Lifted Curse (Curse Trilogy)

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Lifted Curse (Curse Trilogy) Page 2

by C. M. Owens

  He almost laughs, but he frowns as he stares at the picture on his screensaver. The blond-haired, blue-eyed girl he loves won’t speak to him. It’s a tough disconnect. I know how badly it hurts to deal with separation, but I also know it’s going to get better if they don’t reconcile. It’ll always hurt, but eventually it’s a little less noticeable.

  “I love her, Araya. I don’t want to be like you and Hale. I’m sorry if that’s terrible to say, but I’m serious.”

  I sigh slightly as I stare at Hale and Brazen flying by us - the two men I’m madly in love with, and the two men who have savagely ripped my heart out.

  “I hope you have better luck than me in general, Grayson. She’ll come around.”

  “I hope so. Are you scared of these scorpion guys? You have every right to be, so don’t feel bad if you want to say yes. I won’t think any less of you.”

  Images of my body being slapped with vicious electrical currents flash through my mind, and I shake free from the tormenting memories.

  “Of course I’m scared. I’d be a fool not to be afraid, but fear doesn’t control me. I’m smarter, stronger, and more capable of fucking their world up now than I was before.”

  He forces a smile and then he leans back before saying, “You had it worse than I did growing up. How did you make it?”

  A tear threatens the corner of my eye, and then I murmur, “Because others depended on me. Clay told everyone the first time I went savage was a few years before I met Hale, but it was long before then. I went savage about a week after my release into the United. There was a child there I had been protecting, and when I came back to visit, they had beaten her so badly she was barely recognizable. She needed blood - a lot of it, and they refused her.

  “I lost it. I carried her on my hip as the place begin shredding apart. I walked her out, and Clay showed up moments too late. The surviving hybrid children followed me out, and we told them it was a phase three storm instead of a phase one Araya.”

  “I’d hate to see you in phase two if you did that in phase one.”

  “Yes you would. I hate it when I lose control because I hurt so many if Hale isn’t there to distract me. As long as he’s close, I have nothing to worry about. Clay didn’t really give him enough credit. He may not be able to control me, but I want him so badly when I’m savage, I’m easily deterred from my destructive path because of my desire.”

  “How can you feel that way when you’re savage and not when you’re sober?”

  “I never said I didn’t feel that way sober. I love them both more than I could ever explain, but in the end neither of them loved me the way they should have. I hate being lied to. I hate secrets. They know that… Hale especially. My life started as a secret just as all the forgottens. If there’s something good, it’s never a secret. It’s only the bad, the shameful, or the dirty we cover up.”

  “Do you think you’ll ever forgive Nicholas?”

  “I think you’re very inquisitive right now,” I laugh out, and he smiles again.

  “Sorry. I chatter when I’m nervous.”

  “I drive, swim, fight, dance, and get drunk when I’m nervous. I feel like having a drink right now. Care to drive?”

  He flashes me a full grin before nodding, and we swap seats while keeping the car rolling. I pull out my whiskey, and the smooth burn runs down my throat as I recline back in the seat.

  “Cheers,” I chirp playfully, and he laughs a little more as I turn up the bottle once again.

  Alcohol is known to make people forget. I only wish I could forget so very, very much. Maybe then I could let go of it all.

  Chapter 2

  Old Wounds and Battle Scars

  The hustle and bustle of the Seminole never ceases to amaze me. They all cheer wildly as Hale walks through the doors as though he’s a hero returning from war - which in a way I suppose he is.

  “Captain,” a woman gushes. “We’d like to throw you a welcome home party tonight.”

  “I would love a party actually,” he sighs out, and she smiles as she runs back to deliver the message.

  I’ve still got on just my bikini and my shirt as I walk barefoot down the halls. Clay rounds the corner just as I do, and we almost slam into each other. He doesn’t say a word. He grabs me and jerks me to his body in the most affectionate embrace I’ve ever felt from him.

  “I’m so sorry. You were right. I should have just fucking told you,” he blurts out.

