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Hotel Murder: The most gripping, page-turning mystery of the year (Greek Island Mysteries Book 5)

Page 5

by Luke Christodoulou

  ‘Someone has seen way too many gothic movies,’ Valentina whispered in Alexandro’s ear as she hugged him from behind, her hands meeting above his belly button.

  The side of the ferry bumped against black tires hanging from the long pier, and the crew immediately began unloading the boat, beginning with guests’ suitcases. Platonas appeared with his widest smile and invited the group of holiday winners to follow him.

  He rushed ahead, avoiding questions shot at him and raised his hands in a grand gesture. ‘This way; your mystery awaits!’

  It was a short walk, and the hill did not boast a greatly uphill road. Neither fact thwarted the upper-class members of the group from moaning about having to make the journey from the dock to the hotel.

  ‘Great. A march,’ the tall man said to the banker next to him.

  ‘Indeed. Neofytos,’ the banker said, extending his hand.

  ‘Dr. Loucas Michael,’ he replied.

  ‘What kind of doctor?’


  ‘Hmm,’ Neofytos replied, unimpressed. Since a child, he had loathed dentists. Not as much as clowns. But he still despised them.

  Meters from the entrance Platonas stopped, his eyes sparkling with excitement and his face unable to hide his joy. The rest of the employees were joyful as well. They wished for nothing to go wrong. In an age of raging unemployment, they had found a job with a four-figure pay.

  Music from the Lord of the Rings soundtrack boomed through the night air, and more lights came to life around the gigantic entry door. Smoke sneaked out as the wooden castle-like door was lowered, and a dark figure of a man was revealed.

  ‘Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, your host, the owner of Hotel Murder, Aristoteli Minoa.’

  ‘Are we supposed to clap?’ Hope joked into Galatea’s ear and gave her a nudge as they stopped behind Platonas. Both ladies proved fitter than their younger counterparts and led the group uphill.

  All eyes were set on the mysterious man stepping out through the smoke. A tall man for a Greek, dressed for the ball with black reading glasses on his Roman nose. His nonchalant gaze and calm, warm, inviting smile were the first features to draw Valentina’s interest as she scanned the forty-something, Herculean built man. His shaved bald head glowed from the surrounding strong lights as he ambled towards them with arms wide open.

  ‘My dear guests, welcome to my hotel. May all your mysterious dreams and secret desires come true...’

  ‘Great. A long speech. My tummy is begging to be fed,’ Alexandro whispered –as much as he was capable of whispering.

  ‘Don’t worry. I will not bore you or leave you standing here. Come in, my friends...’

  ‘Did he hear me?’ Alexandro asked, seeking an answer from his bedazzled girlfriend. He highly doubted it. Aristoteli Minoa stood meters away, and the medieval music was still playing. Lowered volume, but still on-going. ‘Valentina?’

  ‘Huh? No, of course not. Handsome man, right?’

  Valentina turned towards him. ‘Right?’

  A frown appeared upon his face as he asked her if she truly was expecting an answer.

  ‘Why not? You show me girls all the time when we are out...’

  ‘Yeah, to notice how slutty they are or to discuss...’

  ‘Same shit,’ she replied and laid a kiss upon his dry lips.

  ‘...come in! The staff will show you to your rooms. Snacks and drinks are provided there, yet save your appetite for tonight’s feast.’ Aristoteli Minoa continued.

  Like wary sheep, the group moved together into the grand belly of the fortress. Amazement spread as guests saw the luxurious, yet peculiar inside.

  It was a grand hall, to say the least. Magnificent works of art hung from its magnolia-painted walls, elegant Greek statues were placed around the vast room, and shiny, gold-plated chandeliers shone from above. A large, round mahogany table dominated the center of the room, glowing, showing off how perfectly varnished it was. Free of dirty fingerprints, it hosted a row of porcelain elephants and a tall, twisted candle holder with three lit, white, aromatic candles. Yet, among the opulent ornaments, hints of the hotel’s true nature could be easily spotted. A fake dagger dipped into a red candle, life-sized murder weapons from Cluedo lined up on a shelf to their left, a headless statue, a toy snake wrapped around the legs of another, portraits depicting crime scenes from Jack the Ripper and the shape of a body made out of tape just below the grand staircase to their right.

