Protecting His Mate ( Lycan Romance )

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Protecting His Mate ( Lycan Romance ) Page 18

by Briers, M L

  Cade sprang to action, embedding his claws into the beasts throat as he tore at the flesh, the animal releasing Anna from its jaws allowing her to make the kill, stilling the beast as the fighting continued around them, both Whit and Marcus were making easy work of the three remaining Were’s, when Vicky’s eyes caught sight of the Werewolf that had managed to get around the pack and was now intent on her.

  Her eyes met the madness that sat within the red rimmed eyes, that glowed its intentions for her blood to satisfy its needs- just a split second before the wolf launched itself towards her, its claws tearing up the wooden floor as it used its powerful hind legs to spring off the ground.

  Blue was in the air in a heartbeat- yelping with the pain of the injury she had already sustained against the clan protecting Vicky- her front claws like razorblades aimed at the large Were’s body, the snarl from her throat cutting through the minutia in Vicky’s mind to centre all of her attention on the Blue’s attack.

  Blue hit fast and hard, her claws embedded in the Werewolf’s side as the force of her blow knocked the wolf from his intended path, the animals side impacted with the stair rail as Blue’s jaws clamped down on his back, bringing him down with her on top of him.

  The Werewolf was already pushing back up onto his paws, even with Blue hanging on, still attached, until the big animal shook himself, the force of his movements causing Blue to lose her grip with both her jaws and her teeth, although she took her pound of flesh from his back as she was thrown from him.

  The path to Vicky was now unprotected, Cade unseeing of anything around him made the tactical error to get to his mate, protect her at all costs, the werewolf attacked from the side, knocking him sideways as his claws slipped over the polished wood of the floor and he fell under the weight of the beast.

  Whit’s jaws clamped down on the Werewolf that was about to embed it’s claws and fangs into his Alpha, snatching him backwards as Cade pushed himself up on his paws, his eyes intent on Vicky and Devanaux across the hallway, as the large beast stalked its prey.

  ‘No!” Cade cried out the horror that was in his mind as the big beast set about his mate- pouncing towards her with claws and teeth bared as she raised the gun in front of her, too late to take the shot.

  Marcus leapt with all the force he could muster from where he was standing, his front claws catching the beasts hind flank and causing the Were to spin in mid flight- the gnashing of its jaws in frustration as it landed off balance and skidded against the flooring, its red rimmed glare snapping around to Vicky as she hesitated in taking her shot, unsure if any of the pack would leap in again and get in the way, she would not protect herself at the risk of one of the pack.

  Cade saw her indecision and his heart thundered in his chest with the need for her to use the only weapon she had- he saw her eyes flick towards the pack, towards Marcus and across to him as he gained ground on the beast- his brother made the attack before he could reach Devanaux and Cade knew Vicky had been right not to shoot, she would surely have hit Marcus in the time it took for the bullet to leave the chamber and speed through the air.

  Cade skidded to a halt in front of Vicky, taking up a defensive posture as Whit made his kill and finished the last- but one of the Werewolves off. Marcus was already in the thick of the battle- Cade would not intervene- he knew the kill should be his, but Marcus had saved his mate- had lost his own mate to Devanaux and Cade would willingly allow his brother to finish the fight here and now.

  ‘ Finish him Marcus.’ Cade snarled out as his brother’s jaws sunk into the soft flesh of Devanaux’s throat- the howl of pain that left the Werewolf was more than gratifying to the pack than anything else as they gathered to witness the kill- other member’s circled outside the cabin, waiting for the final blow and they didn’t need to wait long as Marcus flicked his head, ending Devanaux’s life with more force than Cade had ever seen his brother deliver.

  ‘ Blue?’ Marcus turned from the body of his enemy immediately- stalking over to where Blue was lying, his snout nudging the she wolf until she growled her annoyance at him for his public show of concern.

  ‘I want patrols out on the land all night- if we missed any Were’s I want them found and dead by morning.- Marcus tend to Blue and Anna- Whit lead the pack out in circuits- take in Vicky’s land and then Devanaux’s- I want them found.’ Cade issued the orders as he turned towards Vicky, his eyes frantically searching her body and face for any sign she had been injured.

