297–302 But with to a future CIA: CC letter to Grace Tully, Jan. 11, 1945, Report No. JR-1358, Dec. 4, 1944, Vessel 6-a. report, Vessel report on Results of B-29 Raid on Armored Car Plant, Jan. 6, 1945, Roger Pfaff memo to JM on Vessel Traffic, March 22, 1945, JM cable to Joyce, Jan. 6, 1945, John Davenport cable to L. C. Houck, Jan. 25, 1945, 622 cables to 154, Jan. 8, 10, 12, 15, and 16, 1945, 109 cable to CC, Jan. 24, 1945, CC memos to FDR, Jan. 24 and 25, 1945, EP memo for files, Jan. 27, 1945, Joyce cable to JM, April 9, 1945, 622 cable to 154 and 198, Jan. 22, 1945, Joyce cable to JM, Jan. 26, 1945, Craig cable to Argonaut for Hall, Feb. 4, 1945, CC memo to JCS, Feb. 2, 1945, CC memo to FDR, Feb. 2, 1945, 109 cable to 148, Feb. 9, 1945, WJD memo to FDR, Feb. 16, 1945, Mero and 148 cable to 109 et al., Feb. 15, 1945, JM and WS cable to 148 and 622, Feb. 17, 1945, James Dunn letter to WJD, March 2, 1945, JM and 154 cable to Glavin et al., March 3, 1945, WJD letter to James Dunn, March 8, 1945, Vessel Traffic, EB memo to FDR, April 11, 1945, JM memo to Director of Naval Intelligence, June 2, 1945, Fr: 2–486, R: 119, M1642, RG226, NA; Rome #284 cable to Saint, July 18, 1945 (Previously Withheld), B: 717, E: 190, RG226, NA; Harold Tittmann letter to Frederick Lyon, April 3, 1945, B: 521, E: 210, RG226, NA; Graham, pp. 719–21; “Leaky Vessel,” Radio Times, April 10–16, 1982, pp. 17–18; John D. Wilson memo to WS with enclosure on meeting minutes with WJD, B: 386, E: 210, RG226, NA; Chalou, pp. 230–33, 243.
304 “for Berlin”: Weinberg, pp. 802–9; WVHD, p. 54, WJDP, MHI; Bern cable to OSS headquarters, March 2, 1945, Fr: 258–59, R: 25, M1642, RG226, NA.
304–305 It was to previous fall: “Donovan Proposes Super Spy System for Postwar New Deal,” by Walter Trohan, Washington Times-Herald, Feb. 9, 1945; Walter Trohan interview, Oct. 7, 1970, pp, 15–23, Oral History Interviews, HSTL.
306 police functions: Troy, Donovan and the CIA, pp. 216–21; The Basis for a Permanent U.S. Foreign Intelligence Service, Oct. 5, 1944, Fr: 1176–91, 1097, R: 3, M1642, RG226, NA.
306 “salary increase”: Rosenbaum memos to WJD, Oct. 7, 12, 20, 21, and 23, 1944, Louis Ream memo to WJD, Oct. 26, 1944, Fr: 1176–91, 1097, R: 3, Isadore Lubin memo to FDR, Oct. 25, 1944, Fr: 778–79, R: 3, Fr: 802, R: 24, M1642, RG226, NA; Troy, Donovan and the CIA, pp. 221–22; Isadore Lubin interview, Jan. 12, 1972, B: 7, TTP, RG263, NA.
307 shark tank: Joseph Rosenbaum interview, Jan. 10, 1972, B: 7, TTP, RG263, NA; WL interview, Feb. 5, 1969, B: 136B, WJDP, MHI; WJD memo to FDR with enclosed Substantive Authority Necessary in Establishment of a Central Intelligence Service, Nov. 18, 1944, Fr: 802–7, R: 24, M1642, RG226, NA.
