Rain's Three Leopards [Leopards of Leopold 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Rain's Three Leopards [Leopards of Leopold 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 3

by Fel Fern

  “I’m getting a beer, want one?” Tom asked Jake, who shook his head. At least one of them had to be clearheaded in case anything went haywire.

  “Make it two,” Ed told Tom, who went over the fridge in their tiny, seldom-used kitchen. None of them knew how to cook. Most of the time, they ordered take-out, so the kitchen was always messy.

  Jake refused to have any beers, despite the fact he sorely needed a drink, or several drinks. On edge and having a ball of a time reining in his own beast, he also had to keep Ed and Tom in line.

  Despite the bravado Rain displayed back in the car and Ed and Tom’s raging emotions, Jake intended to keep to a straight edge. Doing the honorable and right thing was hard, especially if he’d been doing it for what seemed like forever. Ed and Tom trusted him to keep play peacemaker, but sometimes the role took too much of him.

  Not that he had any intentions of never seeing where this would lead. He needed to find out if Rain was really their mate. Judging from personal experience, Jake knew nothing came easy, especially if it was obtaining something he really wanted. Instant love, or the immediate attraction shifters felt for each other once they found their fated mate, was bullshit in his opinion.

  Fuck, but he couldn’t outright deny he didn’t feel the magnetic pull of his leopard to Rain’s wolf. A collision was inevitable. All he needed to do was make sure things don’t go down south fast, because a situation like this warranted careful handling. One wrong move would lead to drastic consequences because it wasn’t just Rain’s heart they’d end up breaking.

  Unlike the random women they shared in the past, they knew Rain inside out, or thought they did, at least. Jake saw so many things when he looked at her that it broke his heart just thinking about the damage they were capable of inflicting.

  Orphan wolf cub, the pard’s unofficial princess, tough survivor eager to prove herself, and tonight she’d made them see she was one hell of a woman with a fiery attitude to match.

  Christ. Every inch of her called to him. The parts Jake, Ed, and Tom knew by heart, and the parts they’ve yet to discover and know. Who the hell was Jake trying to kid? Backing out had never been an option.

  “Never offered me one,” Rain pointed out, settling herself on the living room couch and putting her feet up like she was in her own apartment.

  By asking for a beer, was she making a jab at them? Testing the boundaries to see if they’d bite back at the reminder she wanted to be seen and treated as an adult?

  Hell, she didn’t look out of place sitting there, either. Just leaned back and closed her eyes, as if she didn’t notice Ed eyeing her slender form up and down with undisguised interest.

  “Sure, three beers coming up,” Tom said, closing the fridge and handing Ed and Rain their beers. He glanced at Jake. “You don’t want one, bro?”

  “Positive,” Jake rasped, and then cleared his throat. “Rain, you want Chinese or pizza?”

  She took a sip of her beer and raised her eyebrows at him. “I get to pick dinner, too? Now I feel spoiled. Then I want both.”

  Jake shrugged. Shifters usually ate more, burned energy faster, and he and his brothers could eat. “Both? All right.”

  “Being a stripper and all, I thought you’d be more concerned about your figure,” Ed remarked. His brother had more guts than Jake, because he chose to join Rain on the couch and ignored the unoccupied armchairs beside it. Ed patted her knee. “Scoot over.”

  Rain curled her legs, crossed her arms over her chest, clearly undaunted by Ed’s disconcerting gaze. “Are you implying I need to slim down, and did you just insult my profession?”

  Tom snorted and took a pull of his beer while Jake rang up the phone for take-out. “No, princess. He’s just teasing you. You look fine the way you are now.”

  And sure as hell hot and sexy, although Jake didn’t say it out loud.

  “Profession? Give me a break,” Ed muttered.

  “The usual, Rain?” Jake interrupted after ordering the same items Ed, Tom, and he always took.

  Rain paused from giving Ed her death stare before glancing at Jake. “Yup. You guys better not add extra olives to the pizza.”

  Jake had to smirk, and then was struck by how odd it suddenly felt knowing Rain’s preferences, her likes and dislikes. He spent enough time with her to know she hated olives and bell peppers. Also knew her favorite ice cream was chocolate-raspberry and she was allergic to strawberries. Jake swallowed, placing down the receiver.

