Idan: A Sci-Fi Warrior Romance (Heroes of Avalere Book 2)

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Idan: A Sci-Fi Warrior Romance (Heroes of Avalere Book 2) Page 15

by Jane Henry

  We do not respond to him. I walk with King Aldric along the dark hallways of the dungeon. “Say nothing,” Aldric instructs. “When we are alone, we shall speak frankly.” But his eyes are troubled, his brows furrowed. He takes me to a vacant room where two chairs sit by a table. “You must tell me exactly what has transpired in these past few hours, Svali,” Aldric says once he’s locked the door behind us. “I know the man behind those bars is not your husband, but I must be able to prove so to the Avalerians. They believe him to be Idan, and they believe he wants my blood. The Avalerians are loyal. It is, after all, what has caused this revolt to begin with. We stand on the verge of civil war, and in order to avoid it, I must prove the man who attempted to kill me is not your husband but someone else.” He frowns. “Unfortunately, he is the only one here now, so I cannot prove anything.”

  “My husband is trapped on Kleedan, my lord!”

  Aldric frowns. “Kleedan?”

  “Yes, my lord. I went there to bring medicine to my mother and sister, both of whom are gravely ill.”

  Aldric frowns. “You went there? When the men were at council?”

  I nod again, now shifting on my seat as I grow uncomfortable. “Yes, my lord,” I say in a small voice.

  “After your husband told you to stay, you went to Kleedan?” he asks, his eyes piercing mine.

  “Yes, my lord.” He gives me one stern glance before nodding for me to continue. “Idan arrived, and he found me and my family. He determined it was best to take us back home to Avalere, but when he got to the portal, he could no longer access it.”

  Aldric frowns. “Why not?”

  “It appears someone on Avalere blocked his return, my lord.”

  Aldric taps the table. “I see. Then we must find a way to bring him back.”

  “My lord, please do!” I plead, getting to my feet, but he gives a stern shake of his head.

  “It is not as easy as it seems, Svali. The Avalerians want his blood. We cannot simply bring him back. If we do, they will insist on his execution.”

  “But my lord, we have the imposter here! Can we not prove my husband’s innocence?”

  He nods. “Of course, and we shall, but it will take time and strategy. For now, the most important thing to do is bring Idan back from Kleedan. We must find trustworthy members of the Hisrach to go to Kleedan and undo the magic that keeps Idan apart.”

  “Yes, my lord.”

  A knock comes at the door. Aldric turns to me. “Come in!”

  Zadok enters, and he stares when he sees me. “Svali.”

  Aldric rises. “We suspect the man behind bars is the imposter you first saw the other night.”

  Zadok nods. “Yes,” he says with a frown. “If I could but prove it, I would cut the traitor’s head from his neck.”

  I shiver. Avalerian justice is severe.

  Aldric glares at Zadok. “Why did you order Svali’s imprisonment?”

  “I never did, my lord,” Zadok insists.

  Aldric frowns. “Svali can prove her husband’s innocence, as she bore witness to his presence on Kleedan during the attempt to assassinate me.”

  Zadok purses his lips at me, and my heart sinks. I know what he thinks. Who would believe the word of a prostitute?

  “We must find Idan and bring him here,” Aldric insists. “Idan will sort his own troubles. He needs the aid of the Hisrach to bring him back.”

  “Yes, my lord,” Zadok says, getting to his feet. “I will assemble the men, and we will go to Kleedan. Gregor will be able to undo any trickery that prevents Idan from returning.”

  “Go, then. Assemble the Hisrach and have them come to me at once.” When Zadok goes to do Aldric’s bidding, Aldric turns to me. “Gregor knows the art of transportation and sorcery,” he explains. “He can manipulate the portal if he knows our purpose.”

  I nod. “Yes, my lord. Please hurry. My sister and mother are ill.”

  Aldric’s eyes meet mine. “Svali, I know your loyalty lies with your family. But do you understand how serious your disobedience to Idan was?”

  I do not respond. My stomach clenches, and my heart is troubled.

  Aldric continues. “Woman, your husband’s life is endangered because of your waywardness.”