  Cade shifted to human form instantly, his hands reaching for his mate as he closed the short distance between them, his eyes continuing his detailed search of her body, until he pulled her against him.

  “Vic sweetheart?” The growl of his wolf that still bubbled on the surface of his humanity was more than evident in his voice, as she took a long moment to feel the safety of his arms around her, basked in the security he offered before she pulled back slightly from him.

  “I’m fine- not a scratch- the children are upstairs- do what you need to do Cade-“ She was talking so fast- she wasn’t at all sure that Cade would keep up with her, but when his face strained with a half grin she knew he was getting it all. “Don’t smile at me- just go do whatever has to-“

  He silenced her in an instant with his lips coming down on hers in the briefest, but warmest of kisses she had ever had from him. Pulling back away from her with a low rumble of a growl in his throat, he brushed his fingertips down her cheek, his forehead rested against hers.

  “Breathe love- it’s over.” He soothed her and felt her body start to ease from the tension that had her muscles locked up so tightly.

  “You certainly know how to show a mate a good time Cade-“ It was sarcasm- or hysteria, she preferred to think of it as sarcasm. It was too much to ask of her brain to compute everything that had happened tonight- she was sure at some point she would reflect on the death she had witnessed, had delivered by her own hand, but right now- she was just grateful that it was done.

  “Call it a bonding gift-“ Cade shot back, seemingly unphased by the carnage around him, but she felt it- the tension- the anxiety- the fear that came from him in waves- through the bond that they shared and for a long moment she wondered just what it was he was feeling from her, because right now- she could not have pin pointed one emotion within herself if she tried.

  “Can I get a refund-“ His lips brushed her again, his forehead lifted- before he pressed it against hers again, a little form of intimacy in the middle of such madness.

  He wanted to do so much more, take her in his arms, find the closest bedroom- not full of pups and sink down on top of her on a bed and keep her beneath him for the rest of her life.

  “You get me-“ He offered pulling her the length of him, proud and naked against her clothed body.

  “You didn’t do anything stupid- you kept your promise.”

  “Always do, always will.”

  Twenty four hours later- the life of the pack was settling back to normality. They had found one lone Werewolf trying to make it back to clan land before the full moon had ended and with that kill- had finished Devanaux’s clan for good. The pups had stayed at the main cabin until Cade was sure that none of the clan were left in the area and the clean up on the cabin’s interior had begun, with different members of the pack doing different jobs.

  The bodies of the werewolves were dispatched to different locations on pack land and disposed of according to custom and ritual. Vicky had helped with the children and cooking for the pack- Anna refusing to be still even with the injury she had sustained in the fighting and had shadowed Vicky in all of her tasks, unwilling to say if Cade had put her up to it.

  Marcus was still trying to placate Blue over his show of affection for her as the two snapped and argued every time they came into contact with each other and Whit seemed to make it his personal mission to check to see how Vicky was doing every hour or so- she assumed it had something to do with the conversation they had by the felled tree- what seemed like forever ago to her a
fter the events of the last twenty four hours.

  Vicky eyed the workmanship to the back door of the kitchen as she stirred the large pot of mashed potatoes on the stove, sure she was going to get sideswiped by her emotions at some point, but just too busy to let them intrude on her when there was still so much to do.

  Anna limped in and dropped down on weary bones into her usual seat at the dinner table, her eyes taking in the place settings around the table as Vicky shot her a brief smile.

  “How you doing Vic?” Anna asked casually and watched as Vicky’s back straightened a little.

  “Good. How’s your leg?”

  “Good.” Anna shot back, neither of them getting any further than polite conversation before Whit walked in with a grin and a swagger.

  “Sisters, the men are hungry- when’s dinner?” He growled out teasing the pair of them.

  “Smells like soon to me- Vicky’s cooking tonight.” Anna offered as Marcus barrelled through the doorway and came to a dead halt.

