Unspoken Desires

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Unspoken Desires Page 10

by Unspoken Desires (lit)

  It had been just a few hours since he had held Daniel in his arms, a few days since he had actually seen Daniel naked and made love to him. It felt like a million years ago. Way too much time passed between them.

  Brom cast a quick glance down at the unconscious man lying in the bed next to where they stood. He waved his hand at him. “Uh, how are we going to do this?”

  Daniel shrugged. “Not a fucking clue.”

  Brom snorted.

  Daniel frowned at him. “That’s not what I meant.”

  “I know, I know,” Brom replied. “I just— that was funny, Daniel.”

  “You’re not helping the mood here, Brom.”

  “I’m sorry, baby. I think maybe I needed it though.” Brom stepped forward and wrapped his arms around Daniel’s waist, pulling the man towards him until Daniel’s body pushed up against his. “This is just all so serious. We’re supposed to make love because we can’t keep our hands off each other, not because we’re trying to save someone’s life.”

  Daniel nodded. “I know.”

  “What if we fuck this up?” Brom asked. “What happens to Jaryn?”

  Brom turned his face into the hand that Daniel cupped around his cheek.

  “Brom, you can’t fuck this up,” Daniel said. “It may have been awhile, but if I remember correctly, you were pretty damn good at this.”

  “But what if—” Brom felt Daniel’s finger press against his lips, stopping him from speaking. He arched an eyebrow at the man.

  “Less talk, more action,” Daniel ordered.

  The deep tone of Daniel’s voice rumbled through Brom’s body. He’d forgotten how Daniel could do that to him with just a single word. When he got into this mood, Daniel’s voice sounded like sex itself, silky and deep and totally hot.

  “Keep talking to me like that and you’ll see a lot of action.” Brom growled. He grabbed Daniel by the arms and aimed him back toward the bed until the man sat down. Daniel spread his legs as Brom dropped to his knees between them.

  Brom’s lower chest was level with Daniel’s thick erection. It gave him enough room to lean forward and lick at the twin brown nubs on Daniel’s chest. They hardened right up, pebbling under Brom’s tongue. It gave him enough leverage to nibble with his lips.

  Brom grinned against Daniel’s skin when the man let out a loud groan. The shiver that went through Daniel’s body excited him beyond words. His cock hardened, bumping against the side of the mattress when his hips unconsciously thrust forward.

  Knowing that he needed to speed things or up he’d end up coming all over the side of the bed instead of inside Daniel where he wanted to be, Brom kissed his way down the man’s torso until his face ended up in auburn-colored curls.

  He could see Daniel’s hands clenching and unclenching in the comforter out of the corner of his eyes. The man’s hips were pushing up in the air, his hard cock bouncing in Brom’s face. Not one to turn down a good thing, Brom swirled his tongue across the head of Daniel’s erection.

  Drops of pre-cum scattered across his tongue. The sweet, tangy taste unique to Daniel filled Brom, overwhelming his senses. He would have told the man, but he was too busy swallowing his cock. Then Brom remembered their bond. He could barely contain his laughter.

  “Your taste is addictive, baby.”

  “Just keep sucking, and you’ll get all you want.”

  Daniel had the same deep, sexy voice when he spoke through their mate bond as he did when speaking out loud. And it had the same damn effect on Brom. Brom nearly came against the side of the bed again.

  “Keep talking like that, and you won’t get to do anything but feel my cock in your ass,” Brom sent to Daniel.

  Daniel chuckled. “Promises, promises.”

  Brom was determined to make Daniel eat his words. He had a lot of fantasies to feed his arsenal of tricks, just not practical experience. He hadn’t been with another man since Daniel left five years ago.

  Marla was the only woman he’d been with and then only when he absolutely had to. Since a female werewolf had a certain scent when she was fertile, the times he had been with her were carefully chosen and very few.

  Brom began to bob his mouth up and down on Daniel’s erect flesh. His hands moved down to stroke Daniel’s ball sac, one hand moving further back to brush against the quivering hole waiting for him.

  Brom suddenly sat up, Daniel’s cry of protest ringing around the room. “Lube, Daniel, we forgot lube.”

  “You may have, but Leyland didn’t.” Daniel laughed. “He slipped me a tube before he left. It’s in the pocket of my jeans.”