  I feel his extreme guilt and regret rolling over his skin as though it has materialized. I exhale heavily before returning the hug, and I can feel him fighting back the tears.

  “You should have told me, but Hale shouldn’t have put you in the position to keep it a secret. I know how hard he is to say no to,” I grumble.

  He pulls back and coughs to clear the emotion from his throat before murmuring, “I knew you could handle it, Araya. There was never any doubt. Don’t blame him for my neglect though. I should have made the right decision. You were right to blast me the way you did. Please don’t start calling me Commander Jude all the time.”

  I laugh lightly at his joke, and then I roll my eyes.

  “You’re off the hook. The two captains are still in trouble, and I’m not exactly eager to be Angelica’s sister or Nicholas’s daughter. Grayson won’t be too happy with me until I help mend his relationship, so I need at least one damn friend,” I grouse.

  He smirks while offering me his arm, and I loop mine through it as he leads me down the hall.

  “Good. I don’t like it when you’re mad at me. You’re the closest thing to family I’ve ever had. Don’t tell anyone though. I don’t want it to be obvious I show favoritism.”

  I laugh lightly, and then I lean my head over on his arm as we stroll through the hallways. I hear a snotty full blood whispering to another girl despite her attempts to hide her snarky remark from my hybrid ears.

  “Really? First she fucks our captain, and then this other hot captain, then our captain again, and now she’s going after the commander? What a fucking whore.”

  “I know. Captain Banner is smoking hot, and Captain Mordel is a piece of heaven. Why do the good guys always go for the sluts?” the other one whispers back.

  I giggle to myself, but Clay tightens his lips as though he’s thoroughly pissed. He starts to address the bitchy duo, but I tug at his arm to halt his attack.

  “It’s fine. I think it’s actually a little funny,” I chuckle out.

  “You don’t deserve that, Araya,” he growls, and his eyes scold the girls despite my objection.

  Their eyes widen, and they run off to escape his wrath before he can unleash it.

  “I can see how it might look a little rough from the outside. Besides, you need some scandalous rumors going around. You keep your promiscuous love life rather private these days. It’s not a whole lot of fun to have a squeaky clean commander,” I tease.

  “I’m far from squeaky. I just don’t believe in kissing and telling everyone. Besides, since Symphony I’ve been a little less apt to jump on the relationship train.”

  “You still miss her?” I ask sympathetically.

  “I know it’s been a few years, but it still hurts to talk about it. Can we move on to another subject?”

  I smile softly, and then I pat him on the arm.

  “Of course. Where will I be staying? I haven’t seen Wendy running the halls.”

  “Due to the incoming United officials, there will be very little room, so many people will be doubling up. If you’re a lesser ranking than captain, then you have to share an apartment with someone else,” he informatively inserts, and I can see a bit of pleasure twinkling in his eye as he watches me scowl.

  “Crap. Who did I have to stay with?”

  “Hale, Brazen, Angelica, Grayson, or someone you don’t know at all. It’s your choice,” he chuckles out.

  “Okay, first of all, you have to put Angelica and Grayson together no matter what she says. Secondly, you said anything less than a capt
ain, so that should automatically rule out Brazen and Hale. I’ll go with the last option… a complete fucking stranger.”

  He laughs ridiculously hard, and then he nods.

  “The order for roommates is actually drawn at random, but I can pull some strings to put Grayson and Angelica together.”

  I roll my eyes, and then Wendy rounds the corner.

  “Ms. Crush. I’m glad to see you back. Will you and Captain Mordel be staying together?” she asks so innocently.

  Clay covers his mouth to hide his insuppressible grin, and I huff out, “No. I’ll just take a stranger for a roommate,” I grumble.

  Her cheeks flush for yet another misstep, and I squirm uncomfortably for the awkwardness my continuous shifting keeps causing.

  “Um…” she stammers while staring at her chart. “Room four thirty is available. Is that okay?”

  “That’s perfect, Wendy,” I mutter.

  That’s two floors down from the Captain accommodations. Thank goodness.

