Rescuing The Reluctant Groom (Windy City Romance 5)

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Rescuing The Reluctant Groom (Windy City Romance 5) Page 18

by Barbara Lohr

  “You look perfect,” he murmured. “All this walking should keep both of us in shape. Especially this hill.”

  “Good for our thighs.” Flanked with shops and art galleries, Canyon Road went for blocks, all on an upward angle.

  “Trust me, amor. No work needed on any part of your legs.”

  “Maybe I wasn’t talking about mine.”

  The rumble of laughter in Seth’s chest made her smile. “Selena Ruiz, soon to be Selena Kirkpatrick, you are a tease.”

  Smiling up at him, Selena basked in his love. After the tension of the past three months, this certainty felt more soothing than the hot tub last night.

  Seth’s phone pinged. Checking the screen, he smiled. “Good news from Amanda. Sean rolled over for the first time. Guess he was trying to keep his eyes on Shadow.”

  “A win-win, right? Good thing we had Shadow declawed. Amanda was so good to take care of the kitten.”

  Slipping the phone back in his pocket, Seth nodded. “I have a feeling Sean and Shadow might turn out to be buddies. Connor stopped over last Saturday with Sean to watch part of the game. I couldn’t believe it when Shadow dragged her favorite stuffed mouse over to the baby in his bouncy seat.”

  “I love the way your brother lets Amanda have her girl time on the weekend.”

  “So, you’re hoping that’s a family trait, right?”

  She squeezed his waist. “You've always been a smart man.”

  He lifted a brow, like he didn’t believe it. But her husband-to-be was beaming. Then his expression shifted. Changing course, Seth detoured down a side street and backed her up against a long adobe wall. She welcomed every firm angle of his body. “When it comes to you, I hope I always am. Tell me if you’re not hearing what you need to hear, mi amor.” He nibbled on her neck and she shivered in the dry heat.

  “So you’ll be my ‘yes’ man?” she teased, twitching her hips.

  Closing his eyes, Seth seemed to consider that thought. Or was he just enjoying her bump and grind? With a low shudder, he shook his head. “Not exactly and you know it.” His hands tightened on her hips. She gave another sassy swish and he groaned.

  The warm adobe heated her back when Seth did his best to make her wish they weren’t in a public place. Good thing the side street was empty. Weathered strings of red peppers swayed in the doorway next to them. Selena jumped when one brushed her shoulder. She nipped his ear lobe. “Guess we should remember where we are.”

  Seth backed off but not much. “Most of the tourists are back at their hotels, getting ready for dinner. Besides, Santa Fe is so romantic. A little PDA wouldn’t shock anyone.”

  “Your family will be waiting for us.” They had just come from the Loretto Chapel and were headed to the rehearsal dinner. Big Mike and Connor both had rented SUVs and had driven some of the family up the road to the restaurant. Since Mallory and Amy had arrived at the Albuquerque airport at the same time as Vanessa and Alex, they were sharing a vehicle. But Seth and Selena preferred to walk. The night felt so soft and she wanted every second possible with her man.

  With a glance toward the road, Seth grinned. “My family can wait. The Kirkpatricks are all about taking things slow.” He lowered his head, kissing her as if he could not get enough. She sighed with contentment, drinking in the sweet scent of wisteria winding over the ledge above.

  “Hungry?” he asked, pulling away.

  “Yep.” She brushed her lips against his one more time. “But not for food.”

  Cupping her cheeks in his palms, Seth lowered his forehead to hers. “Did I ever tell you how much I love you? How I can't wait to marry you?”

  That twirly feeling in her chest? Pure happiness. “Never get tired of hearing it.” Ever since Easter, Seth had made sure that she knew how he felt—not easy for this guy.

  I can’t know unless you tell me had become their mantra.

  “Come on. According to the map, the restaurant’s right ahead.” Taking her hand, he steered her back onto Canyon Road.

  She sighed. Some secrets were so hard to keep.

  Although Seth’s family knew they were back together, they seemed to sense things had changed between them. Or was Selena just imagining things? They’d agreed that they would wait until after the wedding to announce their engagement. “Every bride wants to be the center of attention,” she had reasoned with Seth and he agreed that McKenna deserved her moment with Logan.