  Clio, the only girl in the Afroudaki triplet squad, stood a few feet behind the rest. Her brother, Elias, turned to notice her shiver. Her hand stroked the back of her neck.

  ‘What’s wrong?’

  ‘Spider sense.’

  Just the words made him come closer.

  Spider sense was an inside joke in their home. Yet, nothing was ever funny about it. Clio, ever since she was a child, sensed a weird tingling on the back of her neck whenever something bad was about to happen. Her brothers referred to it as her spider sense. She hated the term as spiders topped her list of creepy, disgusting beings. At first, her parents thought it was cute, then labelled it as a coincident, and then learned to trust it. Clio had felt this way, just before their grandma’s death, their uncle’s car crash and even the earthquake of 2008.

  ‘What’s up?’ their brother, Dinos, asked.

  ‘Spider sense.’

  Dinos burst out laughing. ‘It’s Hotel Murder! Of course, someone is about to die!’

  Chapter 9

  Holidays. A craved-after word.

  In a world of working daily, the majority of people in stressful, tiring professions, everyone desires a break. Away from responsibilities, the office, the kids, the boss, the chores, and the cooking. Away from the soul-piercing daily routine.

  Maybe this fact is what gives the magical aura to the days away.

  A better version of yourself comes to life. Calmer, happier, nicer, more flexible and more negotiable. As if matters that seemed troubling before, fade away to an oblivion of vacation bliss. A different schedule, a different view, a different you.

  With her eye peeping through the slightly open bathroom door, Valentina grinned at a fully-clothed Alexandro passed out on the king-sized bed. Valentina sat down on the toilet and took her phone into her hands. Strong WiFi! I’m starting to like this hotel.

  Twenty minutes later, she unglued her eyes from the screen, stood up and shed her clothing. The growling from the room was no mystery to be solved. Alexandro was snoring, his mind lost far away in dreamland.

  ‘A shower without a time limit. Manna from heaven.’

  The hot, steamy water fell upon her skin as she opened the first miniature bottle, labelled imperial shower gel. The perfumed scent, redolent of spring, overwhelmed her senses.

  Having lost track of time, Valentina stepped out of the shower and opted to remain naked. She pulled back the bathroom door, letting enclosed steam escape the room.

  ‘Well, look who has decided to finally step out of the shower,’ Alexandro complained without turning to face her. He lay on the bed, awake with eyes shut. ‘We have to be down soon, and I was thinking of showering, too.’

  Valentina’s right corner of her mouth moved upwards. ‘I guess then that we don’t have time for sex. Better rush and get ready.’

  Both of his eyelids sprinted open, and Alexandro sat up, upon the king sized bed. He licked his lips and said ‘No, no. We have all the time in the world. I think dinner is like nine-ish...’

  ‘Men!’ Valentina laughed, shook her head and approached the bed.

  Alexandro crawled to the edge of the bed and grabbed her by the waist as she walked by. He twirled her around and fell upon her unclothed, smooth, alluring body.

  ‘I think you are way too dressed for the occasion, mister.’

  She loved the way he hastily undressed, pulling clothes off the top of his head and kicking away others. Most of all, she was smitten by the boyish grin that crowned his chiselled face as he stood naked before her. Her ha
nd reached out and took his erection into her hand causing him to shiver and leaned down to kiss her. Valentina placed her hands upon his back, and her nails travelled back and forth, before journeying into his thick, rich hair. Alexandro bit on her ear lobe and entered her slowly. His large hands settled to her sides as he lifted himself up and pushed further in.

  Two bodies intertwined. She was a blossoming, Persian jasmine and he was her supporting wall. Valentina had no former lovers, yet was sure she would never feel this way with any other man. Her eruption came in waves and with a wide smile on her flushed face, she bit his bottom lip tenderly.

  As Valentina dived into euphoria, the rest of the guests were busy dressing up for the evening. Gowns, expensive dresses, tuxedos, suits, flashy jewelry. All came out to play.

  Soon, pungent, tantalizing aromas floated out of the grand dining room and conquered the air, calling the guests down. Members of the staff waited for them as the guests came down the carpeted, marble stairs. They held silver platters, some with tuna canapés, and some with tall wine glasses filled with bubbly champagne. Two by two, the guests descended the twisted in a perfect spiral staircase and exchanges of ‘good evenings’ were heard. Gossiping was exchanged in whispering voices and limited to each duo.

