Excess All Areas

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Excess All Areas Page 22

by Mandy Baggot

  ‘Please tell me you haven’t slept with my mother too,’ Freya responded.

  ‘Not knowingly,’ Nicholas replied with a smile.

  ‘Don’t tell me, you think it’s all your fault because you’ve catapulted me from mere obscurity, where I was just an average photographer disowned by her rich parents, to high profile celebrity in a week. And if we hadn’t met no one would be at all interested in a girl from Clapham,’ Freya told him.

  ‘Something like that,’ Nicholas agreed.

  ‘Well, that’s what my mother said. And in a way she’s right. But do you know what? I am so glad I met you,’ Freya responded, looking straight at Nicholas.

  ‘Me too,’ Nicholas replied and he put his glass down and leaned towards her.

  Freya echoed his actions and moved towards him. She felt his lips on hers and she closed her eyes, drinking in the moment, as he kissed her.

  The Plaza Hall was sixteen miles away from the hotel and it took the car just under half an hour to arrive there. The vehicle came to a halt and Nicholas asked the driver to give them five minutes before he opened the door.

  ‘You look so amazing tonight Freya,’ Nicholas told her, holding her hand and squeezing it gently.

  ‘Thank you,’ Freya replied, accepting the compliment.

  Nicholas took a deep breath and then looked at her with a serious expression on his face.

  ‘When the driver opens this door it’s going to go crazy, you know that don’t you? There will be more photographers than you have seen in your whole life. You’ll be almost blinded by the flashes and there will be people screaming my name and your name, asking for us to turn this way and that. Don’t let it freak you out. All you have to do is smile and hold my hand, nothing else,’ Nicholas told her.

  ‘OK,’ Freya replied.

  ‘But, more important than the not freaking out and the smiling - I want you to know that out there, it’s all a show, it’s all false. You and me here, that’s what’s important, that’s what’s real,’ Nicholas spoke sincerely.

  ‘Do you really mean that?’ Freya asked him.

  ‘Yes, you’ll see. Starting tonight things are going to be different,’ Nicholas assured her.

  ‘OK,’ Freya answered.

  ‘So, are you ready?’ Nicholas asked her.

  ‘As I’ll ever be,’ she replied.

  She took a deep breath and prayed she wouldn’t fall over in her high shoes.

  The driver opened the door and Freya nearly jumped out of her skin at the volume of the shouts and screams as she and Nicholas got out of the car and stood on the pavement.

  There were what seemed like, a million flashes going off and for a moment Freya was temporarily blinded and lost her ability to focus on anything. She had floaters and everyone looked blurred.

  ‘OK?’ Nicholas asked, squeezing her hand.

  ‘Blind in one eye and deaf, but other than that I’m fine. Just don’t walk too fast over that red carpet - new shoes,’ Freya responded over the noise.

  ‘OK, just wait here with Roger while I sign some autographs. I won’t be long I promise,’ Nicholas told her and he kissed her cheek.

  The action prompted more flashes and a whooping of excitement from the crowd.

  Freya watched as Nicholas went up to the members of the public who were all taking his photograph and calling to him. He shook their hands and posed for pictures and chatted to them, full of enthusiasm. Hilary, Gene and Bob were also working along the edge of the crowd signing autographs, but it was obvious Nicholas was the star attraction.

  ‘So, how far away from you is he allowed to be before you have to rein him in?’ Freya asked Roger as they both watched Nicholas.

  ‘I like to keep a relatively close eye on him but tonight there’s a team of security. See the guys in the dark polo shirts?’ Roger pointed out.

  ‘I see them. That one looks frighteningly like Vin Diesel,’ Freya spoke.

  ‘A fat Vin Diesel,’ Roger replied.

  ‘Vin Diesel having overdosed on doughnuts. Speaking of food, I’m starving,’ Freya admitted, checking her watch.

  ‘If it’s any consolation you’re not the only one. I missed lunch today,’ Roger told her.

  ‘Then you must be looking forward to eight thirty more than me - oh no, here comes the Wicked Witch - cover me,’ Freya said and she took a step backwards and tried to hide herself behind Roger.

  ‘That will be all for the moment Roger. I think the security team have things under control here,’ Martha spoke as she arrived at Roger’s side.