  “Great. I’ll note it, and I’ll send your roomy up when they arrive. I still have to do the drawings,” she chirps, and then her human legs scurry off.

  “Well, I’ll walk you to your room. I still want the buddy system in place.”

  “Who will walk you back to yours once I’m dropped off?” I tease.

  “No one has been after me, Araya,” he says a little to seriously as genuine fear etches his tone.

  “So this buddy system is really an Araya system?” I grumble.

  “To be honest, yes. Whatever they want from you, I don’t want them getting it. Since Leon’s attack, I’ve been a nervous wreck. Knowing you were out there all alone for two weeks has aged me immensely, and I’m supposed to be a non-ager.”

  I smile endearingly as we turn another corner in the vast labyrinth known as Seminole, and my room comes into view.

  “We brought your stuff with us when we left Hershian yesterday. Hale and Brazen have been out looking for you during your fourteen day hiatus. I’ll have it sent up after while.”

  “Thanks,” I sigh out as I walk to the door, and he pulls me to him to hug me again.

  I pat his back while resting my head on his chest, and he smiles as he pulls back.

  “I’ll be two floors above you if there’s no one else to escort you. I’ll have several men rotating though to keep you from trying to walk alone. They’ll stand guard to ensure your safety.”

  “Really?” I snort.

  “Really, and this room isn’t padded. That’s one of the reasons you’re on this floor. I already told Wendy when I got here she couldn’t put you in a soundproofed room. If you’re in trouble, I want someone to be able to hear you.”

  At least I’m not fucking anyone right now.

  “Fine. I’m not complaining about being on this floor. My last apartment here wasn’t soundproofed either, but it had one Hale of a location if you know what I mean,” I grumble.

  He smirks slightly, and then shrugs.

  “Hale ended up knocking out that whole wall and extending his apartment. He has offered to host guests - meaning you - if you change your mind and don’t like your stranger roommate. Just throwing it out there,” Clay murmurs very suspiciously.

  “I’ll be fine with a stranger, Clay. I’d rather not deal with any drama while I’m here, so put away your arrow, Cupid.”

  He laughs lightly, and then he starts walking down the hall to head up the stairs. I flop down, and then I stare around the semi-large apartment. There’s only one bedroom and a pullout couch in the living area. I suppose I could be nice and offer someone else the bed.

  I flip on the television, and then my stomach growls. I grumble while pulling on a pair of shorts from my duffle bag I happened to have on hand. I’m hungry and I need a dress for this stupid party. All I want to do is crash for three or four days straight.

  A knocking rings out against my door very loudly to remind me of the fact everything can be heard from this room, and I sluggishly drag my feet to answer it. I’m sure it’s my new roomy, and I only hope the girl isn’t annoying.

  I gasp slightly as I swing open the door to see Hale.

  “Already?” I grouse.

  He smirks lightly while laughing under his breath, and then he hands me a phone, keys, and a gift wrapped box before pulling out a bag full of food.

  “House warming gift?” I joke.

  “I thought you might be hungry, and you left your keys in the car you high jacked. You need a phone so you can call us if you need us. I have Wendy looking into moving you up to my floor. I don’t want you staying down here.”

  “I’d rather stay down here. It’s quieter, and you’re not right next door,” I snark.

  “I want you to stay with me, baby,” he smolders out, and his hands slip around my waist to try and force me to forget I’m mad at him.

  “Captain Banner, you’re not going to get anywhere with me,” I playfully snark.

  “Don’t start calling me Captain Banner again,” he exasperates.

  “I think it’s appropriate. You and Captain Mordel are my superiors, and with all the United coming in, I feel as though it would be the most professional way to refer to you both.”

  He grumbles under his breath, and then he jerks me to his body.

  “I don’t ever want anything between us to be appropriate. Araya, I fucking love you more than I can ever explain, and I’ve been dying without you. Please don’t ice me out right now. I can’t take it anymore,” he pleads, and then his lips threaten mine when they almost touch.