  “I’m really starting to like your pack, Daniel,” Brom said as he searched around the floor for Daniel’s pants. He spotted them several feet away and crawled over to them, squeezing the pants until he felt a bottle of lube in one pocket. He pulled the tube out and held it up in the air like the crown jewels. “Got it!”

  “Then get your damn ass back over here and use it.”

  Brom laughed as he hurried back across the floor to kneel between Daniel’s legs. He opened the bottle and squirted some of the cold gel out on his fingers. He held the tube out to Daniel.

  “Hold this,” he said. “We don’t want to lose it.”

  As soon as Daniel grabbed the tube, Brom went back to the pleasurable work of driving Daniel out of his mind. His mouth dropped back down on Daniel’s cock, and his hands went back to Daniel’s ass.

  He pushed one finger into Daniel’s ass at a time, wanting the man to be plenty stretched. Brom didn’t think he had the self-control to be gentle, and he never wanted to hurt Daniel. By the time he had three fingers deep into Daniel’s tight grip, the man was moaning and thrusting his cock into Brom’s mouth.

  Brom sucked Daniel into his mouth as deep as he could and then suddenly curved his fingers, stroking them against the man’s sweet spot over and over again. Daniel cried out, his body stiffening.

  Hot, sweet cream filled Brom’s mouth. Brom swallowed down as much as he could, all the while thrusting his fingers in and out of Daniel, making sure he rubbed them against Daniel’s prostate every time.

  Finally, when he could get no more out of Daniel, he raised his head to look up at the man. Daniel lay there, one arm tossed over his head, the other still clenched in the blanket. His eyes were closed, his mouth slightly opened as he panted.

  Brom couldn’t take the time for the man to catch his breath. He ached and not just his cock. His teeth actually hurt. He needed to sink both into his mate in the next few moments, or he just might lose his mind.

  Brom got to his feet and grabbed the lube out of Daniel’s hand. He squirted some on his cock and lubed himself up, then added a few drops to Daniel’s ass. He grabbed Daniel’s thighs and pulled the man to the edge of the bed.

  He could see his cock nudging against Daniel’s stretched hole, just the head slipping in. The sight was intoxicating. Brom moved his hips back and forth, watching the head of his cock move in and out of Daniel.

  “Damn, baby, this feels so fucking hot!”

  Daniel half laughed, half groaned. “You should feel it from my end.”

  Brom glanced up at Daniel in surprise. The man’s face looked flushed, but the grin on his lips outshone everything. Brom couldn’t help but grin.

  “I’ll take you up on that next time.”

  Brom glanced back down to where he was barely connected to Daniel. He slowly pushed in, watching Daniel’s body swallow him up inch by inch until there was no more air between them.

  His head dropped back on his shoulders, his hands grabbing Daniel’s legs. Pleasure flooded his body as Daniel’s inner muscles gripped and massaged his cock. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to move or continue to let Daniel squeeze him.

  “Brom,” Daniel whispered, sounding desperate, “please.”

  “Okay, baby,” Brom replied as he dropped his head forward and began moving. Brom couldn’t figure out how he had ever done without this for so many years. Being this close to Daniel and knowing t
hat he could was almost better than any orgasm he’d ever experienced.

  Brom thrust into Daniel over and over again, the pressure building in his body. His heart thundered in his chest. He felt passion rising in him like the hottest fire, igniting every nerve ending in his body.

  “Soon, Daniel,” Brom groaned. “I can’t—”

  “Wait, wait,” Daniel cried out. “We need Jaryn.”

  Brom blinked. Jaryn, right, the reason they were doing this. He shook his head and tried to clear it of the haze of lust he had slipped into. He looked at the man lying unconscious beside Daniel’s head. Now, just to figure how to do this.

  “Okay, get on your hands and knees and straddle Jaryn,” Brom ordered.

  He groaned when Daniel pulled away, and his cock slipped free of him. But Daniel was quick to roll over and straddle Jaryn. Brom climbed onto the bed and scooted up behind him. He grabbed his cock and guided it back into Daniel, pushing home with a loud sigh.

