To Follow My Heart (The Knights of Berwyck, A Quest Through Time Novel Book 3)

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To Follow My Heart (The Knights of Berwyck, A Quest Through Time Novel Book 3) Page 17

by Sherry Ewing

  She took his arm again as they proceeded into the forest. “There are a lot of people who work here, some whom you’ll never see, since they work in offices. But I didn’t bring you here for a lesson on how the park runs, only for you to take in the beauty of the place,” Jenna said sweeping her arm wide afore them. “These magnificent trees are called Redwoods and are about one of the oldest things around that are still growing close to the city.”

  Fletcher touched the bark of a tree and closed his eyes then listened. ’Twas almost as if he were in truth back in one of the forests in his own time. Nature came alive when he took a deep breath as he smelled the richness of the earth, which was more deeply pungent for having rained but recently. Small animals scurried to hide beneath the shrubs on the ground. The cascading river rushed over rocks whilst fish swam in the deeper pools at its banks. Even the birds, calling to one another far from sight in the farthest branches of the trees high above, sang out to him.

  Pleasure lit his face as his attention returned to the radiant woman at his side.

  “Was I right?” she inquired with sparkling green eyes. “It’s perfect, isn’t it?”

  “You are perfect, my lady. I thank you for bringing me to this small bit of paradise to enjoy,” Fletcher answered honestly then leaned down to capture her lips.

  He knew not what was still in store for him in this place where he did not belong, but he set out to take pleasure in the day. All would be right in their world, no matter their place in time, as long as Jenna remained at his side.

  Chapter 29

  Jenna put the gear in park as a valet came and efficiently opened her door. He tipped his hat toward her with his pristine white gloves.

  “Welcome to the Palace Hotel. Do you need any assistance with your luggage,” he inquired with a polite tone.

  She handed him a five dollar tip with a smile she hoped was gracious. “Thank you, but no, we can manage everything ourselves.”

  “Very well, madam. Registration is through the doors to your left.”

  Jenna met Fletcher at the trunk as he looked around at yet another marvel to behold. A modern building, and yet not modern.

  “’Tis a Palace?” he asked quietly as she opened the trunk lid.

  She smiled up at him. “More like a luxury hotel, or what you would consider an inn.”

  His brow rose, as if he could read her thoughts and her motives of why they were coming here instead of going back to her apartment. “’Tis like no inn I have ever slept in.”

  “With Amy coming back home, I wanted you to myself for a while longer,” she confessed.

  He didn’t say a word, which was probably good, because she really couldn’t justify her motives to him. Instead, Fletcher reached in and took hold of their bags, as if it was the most natural thing he had ever done. Jenna had packed only enough for overnight. She knew she was going to be shameless in her pursuit of the man beside her and was determined they would share a bed tonight. She had spent an obscene amount of money on the suite when she made the reservation, and yet some things were worth the extra expense. Or at least she hoped, come the morning, it will have been money well spent.

  The lobby was incredibly beautiful. Its marble floors gleamed. She delighted in Fletcher’s reaction to the etched high-beamed ceilings and elegant chandeliers hanging above their heads, sparkling from the brilliance of the hundreds of crystals they were made of.

  Jenna began to hand over her credit card to pay for the room when Fletcher thrust out his hand. “Allow me to pay for our accommodations, Jenna,” he interjected with golden medieval coins shining in his upturned palm.

  The reaction of the desk clerk was immediate as her eyes widened at the fortune before her. “I’m sorry, sir, but we can’t accept those here. You’ll find a coin dealer about two blocks down where you can sell those.”

  Jenna closed his fingers around the money and continued handing the woman her credit card. Fletcher grumbled beneath his breath as he put away his coins, but at least appeared a little more relaxed when they made their way back through the lobby of the hotel. He pushed the button in the elevator for their floor with a satisfied smirk, as though he had done so a hundred times. Only a moment of panic showed on his face when there was the slightest lurch as it began to move.

