Curves for Him - 10 Delicious Tales

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  What kind of woman did that make me? She thought.

  The two men were so different yet so similar. Ryan was dominant, like deliciously rugged passion that refused to be tamed, while Caine was the firm, yet gentle lover who could easily charm his way into any woman’s bed. They were both sinfully gorgeous and when she looked into their eyes she didn’t feel the usual insecurities that a full figured woman like her sometimes felt. She only felt genuinely wanted...appreciated, and it made her pulse quicken and her heart skip a beat as the branding heat of their desire possessively claimed her full attention with every encounter.

  But then she’d force herself to break the spell and walk away from their delicious invitations, later scolding herself for not seeing it through, not giving it a chance. She just didn’t want to be that kind of woman. Whatever that meant.

  She was better off keeping to herself. That had always been the plan anyway. God knows she had enough trouble with men in the past.

  She suddenly heard pounding feet behind her and glanced back to see a familiar figure with dark hair wafting as he ran with fluid a stride. Ryan caught up with her easily and the ready flash of his grin made all the common sense flee from Julie’s head.

  Stop worrying about the risks of putting your heart on the line and just do it already, she told herself as she caught his smoldering gaze, his piercing blue eyes nearly blinding her in a wave of lust.

  “Mind if I join you?” he asked, though it really wasn’t a question.

  “Oh. Not at all, Ryan.” Julie replied, struggling to sound casual despite what Ryan’s unexpected appearance was doing to that crazy libido she’d developed since she’d met the two men. He easily kept up pace with her and her sidelong glance took in his muscular, fit body encased in well-fitting running gear. His golden tan was burnished with perspiration she felt ready to lick off. Every muscle in his strong arms looked carved from adamantine steel.

  “The other night – at Caine’s place. I hope we didn’t do anything to scare you off,” Ryan said, his lips curling into a grin.

  “What? No, um..., I don’t quite understand.” Julie replied in confusion, wondering what he meant. She still couldn’t figure out what had happened that night and didn’t want to give herself away. What if she really had made a fool of herself thanks to being so tipsy? Had she thrown herself at them or worse, passed out from all that wine?

  “Okay, good to hear. Because Caine was worried that you might be avoiding him, especially with the way the night ended. You running off and everything.”

  Julie had to conceal her sigh of relief hearing that. At least she’d had the good sense to make good her escape before she did anything stupid. She could almost relax now.

  “Oh no, nothing like that,” she told him quickly. “I have just been really busy working on some design portfolios for a new client and I’ve been stuck in my office at home,” she explained, the effort causing her to become more breathless than usual so she ground to a stop. She leaned against a nearby tree and drew in a deep, refreshing breath. She looked around at the scenery and couldn’t help feeling happy once again that she’d moved here. Out there in the city she’d never had the chance to really exhale. This place made her feel as though she’d found her home base, a place where she could truly relax and feel safe.

  “I’m glad to hear that. I for one began to think I made you uncomfortable,” said Ryan. Julie found herself getting backed into the sturdy tree trunk as Ryan’s thickly corded arm propped on the side of her head while he closed the inches between them enough to give her a whiff of his warm-blooded, deeply masculine scent that did crazy things to her hormones. His startling blue eyes swept over her face like he was committing every feature into memory.

  “Uncomfortable, me?” Julie all but squeaked. Her head was swimming. This was one of the reasons she’d taken to running and now he was right here, impossible to escape from.

  “Julie, I won’t lie. The first time I saw you, though fleeting, really struck me. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you ever since.” Ryan confessed, his voice a low rumble of masculine power. His dark lashes, so thick and lush they made her almost groan with envy, swooped down as he seemed to keep his inner thoughts hidden. His body language though told her all she wanted to know. Ryan wanted her and she was almost hyperventilating from the very thought that she hadn’t been wrong after all.

  “I don’t know what to say,” she replied, eyes darting around.

  “It’s okay to be confused. But when I said you didn’t need to be afraid, I meant it. I’d do all in my power to make you feel safe and protected.” He lifted his other hand and reached for her cheek and Julie involuntarily flinched, turning her face away.