307 newsman’s plan: Memo to WJD on Statement of Gen. Bissell in Letter of Nov. 20, 1944, Clayton Bissell letter to WJD, Nov. 20, 1944, Fr: 393–43, R: 121, Fr: 1287–91, R: 20, M1642, RG226, NA; Stout, p. 7; Memo No. 69, July 19, 1944, B: 26, E: 12, GP, RG263, NA; John Franklin Carter’s Report on Bill Donovan’s Plan for Post-war Secret Intelligence, Oct. 26, 1944, FDR memo to WJD, Oct. 31, 1944, Subject File OSS, Donovan, William, 10-9-44 to 4-11-45, PSF, FDRL; WJD memo to FDR, Nov. 7, 1944, Fr: 1141–49, R: 3, M1642, RG226, NA.
308 every week: U.S. Secret Worldwide Intelligence Coverage, Sept. 3, 1945, B: 8, TTP, RG263, NA; FBI; Troy, Donovan and the CIA, pp. 252–53; JEH letter to HH, Dec. 29, 1944, DOJ Rpt. No. 2609, OF10B, FDRL; HH diaries 1942–46, HH Appointment Diary 1944, entries for Dec. 5, 11, 16, 1944, HLHP, GU; HH telephone messages, July 27, 1944–July 7, 1945, HHP, FDRL; HH note, Jan. 8, 1945 with two memos, 62-76274-32X (102), N.Y. letter, Feb. 21, 1945, 66-16300 (107), Tamm memo to JEH, Dec. 22, 1944, 94-4-4672-25, FBI.
309 the measure: Howe, Sept. 25, 2007; JM cable to 109, Dec. 28, 1944, Fr: 696–705, R: 3, Joint Intelligence Committee Proposed Establishment of a Central Intelligence Service, Dec. 20, 1944, Appendix “A” Draft Memorandum from the JCS to the President, Fr: 1102–4, 1034–63, R: 13, M1642, RG226, NA; Troy, Donovan and the CIA, pp. 231–55.
309 radio listeners: OCD interview, Jan. 13 and 14, 1972, B: 7, TTP, RG263, NA; “Seeking Correlation of U.S. Intelligence Services,” Illinois State Journal, March 26, 1945; “Donovan Upheld on Peace Spy Plan,” New York Times, Feb. 13, 1945; “Donovan’s Plan,” Washington Post, Feb. 16, 1945; Edward R. Murrow script for CBS radio broadcast, Feb. 18, 1943, Fr: 771–885, R: 3, M1642, RG226, NA.
309 American taxpayers: “Postwar Spy Plan Assailed by Senators,” by Walter Trohan, Washington Times-Herald, Feb. 10, 1945; “Army, Navy Want Control of ‘Spy’ Setup,” by Walter Trohan, Washington Times-Herald, Feb. 11, 1945, “Bigger and Better Spying,” Chicago Tribune, Feb. 10, 1945; Editorial cartoon “Life in the Brave New World,” Washington Times-Herald, Feb. 20, 1945.
310 “into peacetime”: Bureau letter to all SACs, Feb. 16, 1945, enclosing Trohan newspaper clippings, 66-04-36 (106), FBI; European Section Reference to U.S. Affairs, U.S. to Spy on Allies Through OSS, “A Net of Jewish Informers Throughout the World,” Tagespost (Graz), Feb. 11, 1945, FB/001 memo to DH/001, March 13, 1945, Fr: 785–871, R: 8, M1642, RG226, NA; Political Situation in the United States, Feb. 17, 1945, Foreign Office report, FO 371-44542.
310 what he said: Interview with OCD, pp. 139–40, 338, B: “Oral History Interviews—OCD, Activities in Europe 1941–89,” WJDP, MHI; WJD memo to FDR, Feb. 23, 1945, OCD memo to WJD, Feb. 13, 1945, Fr: 785–871, R: 3, M1642, RG226, NA.
311 two documents: OCD memo to WJD, Feb. 13, 1945, E. F. Cress memo to WJD with enclosures, Feb. 13, 1943, Fr: 785–871, R: 3, M1642, RG226, NA; Donovan notes on persons who received copies of the postwar CIA plan, OSS word-for-word analysis of Walter Trohan’s Feb. 9 and 11, 1945, news stories, B: 222, E: 146, RG226, NA; Hewlett Thebaud and Clayton Bissell memo to JCS, Feb. 13, 1945, F. R. Sweeney memo to Gen. McFarland Feb. 14, 1945, I.G. notes on Trohan article and copies of Donovan plan with the FBI, B: 6, TTP, RG263, NA; Tamm memo to JEH, March 10, 1945, 94-4-4672-24, FBI.