  “Is it edible?” He tossed out with a wink to Anna.

  “There food is- yours isn’t- now.” Vicky shot back over her shoulder as Blue ambled into the room and nudged Marcus out of the way.

  “Good- a dose of food poisoning would serve him right- didn’t anyone ever tell you to get the hell out of the way when a lady’s coming through-“ She half growled up at him and he folded his arms over his chest and stared down at her unmoving.

  “Well if there was a lady- I’d move for her.” He growled back, his eyes narrowing when she growled out a warning to him.

  “How you doing Vic?” Whit asked as he sloped up beside her and nudged her with his hip. Vicky’s back straightened even tighter as she turned her head to look up at him, annoyance flaring in her eyes.

  “Could everyone stop asking me that already-“ She bit out between clenched teeth. “The poor little human is just fine. Thank you very much.” The vigour with which she stirred the mashed potatoes was enough to rub a hole in the bottom of the pan.

  “Isn’t it nice to know that people care?” Whit mused as Vicky turned towards him in one quick movement- that had the spoon under his nose in an instant, mashed potatoes clinging to it as she growled up at him.

  “Do you want me to put this spoon where the sun doesn’t shine Whit Blackthorn, because I can and I will- if you don’t back off.” She snapped out just as Cade came through the kitchen door and all eyes turned towards him as he growled out a warning into the sudden silence of the room, his dark glare falling on Whit- who went from amused to innocent in a heartbeat.

  “What’s going on?” Cade demanded and Whit held up his hands in front of him, a shake of his head as he readied himself for the quick denial that would have his Alpha standing down.

  “Just letting your brother know that- I’m fine.” Vicky snapped out, turning back to the pans as Whit motioned towards her as he backed off across the kitchen.

  “She’s a little touchy brother- don’t ask her how’s she doing, you may end up wearing dinner and not eating it.” Whit took a deliberate path to the dinner table around the top end of the counter, so he didn’t have to cross Cade’s path as the brothers eyed each other across the way.

  “It’s true brother- she threatened to poison me-“ Marcus offered with a barely concealed smirk and Blue huffed as she slipped onto her chair.

  “We can only hope.” She mumbled shooting him a look of annoyance from under her dark lashes and he grinned.

  “You know you don’t mean that Blue-“ Marcus growled settling himself into the chair next to hers and she purposely made a show of drawing back from him.

  “Yes- I do.”

  Cade walked to Vicky’s side- just as she turned off the heat under the pan. “Do you want me to hit Whit- because it wouldn’t raise any objections for anyone here that I could think of?” Cade offered and watched a smile twitch at the corners of her lips. Taking the pan to the bowl, she emptied the contents and flashed a look at Cade- standing there looking so innocently sexy.

  “Maybe later- dinners ready.” She offered Cade the bowl and he took it with a cocky grin.

  “Later- I had planned on more gratifying things we could do.” He gave her a suggestive wiggle of his brows and she grinned, shaking her head.

  “Well you’re really going to have to work hard to match the gratification of seeing Whit’s backside hit the floor-“ She shot back and heard Whit balk at her words.

  “Thanks sis- love you too.” Whit moaned good naturedly.

  “I didn’t say I didn’t love you Whit-“ She offered taking the roasted lamb to the table and placing it down, before placing her hands on her hips and staring down at him in a challenge that had his wolf raising its head within him.

  “Well as long as it’s not personal-“ He teased and she hummed at him, starting to turn on her heels- when Marcus reached out his hand for a roll and she slapped him.

  “Damn it Vicky- that’s twice-“ He growled as Blue’s eyes grew wide.

  “Yep- twice you’ve forgotten your manners brother- I’m hoping there won’t be a third time.” She caught Cade’s eye as he brought the bowl over and set it down in the middle of the table.

  “Sorry Vic.” Marcus grumbled and Blue chuckled in amusement beside him, getting a glare from Marcus.

  “Be nice Marcus- she still has her gun somewhere.” Whit remarked as Marcus gave a low rumble deep within his chest.