  Ryan scowled, his hand lowering to rest on her shoulder. “Someone hurt you, didn’t they? Who was he?”

  His astuteness astounded Julie. How could he possibly even...? She shook her head dismissively. “He was no one. I’m over that. I’m stronger than I look Ryan and I assure you I don’t need you or anyone to take care of me.” Her eyes met his defiantly and he nodded with a humorous smile.

  “I hear you. Fact is, I definitely like a woman who can stand up for herself. You can bet I like a lot of things about you, Julie,” he said, eyes twinkling.

  Julie had to smile at that. “I bet you say that and all the girls just melt.”

  “There’s only one girl that I want to melt, and each time I look at her it gets harder to keep myself in check,” he said gruffly, eyes gleaming meaningfully into hers. “What is it about you, Julie, that makes me want to shield you from all the bad, bad things in the world – and yet can’t wait to ravish you myself?”

  Julie gulped, her throat going dry. Well at least he was putting it out there. This was her chance to tell him she just wasn’t interested. That she’d just been through a bad break up and needed to work on herself and not just jump into the next relationship. That the last thing she really needed was a fling, which could be all this hot, sexy hunk of badness was offering.

  “Maybe you need time to figure it all out,” she said mildly, resisting the urge to bite on her bottom lip, aware he couldn’t tear his heated gaze from her mouth.

  “Yeah. I do. And maybe you can help me. We could go for drinks later tonight and maybe see what happens. I know a few nice places in town. You should let me show you around.”

  “You’re asking me out on a date?” Julie asked, a smile playing on her lips. His charm was infectious. And God help her, this man was plain irresistible. What harm could it do? He grinned rakishly and Julie grew wet and hot in places she’d sworn to hold in check. Just because she’d vowed not to get involved didn’t mean they couldn’t be friends.

  “I sure am,” he replied with a smile, voice smoky with promise.

  Julie knew she was in trouble. She nodded slowly in assent and secretly hoped she’d figure out a way to resist this impossibly handsome man who wanted her more than any other ever had before.

  Chapter Six

  The band was playing some nice folksy rock music that Julie couldn’t have imagined she’d enjoy, but she did. She liked the bar too, nice ambience. They had some really great beers on tap and add to that her gorgeous date, there wasn’t much more a girl could ask for.

  She knew they caught a few looks from the other patrons, but no one she really needed to worry about. Spending time with Ryan just talking and drinking was bringing out a side to him she hadn’t expected. She already knew he was funny, without really trying to be, especially when he was talking about himself. She learned he was partners with Caine, though Ryan’s job was to handle the business end of things while Caine was the ‘brains’ of the outfit as Ryan jokingly put it. Julie liked that Ryan didn’t take himself too seriously. He had this tough exterior that would make people want to tread carefully around him, but he really was a nice guy.

  She was feeling comfortable around him, which both delighted and surprised her. She’d never dreamed she’d feel safe around a man again, especially thi
s quickly. But Ryan, with his protective bearing and rugged charm, made it hard for her to hold onto her defenses. And he did all he could to make her feel desired, and special. Julie really liked him and was growing more than just attracted to him. But how could she tell him there was no way this could go any further?

  “Would you like another beer?” Ryan asked, breaking off their conversation to nod at her half-empty glass which she was still nursing. Julie shook her head, assuring him she was good. She really wanted to keep her head tonight and that meant drinking responsibly. One thing she couldn’t be responsible about, was how she felt around Ryan. The way his large, slightly callused hand would brush lightly over hers as he reached for his beer ...the graze of his deep laugh teasing her senses and the way he looked at her that made her sizzle deep within her folds. She needed...oh; she wasn’t sure what she needed. Ryan – and Caine, made her want things she really, really shouldn’t. Where was she going to find the strength to walk away?

  “Ah, look who’s here. Surprise, surprise,” drawled Ryan, and Julie looked over her shoulder to see what he was talking about. Something lurched in her chest when she saw Caine walk into the crowded bar looking as gorgeous as ever. But he wasn’t alone.

