Singing a Song...

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Singing a Song... Page 15

by Crystal V. Rhodes

  As she floated to the floor, Darnell’s body temperature rose. She was oblivious to everything around her until a loud “ah hmmm” coming from the upper stairway caught her attention. Withdrawing from Thad’s arms, she turned to look for the source. Her mother stood looking down at her.

  Thad’s eyes followed Darnell’s. There, midways up the stairs, stood a woman so breathtaking in her majesty that he gasped. Behind him, he heard a similar reaction from Ray. Darnell smiled. Her mother usually had that effect on people, especially men.

  Bev Cameron was a beautiful woman. She stood nearly six feet tall, and at fifty her earth brown complexion was flawless. Her curvaceous figure rivaled that of her daughter’s—ample breasts, small waist, and shapely hips. She wore her hair natural, sculptured close to her head. Strands of gray threaded through the dark tresses that ended in a stylish triangle at the nape of her neck. Finely chiseled cheekbones dominated her heart-shaped face, giving it an exotic appearance. Although her eyes were darker, they were just as large and as expressive as her daughter’s eyes and held the same fire. At the moment that fire was aimed at him.

  Darnell took a fortifying breath. “Mama, this is Thad Stewart. Thad, this is my mother, Beverly Cameron.” Behind them Ray loudly cleared his throat. Darnell turned to him, embarrassed that she had forgotten his presence. “Oh, I’m sorry. This is Thad’s friend, Ray Wilson. Ray, my mother Beverly.”

  Bev’s eye’s shifted over Darnell’s shoulder to where Ray was standing. Recognizing his name as that of Thad’s attorney, she was ready to intimidate him with her stare. This man had helped cause her daughter a lot of distress after the car accident. She glared at him coolly, but his gaze didn’t waver. Their gazes held fiercely, except the light in Ray’s eyes didn’t spell discord. They were afire with interest. Bev shifted her attention back to Thad.

  Flashing his most gracious smile, he thrust his hand out as Bev reached the bottom of the stairs. “Nice to meet you, Ms. Cameron.” She nodded and took his hand. Her handshake was firm and self-assured.

  Mrs. Sharon showed the two men to the separate bedroom suites in which they would spend the night. After getting settled, they joined the other guests by the swimming pool. As the day progressed, Darnell watched attentively as her mother interacted with each person in attendance; that is, everyone except Thad and Ray. She pointedly ignored both men.

  Darnell was incensed. Bev had taught her the value of being gracious to guests, and right now her mother was far from following her own advice. Yet while Bev was ignoring the two men, the other guests were offering them their full attention, especially to Thad. He was at his charming best with the Reasoner family. Thad’s easy-going personality even appeared to be softening Colin’s stance.

  Excited by his presence, Nedra approached Darnell, almost effusive in her praise of Thad.

  “Girlfriend, I think that man is a keeper,” she gushed as she and Darnell sat watching Thad romp in the pool with the Reasoner children. “If you don’t want him, I know plenty of women who could use a good man.”

  “Well, our relationship is more or less professional right now.” Darnell tried to sound nonchalant. She hadn’t shared her growing feelings for Thad with Nedra yet.

  Nedra laughed in her face, and she was still laughing when she sauntered away to join her family. It seemed that Darnell and Thad’s effort to be discreet about their relationship wasn’t working, and Thad certainly wasn’t helping the situation. Every time he came near, he touched her, and each time her body reacted.

  Later, the two of them sat at a table by the pool enjoying their meal. He reached across and took her hand. Immediately, heat began to snake up her arm. Darnell tried to withdraw her hand

  “You do know my mother is watching us, don’t you?”

  “Yes, I know.” He tightened his grip. “Like a hawk.”

  He watched Darnell’s face flush as he concentrated on making lethal circles in her hand. “But my man Ray will be putting a stop to that.”

  “What?” Darnell’s head snapped up. “Ray?”

  Thad nodded. “Yep.”


