A Dolphin's Gift

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A Dolphin's Gift Page 18

by Watters, Patricia

  Will knew she was right. His love for Nellie was absolute. Thinking long and hard about what she'd said, he wondered if he could, with certainty, discard his father's negative traits if he set his mind to it. Somehow, he felt a new confidence that with Nellie at his side, he could.

  After a few minutes of contemplative silence, he turned to Nellie, and whispered against her ear, "I love you, Nellie. You're far more than I deserve."

  "And I love you too," Nellie whispered back. "I don't know why I'm so lucky to have you in my life. On top of everything else, you make my heart flutter." She kissed him and added, "What's more, while I slip into the bathing suit I don't have, you can wait for me in the springhouse. You do remember our look, but don't touch rule, don't you?"

  Will smiled, and replied, "Yeah, I remember. I'm the lovesick fool who suggested it." He kissed her and headed for the springhouse.


  Nellie checked on Mike, and from his easy, rhythmic breathing, knew he was sleeping soundly. Moving into the shadows, she shed her clothes, slipped on her robe and headed for the springhouse. When she stepped inside, she turned the flashlight on Will, who sat waist-deep in the steamy water, droplets rolling down his well-muscled chest.

  "Mike's dead to the world," she said, aware of Will's naked body below the wavering surface of the crystal-clear water as the beam from the flashlight washed over him. Feeling the erratic beating of her heart, she clicked off the flashlight and rested it beside the pool.

  She tossed her robe aside, but as she started to step into the water, Will clicked on the light and focused it on her. "Hold it right there," he said. "We agreed to the look don't touch rule, and I want to look. I've been having this fantasy for weeks and I want to see if I got the image right."

  "Make it quick then." Nellie stood motionless, tingles moving down her body as the beam of light washed over her. She thought she could feel heat burning from the light, but realized it was radiating from inside. "Will," she said, "I'm getting embarrassed."

  "Never be embarrassed in front of me, honey," Will said. "Come here." He reached out his hand to her then clicked off the light. Nellie moved into his arms and wrapped her hands around his neck, and Will cradled her against him. "I love you so much," he said. "I never thought I could love anyone like this, and I do want to marry you, but..."

  "But what?" Nellie asked in a weary voice. She'd thought things were resolved.

  "You said you wanted another child."

  "That's not important now," Nellie said, no longer caring. "All I want is you."

  "It's important to me," Will insisted. "I want to father a child with you. I can have the vasectomy reversed."

  "You'd do that for me?" Nellie felt a warmth curling inside at the thought of Will fathering her child, and all the love that would go into raising their daughter... or son.

  "I'd do it for us. And for Mike, so he could have a sibling. If you'll marry me."

  Nellie tightened her arms around his neck. "Yes," she said, planting tiny kisses along his jaw… down the curve of his neck… "Yes... yes... yes... I'll marry you."

  "Then, I move we find a sea captain first thing in the morning. I don't want to spend another night with bent knees and curled toes, unless my legs are curled around you."

  "My thoughts exactly." Nellie raised her lips to his, but before kissing him thoroughly, she said, "Since we'll be getting married first thing in the morning, I suggest we scrap the look but don't touch boundary and get right down to some serious body mapping."

  Will responded to her suggestion in the way Nellie knew he would.

  And the rest of the evening was pure ecstasy…


  Katy crouched beside her bowl of food and rested her muzzle against her paws. "I know what's going on, Katy," Will said. "You're waiting for Zeke to check out your food bowl so you can put him in his place. But you've got to stop that sort of thing since we're going to be a family now. A real family." He slit open a fresh bag of cat chow and put a handful into Zeke's bowl.

  He looked down at Katy. "Well, maybe I judged you too quickly. Maybe you're just not hungry," he said. "But I sure am. Making love to Nellie in that hot springs pool, and spending the rest of the night thinking about her female assets, has me hungry as a horse. Well, actually I'm hungry in other ways too. What a woman. What a body. Curves that won't quit. And every night of my life I'll have all those nice curves in my arms."

