Putzell, Edwin, 97, 203, 230–31, 234, 249, 250, 253, 289, 312, 321
Quebec conference (Quadrant; 1943), 176–78, 180, 190
Quinn, William, 264–65
Raichle, Frank, 37, 41, 383
Ranger, 276–79
Rebecca, 137, 140
Red Army, 191–92, 193, 195, 221, 279, 284–87, 304, 315, 319
refugees, 96, 109–11, 131, 156, 173, 202, 211, 271, 287, 366, 375
Reilly, Hildegarde, 254
Replacement Army, German, 260, 261
Republicans, Republican Party, 10, 13, 15, 53, 62, 155, 225, 252, 283, 303, 321, 324, 325, 328, 350–51, 360, 371
Donovan’s speeches to, 42, 43–44, 55
in election of 1928, 41
in election of 1936, 52
in New York, 33, 35, 41–44
postwar intelligence and, 305, 306, 311
selected for coalition cabinet, 56, 58
Ribbentrop, Joachim von, 148, 265
Richards, Atherton, 85
Richards, Guy, 88
Robertson, Walter, 372
Robson, Eleanor, 16, 17
Rockefeller, Nelson, 75–76, 97, 115
Rockefeller Foundation, 18
Rocquefort, Jacques de, 167–71, 264, 265
Romania, 64, 65, 154, 155, 165, 183, 195, 226, 284, 285, 290
Rome, 52–53, 158, 179, 227–30, 249–53, 256–58, 265–67, 289, 296–97, 298, 300, 302, 327
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 44, 84, 93, 104, 318
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 55–80, 83–91, 104–9, 114–17, 149–51, 159, 213, 222, 251–52, 257, 262, 264, 284, 287, 297–314, 317–21, 335–36
Balkans and, 142, 183, 184–85, 187–88, 190, 275, 276, 278–79, 280
Churchill’s communications with, 65, 84, 187–88, 275
coalition cabinet formed by, 55–56
at conferences, 149, 164, 176–77, 190, 192, 200, 204, 298–304, 312
death of, 318–19, 320, 335
declaration of war speech of, 85, 86
Donovan as envoy of, 59–68
Donovan compared with, 55
Donovan’s correspondence with, 110, 114, 122, 134, 142, 151, 238, 246–47, 261, 283, 288, 310, 312
Donovan’s memos to, 70, 77, 100–101, 305, 306, 309, 386
Donovan’s relationship with, 2, 14, 44, 55, 77, 94, 104–5, 119, 151, 190, 312–13
education of, 14, 44
in elections, 42–44, 59, 61, 66, 258, 283
executive orders of, 71, 116, 151, 305, 308, 309, 310
FBI and, 122
fireside chats of, 86–87
French skills of, 104, 134
health problems of, 302, 312, 317
Japanese Americans interned by, 89
McKellar bill and, 122
Normandy invasion and, 237, 238, 243, 246–47, 248
OSS Soviet mission and, 220, 221, 224–25, 226
peace feelers and, 191, 192, 266, 299
postwar intelligence and, 305–14, 333, 352
secret fund of, 71, 73, 74, 95, 96, 99–100, 131
secretiveness of, 69–70
spy service idea and, 69–72
Stalin’s strains with, 220
Torch and, 131, 134, 139, 141
Truman compared with, 320–21
unconditional surrender and, 149–50, 266
war crimes and, 323, 324
in Warm Springs, 313, 314, 317, 318
Roosevelt, James, 73, 83, 97
Roosevelt, Theodore, Jr., 174
Roper, Elmo, 72, 73, 117, 202, 283
Rosemary Hall, 16, 46
Rosenbaum, Joseph, 306
Rothschild bankers, 54
Rouge Bouquet, 21–22
Royal Air Force, 64, 166–69
Rumsey, Dexter, Jr., 33, 37, 376
Rumsey, Dexter Phelps, Sr., 16, 17
Rumsey, Ruth, see Donovan, Ruth Rumsey
Rumsey, Susan, 16–17, 18, 32, 43
