Heart of the Matter (Love Me Book 2.5)

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Heart of the Matter (Love Me Book 2.5) Page 3

by Jaime Russell

  “Wait a second.” I feel around for my cell phone in my jean pockets. I dial Max. I tap my foot impatiently waiting for him to answer.

  “Hello” Cash answers the phone.

  “I thought I was calling Max, did I dial you instead?”

  “No, but he’s driving and can’t answer. What’s up? Abby okay?” I love how Cash dotes on Abby and is so protective of her. I want what Cash and Abby, Max and Reagan have. I want that love and sense of family.

  “Are my parents with you?” Cash coughs. “I’ll take that as a yes. Why?”

  “We don’t know. Max says that he will call you when we get to the hotel. He can tell you the plan so you can know what your role is for tonight.”

  “Dead man walking; you two.” I hang up the phone. Did they really come in for the party or to see me?

  “Pizza is here.” Abby knocks on the door.

  “Be right there.” I wash my hands and check my face before heading out to the living room. It is full of laughs from Reagan and Nicarra talking about some guy who tried to pick Nicarra up. As I sit on the floor around the coffee table with Abby, Reagan and Nicarra, it hits me, I am part of something and we are ever changing.

  Max: They showed up with my parents.

  Me: Ugh! They aren’t coming to the party, are they?

  Max: Yep

  Me: Then I won’t be there. I can’t see them.

  Max: Don’t let them stop you from living your life.

  Me: But Max

  Max: But Max nothing, this is about your best friend and my girlfriend. It’s not about our terrible parents.

  Me: If it gets bad, I am out of there.

  Max: Fair enough

  I shut my phone off for the rest of the afternoon enjoying the laughs, and going over everything for the store. Abby loves my ideas and Reagan isn’t 100% on board but she trusts me and Abby to see the vision.

  “I’m sorry Sarah. These are amazing designs but I can’t picture them. I guess I’m not used to seeing the store like this on paper, does that make sense?” I nod but try not to be angry about it.

  “Who did the last design?”

  “Kennedy, Nic and I. We went to the fabric store down the street and bought all their samples. Then we went to the paint store to grab the paint samples. We got back and brought out the booze. We had so many samples on the wall and the rest is history.” Nicarra and Reagan laugh. I can see their eyes are remembering that time with Kennedy.

  “Trust me. I promise to not let the place look gaudy.” We all laugh because Reagan told Max she doesn’t want the place looking gaudy or old. Reagan throws the paper towel roll at me. I smile at her.


  I decided to text Sarah instead of calling because I knew that she was with Reagan and Abby. Cash is getting everyone checked in so I decided to stand back a little bit. My dad notices me putting my phone away and comes to stand near me.

  “You seem tense.” I shrug.

  “Dad, this was supposed to be a trip for you and mom. Why are the Edwards’ here?”

  “Their daughter lives here and wanted to see her, is that a crime?”

  “Dad, they haven’t spoken to Sarah in almost a year, why would you think it is okay?”

  “Did you think that maybe they wanted to repair their relationship too?” My dad snaps at me. I look at him with such disgust. We all know that the Edwards want nothing to do with Sarah, just her bank account.

  “I hope you are right.” My phone buzzes and I see Jonathan’s name come up, “What’s going on buddy?”

  “Max, I need a ride.”

  “Why? You can walk home from school. It’s one of the reasons that you like living so close to the new school.” Once Reagan and I got together, after many arguments and double teaming between Cash and I, she agreed to let me pay for private schooling for Jonathan. He loves it because Nicarra’s boys go there too.

  “I kinda didn’t go to school today.” Jonathan barely whispers.

  “Come again?”

  “I kinda didn’t go to school today.” He loudly repeats himself.

  “What do you mean you didn’t go to school? Where the hell did you spend your day?”

  “I went to stand in line for a concert that I wanted to go to and my friends bailed on me once we got the tickets.” I sigh.

  “Your aunt is going to kill us.” Reagan has already threatened to kill us if we keep secrets from her when it comes to Jonathan and his safety. I understand where she is coming from especially with his accident.

  “I know but I couldn’t miss out on the concert.” Reagan already bought the tickets for him this morning. After she heard Jonathan close the door, she ran around the house looking for every computer and phone. We were on the phones and finally got through after thirty minutes. I can guarantee that our tickets are better than his.

  “Where are you?” Jonathan gives me the address and I told him to wait for me. “I gotta go.”

  “You should make him find his own way home.” My dad has always been a hard ass on us boys. It teaches character but we just hated him for it. It didn’t teach us anything but resentment and how not to treat our kids.

  “That’s the difference between us. I don’t want my kids to hate me.” I remark harshly

  “He isn’t your kid.”

  “Listen here, that kid is every bit of my kid as I was yours. Blood doesn’t make you family. Reagan and I are together; her nephew is as much her kid as mine. You don’t like it, there’s the door. Leave.” I walk over to the desk to let Cash know that I need to leave and that I will be back in plenty of time. I walk out to my truck and my mom is yelling my name. I stop halfway between the door and my truck.