  ‘Pardon me M’am, but Nick has asked me specifically to remain with Miss Johnson until he’s done,’ Roger replied, unmoving.

  ‘Well perhaps you could leave her just for a brief moment so I might run through a few details with her regarding the evening’s arrangements,’ Martha suggested with a firm, unfriendly smile.

  ‘Whatever you have to say to me surely you can say in front of Roger? Don’t you move Roger,’ Freya spoke, still trying to use the bodyguard as a human shield.

  ‘May I start by complimenting you on your appearance tonight. I cannot imagine how long it must have taken you to get things just right,’ Martha spoke, her tone heavy with sarcasm.

  ‘Well it took me about as long as it probably took you to cover up your crow’s feet,’ Freya answered with a smile, seeing Roger tense himself as he tried to remain serious.

  ‘One day your quick wit is going to land you in hot water,’ Martha retorted.

  ‘I’ve been in plenty of hot water Martha and I’ve always managed to avoid getting scalded,’ Freya replied firmly.

  ‘They make a lovely couple don’t they?’ Martha continued, drawing Freya’s attention to Nicholas and Hilary.

  The two actors were stood together, smiling for the cameras and Hilary’s arm was around Nicholas’ waist.

  ‘Did you know he got to choose his co-star for this film? He could have had anyone, and out of all the actresses we screen tested, he decided on Hilary. Now why do you think that was?’ Martha questioned, turning to look back at Freya.

  ‘Britney unavailable?’ Freya replied.

  ‘I think it’s because she’s a star in the making. She looks like a star you know, blonde, beautiful, slim, elegant…’

  ‘Flat-chested,’ Freya added.

  ‘She knows how to play the game. She would be good for him,’ Martha carried on.

  ‘Why are you doing this Martha? It’s very embarrassing and as far as I’m aware, you’re not his mother. In fact I’m not really sure who you are,’ Freya told her.

  ‘I want you to realise that this flirtation you’re having with his world cannot last. You are not what he needs in his life. Look at what’s happened since you met! I have had to do a major damage limitation exercise to stop this movie being hampered by talk of your private life, which is something no one would be at all interested in had you just stayed away,’ Martha carried on.

  ‘Oh grow up Martha! Nick isn’t some little boy who needs hand holding. He’s a grown man, capable of making decisions himself. I haven’t brainwashed him into wanting to be with me, I have no idea why he does want to be with me but he does and you should respect that,’ Freya told her angrily.

  ‘Of course I’m thinking of you in all this really. I mean how would it feel to have your life plastered all over the news and then to be cruelly dumped, having laid yourself bare for nothing,’ Martha spoke.

  ‘Don’t waste your time worrying about me. I suggest you start thinking about yourself. Perhaps begin by compiling your résumé, because one word from me about what you’re trying to do and Nick will fire you,’ Freya warned.

  ‘I wouldn’t be so sure,’ Martha answered, unfazed.

  ‘I told you about me and hot water Martha - not so much as a blister. How about you?’ Freya asked sternly.

  ‘I will see you inside. Roger, ensure the security team has been adequately briefed about arrangements for departure,’ Martha ordered and she left them, heading for the entrance o
f the Plaza Hall.

  ‘Argh! That woman! If she was anyone else I would have punched her out,’ Freya remarked to Roger as she took a deep breath and tried to remain calm.

  ‘I think the battle was won after you said “flat chested”,’ Roger told her.

  ‘You think?’

  ‘I think you should tell Nick what she said,’ Roger spoke seriously.

  ‘No! No, it’s nothing. She doesn’t frighten me and he’s told me she’s good at her job. I don’t want to rock the boat. And please, I would be grateful if you wouldn’t mention it,’ Freya begged.

  ‘Don’t worry about me, I can’t tell him. I’m like all three of those wise monkeys rolled into one. I see nothing, I hear nothing and I say nothing,’ Roger replied.

  ‘OK, good. So, how long has he been with the flat-chested, woolly-brained bimbo now?’ Freya asked, looking at her watch.

  ‘About twenty minutes,’ Roger answered.

