Savage Brothers MC Boxed Set Books 1-6

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Savage Brothers MC Boxed Set Books 1-6 Page 14

by Jordan Marie

  I reach over and put on the latex gloves that Freak placed on the floor beside me. I waited a minute for effect and then lean even further down so my voice is in Twist’s ear.

  “Listen to that silence, fucker. Looks like fun time is about to begin.” Then I let my knife slice into the skin in a deep “X” through the tattoo. I pick up one of the loose pieces of skin and saw it off, throwing it into the tub. I do that four more times until the tat is removed and the pieces are lying along Twist’s naked legs.

  Twist screamed during each of my cuts and is crying now, but I block that shit out. I’m sure Jess cried out too, and she was just a helpless slip of a thing. Twist deserves this and worse. I lay my knife on a rag that was placed on the floor and then take off my bloodied gloves, throwing them in the tub.

  “I swear you might be more of a pussy than I thought Twist. You’re crying more than poor Jess did. Did it make you feel like a big man hurting someone innocent? To rape a woman you’d already beaten to the point of unconsciousness.” I pick up the pliers and twist the fucker’s head back. “Danny told me his stew manages to melt everything, but you know me Twist, better to be safe than sorry. Hold still now, this is going to hurt like a son of a bitch. Kind of like how poor Jess must have felt when you broke her fucking arm,” I tell him forcefully, while using my pliers to rip out one of his front teeth. “Or maybe it will hurt as much as when you broke three of her fucking ribs, you ass-fuck.” I put the tooth on the plastic by my feet and yank out two more. Twist is trying to moan, but since I keep the pliers jabbed into his mouth that’s pretty much impossible.

  It comes out, “Mmm…fff...,” and ends with a sad gurgle from the blood.

  “Shit boys, Twist smells like he’s been sucking your dicks. His damn breath is killing me,” I complain, going in to pull another one. Twist passes out and I put the new tooth with the other three. Then I yank off the new set of gloves I had put on before starting on his teeth. I throw those in the tub too.

  “I’m taking a break. Wake the fucker up in a bit and get him ready for round two,” I growl walking to the door. “Skull, you and me now,” I order, and don’t look back. I light a cigarette and lean up against the outer wall of the building, waiting for Skull. He doesn’t take long and I offer him a smoke.

  I don’t usually smoke, but some things call for a good smoke and a stiff drink. Fuck if this isn’t one of them, I may even let myself get lost in the booze later tonight.

  “It is not easy being a leader mi amigo,” Skull says, taking a draw from the cigarette, while looking out over the abandoned property.

  The cement is cracked and weeds are growing through it. There are a couple of old junked cars and lots of trash. The place is a shit hole, but with the purpose it serves, that seems fitting.

  “What aren’t you telling me, Skull?” I ask straight out. It is time to cut the bullshit. Skull and I will never be the best of friends, but there is a grudging respect between us.

  He takes a drag on his cigarette and blows out the smoke. In the distance a train whistle lets out a lonely wail.

  “Dragon, talk on the street is of two adders in your nest, mi amigo. The fuck up in there being a small fry in a big ocean, and word is trouble is headed your way.”

  “Trouble is headed my way every damn day,” I growl, watching the glow of the fire burn on the butt of my cigarette.


  “Besides, I already know that shit from the call Twist made at the end of the tape, asking if I was distracted.”


  “So, you have names?”

  “None I am willing to share at this time, but I will when I find a reliable source. Doing so now may implicate an innocent man. I warn you though, you shouldn’t trust anyone.”

  I throw the cigarette away and give Skull a hateful look. I might understand what the fuck he’s about, but that doesn’t mean I have to like it.

  “Let’s get this shit done. I got some place to be.”



  It’s been a fucked up day. I’d pulled the rest of Twist’s teeth and cut off his fingers, when it became apparent the fucker wasn’t going to talk. It pissed me the hell off. I needed something more to go on and for some reason I thought for sure Twist would cave. All he would tell me in the end was that he’d see me in hell. A man could almost respect that, if it hadn’t come out of the mouth of a woman beating, rapist.