Rustov, Alexander (Magnolia), 191
Ryan, Frank, 161
safes, cracking of, 120–21, 123, 125–26
Saigon, 37, 369–70
Saint-Georges, France, 24, 26
Saint Joseph’s Collegiate Institute, 12
Saint Mary’s Academy and Industrial Female School (Miss Nardin’s Academy), 11–12
Saint-Mihiel offensive, 23, 24
Salerno, 178–79, 182, 190, 227, 229, 239
Samuel Chase, USS, 172–73, 174, 175, 178
Sardinia, 176–77, 222
Sargent, John Garibaldi, 40
Saturn Club, 15, 36–37, 38, 41, 44
Sauerkraut operations, 252–53
Scamporino, Vincent (Scamp), 173, 250, 296, 298, 300, 301
Scattolini, Virgilio (Vessel), 297–302
Schacht, Hjalmar, 345, 348
Schlesinger, Arthur, 93
Schwab, Francis X., 34, 35
Schwarz, Alfred, see Dogwood
SD, 254, 316
Secret Intelligence Service, British, 60, 165, 168
Seitz, Albert, 184
Senate, U.S., 35, 38, 41, 321, 363, 364
Serbia, Serbs, 18, 165–66, 184–85, 279
Setaccioli, Fillippo, 298, 302
7th Army, 174, 175, 176, 264–65, 267
7th Corps, 244, 245–46
sex, 150, 321, 335, 342, 353, 361
espionage and, 120, 122, 123, 209
Sextant (Cairo conference; 1943), 200, 204
Sforza, Count Carlo, 96
Shadel, Willard, 241, 243
Shakespeare, William, 2, 200–201
Shanghai Evening Post and Mercury (S project), 209–10
Shepardson, Whitney, 158, 192–93
Shepherd project, 275–76
Sherwood, Robert, 72, 75, 80, 84, 86, 104, 116
Shigemitsu, Mamoru, 158
Shingle operation, 229
Siberia, 33
Sicilian Americans, 173, 250
Sicily, 131, 149, 164, 172–76, 179
SIM, 286, 296
Sino-American Cooperative Organization (SACO), 207, 208, 209, 211, 212, 259
69th “Irish” Regiment, 19
see also 165th Regiment
Skibbereen, 9
Smith, Alfred E., 35, 41
Smith, Harold, 76, 97, 115, 116, 306, 312, 313, 320, 322, 333–34, 337–38
Smith, Jane, 376, 377, 380
Smith, Walter Bedell “Beetle,” 281–82, 284, 326, 329, 353, 360–64, 370
Sofia, 65, 285, 291
Sophoulis, Themistocles, 355–56
Souers, Sidney, 351, 352
South America, 75, 87, 89, 115
Southeast Asia, 130, 177–78, 204, 205, 206, 208, 362–73
Southeast Asia Command, 204–5, 219
South Vietnam, 371, 375
Southwest Pacific Command, 204, 234
Soviet Union, 4, 86, 96, 109, 110, 198, 204, 261, 266, 296, 305, 317–18, 323, 335
atomic bomb and, 225, 332
Donovan in, 219–24
Eastern Front and, 119, 141, 155, 183, 191, 192, 284–89, 317
German occupation zone of, 289, 303, 313, 319, 320
intelligence and, 220–26
Japan’s relations with, 299, 300, 301
OSS and, 117, 219–26, 264, 284–85, 307
postwar, 187, 286, 350, 352, 353, 354, 357, 367, 374
United Nations and, 303, 313
war crimes and, 325, 326, 327, 330–31
Yugoslavia and, 276, 279
Spain, 65, 124–27, 130, 237, 299
German relations with, 121, 124–25, 159, 160
OSS in, 155, 159–63, 336, 355
Washington embassy of, 87, 121, 125–27
Spanish Morocco, 125
Sparrow team, 194–99, 253, 255
Special Operations Executive (SOE; Baker Street Irregulars), 129–30, 165, 168, 176, 183–84, 187, 188, 236, 238, 253
Maquis and, 237–38
Spellman, Francis Cardinal, 95, 256
sports, 46, 289
br /> football, 2, 12, 13, 17, 79, 83, 173
SS, 238, 265, 316, 317, 320, 325, 343, 348