311 the enemy: Clayton Bissell memo to JCS, April 10, 1945, B: 6, TTP, RG263, NA; WJD memo to JCS, Feb. 15, 1945, Fr: 785–871, R: 3, M1642, RG226, NA; Walter Trohan letter to Thomas Troy, Feb. 9, 1977, B: 7, TTP, RG263, NA.
312 leaker were high: Walter Trohan letter to Thomas Troy, Feb. 9, 1977, B: 7, TTP, RG263, NA; Trohan, “Knifing of the OSS,” pp. 95–106; Itinerary of President’s Trip to Crimea Conference, Jan. 22–Feb. 28, 1945, members of the President’s Party, Subject File, Trips—Crimea Jan.–Feb. 1945, SEP, FDRL; L. B. Nichols memo to Tolson, March 24, 1955, B: 16, E: 14B, RG65, NA; Gentry, pp. 233, 314–15. A number of journalists and historians have concluded that Hoover leaked Donovan’s postwar intelligence plan to Trohan; however, there is no documentary evidence in either the extensive OSS records or the FBI records that proves conclusively that Hoover was the leaker. The documents show only that he was likely Trohan’s source.
312 Roosevelt agreed: GCM memo to JCS, Feb. 22, 1945, B: 6, TTP, RG263, NA; William Leahy memo to FDR, March 6, MR. Naval Aides Files: Intelligence (163), FDRL; Harold Smith memo to FDR, March 2, 1945, White House Memoranda, Jan.–April 1945, HSP, FDRL.
313 scale back his group: Putzell, OHP, pp. 76–77; Bishop, p. 440; McLaughlin, OHP, pp. 35–37; Heckscher, OHP, p. 6; Dewitt Poole memos to WJD, March 14 and 16, 1945, Edward Haines memo to E. F. Connely, April 17, 1945, Fr: 1002–1197, R: 107, M1642, RG226, NA.
314 back him up: Donovan appointment book, April 2, 4, and 6, 1945, B: 98A & B, WJDP, MHI; Isadore Lubin memo to FDR, April 4, 1945, Subject File OSS Donovan, William, 10-9-44 to 4-11-45, PSF, FDRL; WJD letters to twelve cabinet officers and agency heads, April 6, 1945, Fr: 6–7, R:21, Fr: 415–17, 872–73, 473–74, R: 3, FDR memo to WJD, April 5, 1945, and WJD response, April 6, 1945, Fr: 511, R: 25, Fr: 931, R: 134, M1642, RG226, NA.
315 their faces: EB memo to JCS, April 13, 1945, Fr: 133–34, R: 22, M1642, RG226, NA; John Wilson memo to EP, July 20, 1946, Claridge’s hotel bills for WJD for April 1945, B: 139B, WJDP, MHI; Progress Report memo to Strategic Services Officer, ETO, May 3, 1945, B: 6, E: 99, RG226, NA.
316 kidnap
missions: Mauch, pp. 175–78; Covering Report for OSS/ETO, April 1–15, 1945, B: 6, E: 99, RG226, NA; Edward Gamble memo to Supreme Commander Allied Expeditionary Forces, March 31, 1945, B: 122, E: 148, RG226, NA; Minutes of Conference of WJD with SO Branch, April 11, 1945, Fr: 1041–52, R: 80, M1642, RG226, NA; Organizational, Administrative and Other Decisions Taken in the European Theater During WJD Visit, April 7–24, 1945, B: 185, E: 210, RG226, NA; Cross Project, SO Branch Paris, Jan.–March 1945, Cross Project Planning, Gerald Miller memo, Feb. 7, 1945, Edward Gamble memo, Feb. 14, 1945, B: 310, E: 210, RG226, NA.
