Protecting His Mate ( Lycan Romance )

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Protecting His Mate ( Lycan Romance ) Page 5

by Briers, M L

  Vicky took in the kitchen- heard the question and blinked in dismay- was she having some kind of episode? How the hell had she ended up back in Cade’s kitchen- although somewhere in the back of her mind she seemed to remember the journey back- but not in any firm detail- it felt fuzzy around the edges.

  “Yes-“ she said slowly, trying to work out exactly what the hell was going on without letting him know that she was completely losing her damned mind.

  “You ok?” He asked watching her intently under hooded eyes- he had never seen this kind of reaction from a female experiencing the drawing before- perhaps it was the fact that she was human that was keeping her off kilter for longer than perhaps she should be.

  “Yes-“ she said the word slowly again- still trying to get her bearings in all of this.

  Marcus walked up to the kitchen doorway and stopped in his tracks as he noticed Vicky sitting at the table looking a little lost- he tipped his head to the side and narrowed his eyes- “She ok?” he asked without looking at Cade- his instincts telling him something wasn’t quite right with the woman.

  “We had a little visit from Devanaux back at her house- words were exchanged- threats made-“ Marcus eyes darted to Cade and a scowl furrowed his brow as his wolf growled within him.

  “So Vicky’s going to be staying here with Anna and me for a while.” Cade spoke with his eyes and Marcus nodded- he would spread the word amongst the others to be wary and alert for trouble.

  “But is she- ok?” He motioned back towards Vicky with his chin as his eyes flicked between the two of them and Cade shrugged.

  She’s experiencing the drawing- it was the only way I could get her to come back with me- Cade informed his brother through their mental link. He didn’t mind using it in wolf form, but he preferred not to do it when he was human- but he couldn’t speak of such things in front of Vicky and he was a little uneasy with her reaction to the drawing.

  She’s – spacey- is that normal for humans? Marcus shot her another look of curiosity- his mate certainly hadn’t reacted in that way when she had felt the drawing.

  I was going to give Calinda a call- she’s human and went through this- if anyone would have a clue she would.

  Marcus took another look at Vicky who seemed to still be debating her confusion with herself and huffed.

  I’d make that a priority brother- your woman looks a little freaked out.

  Cade walked around to the table and put the steaming cup down in front of her just as Anna came through the door and stopped with her eyes flicking between them all- brightening when she saw Vicky and then frowning.

  “Is she ok?” Cade rolled his eyes and gave Marcus a poignant look.

  Go make your call brother- I’ll stay with your mate and explain to Anna.

  “I’m gonna make a call- but Anna and Marcus are here if you need anything.” He offered trying not to touch her or make eye contact with her again until he had spoken to Calinda.

  “Oh coffee.” She reached for the cup and he frowned- walking away.

  Cade leaned back into the soft leather of his office chair and sighed with impatience- he certainly wasn’t getting the answers he needed from Mason Hope- the Alpha and he went back a long way, but right now he could feel his patience wearing thin with the barrage of questions about his potential mate from his friend- the glee in the other man’s voice was enough to send his wolf whining in disgrace that he was being teased so mercilessly.

  “Mason- can it- will you just put Calinda on the line- I need to speak to a grown up about Vicky-“ Cade growled down the line and withdrew the hand piece away from his ear and growled long and hard at it as Mason’s chuckle rolled down the line.

  “So you’ve found your mate at long last- how’s it feel Alpha?” Calinda was going to be just as bad as Mason- he could hear the glee in her voice and winced his annoyance away.

  “It’s a little worrying right now because the woman’s acting strange Calinda- I kind of need your advice.” He admitted and shook his head waiting for the teasing to start.

  “You need help with a woman Cade- never thought I’d hear that-“ he gritted his teeth and bit down on a curse, but his silence was enough to tell his friend that he was worried.

  “What’s wrong Cade?” Calinda became the epitome of concern and Cade blew out a long sigh.

  “She was in danger and I needed to use the drawing to get her to do what I wanted her too-“

  “And now she’s like airhead central- lots of space and no brain?” Calinda was back to chuckling to herself again and it grated on his nerves, but it also told him that if she was worried, she wouldn’t be chuckling. He relaxed within himself slightly.

  “Yeah- is it normal for a human?”

  “The longer you use the link between you- the longer she’ll feel the effects afterwards- Mason used it on me once for about half an hour and I recovered eventually- just short bursts if you don’t like the airhead look on her my friend-“

  Cade could hear Mason chuckling in the background and felt like reaching down the damn line and throttling him until he stopped- but he held his temper- but the next time he saw him- all bets were off.

  “Good to know Calinda. Thanks. Is there anything else I should know with her being human and all?” Cade felt his wolf shaking its head in frustration of the Alpha’s decision to question his taking of his mate.

  “Be gentle Cade- she’s human- she doesn’t have the same instincts as a Lycan- she’s not going to get it. Don’t expect an easy go of it- god knows I didn’t give Mason an easy time.” She chuckled again at the memory and Cade couldn’t help but grin at that.

  “Good- he doesn’t deserve you. Thanks Calinda.”