  ‘Is that all? Do you think we can have our starters brought out? Or perhaps just some rolls? Or maybe the car could fetch us a takeaway,’ Freya suggested.

  ‘I’ve never seen Nick go crazy for a girl before,’ Roger spoke again in serious tones.

  ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘Just that there have been a few women before, but with you, he’s different,’ Roger stated.

  ‘Has he said something about me? Come on Roger, what has he said?’ Freya enquired eager to know.

  ‘Hey, I’m a wise monkey remember and I’ve said too much already,’ Roger told her.

  ‘Damn those ethical monkeys. Hey, do you have gum? Or a Twinkie! Bodyguards always have a Twinkie in their pocket in the films,’ Freya exclaimed.

  ‘Purely fiction,’ Roger answered.

  Thirty Two

  It was over an hour before Nicholas had finished autograph signing and greeting the crowd that had turned out in their hundreds to see him. Then it was handshaking with the dignitaries.

  Once inside, the Plaza Hall was spectacular. The main room had a high domed ceiling and elaborate artwork surrounding it. Thirty tables, each seating six, were beautifully laid out and, at the top of the room, was a large stage with a lectern. Being projected onto the wall for all to see were clips from some of the filming of the movie in their original, raw, unedited state.

  Much to Freya’s dismay, she and Nicholas were sat with Martha, Hilary, Gene and Bob. On the table directly next to them were some of the high ranking Greek dignitaries, including the Mayor of Athens.

  The food began to arrive shortly after they were seated, for which Freya was truly thankful for.

  ‘I’m sorry it dragged on a bit,’ Nicholas remarked as they waited to be served.

  ‘It was fine. There were a lot of people,’ Freya spoke, almost licking her lips with anticipation as the food came round.

  ‘More than I was expecting. More wine?’ Nicholas asked, noticing that her glass was already half empty.

  ‘Thanks. So, does Martha have any idea you’ve altered the speech?’ Freya questioned in whispered tones.

  ‘No. But it won’t be long now until she does,’ Nicholas replied with a smile.

  ‘So Freya, how have the press been treating you?’ Gene questioned quite pleasantly.

  Freya was taken aback at him having spoken to her and she wasn’t quite sure how she should react.

  ‘Well I haven’t really been hassled by anyone today,’ Freya replied.

  ‘Good. Still, there’s plenty of time yet, seeing as the news has only just broken,’ he answered.

  ‘I’m sorry, could you just clarify? Are you trying to sound supportive or are you still being an arse?’ Freya snapped.

  ‘Yes Gene, I’d like to know the answer to that one myself,’ Nicholas stated, fixing Gene with a stare.

  ‘I was just offering my support of course, and making conversation. Seeing as we’ve spent most of the day being asked questions about Freya, I just wondered whether she had received the same treatment that’s all,’ Gene replied, drinking his wine.

  ‘Freya’s private life is not up for discussion tonight, unless you also want to discuss yours,’ Nicholas spoke firmly.

  Gene didn’t reply and Martha fixed Freya with a look that could have curdled milk.

  ‘Was he telling the truth? Did you get asked questions about me all day?’ Freya wanted to know.

  ‘It wasn’t as bad as he was making out. He’s pissed because we had a fight at filming today,’ Nicholas spoke quietly.

  ‘A fight!’ Freya exclaimed.

  ‘Not in the literal sense - more a battle of words. Their attitude stinks and I told Gene, and Bob, it was the last time I would be working with either of them,’ Nicholas informed her.

  ‘Nick, I’m grateful for you defending me but these people, they’re your - well I was going to say friends - but perhaps that’s the wrong choice of word. But you have to get along with them and I’m quite sure Gene and Bob won’t be the last people to have a dig at me,’ Freya spoke seriously.

  ‘Probably not, but I would expect it to be coming from the newspapers not from my colleagues,’ Nicholas said, taking a drink.

  ‘There are people with prejudice everywhere you look, no matter what their profession,’ Freya told him and she glanced over at Martha.

  ‘A few more weeks and I’ll only have to see them at interviews and the premiere,’ Nicholas replied.

  ‘Well then, you can manage to ignore the jerks for a little longer. See how far you’ve come putting up with their snide comments without any bloodshed; it would be a shame to spoil it now,’ Freya spoke.