  The hallways were as richly appointed as the rest of the hotel, which was why she had chosen this place in particular. In the heart of downtown San Francisco, it had that wonderful feel of old world elegance and charm from the Regency Era she had always craved in her life. She slid the card into the lock. Hearing the soft click, Fletcher reached around her and opened the door for her as their hands briefly touched. There it was again. That jolt of current that sent her heart flipping end over end with his nearness.

  He held the door wide for her as he looked down at her from his towering height. “My lady…”

  “Th-thank you.”

  “’Tis indeed my pleasure, Jenna.”

  Trying to come to terms with this insane idea of hers, as the reality of what she was attempting to do hit her, she gazed at the room with a sense of real satisfaction at how lovely the décor was. Rich mahogany tables and the desk met her eyes while the sofa and plush arm chair were a pleasing soft tan. She went to the bedroom where a four-poster, king-sized bed dominated the room decorated in shades of cream, yellow, and blue.

  Fletcher strode to the window then pulled back the sheer drape and gazed out over the city’s sparkling lights. She could see dusk had started to fall. Nightlife in San Francisco would soon come alive for those who wished to indulge in such fancies as the theater or the many clubs scattered around the neighborhood. Jenna had other plans for them, however, and they would all begin now.

  “I took the liberty of ordering up some dinner,” she said, feeling nervous. “It’ll be up in a while, since I thought we’d like to get settled in beforehand. I was thinking you might like to go for a swim.”

  “They have a pond in such an establishment as this?” he inquired with a raised brow. “I would have never thought such a thing.”

  “More like a pool and hot tub down on one of the lower floors. Would you like to go?”

  “I am most curious about this hot tub. Aye, I would like to see it.”

  She opened up her bag and handed him the swim shorts she had bought him while he had been busy trying on other clothes when they had gone to the mall. “Great! I bought these for you in the hope you’d like to go swimming.”

  His eyes widened in shock. “And what, pray tell, am I to do with those, Jenna? You cannot mean for me to be seen by you wearing just these.”

  She gave a casual shrug. “Everyone wears them, Fletcher. I promise you won’t feel out of place, and these swim trunks are certainly less revealing than the swim briefs athletes wear.”

  He took the trunks carefully between two fingers and held them at a distance, inspecting them. “I would not care to wear such a brief if ’tis any less revealing than this garment that is clearly more suited for underclothing than hose.”

  “Just put them on, darlin’, and wear those comfortable sweats with a t-shirt over them. There’s some sandals in the bottom of your bag, too,” she answered brightly, taking out her own swimwear. “I’ll just go change in the bathroom.”

  A few minutes later, Jenna stood in front of the full length mirror before she began covering up her string bikini. There was no doubt about it. She’d either finally get her wish tonight, or he was going to kill her.

  * * *

  Fletcher followed behind Jenna as they entered the pool area, and he noted the room did not have the bright lights of the hallway, but ’twas humid inside. The pool was again not made of anything he had ever seen afore, but then, he had learned much in the short amount of time he had been here. The water was clear, and as he peered over the edge, he was able to see to the bottom.

  “How great! We’ve got the place to ourselves,” Jenna declared happily. “We might as well enjoy it as long as it lasts. Kids are always
wanting to go for a swim at night, so it’ll only be a matter of time before we get invaded.”

  “I did not bring my sword to keep you from harm, Jenna. How am I to protect you?” he uttered, following her to a corner where a smaller circular pool of water was located.

  She burst into laughter. “It’s not that kind of invasion, Fletcher. They’re just children, after all.”

  Another blunder on his part made him feel once more inferior. “Is this the hot tub you made mention of?” he asked, ignoring her jest of him.

  “Yes, go ahead and get in. I’ll start it up.”

  “Start it up? Whatever does that mean?”

  She laughed again. “You’ll see.”