  Katy cocked an ear, but her eyes remained fixed on the small hole in the door of the cabinet not far from where she lay. "I don't know why they call you women the weaker sex," Will said, plunking his mug of coffee on the table and slipping into the booth. "All they'd have needed were a few Nellie Reids placed strategically around the Roman Empire and history would have taken a different turn." He took a sip from his mug, then reached down and scratched behind Katy's ear. She wagged her tail then lolled onto her side, gave an audible sigh and closed her eyes.

  Zeke poked his head through the door in his cabinet. Easing one paw then another carefully through the door, he inched quietly and stealthily toward Katy's bowl. With his nose to the rim, he paused and eyed Katy, who lay with her head against the floor, eyes closed. Lowering his head into the bowl, he mouthed a small kibble. The crunch of teeth on kibble brought Katy jumping to her feet, alert and ready to defend her bowl. Dog jaws clicked. Cat claws raked out lightning fast. Katy yelped. But instead of rushing back into the cabinet as he'd done in the past, Zeke humped his back, bristled his tail, and slowly circled Katy, who stood unmoving by her bowl. Katy lowered her head and pointed her nose toward the rim of the bowl. Zeke rushed forward, nabbing Katy on the nose, sending her jumping back.

  "Uh, oh," Will said, realizing he'd forgotten to put Zeke's bowl on the floor. "Sorry old pal." He placed the bowl of cat chow on the floor in front of Zeke, and looked at Katy. "You deserved that, Katy," he said. "You've helped yourself to Zeke's food a few times."

  Katy lowered herself to her tummy, groaned in disgust and rested her head on her front paws again. "Good girl," Will said. "Now, you and Zeke settle your differences. After all, you'll be Zeke's step-sister soon." He smiled. "Very soon."

  Grabbing a package of sweet rolls, he climbed up the ladder to the salon, anxious to get on with the man-to-man talk he intended to have with Mike. Arriving at the camping area, he saw that Nellie's sleeping bag was empty, and he started toward the springhouse.

  "You can't go in there," Mike called out. "Mom's taking a bath."

  "Oh," Will said, looking longingly at the concrete structure. Setting the package of sweet rolls on the log, he tossed some sticks on the fire, all the while contemplating his opening words to Mike about his intention toward his mother.

  Mike sat on the log. "Are we getting ready to go now?" he asked.

  Will sat beside Mike. "We will when your mom's done with her bath and we've had our turn in the pool." With his knife, he slit open the bag of sweet rolls.

  Mike looked up. "Are we going to set up the sonar stuff today?"

  "We will later," Will replied.

  Mike reached for a roll and sank his teeth into a strawberry swirl.

  Garnering his nerve, Will said, "We need to have a man-to-man talk."

  Mike took another bite of roll. "If it's about sex," he said, licking jam from his fingers, "we learned all about it in school." He nibbled around the jelly-filled center.

  Will realized he'd never been so nervous. He gave Mike a tight smile. "We'll discuss sex some other time," he said. "This morning I want to talk about your mother."

  Mike looked up, puzzled. "Why about her?"

  Will ran shaky fingers through his hair. "Last night after you went to bed, your mother and I were, uh... talking. That is, we discussed the possibility of—" he sucked in a long breath, held it for a moment, then let it out while quickly saying "—the fact is, I've asked your mother to marry me and she said she would if you had no objection."

  Will stared at a sober face. Mike wasn't buying it. They’d crossed
all the other hurdles only to find this last one insurmountable. Maybe he shouldn't have asked Mike's approval. That way, they wouldn't be going against him if they eloped, and Mike would have to accept it.

  "When?" Mike bit off half of the jelly-filled center.

  Will looked at Mike, puzzled. "When what?"

  "When are you gonna marry my mom?"

  "Today... as soon as we find a ship’s captain to do it," Will said, "which I know we can."

  Mike's brows pinched together. "Does that mean you'll be staying in Mom's stateroom for the rest of the trip?"

  Realizing his grin was wider than it should be, Will forced a sober face and said, "Well, yes. She'll be my wife. Would that, uh… bother you?"

  Mike looked at what was remaining of the jelly center, and replied, "No. I won't have to hear you snoring anymore. I guess Mom won't mind though because my dad snored too."