  “My lord,” I say, desperation making me want to plead my case. “I only wanted my family well again. I wanted to bring them medicine from Avalere.”

  Aldric’s scowl deepens. “Is that really all you wanted, Svali?”

  Have I been so transparent? I sigh. He knows that I wished to bring them here where I could care for them, where they would have riches in abundance. I shake my head. “No, my lord.”

  Aldric continues. “Did it occur to you that if you had but told Idan the truth, he would have seen to it your family was cared for as well?”

  I envision Idan by my sister’s side, helping her sit up so I could give her the medication she needed. Aldric is right. I did not need to sneak and lie. I could have told him the truth from the very beginning.

  “We will bring Idan home,” Aldric says. “And we will bring your family home as well. Then you will apologize to your husband for your transgressions. Do you understand?”

  I nod. “Yes, my lord.”

  “Very good, then. Let us go to the Hisrach and bring Idan back to Avalere.”


  We move through the forest quickly. Zadok, Gregor, Aldric, and several other members of the Hisrach have their weapons drawn and ready. I stand between them, as it will be my duty to help find my family and Idan. When we assemble in front of the portal, Aldric gestures to me. “Come here. We will have Zadok and Gregor go first so they are prepared to protect you if need be. You will follow suit.”

  I nod, but seconds after I do so, a bright light flashes on the door of the portal. I gasp and fall back, and in front of me stand two people. Shaan, my sister’s betrothed, and, beside him, my sister.

  “Cambri!” I run to put my arms around her.

  She embraces me. “We came to get help, Svali,” she says. “Shaan came to protect me so I could get word to your Hisrach. Your Idan cannot access the portal.” I introduce my sister to Aldric and the men assembled then Aldric has us all step aside as Gregor moves forward, manipulating the portal.

  “It is blocked, yes.” he murmurs. “But I will be able to allow him access again. If he is in the presence of his brothers, the strength of numbers will override the ban. They cannot keep him from returning, as he is a member of the Hisrach and only weakened by separation.”

  It all passes in a blur — Zadok and Gregor go to the portal as one, my sister falling behind me with Shaan, a dizzying flash of light. I feel lightheaded and confused, not sure who is going where or how, and then I see him — my strong warrior husband, cradling my mother against his chest, the young boy he rescued by his side. He has a slash, still dotted with fresh blood, across his arm. My heart squeezes, and I go to him. When he sees me, he bows his head, touching his forehead to mine.

  “We must get to the castle,” he says. “Away from danger.”

  Aldric speaks. “We will escort you, as you must not be seen by anyone here on Avalere. For now you are a wanted criminal here, Idan.”

  Idan’s brows furrow, but he nods.

  “You stay by my side,” Idan says, hissing through the darkness to me. “Do not leave my side again.”

  “Yes, my lord,” I whisper, though I do not need to be told.

  I will not.


  We are no longer in our regular room at the castle. Until Aldric can prove the imposter was the one attempting assassination, both Idan and I must remain quiet and out of sight. We have been given a room deep within the castle with but one window, a small bed, and access to a bathroom. My mother is in the infirmary, being treated for her illness, my sister beside her in recovery. The young boy, Ryken, has been given a room all his own. He was prepared to fight and defend Idan, but Idan insisted he bathe, eat, and get some rest. The boy, though stubb
orn, obeyed, and Idan and I are now alone.

  He sits by the fire, brooding.

  The chasm between us makes my heart ache.


  “Do not speak to me, Svali. I cannot tell the future of Avalere, and your recalcitrant behavior has complicated so much.”

  Aldric’s plan is to bring the traitor in front of the people, tomorrow, condemn him then prove he is a fraud. Now that we have Idan here, it will be far easier. I have high hopes his plan will work, that the loyal Avalerians will see the truth. The one who pretends to be Idan still sits in jail.

  I hate that my husband has forbidden me to speak. I have so very many things to say.

  But he has not forbidden me to touch him.

  Slowly, I make my way over to where he sits by the fire. I lower myself to the floor, sitting by his feet. He does not object. Closing my eyes, I decide I will take the risk of rejection. I place my head upon his knee, my cheek against the leather of his breeches. My long hair falls over his lap and my face. Prepared for him to push me away, I gently touch his knee.