  Besides, the Kirkpatricks already had another engagement to celebrate. Everyone had been so excited to see Harper’s engagement ring when Cameron and Harper arrived from the airport yesterday. They’d all celebrated at the afternoon wine and cheese get-together in the lounge of the inn. It made Selena so happy to think she’d been with Harper and Cameron for that proposal last February. She treated the family to every last detail she could recall, especially for Reenie’s benefit. How far Selena had come since her visit to Savannah when she’d felt so broken. And Harper had been such a help. Although she may be the spitfire of the family, her experiences with Cameron had made her into a wise woman.

  “Selena, I’m so happy for you,” Harper had whispered to her when they ran into each other at breakfast that morning. “Looks like things are going well with Seth.”

  “Thanks for all your advice. Maybe you were my lucky charm.”

  Bella was with Connie back in Savannah, giving Harper some much needed time alone with Cameron in Santa Fe. How Selena wanted to tell Harper that Seth had proposed. But this was a secret worth keeping for a while.

  Last night, Seth and Selena had taken plastic glasses of sangria down to one of the inn’s hot tubs. Gazing up at the azure sky of New Mexico, she’d wondered if they might want to be married here. The city cast such a magic spell.

  But no need to hurry anything.

  The decision had been a long time coming. She wanted to savor it.

  “I enjoyed meeting your brother Rafael and Ana today.” Seth pulled her attention back. Rafael and his wife had met them for lunch at the old fashioned diner on the plaza.

  “He told me I was one lucky girl. I had to set him straight, of course.”

  “Your brother adores you. I’m looking forward to spending more time with your family.”

  “I told my parents we would visit Kalamazoo again this summer. My mother sounded suspicious. Maybe we can go up there after we announce our engagement to your family.”

  “What? You never took Gary there?”

  Selena socked Seth playfully. “I’ll probably never hear the end of this, right?”

  “Afraid so.” Seth gave her a wry grin.

  Gary and Mindy were back together and Selena might never know the rest of that story. What a different experience to commiserate with a man, but helpful to get a masculine perspective on a breakup. Whenever she saw her former pretend boyfriend in the hall at work, he looked content. She shared that feeling.

  Seth’s steps slowed. “Wait a minute. You’re talking about telling your parents this summer? I was thinking we’d be married this summer.”

  Whoa. That brought Selena up sharp. “Really? That fast?”

  “Sure. I thought maybe we’d have the ceremony after my paramedic sessions were over.”

  “This is news. You’re scheduled for classes? That’s terrific.”

  He puffed out his chest. “Am I a changed man or what? I wanted to surprise you.”

  Selena’s mind clicked ahead. “I’m going to Guatemala in July on my mission trip.”

  “Yes, of course I remember. But what about August?”

  Who was this man? “You know, I have to get used to this new Seth, the guy who makes plans.”

  Throwing back his head, he laughed. The setting sun sculpted the handsome planes of his face. She'd never seen him so happy. Had love really done this to him?

  Some of the shops were still open. One window displayed elegant silver jewelry set with opals and her steps slowed. “What beautiful pieces. Look at the stones.”

  “We’ve got time. Come on.
” A tiny bell rang when Seth opened the door.

  Inside, the narrow shop was lined with glass cases. An opal necklace caught Selena’s eye. The stone seemed to capture the unusual blue of the Santa Fe sky.

  “Could we see that?” Seth motioned to the clerk, who was happy to oblige.

  Lifting her hair, Selena gazed into the viewing mirror while Seth fastened the delicate chain around her neck.

  “Like it?” He caught her eye in the reflection.

  “It’s beautiful.” She trailed her fingers over the stone, wondering how expensive it was.

  “Then we’ll take it.”

  She touched his arm as the clerk whisked the necklace away. “Oh, Seth. Isn’t it too much?”

  “I’ve been putting in overtime. Consider it your engagement necklace, until we choose the right ring.”

  “Can I wear it now?”


  As they continued their walk up Canyon Road, Selena brushed the necklace with her left hand. Sometimes she felt as if she were living a dream. They’d come full circle over the past three months. Didn't every couple follow their own course? She was so grateful that for them, the journey would have a happy ending.

