him turning.


  “What are you doing up?”

  “Why do you think I’m awake? I’m a light sleeper. I wanted to holler at you for a minute anyway. I knew you’d be back.”

  “What’s up?”

  “I don’t know how we’re going to tell Mouth’s mother about his death. It’s not sitting well with my soul, man. It’s fucked.”

  “We’ll tell her the truth, and I’ll be with you when it happens.”

  But first, he was going to find the dick-sucking bitch who’d ended his friend’s life and give her something to choke on. Then he’d handle things the old way.


  Jacobi turned back towards his own room.

  “Hey, Jacobi.”


  “We will have our vengeance, one way or another, and so will Tavarious’s family.”

  “Real talk?”

  “Fuck, yeah.”

  The Walker smiled. Like D, he was quiet and distant. He was the only other person who knew of D’s experiences in the past. Jacobi had been there almost from the beginning. The two of them had met by way of escape and had been together ever since. They’d gone their separate ways before, but always made sure to stay in touch.

  Dietrich rubbed the back of his neck, nodded to Jacobi, and slipped inside his room. He didn’t bother pulling off his clothes. With a groan, he fell face first into bed and waited for sleep to claim him. Tomorrow, he was going to be a major dick. It was the only way Jo would move on, and he’d have some semblance of peace. That was what he tried to convince himself before sleep finally claimed him.

  ~ ~ ~

  “Lady Jorunna, you’ve missed first meal.”


  Who was talking? All Jo wanted to do was sleep and sleep some more. Jo moved an arm and sighed. She was sore everywhere. Anything that was connected to her body ached. Even her hair hurt. Or at least her scalped did. Dietrich had tugged and pulled on her locks until a dull ache had settled in her gut, and her scalp became so sensitive that even the slightest pull on it had her crying out.

  “Come back later, please.” Jo turned and stretched, reaching for Dietrich. When her arm hit the pillow, she slowly opened one eye and realized his side of the bed was empty. Maybe he’d left to eat breakfast and decided to let her sleep in. But the bed wasn’t even warm. Nor did his scent linger. The sheets were rumpled, and she knew that was from their vigorous lovemaking, but other than that, there was no sign he’d ever slept there.

  Don’t overreact.

  “He left right after you fell asleep,” Una supplied.

  Mortified, Jorunn pulled the covers tighter around her body and looked up to see Una hovering above her.

  “How long have you been here?”

  “Since he left.”

  “Before that?”

  Una was unfazed when she responded.

  “I was on the other side of the reef. I was to guard you. So I did not stray far.”

  Great. Una had heard everything. Jo was thoroughly embarrassed, and more than a little angry. Dietrich had left her. Just up and left and didn’t even have the common decency to wake her. Her cousins, the guards in the entryway, all would have known that he’d not only kept her up all night but left before she could even wake to see him out. Like a thief in the night, he stole in and walked out.


  She needed to shower, dress. Today was going to be a big day, and although he’d hurt her feelings once again, she knew better than to overanalyze things. This was classic Dietrich. He reeled her in and then tossed her back out into the stormy waters of confusion.

  “What time is it, Una?”

  “It’s mid-day. The afternoon meal is being prepared.”

  “I thought we needed first light in order to go ahead with my transformation?”

  “The chamber needs the first light. You just have to show up.”

  Okay. So it was either almost noon or past noon. They didn’t go by hours in Fion.

  “I’ve had your clothes set out. Your uncle and the others await your arrival. If you’d like to bathe, you can be escorted to the bathing basin.”

  “I can do it. Where is the bathroom?”

  “Bathroom?” Una asked, her huge body swaying as if she was floating in water.

  “Um, where do I clean myself?”

  Una floated across her room to the door. It slid open and two large males in nothing but some sort of cotton pants walked through. Both males had piercing stares, both of their gazes the ever-changing colors that were so natural here in Fion.

  “Show Lady Jorunna to the cleaning basin.”

  The males stepped toward Jo, both smiling from ear to ear. Jorunn pulled the covers tightly around her, hoping they didn’t see too much skin.

  “I’m not dressed.”

  “That’s not a problem,” one of the males said. He stood at the end of her bed while the other came around to her side to help her out.

  “Lady Jorunna, I am Stegis. Please.” He held out his hand for her to take.

  “It’s just Jo. Could you, um, turn around?” Her dress from the night before was on the floor by her side. Sometime during the night it had been completely removed from her body. Scooting forward, she placed her legs over the edge of the bed and bent over, retrieving the dress. She asked Una and the two males to give her a moment. All three eyed her as if something were wrong, but eventually, they left the room.