  If he dug deeper, he knew he could skim beyond the surface. Jake remembered Rain running into his arms in her sophomore year, crying about her first breakup. He had been smug about that. Happy she came to him, not to Lars, Cas, or Des. Remembered wiping her tears, grabbing her shoulders, and telling her she deserved better like any older brother would, as if it were just yesterday.

  Hell. The three of them had been there at her high school graduation, clapping and standing when she received her diploma along with the other pard members.

  Rain and Ed continued their banter.

  “I happen to be good at what I do,” Rain said defensively.

  Ed growled. “Those leering perverted assholes look at your tits, not the way you dance.”

  “Like the way you leered at them?” Rain asked.

  “You have nice perky breasts,” Tom said unhelpfully.

  “Thank you,” Rain said, unabashed.

  “Well you better start looking for new employment starting tomorrow because you aren’t going back there,” Ed said.

  Rain snarled at him. “What are you, my fucking father?”

  “Don’t push me, princess,” Ed warned. “I’m not Lars and I have no intention of being your father.”

  “You acting like some of jealous lover gave that away.” Rain let out a breath when Ed slid his hand up the ink on her calf, but Jake noted she didn’t push Ed away.

  Before the argument got nasty, Jake sat down on one of the armchairs. Only a layer of denim acted as a barrier between Ed’s hand and her leg. Once that barrier disappeared, Jake knew nothing could stop their beasts from touching and sating their attraction for each other. Rain would willingly let Ed in without protest, and seeing his brother’s leopard curled around her wolf, it won’t be long before Tom and his cats would want to join in the fun.

  No. Fun hadn’t been the right word to use because there would be nothing casual about their mating. Too much history existed between them. Jake didn’t see Rain, naked and tempting, sexy body entangled between Ed, Tom and he in a wild erotic dance fueled by abandon and momentary lust. Something else awaited them at the end. A promise. A lasting and meaningful connection.

  He didn’t just see Rain on her knees giving Tom head while Ed rutted her from behind, or Rain on her back, smiling up at him suggestively while he slid inside her tight and soaking pussy.

  Jake also saw her in nothing but a large shirt and panties, curling beside him and either Tom or Ed on the couch, Rain leaning her beautiful head against his shoulder, bowl of popcorn in her hands for movie night. Rain at the dining room table, asking each of them how their day went, before sharing with them about hers.

  She had been the only woman to instantly break out into a giggle at his dry jokes—jokes others couldn’t get. The only person who’d ever ignited sudden passion in Ed, or easily provided comfort and a listening ear to Tom when he had a bad day. How did all three of them realize she’d been there all along?

  Their woman. Mate.

  God. Jake’s chest tightened with all the raw emotions swirling inside him. So much promise and possibilities of a wonderful future, but right now it felt too far to grasp. Too dizzyingly out of reach.

  “What the possessed you to pick a strip club to work in? A couple of the pard members run their own businesses and you have worked at Lars’s garage before,” Jake asked gently, joining the conversation and sitting down on one of the armchairs.

  Rain looked visibly relief for his intervention. “Pay’s much better.”

t. What else aren’t you telling us?” Ed demanded.

  Rain looked each of them squarely in the eye, lingering longest on Jake, who hoped his expression relayed how badly he needed to understand her actions. She broke the gaze and sighed in frustration. “It pays for my school fees.”

  “But—” Jake began, but Rain held out a threatening finger.

  “Don’t interrupt. I know what you’re going to say, but can’t you see? While I appreciate all Lars, Cas, Des, and the pard did for Sam and I, this is something I need to do for myself.”

  Jake shot Ed a warning glance. Ed saw him, shut his opened mouth, and looked like he decided to think over Rain just said.

  Tom nodded and voiced out the thoughts the three of them had been most concerned about. “You want to make your own decisions. I understand that, respect it even, but, princess. You got to be more careful. Take precautions. We know you’re tough, but you aren’t infallible.”

  Rain blew out a breath. Her eyes narrowed as she quickly caught his meaning. “What do you know?

