Island Nights

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Island Nights Page 14

by P. J. Mellor

  “It sounds like you’re not very happy working for her.” His lips brushed a light kiss on her temple.

  “That’s an understatement.” She shrugged and tried to smile. “Which is why this is the last time. I’m turning in my notice after I get back. Well, as soon as I can find another job, anyway. Unfortunately, working for the Dragon Lady has provided luxuries I’ve discovered I can’t live without, like eating and living indoors.”

  He chuckled. “You could always come work for me.”

  Leaning back, she widened her eyes. “I didn’t realize you did anything. I mean,” she hurried on, “anything that requires employees. No offense.” She kissed his chin. “What kind of pay are we talking about?”

  He forced a pained expression. “Well, I can’t afford to pay much right now. Okay, make that nothing. But the benefits are good.”

  “Oh, yeah?” She straddled his now very happy lap.

  Nodding, he situated her in a more comfortable, and accommodating, position. “Eating and living indoors, for starters.”

  “Anything else?” Her breath was hot against his lips.

  “Unlimited hot and varied sex.”

  “Unlimited, huh?” Her hips made a lazy circle, grinding their sexes together. “And, just to clarify, how varied are we talking?”

  “Wherever, however, and whenever you want it.”


  The shrill sound of the house phone startled Bailey. Regretfully breaking the lip-lock she had going on with Travis, she stretched off the bed and grabbed the receiver.

  “H-hello,” she said, trying to sound normal, even though Travis was now sucking on one nipple while he squeezed the other one.

  “Bailey, where are you?” Paige’s voice sounded more breathless than Bailey’s. “I came back to the restaurant and you were gone. Did you hook up with that hot busboy?”

  “Travis.” He looked up at the sound of his name, but she pushed his face back to her aching breast. “His name is Travis. He was kind enough to have dinner with me after my sex-crazed friend deserted me.”

  “Oh! Sorry about that, but … um, well, something came up.”

  Right, Bailey thought, like Brett. She may not be as experienced as Paige, but she wasn’t naïve. Brett’s smoldering looks in the restaurant had hot sex, ready and waiting, written all over it. And her friend Paige had never let an opportunity like that pass her by.

  “So …” Paige continued—as Travis rolled Bailey to her stomach and trailed kisses down her spine—”I guess you’re pretty tired now. You want to just meet tomorrow morning for breakfast?”

  “Ah!” Bailey tried to regulate her breathing until she could hang up the phone, but it was kind of difficult with Travis’s erection buried deep inside her.

  Then he began moving.

  “Yes—yes! I mean, sure, what time?” The mattress was beginning to bounce and she hoped Paige wouldn’t hear the squeaks.

  “What? Um, I’m really tired, so how about I give you a call when I wake up?”

  Bailey meant to agree and tell her friend good-bye, but Travis reached around her and hung up the phone.

  She really didn’t mind.

  Paige stared at the phone, then hung up.

  “Okay,” she said, walking toward her prey, who was naked and firmly tied to the guest chair. Her heart hammered beneath the thin silk of her bustier. The edible thong felt different against her engorged folds as she walked to Brett. The fire in his eyes sent a shudder of sexual hunger racing through her.

  Climbing onto the chair, her knees on each side of his lean hips, she kissed him with reckless abandon, rubbing her silk-covered breasts against his firm chest. Against the moisture of her arousal, his turgid penis pulsed, its heat making her impossibly wetter.

  She’d love nothing more than to sink onto his impressive erection, but the edible lingerie had been her fantasy, and Brett had been more than willing to accommodate her. He’d even let her tie him up.

  A man after her own heart.

  The thought gave her pause. Many former lovers would agree she had no heart, only an insatiable sexual appetite.

  And, of course, they were right, she thought as she leaned back, putting her legs on either side of Brett’s head.

  The heat of his increased respiration excited her even more.

  Grasping his wrists, she positioned his hands to cover her breasts. He needed no further instruction and immediately began fondling, kneading, and plucking her ripe nipples.