  Will laughed. "Then you don't object to the idea of your mom and me getting married?"

  Mike popped the rest of the strawberry center into his mouth. "I suppose it's okay." Dismissing that subject, he said, "Will you teach me how to read the charts and the depth finder so I can do everything you do in the wheelhouse?"

  "You bet," Will replied, feeling a blend of affection, and joy, and love for this boy who would soon be his son. "You're doing real well now, so it wouldn't surprise me if you took command of the Isadora by the time you’re twelve."

  "No joke?"

  "No joke." Will offered a high five, and Mike slapped his palm. "Besides, I'll need someone dependable to step in so I can—" careful now. Don't verbalize what you want to do behind closed doors with his mother while Mike was at the helm "—uh... enjoy the cruise."

  Mike smiled. "And you'll show me about the whales, how to talk to them and all, so maybe someday I can do what you do?"

  "Better yet, I'll put in a request for additional funds so you can be my assistant next summer," Will said, thrilled with the prospect of doing just that. He and his son, working side-by-side. He never dreamed he'd be given the gift of a son. And maybe a daughter too someday. He could do this. He was already feeling a strong parental bond.

  "And help me build my Batmobile?"

  "Batmobile?" He looked at Mike, puzzled.

  "My entry for the race. You know, a Batmobile."

  "Yep. And it'll be the fastest da— uh... darn entry in the race."

  Mike gave a whoop then reached for another jelly swirl.


  Nellie strolled out of the springhouse, surprised to see Mike sitting beside Will. "That's the way to wake up," she said, drying her hair with her towel. "It's not too bad before going to sleep either," she added, almost feeling Will's body wrapped around hers. She caught Will's eager smile. In fact, he looked like the cat who’d just swallowed the proverbial canary, and she wondered exactly what had transpired during his little talk with Mike.

  Mike looked at his mom. "Can Will and I go in the pool now?" he asked.

  "Sure," Nellie replied.

  "Far out!"

  While Mike was fetching his swimsuit, Will pulled Nellie into his arms and kissed her soundly. "If you have nothing to do while Mike and I are in the pool, you can clear a place in your closet for my things. Mike doesn't like my snoring and he wants me to stay with you tonight, now that I'm going to be his stepfather later today."

  Nellie looked at him, wide-eyed. "He said that?"

  "Yep." Will smiled. "Is that too soon to have me in your bed?"

  Nellie planted a kiss on his lips, and replied, "The sooner the better. And the first thing I want, after we get settled on land, wherever it is we settle, is our own hot tub. In fact, maybe we could get married and come back here tonight. That hot springs pool is the perfect place to spend our honeymoon. Besides, I'm not finished doing my underwater research."

  "Nellie, my good woman, you can carry on all the research your little heart desires. Both below and above, the water, and I guarantee, I will rise to the occasion."

  "Umm, well, yes. You do that very well."

  "And speaking of occasions, I have something for you," he said. "I bought it when we were in Campbell River. It was for after the whale study was over—sort of a peace offering. I figured, after a month on the Isadora with a scrappy little dog, an ill-tempered cat, a contentious kid, and a stubborn, beautiful woman, it would be the least I could give you to smooth things over." He grabbed his pants and pulled something out of the pocket.

  Nellie looked at what was obviously a ring box. She didn't dare think it could be an engagement ring. Will would not have considered such a thing when they were in Campbell River. And only last night he realized he wanted to marry her. She sat on the log and waited. Will moved to sit beside her and handed her the box. "I hope you like it," he said.

  "Honey, I'll love whatever it is you have for me," Nellie replied, "even knowing it was originally intended to be a peace offering."

  "Well, it's a wedding ring now," Will said, looking expectantly at the box, his eyes bright, like a kid eager to know what was inside a glittery present.

  When Nellie lifted the lid, tears welled. "It's the most beautiful ring I've ever seen," she said, gazing at the tiny, beautifully-crafted dolphins that curved around the band like two golden, aquatic soul mates.

  "I bought it from the artist who made it," Will said. "I had him size it for you. I figured your ring finger was about the size of my little finger."