  “Mom, I need to go.”

  “I know. Your dad told me what you said. Why are you not being nice to him?” I shake my head. She will always defend my dad without having the whole truth of things.

  “Mom, I am being very nice with that being said, disrespect my relationships with Reagan and Jonathan then I am not going to be so kind. We are raising Jonathan one way and it may not be the way you like but it works for us. Go get some rest. I’ll check on you when we get back.” I kiss her on the cheek and jump into my truck. She heads back in as I speed off to get Jonathan.

  I pull up to the music store that Jonathan is standing in front of and he gets into the truck.

  “Before you say anything,” Jonathan starts to say, “I’m sorry.” I hold my hand up to stop him from talking.

  “Jonathan, do you know how stupid this was? You are still recovering from being hit by a car!” I try to keep my voice calm.

  “It’s not like I’m in a bad part of town.” Jonathan huffs.

  “That’s not the point.”

  “I wanted to go so bad.” Jonathan whines.

  “Where’s your ticket?” I ask holding out my hand and Jonathan hangs his head, “They have my ticket and I spent the money for the tickets for the five of us.”

  “What?!” I yell not in anger but more frustration. “I thought you were smart.” I put the truck in reverse and head back to the hotel.

  “I know but Max, I want to fit in. I’m struggling. I have no friends.” I look over to see him hunched down in the seat. I remember trying to fit in after my mom died. I wonder if I can do some of the things that Thomas taught me with Jonathan.

  “Jonathan, be yourself. You don’t need to be buying friends. If you haven’t guessed yet, you were taken for a ride.” Jonathan slouches down and pouts. Reagan is going to ground him when she finds out but I think the fact that his entire savings is gone and his ‘friends’ took his ticket, she will go easy on him.

  “Why don’t you go to Uncle Cash’s office and wait for me? I have a few things I need to check on before the surprise party.”

  “Okay. Max, I am sorry. Do you want my cellphone now?”

  “You’re offering me your cell phone?” I look at him with disbelief.

  “Maybe we can keep it from Aunt Reagan?” Jonathan smiles the same one t
hat Reagan does when she wants something. I start laughing.

  “I enjoy my balls right where they are.” We walk into the hotel together. We spot my parents and the Edwards’ sitting down eating a late lunch.

  “Hey kid, go to the office.”

  “Max, isn’t that,” I cut him off when my dad starts to come near us. I look at Jonathan and he leaves towards the office.

  “He didn’t have to leave.”

  “He is grounded and I told him to go to Cash’s office.”

  “Grounded? That’s all?” Jack Stephens sneers at me.

  “Yes, despite the way you handled us boys and Abby, I think Reagan and I will raise our children the way we want. You don’t need to raise your hand at a child to get them to respect you and listen.” I mentally slap my forehead. Did I go too far? Will this hurt Abby and getting her closure. “Dad, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it.”

  “No son, you meant it. I was a terrible father. I don’t know how, but I am trying to fix it.”

  “I know you are and this is a big step for you. Jonathan and I are trying to find our way. He’s always been the man of the house.”

  “Good. Do me a favor though okay? Don’t forget to tell him that you love him.” My dad sniffles, “Because I never did that with you guys.” My dad sobs as he clutches my shirt then pulls me into a hug. “I made so many mistakes, can you forgive me?” Jack Stephens is in my arms crying. I couldn't help but follow suit. I cry because I wanted this from my dad for so long. “I love you Max and I am proud to call you my son.”

  “I love you too dad and I forgive you. No more looking back okay?” I break apart from him so I can look him in the eyes, “I forgive you.” My mom stands close to us but doesn’t intervene.

  “Alright enough of this girl talk,” We both laugh, “What is the plan now?”

  “Uh I think Cash has it set up for the girls to come here around 6 so you need to hide soon.” As I look at my watch and realize the time is getting close to 4 p.m.

  “We have a problem.” My mom comes up and whispers in my ear.

  “What problem?”

  “Sarah knows her parents are in town. They sent her a text message.”

  “Why are they here?” I ask with a frown on my face.

  “I thought it would be nice for them to get away and try to fix things with their daughter. She’s being completely unreasonable,” My mom says with a smile on her face.

  “Then you don’t know the whole story. I need to go and figure out how to fix this and check up on Sarah. Please be in your rooms soon.”

  I walk away heading to Cash’s office to text Reagan.


  Max: I heard Sarah’s parents were in town. How is she?

  Me: She is freaking out. She doesn’t know why. Do you?

  Max: No clue. I’m going to try to find out though. I love you

  Me: I love you too. Oh, can you get Jonathan? We are going to pamper of ourselves this afternoon

  Max: Sure can

  "Oh, she is talking to her man.” Nicarra sings as she hands me a glass of red wine.

  “I was and I told him that he needed to get Jonathan because I just booked us some spa treatments for the afternoon.” I sip my wine as the girls start to argue about it and I gave them all the ‘stare’ that means nope, not allowed to argue with me on this surprise.