  Summoning her strength, she arched up, hooking her knees behind his head, bringing her in direct contact with his mouth.

  His tongue took an experimental swipe of the edible-thong crotch, sending shudders of need streaking to her extremities.

  She tightened her legs and growled, “Eat me.” Then gave in to the sensations racing through her body.

  And her heart.


  “Are you okay?” Ben’s voice came in huffs as he continued to pump into her. “It doesn’t hurt?”

  It took a second for Reese to realize he meant their position on the stairs, not the actual sex act.

  In reality, their position was … interesting. It tilted her pelvis for a different angle of penetration. That angle caused an inferno of sensations to lick through her body.

  A grunt was the only sound she could form as she wrapped her legs around his hips and slammed her pelvis up against his, delighting in the feel of his sweat-slicked skin against her breasts. Their abdomens met with a slapping, sucking sound.

  Thunder rattled the windows, shaking the very foundation of the building. The effect was a vibration of the wooden steps at her back. Deep within, a tiny vibration answered the external stimulus. Her breath caught. Her nipples tightened.

  Teeth clicked as their mouths came together for another searing kiss.

  Her uterus contracted as the rest of her muscles followed suit, and her climax washed over her, pulling her into its sensuous undertow.

  Ben quickly followed, his spine arching, muscles rigid, a guttural sound escaping his throat.

  When their heart rates slowed, Ben pushed up from her and grinned. “Wow. Was what we just had what they call make-up sex?” He gave a final, deeper thrust. “If so, I could get used to it.”

  It took great effort, but she managed to raise her heavy hand high enough to give his shoulder a weak slap.

  “Not funny,” she said, gasping the words.

  “Oh,” he said with a satisfied nod. “I get it. You missed me.”

  Pushing until she’d severed their connection, she pushed him aside and stood on the step. “Yeah, right.”

  He heaved a sigh and grabbed her hand before she could get away. “I don’t want to fight again. Let’s go take a shower to get the rest of the mud, and who knows what else, off of us. Then we’ll see what we can find to eat. And, if you play your cards right, I just might let you have your wicked way with me again.” He kissed the tip of her nose and tugged her up the stairs.

  After their makeshift bathing, even the tepid water dribbling out of the old showerhead felt incredibly luxurious.

  Reese groaned, tilting her face into the meager spray of water.

  “Feels good?” Ben stepped into the shower and pulled her against his firm body as he swayed them from side to side.

  “Um-hmm,” she said with a smile, eyes still closed. “It’s positively orgasmic.”

  “Nope. I can show you what orgasmic feels like.”

  And he did.

  Reese rolled off Ben and flopped onto the pillow to look at the ceiling medallion. For several minutes, she concentrated on breathing in and out.

  Something, an idea, buzzed around the periphery of her mind, just out of reach. What was it?

  “Stop thinking so hard,” Ben muttered next to her ear. “You’re keeping me awake.”

  Instead, she rolled to face him. “I’ve seen the emblem on the slickers those men wore down on the beach. I just can’t remember where.”

  He kissed the tip of her
nose. “Probably when they were on their way out of the hotel in Sand Dollar.”

  “Right. But I remember thinking, back then, that I’d seen it before that. I just can’t place them.” She sighed. “I hate it when that happens.”

  “Don’t worry about it,” he said, pulling her closer and nuzzling her neck. “My grandmother always said, if you think about something else, what you’re trying to remember will come to you.” His hands rubbed up and down her bare back, finally settling low enough for him to grasp her butt. “I can help you take your mind off of it.”

  “Gee, thanks.” Halfway into their kiss, she pulled back, breaking lip contact. “What did they say they were doing here? Do you think they’re scouting out the island? Maybe they’re planning to make a bid?”

  Ben rolled to his back and pulled her to lie against his side. “Nah. They said they were here on business, taking some kind of soil samples.”