  He gave her a mysterious smile. “You’ll see. The man should be making his move soon.”

  Darnell looked over at where her mother was relaxing on a lounge chair, watching them from behind dark glasses. As if on cue, Ray walked toward Bev, took a seat on the lounge chair beside her, and started talking to her. Darnell’s mouth dropped open.

  Thad clucked her chin. “Shut your mouth, sweety, you might draw flies.”

  “I know he’s not trying to talk to her!”

  “Why not?”

  “Because that’s my mother, and he’s your attorney!”

  “And they’re also a man and a woman,” Thad chuckled. “Don’t worry, I’m sure that they both can take care of themselves. I know for a fact that one of the Cameron women can.”

  Darnell smiled, remembering their verbal sparring sessions. It seemed such a long time ago. “I’m glad we got past that.”

  Thad nodded in agreement. “Now if we can get past your mother not liking me, maybe we have a chance of making it together.” His words were said lightly, but there was a hint of sadness in his voice.

  There was a moment of silence as they mused on that truth. Darnell’s tone was reflective. “How does that make you feel, Thad, my mother not liking you?”

  He laced his fingers through hers. “I can understand it. A man with a reputation as a player is in love with her daughter. Meanwhile, her daughter’s ex-boyfriend…” He paused. “Or, shall I say, her best male friend looks as though he’s being replaced.” He sighed. “I guess I never had a chance with your mother.”

  Pushing her plate aside, Darnell gave Thad her full attention. It was time to tell him the other reason she had extended an invitation for him to come to her home today. “I need to tell you something.”

  Thad’s eyes skittered across her face in an effort to gauge the seriousness of what was about to be said. “Yeah?”

  She swallowed. “I’m making plans to fly to South America to see Lance.”

  Thad’s face hardened. “Oh, really. And may I ask why?”

  “Like I’ve told you, I plan on telling him face-to-face that I’ve found someone that I’m crazy about.”

  His face softened slightly, but he still didn’t like her going away. “And you have to go to South America to tell him that?”

  “Yes, I do. I love Lance, and I owe him at least the courtesy of talking to him in person.”

  Thad couldn’t disagree. As much as he would like for Darnell not to have any contact with Lance, he knew that she was right. Ten years of friendship couldn’t be callously dismissed, and he was proud that she wasn’t the type to do so. He marveled at the irony of it all. Only months ago, he had wondered how anyone could love this woman. Now he wondered how anyone could not.

  The rest of the day went well. At sunset everyone at the cookout decided to take a stroll together along the beach. Mother and daughter walked arm-in-arm in silence until Bev spoke.

  “I know that you don’t want to hear this, Darnell, but I’m going to say it anyway. I think that this is the height of impropriety, your cavorting here with some playboy actor while your fiancé is in South America trying to find a cure for a fatal disease! I can’t believe that this is the child I raised!”

  Darnell sighed patiently at her mother’s melodrama. The woman could be quite the actress when she wanted to be.

  “Mama, you know good and well that Lance is not my fiancé. It’s obvious that our relationship has never matured to that level. How many times have you asked me about that?”

  Her mother dropped her defiant glare. There had been too many times, and while this might not be the right place, it was the right time to get brutally honest with Bev about her relationship with Lance. It was the only way that both of them could move forward. She looked around to see if anyone was within earshot. They were walking far behind the Reasoner family and way ahead of Ray and Tha
d. No one could hear what she was about to say. Darnell took a breath and plunged onward.

  “The truth is that in a lot of ways, Lance and I are not compatible. I love him, but love can be an unpredictable emotion, and the two of us are not in love. We’re simply used to using each other.”

  Bev gasped. Darnell continued.

  “It might not have been right, but we felt it was necessary for what we each wanted to achieve in our careers, and out of it came a great friendship. He’ll always have a special place in my heart, just not in my future.”

  As they continued to stroll, Bev stared at her daughter long and hard. Her voice wavered as she spoke. “I don’t even know you, Darnell. I gave birth to you, and I don’t know you.” She bit her bottom lip to contain her emotions, hoping that her daughter would offer a retraction of her words in the ensuing silence. She didn’t. Bev took her stance.