Staktopoulos, Gregory, 356–58
Stalin, Joseph, 55, 220–23, 243, 275, 276, 283, 285, 286
at conferences, 192, 200, 298–301, 303–4, 332
peace feelers and, 191, 192, 193, 317–18
Stark, Harold “Betty,” 239–40
Starr, Cornelius Vander, 209–10
State Department, U.S., 18, 33, 60, 73, 87, 97, 99, 104, 110, 131, 160, 192, 198, 202, 209, 275, 300, 313, 323, 336, 354, 357
A. Dulles in, 146
ambassador to Thailand and, 362–63, 365, 368, 371
Canaris monitored by, 154
codes and, 287, 288
intelligence in, 2, 69, 70, 306–7
John Foster Dulles in, 361, 363, 369, 371, 372, 373
Latin America and, 109, 115
Nazi bank accounts and, 109
Pearl Harbor and, 85–86
postwar intelligence and, 306–7, 308, 322, 334, 338, 351–52
“Project George” and, 97
Soviet Union and, 220–21
Turkish policy and, 156
war crimes and, 323
Stauffenberg, Claus Schenk von, 260, 262, 345
Steinbeck, John, 100
Stella Polaris, 287, 289
Stephenson, Bill, 62–63, 69, 70–71, 87, 97, 122–24, 126, 129, 283, 320, 383
on Kolbe, 149
Normandy invasion and, 243
Stettinius, Edward, 288, 313
Stilwell, Joseph “Vinegar Joe,” 205–8, 210, 214, 215
Stimson, Henry, 58, 61, 71–72, 75, 77, 90, 91 101, 248
Stockholm, 148, 195, 286, 287, 288
Stone, Harlan, 13–14, 38, 40
Strategic Air Command (SAC), 371
Strategic Services Unit, 351
Strong, George V., 117–18, 125, 134, 224, 307, 335
Donovan sabotage efforts of, 150–51, 155
Iberian crises and, 158–59, 162, 163
Suarez, Alfred, 194–98
Šubašić, Ivan, 275–76, 278, 279
Sullivan & Cromwell, 146
Summerall, Charles P., 24, 26–29
Sunrise, 317–18
Supreme Court, U.S., 40, 42, 350, 368
Sussex project, 237–38, 239
Sweden, 87, 286–88, 290
Switzerland, 48, 145–50, 155, 226, 259, 267, 269, 295, 304
Taft, Robert, 360
Taft, William Howard, 14
Tai Li, 206–14, 219, 259, 297
Taiwan, 363, 367
Tamm, Edward, 310, 311
Tangier, 131, 132, 133, 137, 141, 142
Taylor, Edmond, 204–5, 219
Taylor, Myron, 300–301
Tehran conference (1943), 192, 200, 204, 221
television, 100
Thailand, Thais, 312, 331, 362–73
Third Army, 267, 294
13 Rue Madeleine (movie), 6
Thomas, Gregory, 161–62, 163
Thompson, Dorothy, 47, 191
Thompson, Jim, 365, 368
Thomsen, Hans, 108–9
Tibet, 34, 104–5
Tikander, Wilho “Ty,” 286–89
Tito, Josip Broz, 165–66, 184–86, 274–80
Tolstoy, Count Ilya, 104–5
Tompkins, Peter, 227–30, 249–52
Torch, 129–44, 168, 174, 175
Murphy’s request for delay of, 137
radio broadcasts and, 130, 132, 137, 138
Toulmin, John, 185, 253, 254
T project, 111
Train, Harold, 113
Treasury Department, U.S., 67, 99, 100
Treviranus, Gottfried, 110–11
Trident Conference (1943), 164
Tripartite Pact, 58, 67
Trohan, Walter, 61–62, 304–5, 309–14, 328–29, 330, 352, 386
Truman, Bess, 320, 335
Truman, Harry, 2–6, 283, 320–28, 330, 332–38, 347, 349–53, 356, 363, 370, 378
Donovan’s relationship with, 4–6, 319, 321–22, 374
OSS disbanded by, 2–5, 351–52
postwar intelligence and, 322–23, 326–28, 333–35, 338, 349, 351–53, 361
Tully, Grace, 61, 87, 299, 303, 314, 317, 321
Tunis, 132, 138, 173–74