  Valentina and Alexandro were last to arrive, though, just in time as Platonas announced that dinner was served.

  Fine dinnerware lay upon the long table. Aristoteli stood at the head of the table, welcoming the guests into the high-ceilinged room. Golden, church-like chandeliers hung from above and brightly threw light around the vast room.

  Dinner was served ‘Greek meze’ style. First came the little plates with the various dips, closely followed by hot pita bread and village salad. A variety of meats and grilled vegetables came next, and once devoured were replaced with more.

  ‘Holy crap, Robin. My utility belt is about to explode!’

  ‘So, I’m guessing you’re Batman?’ Valentina replied, rolling her eyes. ‘How you ever had so many girlfriends, I wonder. Comic book flirting and all.’

  Alexandro’s grin spread across his face. ‘I always laugh how you stress the word many. But seriously, I cannot believe we are eating all of this free of charge.’

  Alexandro’s delight only grew, when an array of desserts was soon presented.

  ‘Well, well, well. Jackpot. There’s even galatoboureko! Heaven, baby, heaven.’

  Valentina opted for a freshly-cut apple and watched as her man got lost in ecstasy, surrounded by three pieces of honey-dripping galatoboureko. As she lifted her tissue to wipe Alexandro’s chin, Aristoteli announced that the night was young and asked to be followed into the next room - the ballroom, as he called it. Traditional music boomed out of the four over-hanging speakers, and Aristoteli led the way to the dance floor.

  ‘Good way to get us out of the way for the help to clean up,’ Hope commented, as she walked hand-in-hand with Galatea, who was describing the room to her.

  ‘Same chandeliers, yet the ceiling is not as high. You would love it. The curtains...’

  Behind them, Diana walked close by and having had a look at her white-gold watch with the diamond numbers, she yelled with excitement and leaped beside Aristoteli, her arms opened wide, ready to dance.

  Her glittery red heels gracefully travelled around the dance floor as Diana had apparently not only maintained the body of a twenty year old for the last three decades, she had also preserved her wild teen side when it came to partying.

  Valentina and Alexandro lingered by the wooden, tall bar enjoying the free alcohol. The boy behind the bar had left his post, having been called down to the kitchen for an emergency, as he referred to it. As he exited, he apologized and uttered the short sentence that brought bliss to the guest. ‘Feel at home, take whatever you want. I’ll be right back...’

  Alexandro stirred his whiskey, one eye on the swirling ice cubes, the other on Diana’s dancing figure.

  ‘She’s got quite a body, huh?’

  ‘You miss nothing,’ he replied, now with both eyes on Valentina’s.

  ‘Nope,’ she smiled. ‘I also noticed how she keeps checking the time on her Rolex and how there is no personnel to be seen and...’

  Alexandro leaned forward and smelled her neck. He took in a deep breath and delicately kissed her neck, bringing her words to a full stop. ‘Officer, you are over thinking again.’

  ‘I thought we were here to solve the mystery.’

  ‘We are. As soon as we have another free drink and hit the dance floor.’

  Valentina laughed out loud. She enjoyed seeing him relax for a change. She missed the carefree man that her heart had fallen for. Now, with every pay cut and every new tax, she witnessed the stress surround and overwhelm him. He worried about the rent, the bills, and how they would manage to raise children in this sinking ship of a country.

  Valentina poured herself another glass of fine, crisp, white wine. Her prize for a superb getaway from the world. The drinks came and perished on their thirsty lips, yet their dance never came. Diana, having first walked to the door and taken a peak outside, marched over to the stereo system and abruptly switched the music off. All heads in the room turned her direction.

  Just as every bad actress out there, she dramatically swallowed a deep breath and spoke loudly as she made her announcement.

  ‘Fellow guests, tragedy has hit us. As we partied, a murder has taken place. Right under our noses. Quick, everyone to the stairwell. The body is still fresh.’

  Diana exhaled; her smile revealing her joy of remembering her lines.

  Never before was a corpse approached by such an ebullient group. Maximos led the group and pushed open the heavy ballroom doors.

  ‘Oh my!’ Jocasta said as the group came to a pause a few feet away from the tangled body.