  “I’ll never accept this. Never!”

  “I’m not asking you to, Mama. I’m just letting you know where things stand.”

  “And where do they stand?”

  “I think I’m in love with Thad.”

  The muscles in Bev’s jaw twitched angrily. “And just what are you going to tell Lance?”

  “That I’m tired of using him and of being used. It’s time for both of us to move on. Mama, you were the one who taught me to go after what I want in life. You said that I should be relentless and not give up until I get it. I want Thad, and he wants me.”

  Bev refused to relent. “You’ve slept with him, haven’t you?”

  Darnell fought a blush, refusing to give credence to her mother’s inquiry as she looked at her steadily. “I’m a grown woman, Mama. I love you and I respect you, but what I do or don’t do with a man is my personal business.” With that, she slid her arm out of Bev’s and hurried to catch up with her cousins.

  * * *

  On an elevated bluff above the beach, hidden from view to those traipsing the sandy shore, Moody stood watching the scenario unfold below. He couldn’t move. He was paralyzed. He had become so the moment he saw her.

  It had been an unexpected surprise. From the upstairs window, he had seen the parade of cars that passed through Darnell’s front gate, including Thad’s. He surmised that she was having a party and decided that she would be occupied for the rest of the day. He had opted for an evening stroll along the beach. He never made it.

  He saw Darnell as he started down the road leading to his destination and had been frozen in his tracks. She wasn’t alone. Her mother was walking with her. The intensity of his reaction had surprised him. His heart was still palpitating. His hands still shook as he removed his sunglasses and wiped the moisture from his eyes.

  As he watched Darnell pick up speed and scurry up the beach, he noted that Thad increased his gait as well. On trembling legs, Moody turned and headed back toward his house. He couldn’t bear to see another man go near her. He had experienced more than enough for now. It was best that he retreat.

  * * *

  Thad watched as Darnell hurried down the beach toward the Reasoner family. He had been watching mother and daughter converse. He could tell by their body language that the discussion between them was tense. He had no doubt that it had been about him. He felt bad. Her mother meant a lot to Darnell, and he didn’t want to be the cause of a breech between them. He valued family. His was very close. There were enough obstacles to his blossoming romance with Darnell already; a family feud wouldn’t improve matters.

  Increasing his pace, he caught up with Bev and fell into step beside her. He noticed her stiffen, but decided to get straight to the point.

  “I know that you don’t like me, Ms. Cameron, but there’s one thing I want you to know.”

  Her sudden stop caught Thad by surprise. He continued walking for a second before he realized that she wasn’t beside him. He returned to her. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed Ray’s bemused expression as he gained on them, then made a detour around them, making it obvious that he didn’t want to get caught in the fray.

  Bev stood with her arms folded across her chest as she looked at him, but her stance wasn’t one of defiance. It was resignation.

  “You don’t have to say a thing to me, Thad. It’s in every look that you give her, every movement you make toward her. You love my daughter. Even a blind man could see that. I won’t be coy with you or play games. I’m not sure I like you or this situation, but as she has informed me, it’s her life—and she’s right.” She started to walk away, then added, “By the way, I like your cologne.”

  Thad grinned at her back as she trudged through the sand, shoulders squared and head high. Bev Cameron was a tough cookie just like her daughter, but at least there was one thing that she did like about him.


  The day had passed smoothly without Bev confronting Thad, and he had Ray to thank for that. He had occupied most of Bev’s time and attention as he made it quite clear that he was interested in Darnell’s lovely mother. Bev made it just as clear that she had no interest at all in Ray. Humbled but not defeated, he had backed off graciously.

  Thad was grateful to him anyway; Ray’s intervention had helped the day go smoothly. What he had with Darnell was so new, so fragile, that if he couldn’t have her mother as an ally, he didn’t want her as an enemy. For now, he was fine with the silent truce between the two of them. However, the night hours didn’t pass as smoothly as the daylight hours.