  When she was finished dressing, she called them back in. The male who’d stood at the end of her bed winked at her as she followed them down a narrow hallway made entirely of glass.

  “What’s your name?” Jo asked. The male continued to walk as he answered.


  “Bren and Stegis.”

  They both nodded. Stegis was taller than B
ren, but only by a few inches. Both males had swimmer physiques and pale complexions and dark brown hair with copper highlights. Stegis kept his hair long and pulled back in a ponytail. Bren’s was short and messy.

  Stegis held the clothes Una had picked out for Jo. Again, it was something form-fitting and slinky, but she couldn’t tell if it was a dress or pants the way the garment was folded over Stegis’ arm. As they passed people in the hall, some bowed, while others nodded their heads. The children she encountered pointed, asking their parents who she was. One little girl ran right up to her and lifted her arms to be picked up. Jorunn looked around, unsure of what to do, but picked the little girl up anyway. The girl kissed her cheek.

  “I’m Jorunna, too. My parents named me after you.”

  “Oh. Wow, that’s awesome,” Jo said, smiling. The little girl giggled. Her chestnut curls hiding tiny horns. Her eyes ever-changing hues of brown and purple.

  “You don’t have piercers?” The little girl asked.

  Jo looked to Stegis and Bren for clarification.

  “She means horns,” Stegis answered, taking the little girl from her arms. “Jorunna, Lady Jo needs to be cleaned.” Bren stepped closer to Stegis and tickled the little girl, who squirmed in the other male’s arms.

  “I want to be Jo, too,” she squealed.

  Jorunn stepped closer to the trio and waited for the child to settle before speaking.

  “You can be called JoJo so no one gets us confused when we’re together.”

  As if to reiterate what she’d just told the girl, Stegis sat JoJo on her feet and patted her sweetly on the head. “JoJo, Lady Jo needs cleansing, so run along and get to your daily activities.”

  “Okay.” She smiled widely up at Jorunn and then took off down the hall the way she had come.

  “This way, my lady.”

  Bren turned a corner that led to another door. Stegis turned and walked behind her. There was a slight whooshing sound that alerted her to his pants dropping to the ground, and Bren did the same. She wasn’t prepared for it at all. The men were wearing some other type of fabric that barely covered them under their pants. Jo had to catch her breath, she was so nervous. Both men were equally pleasing to the eyes, but she hoped they didn’t expect her to remove her clothes, as well.

  “Inside the room is your cover. We will wait here while you disrobe. We understand your need for privacy.”

  “You guys aren’t coming in there after me?” She said firmly.

  “Yes, we are. We have our orders. We cannot deviate from them, my lady.” Stegis held out a hand, waving his other in front of the door that slid open.

  “In you go.” Bren placed an arm at her back and urged her forward.

  The room was completely white, with white gauze-like material draped over porous white stone. The floor was heated by colored crystals that were smooth against her bare feet. Jo could hear waves rushing forward and back against what she assumed was a beach but saw no signs of water. To the left of her on a hook was a two-piece bathing suit. It was more like threadbare underwear woven together by tiny fibers. The fabric was a sponge-like material and molded to her hand when she held it.

  This must be the covering that Stegis had been referring to. Okay, she could do this. Pretend she was at some exclusive resort or something. Only she wasn’t. Had never been to one when she lived topside. Now she had to get over her modesty and allow two men to watch her bathe. She’d rather it be Dietrich with her, but thought better of it. There was no way she was going down that path. Not right now. He’d left her in bed, and although she was still angry about it, she didn’t want to make her escorts think she was a dramatic bundle of quivering female. Thoughts of the night before threatened to consume her as her mind went over the events in slow motion. Dietrich had been so gentle and attentive. He’d given something to her that no other lover had, not that she’d had many, but she’d gotten the soft and sweet, along with the hard and dirty. Rock with me. Those three words had her body melting and her pussy clenching, as the memory was on full-blown replay. Jo took her dress off and slid on the two items of fabric. The moment the cloth hit her breasts it tightened until it was like a second skin. The underwear did the same.

  Lost in her thoughts, she stood there a moment, trying to reconcile the Dietrich from last night to the Dietrich she’d been with the entire time. They were one and the same. She was sure of it. She just had to make him realize that the two could co-exist. He’d be better because of it.

  The door behind her opened, shaking her from her thoughts. Bren and Stegis walked in.

  “This way.”

  She followed them and found there was a beach. Well, a beach she’d never imagined existed. There were so many bright colors she could hardly keep track. When she zeroed in on a pink or blue wave, it would change to red or green.


