Island Nights

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Island Nights Page 20

by P. J. Mellor

  “So, what are you telling me, you agreed to a threesome to prove your love?”

  “No.” She sniffled. “I thought Travis really wanted to make love to me on the beach. I was scared, but excited too, you know?”

  “But why did you let them cover your face like you were some faceless, nameless fuck? I don’t get it.”

  Bailey whirled. “It wasn’t like that, Paige! It was just Travis and me. It was sexy and exciting. I thought maybe he loved me. And he told the truth, I had multiple orgasms.”

  “But you thought they were with him!” Paige gripped Bailey’s shoulders and looked in her eyes. “Didn’t you?”

  She shrugged away and started walking back to the hotel. “I don’t know.”

  Paige caught up with her. “What the hell do you mean, you don’t know?”

  Bailey stopped. “I knew it felt … different.” She held up her hand to stop the next question. “And, no, not in a good way. But we’d been going at it hot and heavy ever since we met, so I thought maybe I was just tender.”

  “Intercourse without consent is still rape.”

  “But I did consent. And I did come. Multiple times. Rape would be very hard to prove, since it’s doubtful there would be any physical evidence. I’ve been having so much sex of late, I’m sure there would be no tearing, nothing to prove I tried to prevent it. Can’t you just let it go, Paige? Please? For me?”

  “For you, yes. Not that I agree, but I see your point. But I’m still calling the police.”

  “Because … ?”

  “The son of a bitch stole my brand-new phone!”


  Dorinda threw some money on the granite and watched the eye candy tending bar. Would he be willing to go up to her room for a while? Who knew how long that tedious Halston would be gone, and she was getting bored. And restless. And horny.

  “Everything all right?” The squeaky-clean–looking owner walked up, her perky-as-hell ponytail swinging. “How was your drink?”

  “Fine. Thank you.” Of course, it would have been better if the yummy bartender had served it naked. In private. And let her lick it from his hard body.

  The woman beamed at her. “Jason is a great bartender, isn’t he? His margaritas are top-notch. Draws a big crowd on the weekends. Of course, his wife misses having him home with her and the kids at night, I suppose.” She shot Dorinda a pointed look. “But we sure do like having him around. Enjoy your stay.” With another insincere smile and a perky nod of her head, she walked away.

  Halston striding through the lobby snagged Dorinda’s attention.

  Any penis in a pinch. She tossed back the rest of her scotch and slid from the bar stool.

  Maybe Halston could scratch her itch before dinner. And, if he played his cards right, for the rest of the night as well.

  Tomorrow was a wash. They would spend it in bed, finding new ways to fuck each other’s brains out. Then, bright and early the next morning, Halston could show her what he’d learned before they had to leave for the courthouse.

  The thought of her future acquisition made her wet. Sure, she wasn’t really going to open a bed-and-breakfast, like she’d told that fool Reese, but anytime you made a lucrative business deal, it was a turn-on.

  She stepped off the elevator and hurried to her room.

  The prospect of getting rich from the mineral rights that came with the island was an added aphrodisiac.

  Whoever said menopause killed sex drives was full of shit. If anything, perimenopause made her hornier than ever.

  Her blouse was already unbuttoned when she opened the door. Wait until Halston got a glimpse of her new, naughty bustier. With its ultrasheer lace and half cups that bared her breasts, she’d practically come when she’d tried it on, just looking at herself.

  She could hear him moving around in the bathroom. Hurrying, she shucked her clothing and was standing, posed, by the foot of the bed, in nothing but her stilettos and the bustier when he came out.

  Halston stopped in his tracks. “I didn’t hear you come in.”

  His hungry gaze licked her from head to toe and back, pausing at the juncture of her thighs just long enough to make her wetter.

  Standing still, she let him enjoy the view. She might be skinny, but she knew she was in damn fine shape for a forty-two-year-old woman.

  Judging by the front of Halston’s slacks, he thought so too.

  “How do you like?” For effect, she raised her foot to the bed, taunting him with a better look at what she knew he craved.