  At last they’d reached the wide log porch of El Farol and climbed the steps. She couldn’t wait to see everyone. They’d been so scattered all day, all of them eager to take in as much as they could during this short visit. A waiter led them to a room in the back where the Kirkpatrick family and close friends waited. Small candles cast a warm glow on the long tables that bracketed a dance floor. Tiny white lights looped from the ceiling, adding to the magic and mystery.

  “So romantic,” Selena whispered, happy to be a part of the Kirkpatrick family again.

  “About time you two got here.” Big Mike waved to them from the far side of the dance floor.

  “Front row seats,” Seth said, his hand on Selena’s back as they moved toward the group. “Watch your step now.”

  Reenie was seated between her husband and Cecile, Logan’s grandmother. The two older women had their heads together. What a relief that Reenie’s recovery was going so well. Amy and Vanessa were deep in conversation with Harper. Everyone seemed to be catching up.

  “Have a good day?” McKenna asked from the foot of the long table, once Seth and Selena were seated.

  “Fabulous but we may need a return trip.”

  “That can probably be arranged.” McKenna looked so happy, Logan’s arm around her. Such a perfect pair. Beaming, McKenna looked as if she might be thinking the same thing about Seth and Selena.

  Wine was served and Connor proposed a toast to the bride and groom. “May your love and devotion grow with every year together.” Glasses clinked and Logan’s grandmother dabbed at her eyes. Selena wondered what the toast would be at their own dinner. Summer? Really? In more ways than one, Seth took her breath away.

  The waitress arrived and they chose their tapas. It felt different for the family not to have the children with them, different but kind of nice. Conversation flowed and they all took their time, sampling and sharing. No one had to break away to monitor the children. The room was partially open on the sides and the soothing night air wafted into the room. Back in Chicago, spring still struggled to get a foothold so the milder weather in Santa Fe sure felt good.

  In a sudden change of mood, a man in full Spanish costume leapt onto the stage. Strumming his guitar with agile fingers, he tilted his gilt-edged black sombrero against the spotlight trained on the center of the stage. Conversation halted when the flamenco dancers took the floor, stomping, clapping and wailing of heartbreak and honor. The performance resonated in her heart but not as strongly as Seth’s smile in the darkness.

  Afterwards, the group lingered over coffee. Seth’s arm around the back of her chair, Selena savored the contentment.

  “What a pretty necklace,” Harper commented when she circled the table. “Is that an opal?”

  “Gift from your brother.” Catching Seth’s eye, Selena smiled.

  Harper’s eyes narrowed. “And why do I think this gorgeous piece of jewelry is something more than just a necklace?”

  Lifting her brows, Selena said nothing more. Thank goodness Harper didn’t press her.

  After dinner, Seth and Selena strolled back toward the hotel, while the others piled into the SUVs. Night had fallen softly. It felt almost eerie to pass the darkened storefronts. When they reached the deep garden of a metal sculptor, his creations whirred gently in the breeze.

  “Should we go to the hot tub tonight?” she asked when they reached the bottom of the road and turned right toward Alameda and the inn.

  “I overheard Logan talking to McKenna about the hot tub. Four is definitely a crowd. Think I have a different idea. “

  “But aren’t there two tubs in two different locations?”

  “Not taking any chances. We need some private time. I picked up some massage oils today while you were trying on clothes.”


  As the harpist played in the Loretto Chapel the following morning, Selena waited her turn in the back of the church with McKenna. The small, intimate chapel seemed so perfect for the service. In the front sat Reenie, along with Grandma Cecile. No groom’s or bride’s side for this group. Some close friends were scattered through the chapel, all eyes on the front where the men were lined up, handsome in black tuxedoes.

  Vanessa had gone first, stunning with her midnight hair contrasting with the deep pink gown. Then came Amy with her sweet smile, Mallory’s eyes following her every step. Was he remembering their wedding on the cruise ship docked outside Venice? Next to him in the third pew sat Cameron, who snapped shots as Harper started down the aisle. No doubt Bella was eager to see wedding photos. Of course, a photographer was at the front to document the entire service.