  The shoreline was beautiful as the waves rumbled over the multicolored sand. Way out in the distance, were large stones or geodes that seemed to glow from some light source behind them. There was no one there except the three of them.

  “I’m supposed to bathe in the ocean?”

  Stegis took one of her hands.

  “No, my lady. This is only a cleaning basin. If you like, after today, perhaps tomorrow, we can take you to view the oceans.”

  If this wasn’t an ocean, she was going to be in for a treat when she saw their version. Stegis was tugging her forward, when Jo realized they meant to get in the basin with her. The space was big enough, but she didn’t feel comfortable.

  “Don’t worry, Lady Jo,” Bren said, stepping into the water. “We will allow you some room. The Eldoni will see to your cleansing.”


  The sound of laughter came from the water, and as Jo peered closer, she could see tiny pixie-like females emerge from the surf. They walked closer, and as they did, they grew in height until they were her size. Three Eldoni women. All with flowing streams of water for hair.

  “Please step into the basin.”

  Jo looked back to see that Stegis and Bren were sitting on a rock, facing away from her. At least they kept their word.

  Jo stepped in. The water was more than warm enough, and the women went to work washing her. She tried to do it herself, she wasn’t a child, but the Eldoni only slapped her hands away and went about their task of cleaning her hair. When they were done, they showed her how her suit worked. It disintegrated as it washed her body, sliding over her skin until she was completely naked.

  “Now you are properly clean,” one of the women said.

  “Thank you. What are your names?”

  The women giggled.

  “I am Nareen, and these are my sisters, Aren, and Par.”

  “Thank you Nareen, Par, and Aren.”

  “No, it was our pleasure, my lady,” the three said, with bright smiles.

  They walked into the water, disappearing under the surf. Jo turned back to the shore and realized her outfit for the day was lying on a rock, and her two escorts were nowhere in sight. Jo walked to the rock and picked up the garments, along with what could only be a towel. She dried off and dressed quickly. The outfit was not a two-piece, but one long dress with thin straps and a completely open back. It started off a light orange and transitioned into a dark red until it reached mid-calf where it bled into black. It was delicate and thin. Why couldn’t they give her jeans and a shirt, or badass warrior clothes like her cousins? She felt out of place in what they were giving her to wear.

  The dress swished and swirled at her feet as she walked.

  “It was your mother’s gown.”

  “Holy shit!” Jo gasped. “You two scared the crap out of me.”

  “Apologies,” Bren said plainly.

  “Follow us, your uncle is not a very patient Majesti.”

  Right. It was time for lunch, and she was too busy marveling at the wonders of her new dress. A dress her mother had worn. They quickly walked back the way they had come. Una was waiting when they hit the
hall, and they made their way into the main dining area. Luckily, Jo’s hair wasn’t suffering too badly. It was curly and damp, but it was nothing she couldn’t fix with her fingers. Everyone who’d eaten with them the night before was there. She even spotted little JoJo, who waved frantically while her mother tried to rein her in.

  Jo smiled in the little girl’s direction and found her seat, which was next to her aunt and uncle.

  “I didn’t mean to sleep so late,” she whispered to her aunt.

  “It’s all right. After your activities last night, I would expect nothing less. Dietrich has a voracious appetite.”

  Jo blushed. Everyone had heard them. They were probably thinking horrid things about her behavior, but her aunt was right. Dietrich had been very thorough. He’d also left. When she looked up to talk to him. He was engaged in a conversation with Ryn, who was all but drooling on him like some lovesick female. Jesminda and Draven were also at the table with their pup, who was content to sleep in his mother’s arms. Draven’s mate was glowing. Jo and Jes hadn’t really gotten along and merely tolerated each other throughout the trip, but Jo was truly happy that the woman was able to get her son back.

  NuNu and Jacobi were also deep in conversation, talking to one another as they waited for their food to be passed around. Things were really starting to feel a bit awkward. It was obvious that everyone knew who and what she was doing last night, and to have him speaking with Ryn so intimately, instead of her, was a direct hit to her ego and her heart. It made her feel foolish and used. Her uncle cleared his throat, and everyone looked in his direction.

  “Today we welcome home Lady Jorunna of House Kanis. We have friends from Solum joining us, and we thank them for their efforts in bringing home our beloved. Following this meal, we shall begin with her transformation. Her Chrysalis is ready to receive her. Bren and Stegis will assist the lady in her every need during her sleep.”

  Her uncle looked to Draven.

  “Once she emerges, you will be able to take a vial of her blood. It is up to you then to find the next piece of the Sahidic. Gregor and his brothers can assist you there.”


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