  He swallowed and nodded, obviously stupefied by lust.

  That was okay. She wasn’t interested in what he had to say. She was more attracted to other activities he could perform with his mouth.

  “Why do you have your shaving kit?” Her smile was lascivious, but she couldn’t help it. “More flavored condoms?”

  He nodded, grabbed a handful, then dropped the shaving kit to the chair.

  Reese stretched and rolled to the sun-warmed deck. It felt wicked and decadent to make love with Ben in the middle of the afternoon, right on the deck, where anyone going by might see.

  “Feeling better now?” Ben rolled to his side, casting a shadow over her as he toyed with her nipple.

  “Ah-huh.” She grinned at him and intimately cupped him. “But maybe we should try it again, just one more time, to be sure.”

  “I’ve created a monster,” he teased, reaching for his shorts. “We really need to get back to Sand Dollar, though. I’m sure everyone is worried, and we want to get to the courthouse as soon as it opens tomorrow morning to file the papers.”

  Right. The tax office. How could she forget?

  “Reese? Are you okay?” He touched her arm, steadying her as she pulled up her shorts.

  She pulled her top over her head and straightened it. “Sure, why wouldn’t I be?” To underscore her words, she flashed a bright smile.

  “Look, if you’ve changed your mind, it’s okay. I can find the money somewhere else.”

  “There is nowhere else. We both know that. It’s not the money. Trust me.”

  “Then what is it?” Crossing his arms over his chest, he made it obvious he wasn’t starting the engine again until she told him.

  “It’s stupid. I know it’s stupid.” She blinked back tears. “You’ll think it’s stupid too, if I tell you.”

  “Try me.”

  She sniffed. “It’s just that, well, you’re the best time I’ve ever had—”

  “Really?” His grin shone white against his tan.

  “Don’t look so pleased, it’s a very small group.”

  “Gee, thanks, Blondie. Way to make me feel special.”

  “You are! That’s the problem.” Her shoulders slumped. “We didn’t get off to the best start, but now that we’re, well, you know, it’s really hard to think about going home.”

  “Then don’t,” he said mater-of-factly as he started the engine.

  “I have to,” she said, not remembering when she’d felt so glum. “I have responsibilities.”

  “Sometimes being irresponsible is more fun.”

  Suddenly irritated at his attitude, she snapped. “Yeah, and that’s exactly how you got yourself into your present predicament!”

  As soon as the words left her impulsive mouth, she knew she’d made a mistake.

  The look on Ben’s face told it all.

  She’d scored a direct hit.


  Weak, Dorinda could barely raise her eyelids when she heard Halston moving about in their darkened room.

  “Halston?” She struggled to sit up, wincing at the unaccustomed tenderness between her legs. Their sex had been even wilder and more uninhibited than usual.

  Not that she was complaining.

  In response to her calling his name, he just grunted. She bit back a grin. She’d probably worn him out every bit as much as he had her.

  “What time is it? Come back to bed.” She patted the mattress.

  “Can’t sleep,” he grumbl
ed, opening drawers.

  “I bet we can come up with something to tire you out and make you sleep.” Just the thought had her tingling as moisture surged in anticipation.

  He flipped on the bedside lamp, temporarily blinding her.

  His suitcase, half packed, was open on the settee.

  For the first time since they’d met, she didn’t see any trace of attraction or sexual hunger in his gaze.

  “Not interested.” His tone of voice told her he was telling the truth.

  A chill wafted over her. She drew the sheet over her nudity. “I don’t understand.”

  “It’s over. How much clearer can I make it, sugar pussy? You were a great fuck, but I’m done. Time for us both to move on.”

  “You can’t walk out on me, on us.”

  “Watch me.”

  “But we’re a team! Both in bed and out.”

  He scrubbed his face with his hand. “Yeah, about that, I’m selling my half.”

  “What! What the fuck is going on, Mr. Conrad?”

  “Nothing. That’s what I’ve been telling you.” He finished packing and zipped his suitcase, the sound echoing its finality in the quiet room.