317–318 Wednesday, April 11 to carried out: Did FDR actually read the 7,500 pages of material Donovan sent him over four years? Some historians contend the president was too busy to digest much of it. They point to the fact that Roosevelt only occasionally wrote on the margins of Donovan memos or sent him back responses as evidence he read little of them. But FDR made few notations on many of the memos he received. Roosevelt may have read more of the material than he is given credit. Because he was wheelchair-bound, FDR was confined to his desk for long periods and occupied his time reading the piles of documents in his in-box, other historians speculate. Interestingly, many of the Donovan memos that prompted a Roosevelt response dealt with inconsequential subjects, which may indicate that he did read much of what Donovan sent. Bishop, pp. 509–24; Persico, Roosevelt’s Secret War, p. 434; EB memo to FDR, April 9, 1945, Subject File OSS, Reports, April 1945, PSF, FDRL; EB memo to Grace Tully with memo to FDR enclosed, April 11, 1945, Fr: 533–37, R: 25, EB memo to FDR, April 10, 1945, Fr: 533–37, R: 25, Donovan cables to Glavin, May 12 and June 19, 1945, Fr: 346, R: 114, WJD memo to FDR, March 10, 1945, Fr: 317–23, R: 25, A. J. McFarland memos to WJD, April 20 and 26, 1945, WJD memo to FDR, April 28, 1945, Fr: 1110–1393, R: 113, M1642, RG226, NA; Salter, pp. 109–75; The Overseas Targets, pp. xiv, 323–25; Smith and Agarossi, Operation Sunrise, pp. 3–6, 50–51, 184–87. Because Wolff negotiated Sunrise, Dulles managed to shield him from prosecution in the first round of the Nuremberg trials. But justice caught up with the SS general, who was finally convicted of war crimes in 1964.
318–319 Donovan flew to died as well: J. R. Murphy memo to WJD, April 20, 1945, B: 185, E: 210, RG226, NA; Casey, p. 201; Women in Federal Government Project Interview with Margaret Joy Tibbetts, Sept. 8 and 9, 1982, pp. iii–iv, 15–16, Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe College; WJD cable to Eleanor Roosevelt, April 13, 1945, Fr: 538–39, R: 25, M1642, RG226, NA; Interview with OCD, p. 230, B: “Oral History Interviews—OCD, Activities in Europe, 1941–89,” WJDP, MHI; OCD interview, Jan. 13 and 14, 1972, B: 7, TTP, RG263, NA; Brown, 736–38.
320 them all: Brown, pp. 742–44, Benito Mussolini autopsy report, Institute of Legal Medicine and Insurance of the Royal University of Milan, April 30, 1945, B: 69B, WJDP, MHI; 109 cable to 110, April 28, 1945, Fr: 1190, R: 54, JM cable to 109, Aug. 7, 1945, Fr: 1190–97, R: 54, M1642, RG226, NA.
320 Donovan was to impress him: Dunlop, p. 467; HST letter to Bess Truman, June 6, 1945, Correspondence with Bess Wallace Truman, 1921–59, HSTP, HSTL; The White House, June 17, 1945, Longhand Notes 1930–55, July 17 and July 4, 1945, PSF, HSTL.
321 direct access: McCullough, pp. 365–66; Demaris, pp. 101–3, 281; Harold Smith diary entries, May 11 and Sept. 18, 1945, HSD, HSP, FDRL; Harry Vaughan oral history interview, Jan. 14 and 16, 1963, pp. 85–87, HSTL; HST note, May 12, 1945, Longhand Notes, 1930–55, PSF, HSTL; Morton Chiles memo to JEH, Sept. 22, 1945, B: 8, TTP, RG263, NA; Harry Vaughan letter to JEH, April 23, 1945, OF 10-B, FBI, WHCF, HSTL.
321 Democratic administration: Merle Miller, pp. 94–95; Hamby, pp. 77–78, 474; 160: Bureau memo, May 2, 1945, 62-76274-88 (117), FBI.
322 war stories: EP letter to Rose Conway, April 19, 1945, Rose Conway Files, OSS-Donovan—War Information Reports, SMOF, HSTL; MJC note to Mrs. Eben, Aug. 23, 1945, PPF 1833, HSTL; WJD memo to HST, May 11, 1945, R: 57, A-3304, RG226, NA; HST note to WJD, Aug. 24, 1945, Fr: 617, R: 72, WJD memo to HST May 12, 1945, Fr: 660–61, R: 3, WJD memo to HST, Aug. 23, 1945, Fr: 691, R: 25, M1642, RG226, NA.