  A tall, somewhat willowy brunette had her arm tucked into his and she was certainly a beauty. She wore a pair of snug blue jeans and a shirt unbuttoned low enough to hint at an enviably large cleavage. Her swathe of thick, rich brown hair fell over one shoulder and she flicked it over her back as she turned to Caine with a possessive, pleased smile.

  Julie wasn’t sure the emotion that raged through her belly like fire but she didn’t like it. Didn’t like it either the way Caine smiled back at the girl and patted her hand on his arm. Then he led them to the other end of the bar to order drinks.

  “I didn’t know Caine had a girlfriend,” Julie said before she could stop herself. She’d meant to say something casual but instead stood the risk of sounding like a jealous, scorned twit.

  “Oh, that’s not his girlfriend. That’s just Darcy. She’s...well, maybe at one time, she’d have been a love interest but it never really happened. Now they’re just friends.”

  Julie found that hard to believe but she didn’t voice it out. Instead she nodded and buried her nose in her drink and wished she wasn’t acting so stupid. After all, she was here with someone else; the last thing she should be doing was feeling pissed off at Caine for hanging out with some other girl. A girl who seemed to be leaning far too close to him as they waited for their order. Just then, Caine looked up, caught her gaze and smiled in recognition. Ryan waved him over and he excused himself from his companion to make his way over in easy, long strides.

  “My favorite girl,” Caine said in greeting as he bent to kiss her cheek which already grew hot from his presence.

  “Oh, I think you already have your hands full,” Julie blurted, and then chewed hard on her lip in mortification. Damn, damn and damn! Now he’d know she was jealous. He merely grinned and turned to the equally smiling Ryan.

  “You didn’t tell Julie about Darcy?” Caine asked, eyebrows arched.

  Ryan shrugged. “Julie knows deep down that when it comes to her, there’s really no competition. But I did let her know that Darcy wasn’t anything to worry about.”

  “Good. But I think Julie knows in her heart how it stands.” Caine’s smile tilted sexily and Julie couldn’t help the way her toes wanted to curl inside her shoes. Was Caine for real? He was actually flirting with her in front of Ryan! And Ryan didn’t seem to mind in the slightest. Julie blushed furiously, the heat creeping up to the surface of her dark skin as she thought of that dream and how both of them had taken delight in bringing her to an unforgettable climax. She could visualize it even clearer now and it sent chills of wanton excitement down her spine. Their strange exchange made her confused and she wondered if she wasn’t beginning to lose it. Her months-long state of celibacy was perhaps beginning to catch up on her. She needed air.

  Escape was all she could think of right then, so she quickly stood and mumbled an excuse about needing to use the ladies room.

  “Are you alright?” Ryan asked with deep concern, his arm closing lightly around her shoulders. She nodded quickly, gave him and Caine a small smile and then rushed from the bar before she made more of a fool of herself. She needed to be more in control of her emotions by the time she got back.

  Both men watched her go and it was impossible to hide the glow of need on their faces. “This is going to be tougher than I imagined. I mean, taking things slow,” Caine said, not peeling his eyes away till Julie was out of sight. She looked like a delightful treat tonight, wearing another dress, black this time with just two straps holding it up. He liked a woman comfortable in her own skin enough to keep things feminine. He could still smell the shampoo of her hair and the cocoa butter fragrance of her skin. He felt his cock stir remembering how the dusky glow of her skin had called out for his lips to trace each contour from her throat to her shoulder.

  “I know how you feel, man,” Ryan replied meaningfully. “Breaking the ice is just one step. Getting to convince her she doesn’t have to choose will be another.”

  Both men were astute to know Julie was having that inner battle. With all their heart they longed to explain the truth of their intentions, but she needed time. Especially when it was obvious she’d been hurt badly before – maybe even recently. Was that why she’d moved here? So many things they wanted to find out about her but she still kept so much under wraps. What would it take to break down her defenses?

  When Caine finally returned to the waiting Darcy, he quirked his brow at the spitting anger in her eyes. Julie had just returned and from across the room, Darcy and Caine watched as Ryan placed a hand on her waist and rose to kiss her cheek before guiding her back on her stool like she was some china doll about to break. Darcy’s scowl deepened.