  She swallowed back the stupid, weak tears that threatened. She’d be damned if she’d let him or anyone see her cry.

  Another part, the rational part, of her brain scrambled through her assets, trying to come up with enough to buy him out.

  Nothing. If he sold out, she’d end up losing everything.

  The only hold she had on him was sexual.

  And she wasn’t above using it.

  Summoning up the sexiest look she could, she crawled to the end of the bed, letting the sheet fall away. If she could get him back into bed, everything would be all right.

  And, if she was wrong and it wasn’t, he could show her one last good time.

  “How about coming back to bed and doing whatever you want to me … one more time?”

  “You pathetic cunt.” He threw a pile of papers between her spread legs. “Take a look at the report on the island you were so hot to acquire for me. That’ll dry up your juices in a hurry.”

  The words on the papers blurred together. Angry, she tossed them to the floor.

  “Why don’t you just tell me what they say?”

  “Most of it’s mumbo jumbo, geology talk. It’s the back page that shriveled my dick. The one titled ‘Recoverable Oil Report.’ “

  Leaning down, she shuffled through the papers until she found it. It had quite a bit of technical terms, but the gist of it was there was oil, a lot of oil, on the island.

  “But it says there’s oil. What’s the problem? We can buy the island and—”

  “Keep reading—and cover your tits.”

  “Too tempting?” She forced a smile and plucked at her nipples to taunt him. If she could just get him back in bed, she could talk him into anything.

  “Not hardly. You have no idea how hard it was to suck those little titties with any enthusiasm. I don’t want to be reminded.” He gave an exaggerated shudder. “They disgust me.”

  Recoiling at the verbal slap, she pulled up the sheet. “What exactly is it you want me to read?” It took effort, but she kept her voice neutral and, she hoped, cold.

  He stalked to the bed and smacked the paper with one pudgy finger. “The part where it says it wouldn’t be cost-effective to pursue extraction.”

  “So you don’t want me to bid on the island?”

  “What is wrong with you? Maybe I really did fuck your brains out! I don’t give a rat’s ass if you buy the island or not. I’m out of the equation.”

  “Maybe I’ll go ahead and buy it, anyway. Then just hold on to it until it becomes financially feasible to pursue production.”

  “Do whatever you want. But don’t count on using my money. Like I said, I’m out of it.” He picked up his suitcase.

  “Wait! Where are you going?”


  “Can’t you at least wait until morning?”

  “Nope. The jet’s fueled and ready to go.”

  “You’re not taking my jet and leaving me. Find another way to get home.” Her eyes narrowed. “Slithering comes to mind.”

  “The plane is half mine. I’m taking it.”

  “But”—her words faded when he slammed the door—”how am I going to get back to Houston?”

  For several minutes, she sat in the darkness, scrubbing at the stupid tears continuing to leak from her traitorous eyes.

  “Who the hell needs Halston Conrad, anyway? S-so what if it was the best sex I’ve ever had?” A sob escaped. “I’ll find someone else, someone younger, better-looking, someone who’s ten times—no! One hundred times better in bed.”

  Sliding to the floor, she crawled to the bathroom and turned on the shower.

  Standing under the cold, stinging spray, she calmed down. She would go to the auction, as planned, and buy the island. If it took all their reserve, so be it. Conrad couldn’t take back what already had been allocated.

  Yes, that’s exactly what she would do. Then she would just sit and wait until the time was right to extract the oil.

  And then she would laugh all the way to the bank.


  “You found your phone,” Bailey observed in a dull voice when Paige joined her at the table in the restaurant.

  Paige held it up before pocketing it. “Yeah. Somebody turned it in at the desk.” She reached across the table and touched Bailey’s arm. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

  “I’m fine. And if you offer to take me to the hospital or examine me again, I’m going to hit you.” She sniffled and wiped her eyes on the cocktail napkin. “Let’s just try to forget what happened and concentrate on finding Reese so we can all go home.”