  ‘You’re right,’ Nicholas agreed.

  ‘Besides, if anyone’s going to spread Gene’s nose across his face it’s me - although not in this dress, it cost far too much,’ Freya told him.

  The food was delicious, the wine kept flowing and Freya even managed to make small talk with Hilary. It had been very basic but it had been conversation none the less.

  After they had finished eating it was time for the speeches. A short, bearded man of about fifty, dressed in a tuxedo, stepped up onto the stage.

  ‘Who’s that?’ Freya whispered to Nicholas.

  ‘That’s James Peterson. He’s the head of Global Pictures, that’s the studio making the film,’ Nicholas told her.

  ‘I feel like I should have known that seeing as I’m dating you,’ Freya responded.

  ‘I’ll introduce you later,’ Nicholas promised.

  ‘…we hope that tonight’s meal and the entertainment goes some way to expressing our gratitude for your hospitality and assistance over the past months. Your country is truly one of pure, unspoilt beauty filled with warm, generous people,’ James Peterson spoke.

  Everyone applauded.

  ‘Now I’m going to hand you over to the star of the film, Ladies and Gentlemen, Mr Nicholas Kaden,’ James Peterson spoke.

  The whole room again erupted into applause and Nicholas stood up, preparing to go on stage.

  ‘Do I say break a leg or something?’ Freya asked him as he took a sip of water.

  ‘Not traditionally, but on this occasion it’s appreciated,’ Nicholas replied with a hesitant smile.

  He left the table and walked towards the stage as everyone continued to clap. He negotiated the steps and shook James’ hand before preparing his notes on the lectern.

  The applauding stopped and Nicholas looked out upon the guests.

  ‘Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen, it’s really nice to see so many people here tonight to share in this celebration. As James has already said, your country, in particular your islands, are a thing of beauty and we all feel extremely privileged to have been able to use such stunning locations for this movie,’ Nicholas began.

  The guests applauded his show of appreciation.

  ‘At this point I was due to tell you all a little bit about the film itself and the reason why Greece was chosen as the setting but, I think it’s obvious why Greece was chosen, the scenery is incomparable and the people are gener
osity itself and I’ve been told I only have a ten minute slot and what I really want to talk to you about tonight I consider to be a great deal more important than any film,’ Nicholas continued.

  Freya looked over at Martha. She was now scrambling for her bag. When she had located it she began frantically leafing through papers.

  ‘I’m going to talk to you this evening about something very personal to me and I’m going to start by showing you a photograph, taken by a very talented photographer, Miss Freya Johnson,’ Nicholas spoke.

  The people in the room let out a united gasp. On the big screen appeared one of the photographs that Freya had taken of Nicholas at Villa Kamia.

  It was a shot of him, naked, taken from behind, looking out to sea. Freya hadn’t seen the result of her session. It was a good photograph, it was black and white and it showed off Nicholas’ physique to perfection.

  ‘What the Hell is going on? This isn’t in the speech I have,’ Martha hissed as she carried on leafing through paperwork.

  ‘It’s a good photograph,’ Hilary remarked to the table in general.

  ‘You mean he has a cute butt,’ Freya said to her with a smile.

  ‘Well, I…’ Hilary responded, trying not to blush.

  Nicholas waited for the murmuring and surprised comments to die down before he recommenced.

  ‘You’re now probably wondering why I’m showing you a photograph of me, wearing nothing but a smile. Well, it’s one photograph of many that I’ve had taken to highlight a cause to which I am going to donate my ten million dollar fee from this film,’ Nicholas carried on.

  There were more gasps and whispers from the crowd at the show of generosity.

  It was only at that moment that Freya realised what he was going to say to this room full of people. She held her breath and felt for him. He was standing on the stage alone, all eyes on him, people waiting to hear what he was going to say.

  ‘I really don’t want to make this a completely sentimental speech, but, I’ve been hiding something from everyone for quite a while now and up until recently I was happy to go on hiding it. But someone I met just a short time ago has taught me a great deal about myself, about who I am, the position I’m in and how I should be using that position to make a difference to others. So I’m standing up here to tell you that I had testicular cancer,’ Nicholas announced.


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