Tunisia, 131–33, 137, 141, 144, 157
Tunney, Gene, 63
Turkey, 65, 191–92, 193, 199, 226
OSS in, 155–57, 192, 197, 253–55, 285, 290, 336
Tuscaloosa, USS, 240–43, 247, 248
Twelve Apostles, 132, 135
U-boat submarines, 58, 60, 95
Ujszaszi, Stephen, 195–98
Ultra, 60, 147, 164, 178, 179, 230, 274, 389
United Nations (U.N.), 303, 313, 367
Utah Beach, 240, 242–43, 244, 246, 248, 381
Vafiadis, Markos, 356, 357
Valkyrie, 259–60
Vandenberg, Hoyt, 352, 353
vanden Heuvel, William, 365, 368–72, 374, 379, 382
Vanderbilt, William H., III, 93
Vatican, 95, 256–58, 265–66, 297–302, 331
Vaughan, Harry, 321, 334, 335, 336, 353
Vessel, see Scattolini, Virgilio
Veterans of OSS, 360, 387
Vichy, 132, 140
Vichy French, 121–24, 130–41, 144, 156, 170
Viet Minh, 362, 369, 370, 371
Vietnam, 362, 363, 369–71, 375
Villa Fortino, 182, 277–78
Vittoria, 228, 229–30, 250
Vittorio Emanuele III, King of Italy, 176
Wadsworth, James, 23, 34, 35, 40–41
Waetjen, Eduard, 154, 260–62
Walker, A. V., 156, 253
Wallace, Henry, 83, 112–13
Wallendorf, 293, 294
Walter Reed Army Medical Center, 378–82, 387
war crimes, 317, 323–27, 329, 330–31, 341–48
War Department, U.S., 5, 35, 54, 67, 75, 101, 117, 126, 151, 203, 224, 253, 280, 284, 293–94, 324, 330, 336, 351
A. Dulles’s reports to, 147
postwar intelligence and, 307–11, 313, 322, 334, 338, 352
Warlimont, Walter, 54, 345, 346
Warm Springs, Ga., 313, 314, 317, 318
War Relief Commission, 18
Washington, D.C., 40, 112–13, 382
Churchill’s visit to, 89–91
embassies in, 68, 72, 74, 75, 77, 78, 87, 90, 108–9, 119–27, 225, 289
Georgetown home in, 38, 39, 41, 69, 72, 92, 153, 193–94, 259, 274, 283, 292, 303, 319, 349
OSS headquarters in (the Kremlin), 73–74, 84, 85, 92, 93, 98–99, 100, 118, 138, 173, 193–94, 200, 205, 207, 208, 299–300, 318–19, 355
Washington Post, 280, 309, 349
Washington Star, 75
Washington Times-Herald, 304–5, 309, 310, 328–29, 347
Watson, Pa, 335
Weeks, John, 35
Wehrmacht, 119, 198, 221, 227, 246, 252, 253, 261, 271, 286, 294, 315, 316, 337, 345
peace feelers and, 190, 192
surrender of, 272
Weizsäcker, Baron Ernst von (Jackpot II), 265–67
Welles, Sumner, 114
Western Electrik Kompani, 156, 254
White, George, 102–3
Whitney, William “Bill,” 73, 103–4
Wilbrandt, Hans (Hyacinth), 191
Williams, Lansing, 254–55
Williams, Mona, 182, 277, 278
Willkie, Wendell, 66
Willoughby, Charles, 232, 233, 234
Wilson, Henry Maitland “Jumbo,” 186, 188, 276–77
Wilson, Hugh, 265–66
Wilson, Woodrow, 33
Winchell, Walter, 76
Wisner, Frank, 256, 285
Wolff, Karl, 317
Wolf’s Lair headquarters, 259, 260
Wood, Robert E., 50, 51
World War I, 2, 18–31, 52–55, 110, 111, 146, 159, 222, 232, 321, 345, 381
World War II, see specific combatants, operat
ions, and units
X-2, 164, 201, 253–54
Yalta conference (1945), 298–304, 312, 335
Yankee, 47, 57, 143
Yarrow, Bernard, 276
Yugoslav Americans, 89, 142
Yugoslavia, 65, 67, 165–66, 183–88, 190, 222, 274–80, 355
Yukon Territory, 50–51
Z, 157–59
Zurich, 148, 154, 260
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