  At first, he does not move. My heart hurts, a lump in my throat making tears come to my eyes. I wish to reconcile so badly. I feel his warm, strong touch on the back of my neck, his fingers massaging the muscles there.

  “You are a brave girl,” he murmurs, running his fingers through my hair. At his tenderness, the tears spill down my cheek. I let them. “A brave girl,” he repeats. “But this could have happened so differently. Why did you not come to me, Svali? Why not tell me the whole truth?” His other hand covers mine on his knee, warm and protective.

  My tears flow freely now, but I do not move as I respond. “I feared you would reject me,” I say. “I tricked you into choosing me. I tricked you into marriage. You never would have married a fallen woman like me if you knew my past.”

  He continues to trail his fingers through my hair. “Maybe not,” he says, and even now I appreciate his honesty. Lies have gotten me nowhere. “Svali, if I had known the courage you possess, the selflessness, and the beauty within you, I would have chosen you from a ring of a thousand.”

  How can his voice be so tender, when I betrayed him so?

  “My lord?” He brushes my hair from my face, his thumb wiping the tears away.

  He puts a finger to my lips to quiet me. “You did not give your body over to men because you are a wanton woman, lovely. You did so because you wished to give of yourself. Acts of sacrifice should be rewarded, Svali.”

  My tears dampen the leather on his legs, dark splotches appearing as he continues to run his hand over my head.

  “You should have trusted me, Svali. Some of what has transpired still would have happened. But we would not have had the trouble we did.”

  I know he is right. “I see that now, my lord.”

  “I wish to put this behind us, Svali. Tomorrow, we face the Avalerians, and I know not what will transpire. We will attempt to prove my innocence, and we can begin the restoration of Avalere. Every minute she is divided weakens her.”

  “Yes, my lord.” I could take his anger so much more easily than his gentle disappointment. I need to be right again with him.

  He remains silent as my tears continue to fall, and his gentle touch continues to soothe me.

  “My lord?” I wish to put this behind this as much as he does. I need him to forgive me.

  “Yes, Svali?”

  “Why don’t you…punish me,” I suggest, unable to stifle my cringe. He is well within his rights to whip me, or worse. He has disciplined me often enough by now for me to know punishment will be hard to endure. But I need this.

  For a long time, he does not speak. When he finally does, his voice is husky and low. “You seemed to enjoy punishment the first time I spanked you,” he says, and to my surprise he has a teasing tone to his voice. My thighs clench together. Why does hearing him speak so cause my arousal to flame?

  I swallow. “Perhaps, my lord.” I do not know how to explain to him that it is not always for pleasure. The time he took me across his knee in the woods outside my home, I was not aroused but repentant. Punishment hurts. “I do not know how to explain my reaction, my lord. Yes, the thought of being…punished by you is…a bit exciting. I wish it were not so, but I cannot lie. But at the same time…I feel…as if taking my punishment will erase my transgressions. I feel as if I am in your good graces again if I can take my consequences.”

  “I see,” he says, almost as if to himself. “I ought to punish you. Come here, Svali.”

  I stand before my big, strong husband, his brows knit together as he frowns at me. He pulls me to standing between his legs, his gaze never leaving mine. His fingers wrap around my neck, and he brings my mouth to his. The kiss is firm, possessive, claiming but brief, his whiskers contrasting with the softness of his lips. He releases me, his eyes still stormy. His fingers go to the edge of my tunic, and he lifts it, straight up over my head baring me. When I am naked, he pulls me even closer, his mouth going to my neck, his tongue trailing along the column of my throat before the warmth reaches my collarbone. “I will have a clasped necklace fashioned for your neck,” he says, “to remind any who see you that you belong to me.” Excitement grows in my belly. Carina wears a locking necklace. I wish to be owned by Idan as Aldric owns Carina.

  “Yes, my lord.”

  He fists a handful of hair and pulls my head back. “On your knees, Svali,” he commands, his mouth at my ear. “Show me how sorry you are.”