  Fletcher did as she asked after shedding his outer garments. Jenna was right that the water would be hot, but ’twas not uncomfortable. She went to the wall and smiled over her shoulder at him with a twinkle in her eye. Reaching up, she turned a knob. When the bubbles began to pulse around him, he leapt up with shock radiating from his entire body. Her mirth erupted, yet again.

  “Oh, how I wish you could have seen your face. Your expression was just priceless.”

  “I am not sure how your jest makes me feel, my lady. You appear to enjoy making me appear the fool,” he growled, settling back down into the water. He would not admit it to her, but the force of the water hitting his back felt exceptionally good, and he began to relax for the first time in what seemed like years.

  “There you go again, hon, being a sour puss.”

  Jenna’s expression changed as she kept her eyes directly on him, and he wondered at her ploy. Kicking off her sandals, they landed near his own, next to a table where he had neatly folded his clothes. She stripped her pants from her waist, and he followed its path down the length of every inch of her bare legs. With a careless toss, Jenna threw the garment, and it landed on the floor. She didn’t seem to care, and neither did he.

  His heart must surely have halted its beating when she reached for the edges of her shirt then brought the garment up and over her torso. ’Twas not as if he had never been with a woman afore, but he had never seen his lady so very naked, especially being in public, as they were. ’Twas as if he could give the slightest tug on the strings hanging low below her hips, and her most private parts would be revealed to him.

  “Bloody hell! What are you wearing?” he choked out in dismay. How was he to survive this latest onslaught upon his senses? This woman was relentless in her ploys to entice him.

  Her hips swayed as she made her way towards him ’til he lost sight of her when she lowered herself into the tub. “It’s a bikini. Most women my age wear them when they go for a swim,” she replied, her eyes twinkled with a gleam of seduction. ’Twas apparent she had worn the like afore. He was not sure if he should be angry or jealous that other men had seen her thusly attired…or not…depending on how one pondered the matter. “Do you like it?” She slid next to him. He was not prepared for her to straddle his thighs and mold herself to his body.

  “What are you doing?” His whispered words shook as did his hands as they moved to her hips, bringing her closer.

  She gave him the most seductive grin he had ever encountered. “Being bad…” she murmured as she lowered her lips to his then gave him a kiss that would be seared into his very soul. His vow would be broken. Jenna was taking control of their situation, and he would fall willing into her spell. ’Twas time to make Jenna his.

  Chapter 30

  Jenna tilted her head as Fletcher deepened their kiss. She should have been prepared for what would happen the moment she started this indiscrete excursion, but how could she have known she would feel like melting butter, as though she had no substance. Nothing was holding her together except the man whose hands moved with alarming speed while he touched every inch of her hot skin he could reach. She had unleashed the warrior in him, and she was pretty damn sure she didn’t want to rein him in.

  A low moan of pleasure escaped her lips, especially when she experienced a part of him rising to the occasion while their bodies were pressed together so intimately. She had only meant to tease him to get him into the mood. How could she have known this medieval man would have other ideas in mind? He was more than ready for whatever she would freely offer him.

  Their mouths broke apart at the sound of the door being opened then a number of children jumped into the pool. Their laughter echoed sharply as the sound ricocheted off the walls. Jenna scooted off Fletcher’s lap to sit beside him, not wanting to let mere children see their display of affection. Her ragged breathing matched his own until she dared to look up at him. He was watching her intently with a roguish smile on his handsome face. She swore even the golden flecks residing in those amber eyes sparkled a little more brightly for her benefit alone.

  “Mayhap, we can return upstairs to our chamber, my lady. What think you?” he whispered while leaning forward and nibbling at her ear. It was almost her undoing, even as she stood up to take his hand and pull him along to get out of the hot tub.

  “I think that’s a lovely idea. Why didn’t I think of it?”

  Fletcher chuckled. “I believe ’tis exactly what you had in mind all along, did you not, sweet Jenna?”

  Her smile widened. “There you are.”

  He looked behind him, obviously thinking she saw someone she knew.

  “Is someone missing, Jenna?”