  Cade strolled into the kitchen and listened to the chatter of the two women at the table as he joined Marcus at the kitchen counter.

  “She’s back-“ Marcus chuckled wiggling his brows at Cade with mischievous eyes and Cade nodded.

  “Calinda said it’s normal- just don’t use it too long or she’ll zone out.” Cade half whispered and Marcus elbowed his brother in the ribs.

  “Guess you’re going to have to woo her the old fashioned way brother.”

  Cade growled a warning at him- he would never have used the drawing to take his mate- that would be like forcing her against her will and he found it disgusted him that Marcus would even joke about it.

  “Don’t you have something to do before the storm gets here?” Cade snapped and Marcus slapped him on the back with glee.

  “Sure do.” He said taking off out of the kitchen as Cade watched his sister and his mate chatting about female stuff, before he rested his elbows on the counter top and listened in- he didn’t give a damn what she was talking about- he just liked the fact that she was so damned animated about it.

  “I love that show and it’s on tonight- we can watch it together now you’re staying- it’ll be great.” Anna gushed and for a moment Vicky struggled with how she had agreed to stay here again- Cade took a breath and held it waiting for her to kick off, but all she did was give a little shake of her head.

  “Sound’s good.” She agreed and Cade found himself letting out the breath he was holding.

  Crisis averted- he was going to have to go to town and get his sister that damned dress she had been harping on about for the last two weeks as a thank you.

  Cade walked up to the open door of Vicky’s bedroom and stopped when he caught sight of her emptying the clothes from her small case- his eyes taking in the array of clothes that she had packed- not one of them was a jumper, he noted as he frowned his disapproval.

  “You travel light.” The sound of his deep tones cut through her mental musings and she spun in place to see him standing there propping the door frame up with his shoulder- his eyes smiling at her as he crossed his arms over his chest and her eyes caught and locked on the muscles and sinews in his forearms and she found her pulse speeding up within her again.

  The thought of this man naked flooded her mind with a mental image th
at was just too damn good and she swallowed hard.

  “Didn’t mean to scare you- sorry.” He added on a frown and she shook her head- guilt flooding through her- not only for making him feel bad, but for objectifying him- although, she was sure from the way she saw him looking at her at times, he was guilty of exactly the same thing.

  “No- it’s fine.” She waved a hand in dismissal and dropped her eyes to the contents of her case- underwear that was thankfully tucked mainly beneath her tee’s- two pairs of jeans- a couple of skirts and a few tops lay in piles- the only jumper she had brought with her, she was already wearing.

  “I didn’t expect the cold- I guess because when I left the city it was still pretty warm-“

  “Things can change fast up here- I’ll sort a few thick jumpers for you- they might be a little big- but if not I’m sure Anna will share-“ He offered and she couldn’t help the smile that touched her lips- he was kind of sweet.

  “Thanks- maybe I should take a trip into town- I remember a clothes shop or two-“

  “Can’t let you do that-“ He cut her off and she raised her eyes to him, she had more than had enough of this- who exactly did he think he was- ordering her about.

  “Now listen- you’ve already got me to agree to be here, but you can’t keep me away from civilisation- I’m not sure what give you the right to think you can boss me about- but I’ve had enough. So if you have some agenda here you had better lay it on the table Mr Blackthorn.”


  She started with a tip of her chin going upwards and those tiny hands back on her hips again, making him grin wildly- he liked her defiance- it would make her all the more alluring to his wolf and too himself, when she did give herself over to them- not to mention make up sex was always a good thing- especially when it was the female who had erred.

  He dropped his arms to his sides and strolled into the room- he saw her back snap straight as she hesitated in mid berating him, but he carried on past her to the window, swiping back the thick netting and motioning to the outside world- the snow falling thick and fast with flakes as big as a bottle cap and she caught her breath at the sight of it.

  “The roads gonna be pretty impassable for a few days if it keeps coming down like that.” He grinned inwardly, both from seeing her wonder at the scene as she drew towards him, her eyes wide like a child on Christmas morning, getting first sight of Santa’s presents under the tree and the small bite down on her lip from berating him without good reason and then she was standing beside him, looking down on the beauty of her surroundings by natures design.

  “Wow- real snow-“ She looked amazed and serene, as though natures majesty had somehow brought her peace, even for that one short time and he felt the swell of pride hit him at just how beautiful she looked at that moment. His mate.

  “That’s right city girl- real snow.” He mused and she dragged her eyes away from the scene for only an instant to look up at him with remorse.


  “Accepted.” He shot back leaning his hand against the wall and half watching the scenery as he took her in- she was like a child experiencing a new and wonderful adventure- he liked that- it warmed him and made his pulse beat a little faster within him.

  He reached out with fingertips to brush a wayward strand of her hair from her face- the backs of his fingers brushed against her cheek and he heard her draw a breath at the same moment he needed too- a buzz of electricity running through his fingers and over his skin until it faded away from the loss of contact.

  Cade took a step closer to her- her back pressed lightly against his chest as he kept the swell of his arousal from touching her and when she didn’t pull away, he let his fingers chase around her waist until he had her snagged against him.