  “Then I suppose you shouldn’t have lied to me for five years, Captain,” I scoff while ripping free from his incredible touch.

  He sighs in defeat, and then he sits down on the couch which will later be my bed.

  “Will you at least open the present I got you?”

  “Is this my late birthday present?” I retort.

  “No, this is a gift you’ll need for tonight. I’ll give you your birthday presents another time.”

  I wasn’t expecting him to actually have me a birthday present. I huff out my frustration as I unwrap the shiny red paper hiding a crisp, white box beneath. I smirk as I pull out a sensational hybrid blue dress designed to be seductive.

  “I assumed you would need a dress considering it’s a formal event, and I wanted to buy you something.”

  “It’s beautiful, though it might draw a little more attention my way than I’m willing to endure,” I murmur while staring at the very racy style.

  Its shimmery surface has see-through patches around the breasts, over the stomach, and there’s a slanted area that will almost show a little too much of my lower half. The short style is cut at an angle, and the strapless design dips to reveal my cleavage. I’m questioning his intentions at this point, and I look up to see his devilish smirk.

  “I’ve never known you to be shy, Araya,” he seduces, and I stifle my own grin.

  “I’m not when I want someone to see me. I am when I’m trying to lie low,” I play, and his grin only grows.

  “You wore your bikini bottoms for the very long trip. Are you admitting you might have been enticing me?” he smolders out, and he rises up to steeple his hands in front of his face.

  Oh fuck. He’s turned on.

  “No,” I lie.

  I’m not sure what the hell I’m doing to be honest. I’m in love with both of them, but they both royally fucked me over. I can’t deal with this shit… but… it’s Hale.

  “You will look phenomenal, and there’s no reason to hide your incredible body more than necessary. You’re hybrid, and you’re perfect.”

  “Far from,” I scoff. “I’m definitely hybrid, but perfection is a goal I don’t even strive for, considering it’s impossible.”

  He’s suddenly in front of me tilting my chin up so my eyes are forced to meet his.

  “You are perfect, baby. Please wear the dress, and I’d like it if you reconsidered coming to my place. It’s huge now, and you would have your own s
pace as if I wasn’t even there. It’s two fucking apartments combined. Someone will be sleeping on the pullout here, and you’ll have very little privacy,” he murmurs softly, and his lips brush mine.

  “Not someone, I will be sleeping on the pullout, and I will be perfectly fine with such an arrangement. If I stayed with you, I’d be a tormented mess because you won’t back off. All is not forgiven because you bought me a dress and some food. Even though I do appreciate both. I’m starving.”

  I start unwrapping the salad and soup, and he sighs out while running his lips over my revealed shoulder. My breath slowly finds its way into my parted lips as I relish the touch I should hate right now.

  “I promise I’ll back off if you stay with me. I did the last time you asked me to. I just want to see with my own eyes that you’re okay,” he mutters while he brushes my hair to the side to start running his lips up my neck.

  “You did do very well the last time… almost too well. I didn’t though. I threw myself back at the man who doesn’t give a damn about lying to me. It’s too easy for you, and apparently Brazen isn’t any different. I think I’ll keep my distance from both of you,” I say while trying to sound as though his touch isn’t affecting me.

  I slip my fingers under the sleeve of my shirt and pull it to cover my shoulder while leaning away.

  “I’m sorry. I’ve already said that over and over. I never cheated, I’ve always loved you, and I would have never left you for any reason outside of your safety. Please call me if you need me, and don’t even think about walking around by yourself. I’ll swing by from time to time to check in on you. I’m sure Brazen and Clay will be doing the same to ensure you’re okay. Answer the door every time, please.”

  “I’ll answer,” I mumble through my mouthful of the leafy delight.

  He smirks as his lips find my shoulder through my shirt, and then he kisses the top of my head before walking out. I release the breath I didn’t know I was holding, and then my trembling legs force me to sit down.

  This is going to be harder than I thought. My anger is slowly leaving me because of how fucking much I love him. I’m barely mad at him or Brazen anymore, and I need that rage to keep me away.


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