322 was Harry Truman: WJD letter to HST, April 30, 1945, Fr: 953–54, R: 25. Letters from the twelve agencies and cabinet departments to WJD’s April 6, 1945, memo requesting comment on his postwar intelligence plan can be found in Fr: 419–43, 507–9, Fr: 1015–17, R: 134. WJD letter to Sen. Scott Lucas, Aug. 31, 1945, R: 3, Fr: 677, WJD memo to Sen. Kilgore, Aug. 8, 1945, Fr: 944–51, R: 3, WJD memo to Sen. Byrnes, June 17, 1945, Fr: 374, R: 57, M1642, RG226, NA.
322 “even basis”: Harold Smith diary entries, April 18 and 26, 1945, HSD, HSP, FDRL; “Gloria’s Marriage to ‘Stokie’ Amazes Her Mother Most,” Washington Daily News, April 28, 1945; Bureau memo, June 26, 1945, 62-77787-1081, p. 161 (39), FBI; Drew Pearson broadcast transcript, May 6, 1945, memo on Drew Pearson, May 11, 1945, Fr: 888–904, R: 99, M1642, RG226, NA; Brown, p. 638; HST diary entry, May 14, 1945, President’s Appointments File 1945–53, Daily Sheets April–Oct. 1945 Files, PSF, HSTL.
323 “United States”: WJD memo to HST, Aug. 18, 1945, W.D.L. memo to HST, Aug. 22, 1945, HST letter to WJD, Aug. 25, 1945, Confidential File, OSS (Korea, 945), WHCF, HSTL.
324 the prosecution: Salter, pp. 2, 5–6, 309; John Ciechanowski letter to WJD with enclosure, Oct. 15, 1943, WJD memo to List S, Dec. 15, 1944, WJD memo to Louis Ream, April 6, 1945, WJD memo to FDR, March 29, 1945, Fr: 44–60, 88–323 R: 121, EB letter to CH with enclosure, Feb. 1, 1944, Fr: 678–80, R: 19, M1642, RG226, NA; Storey, pp. xvii–xviii.
324 last moment: Interview with OCD, p. 483, B: “Oral History Interviews—OCD, Activities in Europe, 1941–89,” WJDP, MHI; WJD memo to FDR, Fr: 642, R: 81, CC and 154 cable to 110, Feb. 27, 1945, Fr: 874–76, R: 81, M1642, RG226, NA.
325 the Reichsmarschall: Salter, pp. 309–33; Byways of Law, by James B. Donovan, B: 37, JDP, HIA; Robert Jackson diary entries, May 7, 11, 11, and 15, 1945, B: 95, RJP, LOC.
326 on the spot: Jackson, OHC, pp. 12, 1216; Sheldon Glueck memo to WJD, June 14, 1945, Fr: 88–323, R: 121, M1642, RG226, NA; James Donovan cable to Robert Jackson, June 1, 1945, B: 101, RJP, LOC; Sylvester Missal memo to James Donovan, July 20, 1945, File: WN 6897(10), B: 185, E: 210, RG226, NA; Salter, pp. 247–366; McLaughlin, OHP, p. 38; Alderman, OHC, pp. 914–15; Jackson, OHC, pp. 1234–47.
326 the suggestions: WJD letters to Robert Jackson, June 15, 16 and July 12, 1945, Fr: 88–323, R: 121, M1642, RG226, NA; Robert Jackson diary entries, May 27 and Sept. 5, 1945, B: 95, RJP, LOC; Salter, pp. 340, 362, 368–69; James Wright letter to A. H. Kirchofer, Jan. 11, 1946, B: 19, RDP, MHI.
326–328 Donovan flew back to comes first: Donovan appointment book, July 11–12, 1945, B: 98A & B, WJDP, MHI; Robert Jackson diary entries, June 1 and 16, 1945, B: 95, RJP, LOC.