  “Beautiful.” He whispered against her hair and felt her relax against him. Damn she smelled good- like vanilla and rainfall and when her fingers traced down the muscle on his forearm, his whole body almost convulsed with the jolt to his system.

  Vicky let her lashes fall down to her cheeks and revelled in the feel of his hard body around her- the muscles of his chest against her back that tensed and released with his arm moving around her felt so damn good- safe and protective and so very manly as his fingers crept slowly around her waist sending shockwaves through her deepest core- a heat pooled between her thighs and when she reached out to touch the bare skin of his arm, she sighed her approval of the way his skin felt beneath her fingertips.

  No man had ever affected her the way this man did- it was like being lost in a dark and scary part of town and finding home was actually right there in front of you- crazy, but amazing.

  When his breath brushed over the bare skin of her neck, like a caress moving so very slowly upwards to just under her ear, she sank back against him even further- swallowing down the excitement being within his arms caused- never knowing just how alone and cold she had felt before him- his nearness- his touch that warmed her- his arms made her feel protected from the coldness of the outside world- again- crazy, but amazing.

  When had she become so disaffected by life that just the nearness of this man could bring her complete satisfaction?

  “I said I wouldn’t touch you unless you asked me too and I’m trying to keep my word, but it’s getting so damned hard-“ His voice was a husky whisper that reverberated though her back and swept through her like a firestorm as his breath teased her skin and covered her body with goosebumps.

  “You are touching me.” She ran her fingertips over the sinews of his bare arm and him draw a heavy breath- his other hand palming the flat of her stomach as he pressed her to him- wanting her to feel the hardness of his erection- his need for her.

  “This isn’t a touch-“ he ran a slow hand up her stomach until he rested against her ribs, his thumb lightly stroked over the hard bud of her breast- just once as her body arched for his touch and her hips pressed her backside against his hardness, causing them both to draw a breath. “That’s a touch.”

  There was a deep ache within her- a need for him that she didn’t recognise as a response she had ever felt before- but it was all woman and it was all for him- her body ached to be filled- to be touched- to be satisfied- from just one sensual touch her need grew- the spark that roared the furnace to life.

  “Touch me-“ the moment the words were out of her mouth his lips were on the soft skin of her neck- his hands moving over her body and she came to life under his touch like never before- she had been with men before, but this was so much more, this was akin to a possession of her body in its entirety and when his thumb swept over the pebbled bud at her breast, his lips closed over her pulse and he sucked against the flesh, causing her muscles to contract within her in the most erotic way- her arousal complete as her core flooded in anticipation of his body entering hers.

  Cade felt her melt within his arms, become his for the taking- he could smell her arousal and his body ached for her- his wolf eager to take her- make her theirs- damn he wanted to throw her down on the floor on her hands and knees and thrust into her over and over until she screamed his name on her climax- but that was his wolf rearing its head- this was his mate and she was a human- he would treat her with the reverence she deserved from him- this wasn’t about lust or scratching a particular itch, it was so much more.

  His hands stripped the jumper from her body before she had even registered what he was doing and by the time she did, those heated palms were running smoothly over her bare flesh, as his fingertips memorised the contours of her body- with one hand he flicked open the button of her jeans and gentle pulled down the zipper, while his other hand cupped her breast over the thin lacy of her bra, his thumb teased circles of pleasure, the abrasion of the lace heightening the experience.

  Her mind was torn between what his thumb was doing to her breast and how his fingertips were making a slow progression towards the heat between her thighs- he hadn’t even kissed her yet- at least not on the lips- his mouth still working miracles against the soft sk
in of her neck and how he was going for gold between her thighs- for the briefest of moments she wondered at it- she didn’t know him and yet here she was letting him do things to her that should have been at least forth or later date material- damn she was wanton with him- but he was only doing things to her that her body cried out for and she dismissed her worries as quickly as they came to her.

  When his teeth nipped against her pulse, his fingers slipped down over the soft curls of her mound and into the slick folds of her sex and she gasped with the jolt of electricity that shot through her on a wave of heady excitement- her hips pushing her backside against his hardness and he groaned with the delicate roll of her hips as he swept fingertips against the sensitive nub of her flesh- just as she moaned her soft pleasure from his touch.

  He wasn’t sure how the hell it was possible, he was already rock hard but he felt his erection swell- straining against the fabric to be freed and with one hand he reached down and undid the confines, allowing his hardness to spring free- the ache no less potent within him as he tucked his fingers into the waistband of her jeans and slide them down over the swell of her backside so he could press flesh against flesh, causing a firestorm to race through him with her body the only way to douse that fire.

  Vicky felt him rock hard against the crack of her backside and ground herself against him, before her hips rolled of their own volition as his fingers worked against her nub- god he felt good- his flesh pressed against hers as he rubbed up and down against her- both his hands against her sex- fingertips causing a constant jolt as he moved against her nub, while others ran over the sensitive folds towards her inner core- when he rimmed her wetness, she bit down on the moan- his name on her lips as he pushed one finger inside her- not nearly the feeling of fullness she craved, but it still brought a gasp when he pushed knuckle deep- she wanted to turn towards him- touch him- bring him the pleasure he was bringing her, but he held her caged within his arms.


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