  Brom had to take just a moment and savor the feeling of being back inside of Daniel before he could speak. He could feel Daniel’s hand caressing the skin of his thigh. His fingers burned into Brom’s tingling skin.

  “Okay,” Brom finally said, his voice sounding hoarse even to his ears, “Any chance you’re going to come again?”

  Daniel laughed. “Yeah, it’s a possibility.”

  “When you do, bite Jaryn.”

  “And you?” Daniel asked, glancing over his shoulder.

  “I’ll try to hold off until you do, then we’ll take it from there.”

  Brom didn’t give Daniel time to reply before he thrust deep into the man and then pulled out. He placed his hand on the back of Daniel’s neck and pushed the man down, even as his other hand pulled Daniel’s hips up and back.

  Reaching under him, Brom began stroking the man to the rhythm of his thrusts. He could immediately hear Daniel’s pants and soft cries spurring him on. Brom canted his hips and then thrust again. He knew he hit Daniel’s sweet spot when copious amounts of pre-cum dripped over his hand, and Daniel’s inner muscles tightened down on him.

  “Brom,” Daniel cried out, “Brom, I’m gonna—”

  “Bite him, baby,” Brom ordered. “Claim Jaryn.”

  Brom watched Daniel turn his head and sink his canines deep into the soft flesh between Jaryn’s neck and shoulder, mere centimeters from Jaryn’s injuries. He felt the bond take place through his own bond with Daniel.

  It was more than he expected and more than he hoped for. Tears of pleasure found their way to his eyes as something intense seemed to flare in his head. Brom’s heart jolted and his pulse pounded as Daniel cried out, covering his hand with wet seed.

  “Move over, Daniel, just your upper body,” Brom sent to his mate. “It’s my turn.”

  Daniel moved, seeming reluctant, so that his upper body was beside Jaryn. He turned his head and laid it on his folded arms, his eyes open and watching. Brom leaned down and licked a stray drop of blood off of Daniel’s lips before looking into his eyes.

  “You ready?” he whispered.

  Daniel nodded.

  Brom leaned back up and started thrusting into Daniel once again. He moved slowly at first, then built the power of his thrusts until he was all but ramming into Daniel. He could feel his orgasm building, settling like a knot at the base of his cock before shooting out the top.

  Brom had just enough time to lean down and sink his teeth into the skin over Jaryn’s heart before he erupted. One of his hands clenched in the comforter on the side of Jaryn and the other dug into Daniel’s hip.

  The pleasure was so intense that Brom thought he might lose consciousness. Daniel’s tight body held him snug inside as he shot load after load of cum into him. Jaryn’s sweet blood filled his mouth.

  The mating bond between the three of them kicked into place with such force Brom felt it. The hairs on the back of his neck stood up. A light flashed behind his eyes in a sudden flare, burning a permanent path into his brain.

  Brom lifted his head and licked the small teeth marks in Jaryn’s chest. He turned his head to see Daniel watching him, tears in his emerald-green eyes.

  “You can feel it, can’t you?”

  Brom nodded, not quite able to put into words everything that flowed through him at that moment. It felt too intense. At the base of this throat a pulse beat and swelled as though his heart had risen from its usual place to envelope the two men he mated.

  “Do you think it worked?” Daniel murmured softly, his eyes moving to Jaryn.

  “It’d better, Daniel, because we’re mated to Jaryn now. We can’t live without him.”

  Daniel bit his lip. He seemed to take a deep, cleansing breath before looking back at Brom. Brom smiled, trying to reassure the man.

  “Come on, baby,” Brom said as he pulled back from him. “Let’s get cleaned up.”

  “Can we come back and snuggle with Jaryn?” Daniel asked as he climbed over Jaryn and moved to the side of the bed. “I’m sure he wouldn’t mind waking up being surrounded by his mates.”

  “I need to check on the cubs first.”

  “Christ!” Daniel exclaimed, suddenly looking bewildered. “I keep forgetting that you have cubs.”

  Brom paused on his way to the bathroom to glance back at Daniel. “Is that going to be a problem?”

  “No,” Daniel replied. “It’s just going to take a little getting used to.”

  “You realize that if we’re all mates and living together that you and Jaryn are going to be parents to them, too, right?”

  “You want me to be a parent to your cubs?”