329 Ike declared: Walter Trohan stories, “MacArthur Rejects Offer of OSS Propaganda Staff,” May 16, 1945, and “Rep. Shafer Reveals Nimitz Also Rejected Aid of OSS,” May 20, 1945, Washington Times-Herald; 109 cable to EB and CC, May 20, 1945, Fr: 1–230, R: 100, 109 cables to overseas stations, May 25, 1945, Fr: 10–17, R: 28, M1642, RG226, NA. Letters from the JCS and theater commanders to the House Appropriations Committee evaluating the OSS can be found in B: 9, Chairman’s File Adm. Leahy 1942–48, RG281, NA, and Fr: 236–37, R: 126, M1642, RG226, NA.
329 media stars: Walter Trohan stories, “OSS Is Branded British Agency to Legislators” and “British Control of OSS Bared in Congress Probe,” May 18 and 19, 1945, Washington Times-Herald; “In the Nation,” by Walter Krock, New York Times, July 31, 1945.
329–330 One of to his agency: “Washington Merry-Go-Round” columns by Drew Pearson, May 25 and July 9, 1945, Washington Post; 109 cable to CC, April 24, 1945, 109 cable to Forgan, April 30, 1945, James Murphy memo to WJD, May 9, 1945, 109 cable to Forgan, May 12, 1945, Fr: 68, 72–77, 79, 84, R: 46, WJD letter to John McCloy, Fr: 1132–34, R: 21, M1642, RG226, NA; OCD memo to Joint Security Control, July 21, 1945, A. van Beuren memos to WJD, Sept. 7, 1945, OCD memo to WJD, June 15, 1945, WJD memorandum on conversation with Franc
is Biddle, June 15, 1945, R: 84, A-3304, RG226, NA.
331 thousand prisoners: Jackson, OHC, pp. 1296–99; Salter, pp. 355–62; Storey, p. 87.
331 that mission: Persico, Casey, p. 84; CC memo to GCM, Fr: 1390–94, R: 82, WJD memo to JCS, July 18, 1945, Fr: 589–91, R: 89, M1642, RG226, NA; Rumors Approved by the Rumor Committee, Jan. 20, 1945, B: 185, E: 210, RG226, NA.
332 appear surprised: WJD party for Asia trip, July 22, 1945, Fr: 634–42, R: 32, M1642, RG226, NA; Report of Compliance with Orders for Lt. David R. Donovan, Jan. 9, 1945, Officer’s Fitness Report for David R. Donovan, March 1, 1945, NRPC.
332 “not a peace”: Coughlin cable to 154, Aug. 10, 1945, Fr: 906, R: 90, M1642, RG226, NA; MacDonald, pp. 221–23; Caldwell, pp. 192–95; Robert Jackson diary entry, Oct. 8, 1945, B: 95, RJP, LOC.
333 didn’t like it: John Shaheen memo for files, Oct. 14, 1945, Fr: 232–52, R: 100, Fisher Howe memo to OCD, Aug. 11, 1945, Fr: 267–87, R: 100, M1642, RG226, NA; “Capital Ax Falling on Our Priceless Secret Spy System,” by Wallace Deuel, Sept. 4, 1945, Chicago Daily News; Wallace Deuel memo to Fisher Howe, WJD memo to Wallace Deuel, Aug. 15, 1945, with drafts of Deuel’s OSS stories, B: 61, WDP, LOC; British embassy Washington cable to Foreign Office, Sept. 15, 1945, FO 371-4453B, NAUK; Troy, Donovan and the CIA, pp. 295–96; Howe, July 19, 2009.
333–334 The press to his diary: “Cloak and Dagger Pay,” Newsweek, Aug. 13, 1945; “OSS Fighting to Continue Its Propaganda Program” and “OSS Survival Plan Attacked as Plot for U.S. Super-Gestapo,” by Walter Trohan, Sept. 8 and 9, 1945, Washington Times-Herald; WJD letter to Harold Smith with enclosure, Aug. 25, 1945, WJD memo to HST, Aug. 25, 1945, WJD memo to HST, Sept. 13, 1945, WJD memo to JCS, Sept. 13, 1945, Fr: 455–826, R: 3, M1642, RG226, NA; Troy, Donovan and the CIA, p. 296; Harold Smith diary entries, Sept. 13 and 20, 1945, HSD, HSP, FDRL; Harold Smith letter to HST, Aug. 18, 1945, Subject File, 1945, Liquidation of War Agencies, SRP, HSTL.
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