  She gave him a gentle poke in the chest. “I believe you have been, for a really long time. It’s nice to see such a warm smile on your face, Fletcher. Sometimes, I think you take life way too seriously and have been missing the very things that make it worth living.”

  “Perchance you are what makes me smile, and I have only been waiting for you. Did you ever mayhap ponder that?”

  Jenna reached for a towel and handed him one, although she really wanted to dry him off herself. “Maybe…” Her voice trailed off as she suddenly felt shy before she realized what time it was. “I almost forgot about the dinner I ordered. Room service will be up shortly, so we’d better hurry.”

  Still half wet, they quickly threw their clothes on and made a hasty retreat back up to their room. He had followed closely behind her to the point where, upon entering the room, he backed her up against the wall, his arm resting near her head. His head dipped dangerously close yet again when a knock sounded at the door.

  “That would be dinner,” she whispered, watching as his lips formed into another beguiling smile.

  “Aye, I suppose that is so. I shall get the door, my lady.”

  She nodded her head, watching him turn back to the door. He waved the hotel staff toward the small table near the window. With amazing efficiency, the waiter set up the table for two, going so far as to light a candle and popping open the bottle of champagne. Jenna came and took the bill to sign for the charges.

  When the door shut, again they were plunged into the silence of the room. Her fingers wrapped around the glass flute, and she handed one to the man who made every nerve in her body tingle and come alive, much like the champagne she was about to taste.

  “It’s wine but with carbonation or bubbles.”

  “’Tis chilled,” he remarked while his eyes looked her up and down again.

  She held her glass forward until the clink resounded in the room. “To us,” she whispered, taking a sip as he did the same.

  Taking her glass to the table, she sat and waited only briefly until he took the seat across from her. Jenna had no notion how she was ever going to manage to get any food down her throat. She could feel everything about him, even to the point where she sensed the air rushing into his lungs. Did any of this make any kind of sense?

  “There is no turning back now, Lady Jenna. Your path is decided.” She dropped her fork and it rattled on the tabletop. Rolf’s voice had come inside her head, and she was momentarily startled, looking around to ensure they were really alone.

  “Jenna? Is something amiss?” Fletcher inquired.

  “No…everything’s just f
ine. Let’s eat,” she answered him with a steady smile. She lifted the silver lids off their plates. “I thought you’d like a nice steak, so I hope I chose well.”

  “Aye, it looks most appetizing,” he murmured. Her eyes widened in delight, since Fletcher hadn’t been looking at the plate in front of him, but instead kept his gaze leveled and locked on her.

  Good grief, she was blushing again. She took a few bites. The food was delicious, but his main course was actually just as disturbed as she was while he pushed his food around his plate.

  “Aren’t you hungry?” she asked after several moments of silence. Was she just imagining it, or did his eyes light up?

  “Aye…I am.”

  She pointed her fork at his plate. “But you’re not eating.”

  “I did not say I was hungry for food, my dearest Jenna.” It took him a couple of seconds before he put his fork down, pushed his chair back, and came to kneel in front of her. “Only you can satisfy the hunger you have aroused in me.”

  “Fletcher…” she reached out to cup his face.

  He reached down and took hold of one of her feet. Before she knew what he was about, his head dipped down until his lips began making a trail up her leg. Jenna took hold of the edges of her chair, trying to keep herself from falling on the floor in a puddle of sheer pleasure. Somewhere in the deepest recesses of her poor overheated brain, she remembered to breathe. Air rushed into her lungs now, even while Fletcher began his assault on her other leg.

  “So beautiful,” he murmured in between kisses.

  One minute she was sitting in a chair, the next she found herself lifted up in his arms with his mouth all but devouring her own. She felt herself being lowered as the edge of the bed made contact against her legs. When her feet hit the floor, her knees almost buckled, but she caught herself by reaching out for Fletcher’s shoulders. He had far too many clothes on to suit her, so she tugged at his t-shirt until his chest was bare before her greedy eyes.


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