  I’m not sure why he didn’t break. Whoever is behind this shit, cultivated a fuck of a lot of loyalty apparently—which is more than I can say I’ve done, and yes that burns deep. I left Freak and Gunner to deal with what was left of the scum. There wasn’t much. The skin with the fingerprints and the teeth were dissolved separately, so I could be sure there was nothing left. Then, the Mexican stew Danny prepared was poured into the tub with Twist. It took several hours, but eventually he really would just be a stain in a sewage line. The fucker deserved less than that.

  Now I’m sitting here at the club getting drunk. Nicole had come to me and tried to pull me out of my head several times, but I shot her down. Why? Because I’m a fucking asshole, that’s why. She doesn’t deserve it, and I can tell from the blush on her face I’ve embarrassed her. Now, she’s watching the club Twinkies at play and she is clearly not happy with what is going on. I hate to tell her, but for the most part this was a quiet night for everyone. Hell, there’s not any open fucking going on. That will probably change before long, since the alcohol is flowing heavily and all of my men are in fucked up moods.

  Nicole is at the bar talking with Lips and Irish. It’s kind of odd how her and Lips seem to have hit it off, but they are laughing as if they are old friends. It pisses me off, though I cannot, for the life of me, tell you why.

  Irish keeps looking over at me, giving me a strange look and then shaking his head.

  Yeah well, I know I’m fucking up. It’s not his damn business. I raise my glass to him in a silent toast. Irish shakes his head and goes back to talking to the girls.

  Nicole shoots a worried glance in my direction every now and then and I do my best to ignore the pleading look in her eyes and keep drinking. I’ve nearly finished a bottle of Jack when Tash comes over and sits in my lap.

  I don’t want her there. I might be fucked up right now, but even in this state, I know Nicole is all I want. I am about to push her away when I hear Nicole’s voice. I look up to see my woman walking toward us in an angry strut, so fast her hair was flying behind her like there’s a breeze and it bounces on her shoulders with ever step.

  Fuck, she is magnificent.

  I close my eyes and remember the way she had looked sucking on my cock. I instantly go hard, which considering the amount of alcohol I’ve drank, is no small feat.

  “You need to move your boney ass off my man’s lap.”

  My brain was mush. I should be paying attention to what the women are saying, but in truth all I can watch was the swell of Nicole’s breasts rise and fall in the sweater she’s wearing. The deep V-neck of the dark, green sweater gives a great view.

  “I don’t see Dragon complaining. Maybe you just can’t keep him satisfied like I do.”

  “Bitch, I’m telling you one last time to step the fuck away,” Nicole growls.

  Tash turns around and plants her lips on mine and pushes her tongue into my mouth. I bring my hands up to her shoulders to push her away but I never get the chance. I hear Tash scream. Then, she is off of me and Nicole has pulled her onto the floor. I shake my head to clear it. When my vision improves I see Nicole with Tash’s hair in her hand pulling her away from me. Tash is probably a good three or four inches taller than Nicole, but apparently that doesn’t matter when anger is involved. Well, that and the way Nicole has the woman’s hair pulled so tight. It causes Tash’s head to bend all the way back. She has Tash bowing down to try and get her hair loose.

  “Mama....” I start and shit, my voice sounds slurred to my own ears.

  “Don’t you fucking start
right now, me and this bitch have something to clear up. You said I was your woman, is that still true?”

  “Fuck yeah,” I tell her, because my head’s not so foggy I am completely stupid.

  “You hear that bitch? That means he’s mine because I don’t fucking share. I warned your ass before you came over here, but I see the peroxide has melted what few brain cells you had. Stay away from my man,” she yells! She then slams Tash’s face down on the table so hard, it might be possible it cracked. Fuck! I wince at the thought of the pain that had to inflict. At the same time my dick pulses. Hell, I had been afraid Nicole wouldn’t be hard enough to stand up for herself, I had no idea.

  Tash sinks down onto the floor with a low moan, her nose is at a weird angle and there’s blood coming from it. Nicole kicks her once more, for good measure, before she steps back.

  Everyone is staring at her and my woman stares every single fucking one of them down.