  “The wolf reeking with all that negative black aura toward you, that some crazy stalker ex of yours? Bran or someone else?” Ed asked, looking her in the eye. “He looks too old to be your boyfriend, or is that your type now?”

  Rain looked away, about to stand or walk away, but Ed caught her arm and tilted her chin, forcing her to look at him.

  “Rain, don’t block us out. You need our help. How long has this asshole been bothering you? We’ll gut him for you. No one has to know. We’ll dispose of the body in secret,” Ed said in a dangerous and low voice.

  Rain blinked at him. Any woman, shifter or human, would’ve been terrified by the murderous look in Ed’s eyes, but Rain knew Ed. Knew them, and didn’t flinch away from the bits and pieces that made other women keep their distance. “You’d do that for me? Why?”

  “Few things frighten you, princess. But seeing that lone wolf scared the hell out of you and we want to know why,” Tom pointed out.

  Rain bit her lip and Jake could almost see the wheels in her head turning, debating whether she should trust them with the truth. She shook her head and tried to sound indifferent, but Jake, Tom, and Ed saw through her. “He’s no one. Just a ghost from the past and ghosts can’t hurt anyone.”

  Jake did his best not to let the disappointment show on his face. He should’ve expected her answer. After her high school graduation, Rain started to distance herself from the pard, and became too busy with college and personal life. The only time Jake ever saw her was during the weekly pard meetings Lars held.

  Her absence left an odd ache in Jake’s heart, but he thought it was for the better. Besides, Rain needed to spread her wings, to wander on her own without the pard shadowing her every move. Too bad Jake and his brothers couldn’t allow that, until they dealt with the asshole stalking her, anyway.

  “Ghosts can’t hurt you. An enraged mad werewolf stalker can,” Tom said.

  Rain raised her chin. “Like I said, I’ll deal with my own problems.”

  Ed snarled in frustration. “If my woman lied so blatantly to me like that, I’d have her bent over my knee and have her confession in seconds.”

  Rain smirked. “Too bad I’m not your woman and I rather enjoy being spanked.”

  Jake stood from his chair, gripped Ed’s shoulder, and stopped him from doing something he’d regret. “Why don’t you get some air?”

  “Fuck you.” Ed growled and shoved his hand away, but decided to take Jake’s advice and stalked out of the front door, nearly scaring off the pizza delivery boy.

  Tom grimaced. “I’ll go after him, make sure he doesn’t do anything stupid.” He nodded to Jake, the message in his eyes clear. You take care of Rain, and I’ll deal with Ed.

  Tom grabbed his coat and headed out, and Jake sighed. He paid the frightened delivery boy a handsome tip and set the pizza on the dining room table. The Chinese take-out came a few minutes later. Jake’s stomach grumbled, but his brothers trusted him to salvage the piss-poor start they had with Rain.

  Nothing had changed. They still intended to deal with the bastard stalking her whether she liked it or not, and find out if she was really meant for them. They had no trouble with women falling over their laps, but Rain was a challenge. Ed and Tom didn’t do well with delicate situations so they trusted Jake to take the lead.

  “Let’s go ahead before the food grows cold,” Jake told Rain. He pulled out a chair for her on the table.

  They ate in silence for a while. She toyed with the noodles in her take-out box with her chopsticks and finally spoke. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to piss Ed off.”

  “It’s not me you owe an apology to. We both know he’s hot-headed, but that’s the only way he knows how to express he cares.”

  “Funny way of expression,” Rain remarked dryly, and then her expression grew sober. “Hey, Jake? Maybe tonight was a mistake. It’s not too late to forget all this— ”

  “It is too late, but tonight isn’t a mistake,” Jake interrupted. “You caught our gazes the moment you stepped on stage and made it impossible for us to look at anyone else but you. The Rain I knew wouldn’t back off from a challenge. What happened to her?”

  “She woke up and realized the irreparable damage she could cause.” Rain brushed her fingers against his arm, the mere gesture sending a jolt of electricity right to his chest and dick, stirring his beast. “I don’t want to hurt you, Ed, and Tom.”

  “You let us worry about that. We’re grown men, princess. We can handle ourselves. Our offer still stands. You can use my room and I’ll sleep on the couch,” Jake said. “We’ll go about this slow. Reacquaint with each other first. Have a nice dinner, movie, your pick.”