  "So that's why you were gone so long when we were in Campbell River," Nellie said. "I thought you were just giving Mike and me a chance to be alone together."

  "Well, that too." Will lifted her hand with her wedding ring. "And since you agreed to marry me, I think it's time to do this." He slipped the ring off her left hand and placed it on her right. "And this." He slipped the dolphins onto her ring finger."

  Nellie admired the ring for a moment then said, "No, it's time to do this." She walked over to where she'd piled her overnight gear and opened her cosmetic case and removed a velvet jewelry pouch. Slipping off the wedding ring Richard had given her, she placed it inside. "Richard will always be with me through Mike," she said, "but when I'm curled up with you, every night of our lives, I want you to be absolutely certain you're the only husband there with me." She stretched out her hand. "Could the artist make one just like it for you?"

  Will walked over to where she stood admiring the ring. "I'm sure it could be arranged. We'll stop by the shop on our way back through Campbell River."

  Nellie turned and put her arms around Will's neck and looked at him, and said, "By then, I'll be Mrs. William Edenhaw. Cornelia Edenshaw. Nellie Edenshaw. I like the sound of them all."

  "So do I," Will said, smiling. "So do I." He kissed her soundly and went to join Mike.

  While Will and Mike were soaking in the hot spring pool Nellie carried the sleeping bags and pillows to the dock, piling them high, then returned for their knapsacks and bags of trash from the campout. After transferring everything to the deck of the Isadora, she climbed down the ladder into the galley. But when she stepped onto the floor, she felt crunching beneath her foot. She looked around in disgust. Cat chow was everywhere. The sack, which Will apparently left open on the table, had fallen over, with Zeke's help, she suspected. Or perhaps there had been another dog-cat scrap. She opened Zeke's cabinet and saw that he was gone. Peering under the table, she also saw that Katy's bed was empty. "OK, you two. Where are you?" she called out.

  Hearing no thumping tail or patter of feet, she went to the master stateroom and glanced through the door... And stared in disbelief. Katy lay sprawled on the bed, asleep, Zeke curled up beside her. "So now you're partners in crime," she mumbled, trying to decide whether to scold them both for being on the bed or let them enjoy their newfound friendship. Settling on the latter, she turned into the galley and reached for the broom and dustpan...

  While Will and Mike hoisted the kayak on deck, she packed everything away and secured the cabinets for the trip back. As she was fastening the s
trap around the refrigerator, she heard Mike's excited voice on deck. "Mom!" he yelled. "It's Diana! She's here!"

  Nellie rushed to the deck and looked to where Mike was pointing. Will moved to stand behind her and slipped his hands around her waist. "It's Diana and Lester," he said over the top of her head. "I think they've come to say goodbye." He gave her a little kiss on the temple, and Nellie placed her hands over his, and together they watched the pair of dolphins.

  Leaping and diving through the quiet water of the cove, Diana swam steadily toward them. Then she circled the Isadora twice, flung herself in a jubilant leap at the bow, and dived under the boat. Moments later, she broke the surface of the water alongside the Isadora, then raised upright in front of Mike and emitted a series of clicks. Mike reached out and touched the gray snout, then stroked Diana's bulging rubbery brow. For a moment, boy and dolphin held a strange communion. Then Diana clicked again, raised up on her tail, made one final leap out of the water and disappeared below the surface, leaving a trail of pearly bubbles behind. She rejoined her mate and together the dolphins swam across the cove toward the vast open water beyond then disappeared below the surface. Farther out, they emerged again, leaping in unison before disappearing once again. Then farther out they emerged. And yet farther. Then, they were gone.

  "It seems she came to tell you good bye," Will said to Mike

  Mike looked beyond the bay to where the morning sun filtered through the mist hovering over the vacant water. "Do you think we'll ever see her again?" he asked Will.

  Will squeezed Mike's shoulder. "She has her mate and they're free. That's what's important. And maybe next year they'll be back with a little one." Will looked at Nellie.

  Nellie tipped her head back and smiled. "Maybe I'll be back with a little one too," she said, patting her tummy. She looked at Mike and quickly added, "That is, after Will and I are married, if you still want a baby sister or brother."


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