  “Anyone else want to try and touch what’s mine?”


  She looks back at me and the hurt and anger in her eyes are almost enough to sober me up.

  “I don’t know what the fuck is going on with you Dragon, but I don’t play these games. If you want this shit take it, but don’t think I’ll be sitting back and waiting. I told you in the beginning, I don’t share. Now, since you smell like some other fucking bitch’s cheap ass perfume, I’m going back home.”

  She stomps away from me and I watch her for a minute. I think I am in shock and at the same time she is so fucking hot with that plump ass in those tight jeans—my brain is frozen. Her sweater has risen up and I get a peek of the curve of her ass as she walks. That’s enough to make any man slow to move. Finally, I find my voice.


  She stops as she gets to the door.

  “I think she touched my back. Could probably use some help washing that shit off Mama.”

  I need to be tougher and make sure the men see me as strong, but right now in this moment, I don’t give a fuck about anyone or anything other than Nicole.

  The twins are pulling a dazed Tash away, but other than that there’s no movement. Everyone is waiting to see how this plays out. Nicole turns and looks at me, her eyes appraising me and I get the feeling she sees more than anyone else ever has. Then again, I’m not sure anyone has really given a shit before. They sure as hell had never claimed me as theirs, like this woman did just moments before.

  I watch her slowly walk back towards me. With each step she makes, somehow the heavy load that was on my shoulders, since doing all that shit to Twist, gets lighter. She stops in front of me and I know beyond a shadow of a doubt I have never seen anything more beautiful. I’m in fucking deep with this woman. She holds out her hand and I take it. We walk back to my room. Fuck, it is our room. I need to start admitting the truth. I’m never letting Nicole go.

  The sounds of the party slowly begin to pick up in the background. I ignore it. When we make it to the bedroom, I close the door and lock it. Nicole goes to the shower and turns the water on. I pull my shirt off and throw it on the floor, following her.

  I remain silent, kicking my shoes off. Nicole apparently knows I don’t want to talk about what’s floating in my head. I don’t know why this surprises me, but it’s becoming clear that this woman gets me. It is a fucking strange feeling.

  “You pull this shit again Dragon and I walk,” she says. I don’t bother responding since she is undoing my pants. I step out of my clothes and stand in front of her naked. A fine red heat spreads over her face and it amazes me. This woman, who had only moments before stood in front of a rowdy bunch of strangers and went toe to toe with some of them, while at the same time claiming someone like me as her own, blushes just from looking at me naked.

  “Mama, you have too many clothes on,” I complain. Earlier my head was foggy from all of the rot-gut I’d consumed. Now, I feel mostly sober now. Still buzzed, no doubt about that, but completely aware.

  I watch as Nicole pulls her sweater over her head and kicks off her sandals. Her breasts are confined in a blue silk bra and they’re almost falling out of it. She leaves the bra on and slowly peels her pants down her body. She stands before me in nothing but her matching underwear and it hits me again how perfect she is.

  He’s mine.

  I hear her say it over and over in my head.

  “God Mama, you are so fucking beautiful you make me ache.” I feel my balls tighten and my cock grow harder than it has ever been before. I stroke it slowly.

  Nicole watches me stroke myself and I can tell she likes it. Her eyes take on a look that makes her eyes heavy-lidded. She gets that look when she is turned on, and it will stay with me the rest of my days. Her hands shake softly when she reaches up to pull her bra straps down off her shoulders. She bites her lip and unhooks the clasp on her bra that is resting between her breasts. Her eyes follow my thumb as I move my pre-cum back and forth over the head of my cock, stopping only to stroke. She pulls her underwear down her legs and steps out of them.

  She gets into the shower and I follow, closing the door behind us. She maneuvers so that my back is against the water as she grabs the soap from the shelf behind her. She lathers it up between her hands before putting it back. Her small, delicate hands start at my neck moving over the muscle and skin, massaging with the slippery liquid. The heat from the water and the steam rise in the shower, but all I can concentrate on is the feel of her wet slippery hands moving over my chest. I close my eyes and a moan leaves my lips as I feel her hand caress my pecs.