  As Ray lay sleeping peacefully in the suite next door, Thad stalked his own spacious bedroom suite restlessly. Knowing that Darnell was here in this house, sleeping only one floor away, kept him awake. Finally, before he could stop himself he climbed the stairs, telling himself that he was just checking on Darnell to make sure that she was getting her rest. Yet with every step closer to her, that proved to be a lie. He hoped against hope that he would find her up, waiting for him, wanting and needing him as much as he did her.

  At the top of the stairs, Thad stopped and stood in confusion. He hadn’t realized until that moment that he had no idea which bedroom was Darnell’s. He had never been upstairs in her house before. There were six doorways lining the dimly lit hallway. Three doors were open, three closed. Dare he take the chance of walking into Bev Cameron’s bedroom by mistake? He shuddered at the thought. He never would win her over to his side if that happened. Maybe it was best to turn around and go back now.

  Swallowing his disappointment, he had turned to head back down the stairway when the muffled sound of music caught his attention. Tossing all former intentions aside, he followed the sound down the hallway. Stopping at the second closed door he listened to the melodious sound of Luther Vandross singing “So Amazing.” Smiling, he turned the doorknob and entered with confidence.

  The bedroom was empty, but that didn’t stop him.

  The music led him to the soft glow of light streaming from beneath the closed door of an adjoining room. Opening the door, he stepped into the light.

  The bathroom he entered was huge, decorated in pastel yellow, with green marble vanities accented with brass accessories. The shower glass was etched in gold leaf; lounge chairs were placed in front of an entertainment center that dominated one wall. Plants hung from walls, ledges, and the cathedral ceiling. The fragrance of jasmine engulfed his senses as his eyes drifted to a huge, sunken oval tub of green marble, located in the center of the room.

  Thad’s mouth went dry, and his respiration spiraled. His groin instantly turned to steel. Darnell was standing beside the tub wearing a clinging silk robe, loosely tied and ready to be released. She didn’t look surprised to see him as their eyes locked. Untying the robe, she let it slide slowly from her shoulders and slither to the floor.

  She gave him a seductive smile. “As you can see, I don’t take average baths, either.”

  * * *

  Thad sat at the kitchen table with a cooling cup of coffee before him as he recalled the previous night’s encounter with Darnell. Their lovemaking had been incredible.
She had crooned love songs to him while they took each other to new heights of ecstasy. Never had he felt so completely for one human being. Sighing, he closed his eyes and savored the memory.

  Sitting across from him, Ray tried to read the show-business trade paper, Variety, not unaware of the sighs of contentment emanating from across the table. Noisily, he snapped the paper as he turned the page.

  Thad lifted a brow. “Was there something that you wanted, my man?”

  “Yeah, to get down to business. That is, if you can pull your head out of the clouds for a minute. I don’t see what you’ve got to be so happy about. Darnell’s mother hates your guts, and we didn’t get a lick of business done yesterday with you and Darnell making moon eyes at each other every time I looked up.”

  Thad grinned at his irritated tone. “Jealous?”

  Ray waved a dismissive hand and reached for a cinnamon bun. Thad chuckled.

  “Don’t take it out on me because Bev Cameron rejected you.”

  “Rejected me?” Ray bristled. “What do you mean, ‘rejected me’? I’ve never been rejected by a woman in my life.”

  Thad grinned knowingly, his silence allowing his friend to retain some sense of dignity despite the obvious. Ray glared at him but modified his tone.

  “She did say something about how I wasn’t prepared to play love games with a grown women, or some such nonsense.”

  Thad whistled. “Low blow.”

  Ray scowled. “I will admit that the woman did interest me for a split second, but that was before I found out that her tongue was lethal.”

  “Like mother, like daughter, but when that tongue turns sweet—” Thad gave a wicked grin.

  The sound of Bev’s voice outside the kitchen interrupted their conversation. Ray groaned.


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