  “See you at the altar, girlfriend.” Selena hugged McKenna, whose fiery hair tumbled past her shoulders in long curls.

  “Are you next?” McKenna whispered. “Something sure seems different about you two.”

  Selena hoped her expression didn’t give her away. “I think Harper might beat me to the altar.” She had to throw McKenna off the trail or there would be no end to the questions.

  “Ah, hah. Your turn to walk down the aisle. In this wedding party, I mean.” McKenna’s attention turned toward the front where Logan waited.

  Selena’s eyes found Seth. He was the only one who mattered as she traversed the short aisle. Heads already were craning toward the back, all attention on the bride.

  Her bouquet quivering in her hands, Selena joined the ladies and turned. The harpist paused and began Pachelbel’s canon in D.

  McKenna was a sight to behold as she came down the aisle on Big Mike's arm. Delicately understated, her beaded gown cupped her figure in a shaped bell that trailed into a short train. Usually not a woman who fussed, today McKenna was a fashion statement. A puff of meringue, her veil fell past her skirt, held in place on her red curls with white hyacinths and stephanotis that filled the gothic arches of the chapel with sweetness.

  Selena couldn’t help the tears in her eyes, and Seth shot her a concerned look as his sister took Logan’s arm and they all turned. “Love you,” he mouthed. She smiled back and the service began.

  At the dinner later, McKenna did the traditional bouquet toss. Selena was amazed to catch it instead of Harper. It almost seemed as if McKenna had thrown the flowers straight to her in the small semi-circle of single women. When it came time for the man’s boutonniere, Selena half expected Seth to duck out as he had in at past weddings.

  Today Seth was full of surprises. This time, he stepped right up, hands waving in the air, like he was signaling to the quarterback. When Seth leapt to snatch the flower Logan tossed, Harper gave Selena a pointed glance. Dropping her eyes, Selena wasn’t saying anything. Seth swaggered back to the table, the hyacinth sprig pinned proudly in his lapel.

  Family members gave each other pleased smiles.

  Sometimes words weren’
t needed.


  Three Months Later

  Wedding bells pealed, filling St. Edmund Church and Selena’s heart with joy. Her mother fussed with the train of Selena's wedding gown and turned to her younger sister. Poor Sofia was Selena’s maid of honor. In their mother’s eyes, this responsibility ranked close to Homeland Security. “Now, Sofia. Ten cuido. Es importante que todo es perfecto.”

  “Sí, mama.” Sofia caught Selena’s eyes and smiled. “Everything will be perfect.”

  “Don’t worry. You’ll have your turn,” Selena whispered.

  “All set?” McKenna poked her head in from the bridesmaids’ dressing room next door. Her mouth fell open when Selena turned from the long mirror.

  “Oh, my. Who else could look smoking hot and sexy on her wedding day? Has Seth seen this?”

  Smoothing one hand over the deep flamenco ruffles that flared onto the floor, Selena shook her head. She couldn’t wait to see Seth’s expression. He’d be sorry the dress didn’t cut up in the front, like flamenco dancers. She’d had the dressmaker make some necessary modifications. After all, they were in a church.

  “We're going to need smelling salts for Seth.” McKenna fanned herself with one hand.

  “Blame it on your Santa Fe wedding, McKenna.” Mimicking the dancers, she kicked one foot out under the train and turned. Selena had practiced the tricky maneuver until her calf ached.

  “Glad to accept responsibility.” McKenna cast a glance behind her. “The girls are ready when you are.”

  Selena leaned to kiss her mother. “You have brought me to this point, Mama. Without your strength, nada. Comprendes?”

  “Oh, Selena.” Fumbling with the beaded bag that matched her dress, Selena’s mother wouldn’t meet her glance. In her eyes, she’d done what any mother would do, but for Selena, her life's journey had been a miracle.

  Harper poked her head in. “Hey, we’re waiting for you to become Mrs. Selena Kirkpatrick. Andale, my future sister-in-law.”

  “Sister-in-law? I like the sound of that.” Swishing her ruffles one last time, Selena nodded. “I’m ready.”


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