The Alchemist's Code

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The Alchemist's Code Page 28

by Dave Duncan

  marangona the great bell in the campanile San Marco, which marked the main divisions of the day

  messer my lord or sir

  Missier Grande the chief of police, who carries out the orders of the Ten

  Molo the waterfront of the Piazzetta, on the Grand Canal

  moresca a popular Venetian sword dance

  Piazza the city square in front of the Basilica of San Marco

  Piazzetta an extension of the Piazza, flanking the palace

  Porte or Sublime Porte, the Sultan’s government in Constantinople

  Quarantia the Council of Forty, very roughly equal to a supreme court but with administrative duties also. The three chiefs of the Quarantia are also members of the Signoria

  salone a reception hall

  salotto a living room

  sbirro (pl: sbirri) a police constable

  scuola (pl: scuole) a confraternity (restricted to commoners)

  sequin a gold coin equal to 440 soldi (22 lire)

  Serenissima, La the Republic of Venice

  Signori di Notte young aristocrats elected to run the local sbirri

  Signoria the doge and his six counselors, plus the three chiefs of the Quarantia

  soldo (pl: soldi) see DUCAT


  Three the state inquisitors, a subcommittee of the Council of Ten

  traghetto a permanent mooring station for public-hire gondolas; also the association of gondoliers that owns it

  Tuscan the language of Florence, which became modern Italian

  Veneziano the language of Venice

  vizioMissier Grande’s deputy

  Wells the prison cells on the ground floor of the Doges’ Palace

  zonta a group of extra members added to a committee

  *…serious shortage of cordage and fresh spars from Dalmatia overcome by summer, but finding rowers…

  *Aug. 11 The Council of Ten…

  *Sept. 15 The garrison…




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