  “It’s getting rampant, isn’t it?” she began with a fake smile as she lifted her beer to her pouty pink lips. Caine chose to ignore her biting tone and instead asked what she meant.

  “The way everyone seems to be willing to mate with humans. First Vern and then Hawke. Soon the whole pack would be overrun and weakened by this trend which makes me wonder why Alpha Jepson condones such fraternization.”

  Darcy was in the same pack as Caine and Ryan and like them, had wolf traits. Like many in the pack, she frowned on them having to mix with humans and as a female, she felt especially threatened. Once, she’d had a thing for Caine but then when he told her what they – Caine and Ryan – were looking for, Darcy had backed out. She regretted it now but couldn’t show it. She’d let the opportunity pass her by and now it was too late to change her mind.

  Caine’s face broke into one of his rare frowns. “You of all know that we can’t help who we mate with. It’s nature. And mating with humans could never make us weaker, but stronger. The more we learn to co-exist, the better for all concerned along the line.”

  “Or so it would seem,” Darcy said with a curl to her lips. “Well I guess it’s hard to think straight when sentiment is involved. But what makes you think she’ll ever want anything to do with your special...arrangement?”

  Darcy saw Caine’s slight wince and knew she’d hit a sore point. She smiled inwardly. So, it wasn’t going to be all cut and dried then. Maybe there was still hope.

  Yes, she knew all about mates and how they were ‘fated’. But then again, mates could also be chosen. She knew that once, Caine had been ready to settle for choosing a mate so long as she met their need for a ménage relationship. Perhaps, Caine would be made to reconsider his earlier choice. But as long as Julie was in the picture, Darcy couldn’t see that happening.

  Her eyes glowed with intent which she concealed by turning away to beckon the bartender to refill her glass. Her hidden smile widened as she thought of all the possibilities open to her as mate to Caine and Ryan. Everyone knew they were two of the strongest and most respected shifters in their pack. Either one of them coul
d be made Alpha of their thriving community and Darcy knew becoming aligned to them would prove favorable to her clan, and of course to herself. As their mate, she’d gain Madam Alpha status and considering she virtually grew up in the pack, she felt this was more than her due, it was her birthright.

  The only thing standing in her way was the wonderfully curvy human usurper who may have seduced the two friends with her innocent, alluring beauty. But Darcy could tell there was more to Julie than what anyone knew and she was going to do everything in her power to win her rightful place with both Caine and Ryan – even if it meant getting rid of the competition herself.

  Chapter Seven

  A month ago, if anyone had told Julie she’d have not one, but two gorgeous men vying for her affections, she’d have laughed out loud and called them crazy.

  Now reality was turning into a manifestation of her most secret fantasies. At first, she hadn’t wanted to believe it. Both men had come at her from different angles. Ryan played the romantic while Caine took the more indirect approach, getting her sweet on him by showing up to help her with her flowers or odd jobs around the house.

  Before long she started meeting both of them for nights on the town, dancing and drinking with friends – friends always people known to Caine and Ryan who seemed all too happy to welcome Julie into the fold. Julie couldn’t say it was always friendly all round. There were a few who showed how little they thought of Julie’s budding ‘friendship’ with the popular duo of Caine and Ryan. One to note was Darcy whom Julie sensed at once considered her a rival.

  Julie didn’t let that get to her though. Caine and Ryan had shown time and again that she’d won a place in their hearts and as surprised as it made her, she felt her defenses slowly crumbling down.

  She didn’t understand as yet the vibes she was getting when she was around them – the way they didn’t seem jealous of each other and even encouraged her interest in one or the other. It was almost as if...they wanted her to get used to having both of them around. Many times, she felt struck by the possibility that they wouldn’t be averse to the thought of sharing her. They never came right out and said it, but somehow she guessed it from their actions. Julie thought things over again and again and still told herself she was crazy. Caine and Ryan might seem close but no way they could be ‘courting’ the same girl, right? They were all just great friends and she was simply getting to know them – together.


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