  “I just tried calling her. It went straight to voice mail. Again.” Paige picked up the menu. “I just talked to Rick, in the lobby, and he’s getting worried too. The storm is over and no one has seen or heard from her or that guy who took her to the island. A group is going to go out looking for them, if they don’t hear from them soon.”

  “Try her again. Rita said they’re using the part-time chef tonight and he’s really slow, so we have time. Call Reese again.”

  “I didn’t mean it the way it sounded.” Reese followed close at Ben’s heels as he strode up the dock at the Sand Dollar marina after tying the boat.

  He stopped at the end and she ran into his back. Automatically he reached out to steady her. “Will you stop following me?”

  “Not until you listen to me!”

  “I heard you. Now stop following me.” He turned and picked up his pace.

  Trotting next to him, she said, “I’m not following you if we’re going to the same place. Slow down!” She grabbed his arm and held on. “Do you still want my money?” she asked when he stopped. Jerking on his arm, she pinched it for good measure. “Look at me when I’m talking to you! Answer me!”

  “Ouch! You have a mean streak, woman. It’s not attractive.” He would have resumed walking, but she clung to his arm, digging in her heels. “Yes, I want the money.” His eyes narrowed as he loomed over her. “Why? Did you change your mind? Am I too irresponsible?”

  “See? I knew you’d take that the wrong way!”

  “Far as I can tell, there’s only one way to take it.”

  “Well, however you took it, it was wrong. Ben, we’ve been all through this. I totally understand why you did the things you did, even if you don’t. And I’m okay with it.”

  “Gee, thanks, Blondie.”

  “You have a huge chip on your shoulder. Anyone ever tell you that? I—”

  “Answer your phone.”


  “Your phone. It’s buzzing. It’s almost as annoying as you are lately, so answer it.”

  After some rummaging around in her bag, she pulled out her phone.

  “It’s Paige,” she told Ben, but when she looked up, she was alone.


! Oh, thank God! We were so worried.” Paige smiled and nodded across the table to Bailey, whose eyes widened. “Are you all right? Where are you?”

  “Standing behind you.”

  “What?” She whipped her head around to find Reese and an exceptionally hot, though scruffy-looking, guy standing right behind her chair.

  With a shriek, she dropped her phone and launched herself into Reese’s arms.

  After a long hug, she stepped back, gripping her friend’s upper arms.

  “Do you have any idea how worried we were? You could have at least called!”

  “Don’t you think I tried? There was no signal out on the island.”

  “So, Rita and Rick were right. You were stranded out there during the storm?” Paige gave her a thorough visual exam. “You look okay. Fairly clean and well fed. So I gather you took supplies.”

  “Well,” Reese said with a smile as she glanced at her companion, “between the two of us, and what was left in the old hotel, we did pretty well. Don’t you agree, Ben? Oh! I’m sorry, Paige and Bailey, this is Ben Adams.” Everyone nodded in greeting. “He’s, um, my, ah, guide. I hired him to take me out to scope out the island before the auction.” Her smile faded. “Crap. Now that I’m back, I guess I should try to contact the Dragon Lady.”

  “Oh!” Bailey spoke for the first time since they’d walked in. “Paige, let me tell her!” She grinned, showing the first amount of animation she’d exhibited since the beach assault. “The Dragon Lady is here.”

  Reese sank to a vacant chair. “Shut. Up.” After rubbing her forehead and shaking her head, she looked up again. “Why? Did you talk to her?”

  Paige patted Reese’s hand. “Unfortunately, yes. I saw her when she checked in. Seems she came down because she hadn’t heard from you.”

  “Oh, no! Don’t try to tell me she was worried.”

  Paige snickered. “Hell no. Pissed off was more like it. I gathered she didn’t trust you to get the job done, so she decided to do it herself.”

  “Have you seen her since?”

  “No, thank the Lord. She had her latest plaything with her. They’ve been holed up in their room ever since then, doing who knows what kind of deviant things to each other.” She shuddered. “Yuck! That’s a mental image I could do without.”


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