  “I can’t wait. I haven't been able to see my toes in so long, it will be nice. I hope they don’t put me into labor during the massage.” We all laugh as we get up to head out.

  “Hey are you okay?” I grab Sarah’s elbow so we are the last two to leave. “I’m here for you.”

  “I have two best friends and you’re not one of them.” Sarah moves her elbow out of my hand and leaves me standing there with tears forming. I take a minute to form my composure. I need to talk to Max about this and try to figure out how to fix my relationship with Sarah. I know having her parents here really shook her to the core, could that be it or is there something else? I pull the door shut behind me and I laugh every time I see the red door. I made the mistake of letting Max watch the 50 Shades of Grey movie with me. I run down the steps to hear Sarah and Abby arguing about something.

  “Hey do you mind if Nic and I ride together? I’m meeting up with Max later and she is taking Jonathan for the night so it makes sense, is that okay?” Sarah agrees.

  “Okay what's up with that?” Nic asks as we get into her Escalade.

  “Sarah doesn’t like me.”

  “Sarah feels like she is losing her friends. I think its relationship envy.”

  “Do you think so?”

  “Yes. We talked the one night that she came into the bar. She was drunk. Today is a bad day with her parents being in town from what I have heard from different conversations.”

  “Max was telling me a while ago about the lawsuit.” Nic navigates through the city to our favorite spa. “I feel like I’m constantly trying to fit in with her. What if I never do? Will I lose Max? What about Abby, are we going to work separate shifts and talk business through email?”

  “Breathe Reagan. I promise all you need to do is keep being you and give her time. I don’t think you will ever get rid of Max, he is so in love with you. What Sarah needs to understand, is you have a different friendship with Abby. I’m not jealous that our weekly dinners are canceled right now but we also don’t know what it feels like to uproot our entire lives.” I nod and stare out the window thinking about Sarah.

  We arrive at the spa and check in while we wait for Abby and Sarah. I check my phone for emails while Nicarra starts talking to the receptionist who is a patron of the bar.

  “Would you like some champagne while you wait?” The black-haired receptionist asks as I glance up to her. I smile and nod. “We’ll get started when the rest of your party gets here.” My cell phone chimes

  Abby: I hate to do this but Sarah needs me. Can you and Nicarra go ahead without us? We’re going to do some shopping and then get pedicures later before I meet Cash.

  Me: Sure. Have fun!

  “Well it’s just the two us.” I sigh.

  “What?” Nicarra flops onto the chair next to me. I show her my cell phone message and her lips make an “O”.

  “I think it’s good. They need to mend things.” I don’t try to hide my disappointment. I like Sarah and want to get to know her better. Especially since Sarah is living with us while her place gets redone. When Max is around, it’s all inside jokes and I feel like a third wheel.

  “I’m pissed.” Nicarra says as she slams her hand down on the arm of the chair.


  “Sarah needs to pull her head from her ass. The group is expanding and she should understand that we’re not going anywhere. If god forbid something happens to you and Max, Cash is still your best friend plus the godfather to Jonathan and let’s not forget that Jason and Cash were cousins. You and Cash are connected more than Sarah, Max and Abby.”

  “Nicarra, I agree but Sarah is going through something. I mean, I’m the baby’s godmother and not Sarah.”

  “How did that happen?”

  “Abby said that Max and Sarah were the godparents. Cash starts to argue about how none of his friends or family is one of them. Abby felt bad because she hadn’t thought about that and she really wanted Max to be the godfather and Cash chose me not because of Max.”

  “I know that. You and Cash are the best of friends. He saved you when I couldn’t do it.” Nicarra squeezes my hand. I hate thinking about that path that I took when Kennedy died. Cash wouldn’t let me die too and was extremely annoying until I pulled myself out of the darkness.

  “Okay so it’s going to be just the two of us right now. I think the other two will be coming later. Sarah Edwards and Abby Hawthorne and please charge my card for their service and a 30% tip.” They lead us back down a long hallway to the locker rooms where we put our things before we put on the most comfortable soft robes. I can’t get Sarah out of my head.

  Me: I’m sorry th
at you can’t join us but I left your names at the desk and it’s already paid for, so you both can enjoy the pampering on me.

  Abby: Thank you

  I put my phone away and get ready for a soak in the mud bath. My long brown hair is in a messy bun on top of my head as I step into the bath. It smells so gross but it feels heavenly. I put my head back and close my eyes.

  “Are you sleeping?” Nicarra asks as I feel her get settled into the bath.

  “No, I was relaxing.” I take a deep breath and I take in the smell of the woods right after it rains so calming and slightly disgusting.

  “Okay, I don’t want you to drown in mud because you are naked and the paramedics will do mouth to mouth on you and Max won’t like them touching the girls.” We laugh because Max is so possessive of me. “If a guy looks at me, he grabs my ass then leaves his hand there. It’s like he is peeing on my leg or something to mark his territory.” We both start laughing. “I could see that happening to me.” I find her thigh and kick her. “I’m glad you’re my best friend. I’ve missed you since starting this project. I don’t know what I would do without you.”


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