  “Our cubs, Daniel.”

  “Wow, I never—fuck—I mean—wow.”

  Brom chuckled. “You’re going to have to stop swearing, baby. Cubs pick up on that. Before too long, you’ll have a three year old running around screaming fuck at the top of his lungs.”

  “Oh, hell!” Daniel exclaimed.

  “That, too.”

  “I’m not sure I’m ready for parenthood, Brom.”

  Brom’s heart, bouncing and filled with happiness moments before, plummeted to his feet. He’d been afraid of this. While he took great joy in having his cubs, he wasn’t sure Daniel would be able to accept them.

  He couldn’t give him cubs up. They were his cubs. And he couldn’t give Daniel or Jaryn up. They were his mates. He’d often envisioned how he would divide his time between them. Maybe they could have two separate homes. Jaryn and Daniel could live in one, Brom and the cubs in the other. They could date or something.

  Brom turned away before Daniel could see the anguish in his face. He also knew he needed to put space between them so that Daniel couldn’t feel his emotions. He had no idea if the man could feel them through their mate bond.

  “I understand,” Brom said quietly as he walked towards the bathroom, trying to look casual while dying just a little bit inside.

  “You’re going to have to teach me, give me some hints,” Daniel said from behind him. “I don’t want to fuck this up.” Daniel grunted. “See, there I go again. Those cubs are going to be swearing like sailors inside of a week.”

  Brom swung around. His heart pounded as it slowly began to climb back up his body. “You want me to teach you how to be a parent?” he asked. “You’re okay with the cubs being with us?”

  Daniel frowned. “Where else would they be?”

  “I thought—I thought you were saying—”

  “Saying?” Daniel paused, kind of staring off into space. When he glanced back at Brom, he looked alarmed. “I said I wasn’t sure I was ready for parenthood. And you thought—” Daniel leapt across the room to wrap his arms around Brom. “No, Brom, no. I meant that I wasn’t ready for it as in I’m not sure I’m going to be very good at it in the beginning.”

  Brom closed his eyes for a moment, relief pouring through him. He felt Daniel’s hand stroke the side of his face and opened his eyes.

  “No, baby, I know that you and the cubs are a package deal. I’m okay with t
hat. Like I said, it’s going to take a little getting used to, but I always fantasized that we’d be a family someday, ever since the minute I discovered you’d had cubs.”


  Daniel smiled. “Yeah.”

  Brom pulled Daniel closer to him, hugging the man to his body. He buried his face in Daniel’s hair, drawing in the sweet scent of his mate. The emotions flowing through him could no longer be held in, no matter how much that had been drummed into his head his entire life.

  “You know I love you, Daniel, right?” he whispered against the man’s head.

  “Yeah,” Daniel replied, “I’m beginning to see that.”

  Brom leaned back and cupped Daniel’s face in both of his hands. Sparkling green eyes blinked back at him. “I love you. I have always loved you. I know I haven’t proved that to you, but I will. I swear.”

  “Just love me, Brom,” Daniel replied. “That’s all I need.”

  “You have that. Even when we were apart you had that.” Brom shook his head a little. “I never wanted to be away from you. I did what I thought I had to do to save all of us. I regret the pain you went through, the time we were separated. I don’t regret doing whatever I had to do to keep you and Jaryn safe.”

  “Just don’t leave me again, and we’ll call it even.”

  Brom was stunned. Never in any of his wildest fantasies had Daniel been so accepting of the things he’d done. It was a humbling feeling knowing that Daniel was a better man than he was. Brom felt pretty sure he’d be screaming and yelling about this point.

  “We’ll see.” Brom dropped his hands and turned to head into the bathroom, but Daniel’s words made him stop and turn around, shock soaring through him.

  “You’re going to leave me again?”

  “Hell, no!” Brom exclaimed. “I just meant that I don’t think we’re even.”

  Daniel’s worry fell from his face as he smiled. “We’re even, Brom. Let it go. We need to think of our future and not our past.”

  “Why don’t we concentrate on making sure we have a future first?”

  Daniel frowned. “Yeah, that might not be a bad idea. I’m pretty sure that Jake has agreed to give us sanctuary even if it’s not official, but we should make plans to get everyone back to the ranch as soon as we can.”


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