  Trembling, I obey, eagerness to please him making tears spring to my eyes once more. Will he allow me this? My fingers hastily unfasten the ties about his waist. He helps me, and soon his cock is released. He is hard for me. I bring him to my mouth, the satiny taste of his skin delightful against my tongue. I lick slowly. His grasp does not slacken at the back of my neck, and he forces me even closer, pushing himself in so deep I gag and tears water my eyes.

  “Show me,” he growls. I suck in earnest, my head bobbing between his large thighs, his hand guiding me. He groans in pleasure, a sound that delights me. I give him all I have, pleasing him with my mouth. “Good girl. But we will not finish now.” To my surprise, he withdraws, releases me, and fixes himself back in his breeches.

  I feel sad, bereft even. I wished to give him pleasure.

  “Go kneel by the bed,” he instructs.

  I obey, both dread and excitement pooling in my stomach. I kneel in front of the bed, and he comes up behind me. He touches my shoulders, another soft caress as his fingers stroke through my hair.

  “Svali.” His voice is low and deep in the quiet.

  “Yes, my lord?”

  Though he frowns, his gaze has softened. He cups my chin, raising my face to his. “Lovely,” he says. “Do you know that I admire your bravery?” I swallow and look away, but a tug on my chin pulls my gaze back up to his. “Keep your eyes on me, Svali.”

  “I did not know you admire my bravery, my lord. I certainly did not feel brave.”

  “What does bravery feel like?” he asks, his auburn brows drawing together. “Bravery means doing what needs to be done. You have sacrificed time and time again. And the last time I punished you, even then you knew you were going to disobey me again, did you not?”

  My pulse quickens. How does he know?

  He growls. “Answer me.”

  “Yes, my lord!” Tears clog my throat but I speak on hoarsely. “I knew then.”

  He releases my hair and places a hand on either side of my face. There is no escaping the impenetrable stare. I am split open, unable to hide from him. I can no longer keep the truth away from those honest blue eyes. One lone tear rolls down my cheek and drips off my chin. “I knew I would disobey you, my lord. I wish I could tell you otherwise.” My nose stings, my stomach clenching as I try to hold back the tears that want to fall once again. “I saw no choice at the time. I hate disobeying you, my lord.” I sniff. “I am not a dishonest person by nature.” I close my eyes, and this time he lets me. He pulls my head to his
chest, and his arms encircle me. He places a warm, possessive kiss to my forehead.

  “My sweet girl,” he whispers. “What can I do to earn your trust?”

  All this time I thought this fierce warrior would never care for me, and now he asks me how he can earn my trust?

  “You came for me,” I say. “You brought my family to safety. I am indebted to you, my lord.”

  His arms tighten around me. “I have earned your thanks, Svali. But I desire more. Perhaps we begin with you over my knee. You will trust me to cleanse you of your transgressions and not to harm you.” He releases me. “Stand, Svali.”

  I open my eyes, heart thundering in my chest at my imminent punishment, as I obey. He frowns and pulls me closer to him, his eyes a mixture of stormy grays and blues. “I will not whip you, Svali, though you deserve serious punishment.”

  I remain still. I could be dragged to the public arena and whipped for treason. I hate the mere thought, but that is perhaps the point.

  “I could have you banished from my chambers and housed in a room all your own.” One brow rises, a reminder that what I have done is very serious indeed.

  Unable to keep my thoughts to myself, I protest, “I would hate that.”

  “I know you would. What I am going to do instead is take you across my knee. You will feel the kiss of leather and my palm. Do you understand?”

  My heart thunders in my chest. I inhale. “Yes, my lord.”

  I tremble in fear, but arousal flames within me at his sheer masculinity and power.

  He places one finger under my chin and tips my face so that my eyes meet his. “I do not wish to have to punish you again, lovely.”

  I nod. “Yes, my lord.” I swallow. “Idan. I am so sorry.”

  He pulls me to him, kissing my forehead. “I will not punish you as harshly as I could because you are truly repentant. I do not need to draw contrition from you. This will cleanse you and set us to rights again.” Without another word, he pulls me across his knee. One warm hand wraps around my waist, and without further warning, the other smacks against my naked skin, the one firm smack causing me to gasp from the impact.


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