  She stops touching and I open my eyes to see her lathering more soap. I know where I want her to touch next, but she doesn’t.

  “Turn around Dragon, so I can wash your back,” she says, her voice soft.

  I want to refuse, but figure as long as she’s touching me I’m good, so I turn around and brace myself on the wall. I groan feeling her hands move over my back and shoulders. She slowly moves lower and lower until her small hands are cupping my ass and massaging. I’m so distracted by the way her hand is kneading the muscle of my ass, I gasp in surprise as I feel the bar of soap slide between my cheeks. I’ve never been one to have my ass played with. I’ve heard and even seen how some of the brothers like that shit, but it’s not for me. I’m about to tell her that when I feel her small finger push into me. This makes twice she’s done that and fuck it feels good. My head goes down at that moment because at that same time I feel her other hand reach between my legs and massage my balls gently.

  “Nicole,” I groan, my eyes closing.

  “Shh... Dragon, I’m just playing.” Her lips kiss my shoulder blade gently and then further down my back. She rolls my balls gently in her hand while she continues kissing me.

  “Nicole... Mama...” I moan as she continues to tease me.

  “I love your body, Dragon. I love every inch of you,” she says as she bites my ass cheek, with just enough pressure that my dick actually quakes.

  He’s mine.

  Those words echo in my mind again. Fuck.

  “That’s it, Mama, I can’t take anymore,” I growl in a voice even I don’t recognize. I turn facing her, intent on sinking inside of her and fucking her hard.

  I don’t get that chance though because once I turn around it hits me. She is on her knees. I’m looking down at her and her tongue darts out and licks the head of my cock. I lean against the wall as I look at this woman—this woman who owns me.

  Her hair is darker when wet and it’s plastered against her chest. It brushes the tops of her upturned nipples. Maybe it’s the way the light is shining, maybe it’s her or maybe it’s just the effect of the alcohol still in my system, but the water looks like drops of shiny metal sliding over her skin.

  “Nicole baby...” I groan. I can’t finish because she takes my cock into her mouth at the same time her hand gently palms my balls, teasing them. “Fuck...”

  Nicole moans her appreciation and the sound vibrates against my cock, increasing the pleasur

  He’s mine.

  Again the words echo in my head as she swallows my dick, taking it to the root and totally catching me off guard. I groan out again, watching myself disappear into her gorgeous mouth. I brace myself firmer against the shower walls, as I watch. I come out of my haze enough to reach down and pull on her nipples, loving the way she cries out in delight even with her mouth stuffed full of me.

  “You have to stop, Mama. I’m going to blow and when I do, I want to be in that sweet snatch of yours.”

  She ignores me and picks up her pace, using her hand to work in tandem with her mouth. Fuck she wants it and I’m going to give it to her. I grab her head and start fucking her hard. I try to hold back, I don’t want to hurt her, but she doesn’t let me. She sinks her nails into my ass and moves her mouth up and down—aided only by my hands on her head guiding her. I try to keep from going too far, but she demands every inch, every fucking inch. Just as I’m about to explode I pull away from her mouth and use my hand to aim my cock at her. I shoot my cum all over her face, down her breasts and watch as her tongue comes out to lap at whatever she can reach.

  Nicole is every fantasy I’ve ever had.

  “Fuck Mama...I’m sorry....” I lie. I’m not one bit sorry. It was hotter than hell seeing her covered in me and I know instantly I want to do that again. Still, I know women don’t like that shit and I don’t want to do anything to push her away from me.

  “I’m not,” she says standing up and bringing my hands to her chest. Together we rub my cum into her chest and her head tilts back under the water spray to rinse away the rest. She’s a fucking goddess, and how I got lucky enough that she claimed me as hers in front of everyone—I still can’t figure out.

  I pull her to me and kiss her. I feel raw and cut open inside. Life has been fucked up for me from the beginning. It wasn’t so long ago that I was thinking about taking Lips on as my old lady. Now I find myself wrapped up in knots over this blue eyed, dark blonde spitfire. Not only that, she seems to want me and is proud to be mine. I don’t fucking get it.


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