  “Why would they do that, if they weren’t planning to make a bid?” Sitting up, she scooted to the edge of the bed and dug in her bag.

  “Now what are you doing?”

  Her shoulders slumped. “Crap.” She held up her cell. “Still no signal.”

  “Let me get this straight.” He sat up, the covers falling to drape his hips. “We have hot sex on the stairs, then again in the shower. Now we’re naked, in bed, and you feel the burning desire to make a phone call.” He gave a dry bark of laughter. “No doubt about it, I’ve definitely lost my touch.”

  Reese did an eye roll. “As you’re so fond of telling me, get over yourself. It’s not all about you, you know. I told you, I’m working. I’m here because of my job and part of that job is to keep my boss informed. To do that, I need to use my cell phone, only there’s no stupid signal.”

  He ran his hand over his face and heaved a sigh. “Yeah, I get that. What I don’t get is what you think you need to report. Nothing has changed. Other than our sex lives, which I doubt is any of your boss’s business. Don’t give me that look, Blondie. It’s true. The auction hasn’t happened yet. You haven’t had much of a chance to scope out the entire property because of the storm. And, because of the storm, you’re trapped out here. You were trapped yesterday and you’re still trapped today. Hardly newsworthy.”

  She flopped back on the pillow next to him. “You’re right. I guess I just feel guilty for not contacting her and telling her my every move.”

  His hand covered her breast. “Your every move?”

  “Relax,” she said, turning to slide her arms around his neck. “I don’t plan on divulging any of your moves.”

  He bent and licked her breast, earning a shudder from her.

  “You have a few moves of your own.” His breath fanned her nipple.

  She gasped when he began sucking and she gave a shaky laugh. “Yeah, well, I don’t plan on telling her about those either.”


  “Son of a bitch!” Dorinda slammed down her phone, then slapped the top of her desk for good measure, ignoring the stinging in her hands. “Where the hell is Reese? Why the fuck isn’t she answering her damned cell?”

  Halston Conrad sank deeper into the leather sofa in Dorinda’s office. “There is a tropical storm in her area, doll baby. It isn’t out of the realm of possibility that cell signals have been disrupted.” He twisted the massive signet ring on his right pinky. “Have you tried the hotel?”

  “Yes, I tried it. They haven’t heard from her in over twenty-four hours. We’re going to have to fly down there.”

  “My jet is ready when you are. But there is only a small window of opportunity, due to the storm. All you have to do is say the word. Soon. And agree to my conditions.”

  His conditions were always the same. Not that she minded. She just liked to fuck on her terms.

  She gave a curt nod and snarled under her breath. Damn Halston Conrad to hell. She’d tell him exactly what she thought of him, if he wasn’t such a great fuck. His cock was enormous. Just thinking about it, even in her current frame of mind, made her wet.

  And that irritated her too.

  At her age, she had no time to allow sexual urges to deter her from her business goals. Unfortunately, that’s how she came to be in her current dilemma.

  Thanks to some unwise advice, she’d lost a substantial amount of her assets. Then along came Halston. And his enormous cock. He was a skilled lover, and she’d been alone for so long. The combination had been irresistible. After too many earth-shattering orgasms to count, everything he suggested had seemed like a good idea.

  Which was how he came to own 49 percent of her company.

  Now she was forced to play ball with him, as well as ball him.

  She growled her frustration.

  Jumping up, she strode to the couch, ripping off her suit jacket and camisole as she went. May as well enjoy what he had to offer. Nothing else was going right for her today. A mind-blowing orgasm might help.

  It was all his fault she was in this mess, she reasoned. Her nerves were strung out. No doubt about it, she desperately needed release. Halston was ready, she noted by a glance at the obvious bulge in his designer dress pants. And she knew from experience he was willing and oh so able. Why not put him to work?

  She wiggled until her pencil skirt bunched around her hips as she climbed to straddle his lap. “I need to relax,” she said, pushing his head until he sucked her breast deep into his mouth.

  It wasn’t enough.