  “I think she has forgotten who saved her butt yesterday-“ He mocked under dark brows as Vicky slipped onto her seat next to Cade.

  “I think you’re forgetting who saved yours-“ She answered quietly and watched him mull that over, she could actually see the clogs turning in his brain.

  “My kill was bigger than yours.” He growled back and she balked.

  “I would have bagged the big wolf- but someone got their big butt in the way of my shot.” She countered and watched him deflate slightly in stature, but still double her size.

  “On a head count she got as many as you did Marcus-“ Whit mused reaching for the rolls that Marcus had his eye on and offering them to Vicky first.

  “Well in that case-“ He snatched the bowl from Whit’s hand and let it hover over the table for a moment, closer to him than anyone else- before the corners of his lips twitched into a smile and he held the rolls out to her. “Sister?”

  Vicky reached for a roll, but he snatched the bowl back from her and she grinned at him- “You know you love me Marcus.” The sweetness in her tone had him rolling his eyes as he shoved the bowl back at her and she snatched up a roll.

  “Something like that.” He growled back at her, his eyes showing his fondness for her, even if she was a human- she was a damned good one.

  Whit cornered Vicky as she came out of the downstairs bathroom. Standing with his shoulder propping up the wall and his arms crossed over his broad chest, he eyed her with amusement- mixed with concern, which seemed to be his normal state of being in the last couple of days.

  Vicky came to a stop in front of him, the hallway was small and he was wide, so she had little choice, she could have pushed him out of the way, or tried, but he had something on his mind and she guessed she had better hear what it was.

  “So how are you doing Vic?” The good humour still bubbled beneath the surface, but there was a worry for her that he couldn’t mask, no matter how hard those smiling eyes tried.

  “Better when people stop asking me how I am-“ She whispered back in a conspiratorial tone and he nodded thoughtfully.

  “Anything I need to know?” He asked on a whisper back and she made a point to consider his words.

  “Does the fact that I’m going to find Cade- take him to our bedroom and have sex- lots and lots- of sex with him count as a need to know?” She offered with all the innocence she could muster and watched as her brothers grin grew and the worry eased from his face as he shook his head at her, a hearty laugh leaving his lips.

  “No- I didn’t need to know that.” He mused. Relaxing
his stance even more, until he heard the low rumble of Cade’s voice behind him.

  “I did-“ Cade pushed past Whit, making him drop his arms from his chest and stand there like a third wheel as Cade yanked her against his body and claimed her lips possessively, Vicky’s body instantly responding to her mates touch.

  “I’m gonna go- somewhere else.” Whit mused taking a couple of steps backwards before Cade’s eyes locked on his in a dark glare.

  “Not until one or both of you tells me exactly what the hell’s going on here, brother.” There was no getting around the subject- Cade had that hard as nails demanding tone that had Whit’s eyes narrowing on Vicky as she regained enough composure after Cade’s kiss to have a rational thought.

  “It’s my fault- Whit’s just looking out for you-“ Vicky admitted as she motioned to Whit to go and leave her and Cade alone as he turned his eyes back to her, he searched her face and her emotions for an easy answer and came up with something he didn’t expect- guilt.

  “What the hell’s going on between you and Whit?” Cade demanded as he took a step back from her, his eyes turning black as the anger rose within him and she balked at his stance.

  “Seriously Cade?” Her tone was just as demanding of him as he had been, the only difference was the incredulity that she held him under her gaze with and he growled low and hard, in two minds as to whether he should stalk off after Whit and beat it out of his brother.

  “Vicky you had better tell me what’s going on-“ Cade demanded- his beast rearing its head within him as he closed the distance between them in an instant, his chest pushing her back against the wall, his arms closed around her like a steel cage, his hands palmed the wall either side on her body trapping her against him- not that she had anywhere else she wanted to be right then.

  “Calm down and listen then, before you’re chewing the wrong end of that stick-“ She hissed back up at him, her eyes flashing fire as he took a long hard breath and then another, breathing heavily down his nose as he stared down at her.


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