  Rain raised an eyebrow. “You guys never do the whole dating gig. Ed always says it’s a waste of time when you can skip to the good parts.”

  Jake winced at that. Whatever rumors Rain heard he intended to right them this instant. “That was before we met you, and if making you ours means changing our ways, then so be it.”

  Rain didn’t scoff in disbelief this time, only rewarded Jake with the slight flush in her cheeks.

  Chapter Five

  Ed returned to the apartment in a much better mood, his clothes scruffy and bloody and his knuckles bruised from the brawl he had with Tom. Still, he felt clear-headed and letting loose all the anger and tension made both Tom and he feel better. Sparring always did.

  Seeing their identical appearances, Jake sighed from his position in the living room and turned off the TV. Ed sniffed, searching for Rain’s scent and was relieved to find it nearby. Satisfied she hadn’t run, Ed flipped open a pizza box and chewed thoughtfully. No surprise the food turned cold by the time they returned.

  “She’s in my room, sleeping,” Jake informed them.

  Ed accepted the can of beer Tom offered him and took another slice. Tom began scarfing down some noodles. “What did you tell her?” Ed asked.

  “That we’ll take this, whatever it is between us, slow.” Ed growled at that, but undaunted, Jake continued. “Get to know each other. Earn each other’s trust.”

  “Jesus, bro. This isn’t a Hallmark romance.” Tom shook his head.

  “It isn’t,” Jake agreed. “But we need to start on the right foot. Heading straight to fucking won’t win us any favors.”

  “You’re setting us up for a world of hurt if your brilliant plan goes south. Sentiment always gets people killed,” Ed pointed out.

  “Maybe, but isn’t Rain worth it?”

  That Ed had to agree with. If they waited this long to find their mate, then should it be right they worked hard to get her?

  “Even if we headed straight to sex, it would’ve been fucking wild,” Tom pointed out.

  Agreeing to be a gentleman was one thing, but committing to the plan proved harder than Ed thought, especially when only a thin wall separated the object of his desire from his brothers and him. He would only need to walk up to Jake’s room, yank the door open, and see their sle
eping princess.

  Ed wouldn’t even need to wake her with a kiss. Rain would wake on her own, sensing Ed’s leopard stalking her she-wolf, and unlike some of the weaker females who thought who could handle them, Rain wouldn’t flinch or look away. She’d stare him down and her eyes would turn amber in the dark, like a pair of golden orbs beckoning Ed forward. I need to get a handle on my emotions quick, or risk screwing this for all three of us.

  Ed decided to work off some sweat in their personal gym for two hours after dinner to calm down his rising libido. Before the three of them bought the apartment almost a decade ago, all three of them immediately decided to use the largest room as an exercise room. As the pard’s enforcers, they needed to keep in shape and besides, working out helped Ed clear his thoughts.

  He took a cold shower after his cool down, expecting a dreamless sleep to take him. Unfortunately, he kept turning the night’s events over and over his head in the darkness of his room. Feeling hot and sweaty even after his shower, Ed peeled off his shirt in annoyance and yanked up the AC. Nothing. Ed blew out a frustrated breath, and then paused in mid thought. Strained his ears and caught the sound he first thought he imagined. A whimper, and the sound didn’t come from outside the apartment.

  Ed bolted out of bed, about to reach for his cat, but something kept him from going completely on the offensive. That sound of pain suspiciously tugged at him, at half-remembered memories. A girl, all alone and curled up in bed, looking like she was being swallowed by the darkness.

  Ed silently padded out of his room and into the corridor. Stopped in front of Jake’s room and nearly turned the knob. “What am I doing?” he furiously whispered to himself.

  Rain made the awful sound again. Ed whirled when a hand landed on his shoulder, but it was just Tom and Jake.

  “Hush,” Jake pointed out. Ed frowned. As if he needed reminding, and what the hell were three grown men doing, lurking behind the door of a twenty-one-year-old woman like conspiring children?

  “Wait. She might not like it if we just invade her personal space,” Tom whispered, but Ed ignored him and pushed the door open.


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