The Chastening
Page 49
Long-Term Credit Bank
Lopes, Francisco
on Brazilian loan program
resignation of
Mahathir, Mohamad
Malan, Pedro
“bail-in” rejected by
on Plano Real
Malkiel, Burton
Marakanond, Rerngchai
Marquez-Ruarte, Jorge
Maughan, Deryck
McDonough, William
FOMC and
Long-Term Capital Management and
Medley Global Advisors
Mei, J.P.
Meltzer, Allan
Menatep Group
Mendoza, Roberto
Meriwether, John
Merrill Lynch
Meyer, Laurence
Mobius, Mark
emerging-markets fund of
on emerging markets
Mondale, Walter
Moral hazard
Morgan, J.P.
Morgan Stanley Dean Witter
Morgenthau, Henry, Jr.
Moser, Gary
Muang Thong Thani Estate
Mussa, Michael
on Bank Indonesia
on Brazilian economy
on Brazil’s IMF program
on Camdessus, Michel
education of
on Indonesia
on Indonesian program
on Korean crisis
on Mexican bailout
on Russia
Neale, Heather
Neiss, Hubert
Bank of Korea and
Camdessus, Michel, and
career of
IMF rescue plan proposed by
in Indonesia
in Korea
Korean negotiations with
negotiations with Korean Ministry of Finance and Economy
in Seoul
Thai negotiations with
Tseng, Wanda, and
U.S. Treasury and
Nellis, John
New international financial architure
New York Fed. See Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Nishimoto, Shoji
Nitisastro, Widjojo
Oh, Jong Nam
O’Neill, Paul
Odling-Smee, John
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
Papi, Laura
Paul, Ron
Plano Real
Primakov, Yevgeni
Purcell, John
Purcell, Philip
Radelet, Steven
Reagan, Ronald
Reed, John
Regling, Klaus
on Brazil
on Contingent Credit Line
on G-7D
on Greenspan, Alan
Reinhart, Carmen
on Japanese banks
Rhodes, William
Rivlin, Alice
Robertson, Julian
Robinson, David
Robinson, Joan
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano
Rosenfeld, Eric
Roth, Stanley
Roy, Stapleton
Rubin, Robert
on “balance of risks,”
on currency regime
Clinton, Bill, and
foreign policy debates and
on IMF
on Korea
on Korean bail-in
on Korean crisis
Korean negotiations with
Lipton, David and
Long-Term Capital Management and
“risk arbitage” and
bolshoi paket for
capitalism in
election in
Eurobonds in
exchange rates of
Gosudarstvennye Kratkosrochnye Obligatsii (GKO)
IMF relations to
IMF failure to rescue
IMF loan package for
interest rates and
KNO’s in
Lipton, David, in
moral hazard in
“red directors” in
resistance to reforms
shock therapy for
Sachs, Jeffrey
IMF clashes with
IMF criticized by
“shock therapy” and
Summers, Larry, and
Sakakibara, Eisuke. See also Japan
on Asian Monetary Fund
on Asian unity
on Brazil
G-7D role of
IMF criticized by
nationalism of
Summers, Larry, and
Saker, Neal
Salomon Smith Barney
Sampoerna, H. M.
Samsung Electronics
Samuelson, Paul
Sanders, Bernie
Saxton, James
Schloss, Howard
Schmidt, Helmut
Shafer, Jeffrey
on bond markets
Shultz, George
on IMF abolition
Siegman, Charles
Siti Hedijanti Harijadi
Singh, Anoop
Singh, Manmindar
Sonakul, Chatu Mongol
Snow, John
Soros, George. See also Crisis of Global Capitalism
Fraga, Arminio, and
hedge funds and
on financial markets
on Thai crisis
Sperling, Gene
on Contingent Credit Line
Clinton, Bill, and
Ssang Yong Group
IMF support of
Stark, Jürgen
Stein, Herb
Steinberg, James
Stiglitz, Joseph
education of
on IMF policy
Summers, Larry, debate with
on World Bank
Suharto. See also Indonesia
“Berkeley Mafia” and
Clinton, Bill, negotiating with
Camdessus, Michel, negotiating with
Hanke, Steve, and
KKN supported by
Mondale, Walter, and
power of
resignation of
Suharto, Tommy (Hutomo Mandala Putra)
Summers, Larry
on “balance of risks,”
Blinder, Alan, debate with
on Brazil
CEA and
on Contingent Credit Line
on emerging markets
foreign policy debates
G-7D role of
Sachs, Jeffrey, and
Sakakibara, Eisuke, and
Schloss, Howard, and
Suharto, President, meeting with
youth of
Supinit, Vijit
Takagaki, Tasaku
Talbott, Strobe
Tarullo, Daniel
Taylor, Gregory
Taylor, Gregory
Teja, Ranjit
Tepper, John
Ter-Minassian, Teresa
on Brazilian loan package
Fischer, Stanley, and
Thailand. See also Bank of Thailand; International Monetary Fund
as banking center
causes of crisis in
emerging market craze and
exchange rates of
exports of
GDP of
growth of
IMF failure to rescue
IMF loan to
IMF negotiations with
IMF program for
IMF refused by
Japan’s involvement with
real-estate in
reserves of
Thain, Johnr />
Thatcher, Margaret
Thompson Financial Services Company
Tilelli, John
Tietmeyer, Hans. See also Moral hazard
at Bank for International Settlements
Clinton, Bill, and
education of
on global crisis
IMF criticized by
on interest rates
on moral hazard
Trichet, Jean-Claude
Trihatmodjo, Bambang
Truman, Edwin “Ted”
at Bank of International Settlements
on Korean bail-in
Tseng, Wanda
U.S. Export-Import Bank
U.S. Treasury. See also High Command; International Monetary Fund; World Bank
crises’ effect on
IMF and
Korea rejected by
loans to Mexico
on Indonesian crisis
Vaez-Zadeh, Reza
Van Angtmael, Antoine
Vasiliev, Sergei
Vento, Bruce
Viravan, Amnuay
Volcker, Paul
Wahid, Abdurrahman
Walters, Alan
Wheat, Allen
White, Harry Dexter
Wibulswasdi, Chaiyawat
Fischer, Stanley, and
on hedge funds
nickname of
Wijnholds, Onno
Wolfensohn, James
Wolfowitz, Paul
World Bank. See also High Command; International Monetary Fund; U.S. Treasury
annual meetings of
Asian Development Bank and
attitudes towards IMF
bank closures and
creation of
goals of
“halo effect” and
IMF endorsement and
IMF mistreatment of
Indonesia and
Indonesian crisis and
on Indonesian KKN problem
Indonesian loans and
Indonesian reforms suggested by
loans from
Korean bailout participation in
open trade, privatization and
Russia and
staff of
Stiglitz, Joseph, at
surveying banks and regulatory systems by
Thailand and
weaknesses of
Yamaichi Securities
The Year of Living Dangerously
Yeltsin, Boris
Yongchaiyudh, Chavalit
You, Long Kuen
Zadornov, Mikhail
Zelikow, Daniel
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Peter Osnos, Publisher
Copyright © 2001, 2003 by Paul Blustein.
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication data
Blustein, Paul.
The chastening: the crisis that rocked the global financial system and
humbled the IMF / Paul Blustein.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
eISBN : 978-0-786-72469-7
1. Financial crises—Asia. 2. International finance. 3. International
Monetary Fund—Economic Assistance—Asia. I. Title.
HB3808 .B58 2001