  ‘Boy, does that blood look real,’ Eugene added.

  ‘Isn’t that the doctor?’ the bishop asked his wife.

  ‘Was he a guest or an actor?’ she replied.

  ‘What’s with all the envelopes?’ Clio asked her brothers.

  Only Valentina and Alexandro remained silent and confused. They held hands and exchanged worried, concerned looks.

  ‘What are we supposed to do now? Who has the next clue? Diana?’ Apollo spoke up.

  ‘My task was to get you all out here. That’s it,’ she replied.

  Silence fell upon them; only Galatea’s whispering could be heard as she described the scene to Hope.

  ‘It’s Dr. Loucas Michael. The tall doctor with the flashy teeth, I told you about. His body seems to have been thrown down the stairs. His limps are bent and stretched out in a funny way. If you get what I mean. There is a large pool of blood, in which he lays. There are numerous small envelopes floating in the blood, but nothing appears to be written on them.’

  ‘Well, we can’t just stand here. Maybe, we are supposed to look around for clues?’ Theodore, the congressman, suggested.

  ‘Why don’t we just ask the good, old doctor eh?’ Maximos said with an upbeat, mocking fake laugh. ‘Yo, Doc. How did you die?’ he continued as he knelt by the body. ‘Well, I say. Damn good actor, he is.’

  Maximos was ready to poke him when Valentina cried ‘Stop!’

  There was something in her cry that made everyone turn to see her.

  ‘I... I... Don’t think he is pretending.’

  The words took a few seconds to settle and make nests in brains around the room. Eyes ping-ponged from the corpse to Valentina’s ashen face. Only Dinos and Elia had their eyes focused on their sister, Clio. Her premonition was coming true in a short amount of time.

  ‘Are those your lines, dear?’ Hope asked, speaking up, her weak voice struggling to be heard.

  ‘It’s probably a dummy. Talking about lines, mine are to advise you all to return to the ballroom and I will call the police,’ Apollo said, stepping forward. ‘I’m sure actors will appear soon as detectives or something.’

  ‘Shut up! All of you just shut up,’ Alexa
ndro said. ‘Step away from the body. Now! The real police are already here.’

  Alexandro took his time to accept the fact that the body before him was real. No make-up artist could make it look so real. No theatre blood came close to the fluid unleashed from the doctor’s veins.

  ‘Please gather by the entrance and remain still and relaxed,’ Valentina added and joined Alexandro, who had knelt by the body and was checking for vital signs. ‘He’s dead, for sure,’ he whispered to her as she stood by his side.

  ‘Shouldn’t we call for a member of staff? I mean, we can’t call it in. We have no freaking idea where the hell we are.’

  ‘Where’s Aristoteli? The owner was feasting with us.’

  ‘He sneaked out over half an hour ago. I didn’t think much of it, then. He never came back,’ Valentina replied, pulling back her blonde hair and locking it in a high ponytail. It was time to examine the body. ‘The blood can’t be from the fall. It’s too much. Can you see any entry wounds?’

  Alexandro shook his head and decided to lift the doctor by his left shoulder. Both were faced with a chest covered in stab wounds.

  Meanwhile, away from the body, the guests discussed their own theories about the unexplained turn of events unfolding before them.

  ‘Told you those two were actors,’ Diana said, taking another sip of champagne.

  ‘Yes, you did, dear,’ Galatea agreed, nodding her head to the point her thin-framed glasses slid down her nose.

  ‘How did you guess?’ Hope asked, her hand never leaving Galatea’s.

  ‘Well, can’t you see the difference? Not our class,’ Diana stated her theory and then widened her eyes. ‘Oh, sorry, babes. I did not think. It’s just a matter of speech, you know? I’m not daft. I know you can’t see...’

  Hope could not contain her laughter. ‘No offense taken, Diana. But, are we sure?’

  ‘Yes, I’m sure. They are just trying to scare us.’

  Clio remained between her two brothers, her long fingers running along her iPhone’s screen. ‘I’m calling mum,’ she said and lifted the phone to her ear.

  Neofytos, the strict-looking banker, placed a cigar between his thin lips and announced that he was heading outside for a smoke. More of an invitation than an announcement, he looked around in search for fellow smokers.


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