  Visions of Reese Parker sipping mai tais and laughing at some innocuous comment made by a faceless man had Dorinda’s muscles tightening. And not in a good way. “More,” she said in a hoarse whisper, rubbing her aching core against the hard ridge in his pants.

  After a quick pleasure/pain nip, he straightened, easing her back toward his knees.

  Even the cooler air of her office felt erotic as it swirled around her wet nipples. Finally she found her voice. “Do you want me to take off the rest of my clothes?”

  She hoped her legs would support her weight. Damn, she hated sounding breathless almost as much as she hated being so sexually needy.

  Halston’s thin lips curved into a knowing smile. “I can work around them, sugar pussy.” With one hand, he unbuttoned and unzipped his pants, then freed his erection.

  “Hurry,” she breathed, blocking her hatred for his disgusting nicknames in favor of immediate and intense sexual release. She watched him reach into the drawer of the end table and begin opening the condom.

  She whimpered again when he picked her up and moved her to his side. Her knees sank into the leather cushions.

  “It’s flavored,” he said with a smile and a wave of his hand to indicate the bright yellow condom sheathing him.

  Reaching around her hips, he gathered her close, his fingers plowing beneath the thin crotch of her silk thong. Talented fingers tunneled along her folds, exciting her to the brink, before sliding deep into her wetness.

  The action caused her head to dip, bringing her up close and personal with her private joystick.

  She took him into her mouth and took an experimental lick. Banana. At that moment, he shoved his fingers deeper, which pushed his penis to the back of her throat.

  They groaned.

  He withdrew his fingers, eliciting a whimper of need from Dorinda.

  The stinging slap he delivered to her genitals only heightened her excitement. The next slap made her internal muscles convulse in spasms of pleasure. Her excitement dripped down her inner thigh.

  On sexual overload, she attacked his erection, sucking and biting, reaching her hand down to jiggle and squeeze his testicles, while his fingers plunged back into her receptive body.

  Determined to make him come before her next climax, she increased the tempo, her mind on nothing more than physical gratification.

  Let the games begin.


  Rita made a discreet adjustment as the screen door slammed shut.

  Rick was drinking a beer while he sat in a rocker on the front porch and watched
the rain.

  “Just as I think the storm is moving out, it comes back again,” she said, slipping onto her husband’s lap and pulling his head into the pillow of her breasts.

  Rick nuzzled her breast through her loose T-shirt for a few seconds, then looked up at her. “Storms are like that. They make everything and everyone edgy. You can feel it in the air.”

  He played with her nipple through the fabric until it pebbled for him.

  “I see you’re not wearing a bra. Musta missed that earlier.” He plucked at the hardened tip, causing her breath to hitch.

  “I just took it off before I came out here.”

  She squirmed on his lap, biting back a smile at her effect on him.

  “That’s not all I’m not wearing,” she whispered in his ear, unbuttoning his fly.

  He glanced around the deserted porch. “What if some of our guests come out here?”

  “Most of them have already checked out. Travis is with the girl from Houston.” She snickered. “Knowing my brother, we won’t see either of them until tomorrow. And when I took fresh sheets up to remake a vacated room, the sounds I heard coming from her friend’s room told me she’s occupied for the night too.”

  Rick sighed when she gently ran her fist up and down his freed erection. “Things could change, you know.”

  “Are you saying you’re not interested?”

  “You’re holding the proof that says otherwise.” He ran his hand beneath her shirt to cup and squeeze her breast. “I’m just saying we need to either take this to our apartment or be discreet.”

  Rita grinned down at him. “That’s why I wore a full skirt.” She raised the hem, flashing him for a second, pleased to feel his penis surge within her grasp. “So … what do you say?”

  “I say climb aboard.”

  Hefting her skirt, she straddled him. A sigh escaped as she settled onto his turgid flesh, not stopping until she’d taken him fully into her body.

  Groaning, she made a little circle with her hips as she planted tiny kisses all over her husband’s face.


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