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Page 11

by Monica Robinson

  He caught her hand. “I don't want you to go."

  Neither did she. Without an alarm clock, however there was no guarantee she would wake before her uncle.

  "I have to. My clock is upstairs and it would be a very bad scene if Uncle Jason caught us together like this.” She gathered her clothing and offered him a weak smile. “You'll just have to settle for knowing that I would like to stay with you."

  He released her hand and pulled his shirt on over his head. “Will I ever get to spend the night with you?"

  Alex paused, unsure how to reply. Brett would still have a month left of his sentence when her time was up and the two couldn't afford to be seen together before then.

  "I can't answer that right now."

  Her response disappointed him and she knew it. It disappointed her as well, but there was no telling what she would want in six months. For now, all she wanted was to better herself and return to Bangor, but that didn't mean she wouldn't feel differently later.

  He forced a tired smile and slipped into his jeans. “At least you didn't say no. That's better than nothing."

  Perhaps, but not by much.

  [Back to Table of Contents]

  Chapter Eleven

  "We need to talk, Brett."

  The words were emotionless, but the voice they belonged to made Brett freeze in fear. He twisted his head to find Jason standing on the porch with a solemn expression.

  "What about?"

  Oh, he knew what about. All throughout breakfast, Jason had stolen peculiar glimpses in his direction. He knows. I don't know how, but he knows.

  Jason eased himself onto the seat next to Brett and sighed. “You and my niece."

  Hutchins, here I come. He clasped his hands together between his knees and swallowed what was undoubtedly his heart before nodding.

  "No sense in denying it, because I already spoke to Alex about the issue,” Jason continued.

  Damn. So much for keeping their affair a secret. What could have possessed Alex to tell her uncle when she'd agreed he didn't need to know?

  "Jason, I know I betrayed your trust, but please don't send me to Hutchins. I'll work harder if it'll help.” He hated begging, but the thought of facing the rest of his sentence in the state jail terrified him. Not only that, but he would never see Alex again if he did.

  "Let me finish,” Jason rumbled. “First of all, you didn't betray me. I had a feeling something like this might happen when I agreed to let Alex come here. She's a pretty girl and you boys haven't had the opportunity to be around pretty girls in a long time. However, there are a few things I want to discuss with you in case you're thinking of turning this into something more than a one-night stand."

  When Brett's racing mind registered Jason's comment, a sinking feeling made itself at home in the pit of his stomach. He didn't want the night before to be a one-time deal. The experience left him wanting more. It was nuts considering she would be gone in a few months, but he couldn't remember ever wanting a woman the way he did her.

  "All right."

  Jason took a sip of his coffee and stared straight ahead. “For the record, I want you to know I disapprove of this little tryst. Just the same, you need to assure me you'll continue to work without interruption. I don't want to venture around to the back of the stable and find you two doing things you have no business doing."

  God but this was embarrassing. “Understood. Anything else?"

  Jason rested his elbows on his knees and nodded. “Yeah. Keep your mouth shut when Greg gets here,” he said. “Apparently he told Alex that he's at the Bangor airport waiting to hop the next flight out here. That's when I decided to confront her with what I suspected."

  The blood in Brett's veins turned to ice. The day before, he'd promised Charlie he would stay away from Alex's ex, but now he wasn't sure he would be able to live up to his word.

  He darted a glance in Jason's direction. “Restrict me."

  "What? Why would I—"

  "If you restrict me, I can't leave the bunkhouse without an escort. Either Charlie or Steve can act as that until this jerk is gone. Neither of them will let me near him,” he explained.

  Jason shook his head in disbelief. “No, they can try to stop you,” he corrected and squared his jaw. “If I do this and you break the restriction, I'll have no choice but to send you to Hutchins. Is it worth it? All I'm asking you to do is keep quiet."

  Perhaps, but in order to fulfill that request he would have to stand to lose something.

  "I know, but I don't think it'll be that easy. From what I've heard about this guy, he sounds like a creep and I can't guarantee I'll be able to keep my temper.” He drew in a long breath. “Restrict me and no one will have anything to worry about."

  Jason sighed. “Fine. Have it your way, Brett. For the next forty-eight hours, you are to stay away from this house. If you're caught within twenty yards of this porch before I lift the restriction, arrangements will be made for your immediate transfer."

  He pushed himself to his feet. “I hope you know what you're doing. If this backfires, you may end up being incarcerated for longer than seven months."

  Brett stared at the ground. “I hope I do too."

  * * * *

  "What did you do?” Steven stood at the foot of the bed and crossed his arms. “Charlie told me that I have to act as your escort. So? What did you do?"

  Brett glanced up from the magazine he was thumbing through and offered him a lopsided smile.

  "Ensuring that I keep my mouth shut.” He narrowed his eyes in suspicion. “What do you know about last night?” Explaining the restriction would be easier if he understood just how much the others knew about him and Alex.

  "I know Bella delivered her foal sometime during the night.” He shot him a knowing grin. “I also know you have a thing for Jason's niece."

  That's what I thought. Brett closed the magazine and set it next to him.

  "Did Charlie tell you that too?"

  "Nah, he didn't have to. I'm not blind, man. Y'all were eying each other like a couple of lovesick puppies during breakfast. I take it Jason found out?"

  He hesitated. “Yes, but that's not why I'm on restriction. I requested it so I can keep quiet when Alex's ex shows up."

  "So how long are you on lockdown?"

  Brett glowered. He'd expected the restriction to last only a few hours—maybe even a day—but when Jason stated it would be for forty-eight hours, he'd been shocked.

  "Two days."

  "That's not so bad.” Steven jerked his thumb in the direction of the main house. “Alex and Matt just laid down the carpet, so lunch should be ready in about a half an hour. Do you want me to have her bring yours over? She wasn't happy to hear you're on restriction. You may want to explain your plan so she won't feel guilty."

  He hesitated. He wanted to do just that, but as he recalled Jason's request for them to keep their interactions discreet, he shook his head. It would drive him mad letting her believe their intimacy had caused his restriction, but he had to follow Jason's orders.

  "No. Someone else can bring me my lunch. For now, would you tell her this has nothing to do with last night?"

  "Sure, but now I'm kind of curious as to what happened last night.” Steven chuckled when Brett couldn't quite meet his gaze. “You sneaky son-of-a-gun. You hooked up with her, didn't you?"

  "Something like that."

  Steven plunked onto the bunk next to Brett and prompted him with his hand. “And? Jason obviously knows, so what are you going to do about it?"

  Brett wished he knew. He didn't want the night before be a one-night stand, but with Alex's stay only being temporary, he didn't hold out much hope for anything else.

  "Enjoy the time I have with her, I suppose. She's going back to Maine as soon as her time's up, so there isn't much sense in thinking about it.” Steven eyed him skeptically and Brett went on, “Think about it. Even if I wanted something serious with her, I couldn't give her the kind of life she's accustomed to. Anymore, all
I know how to do is take care of horses and cook. What kind of life is that for a woman who's used to a fancy lifestyle?"

  Steven snorted. “Women are funny creatures. They think and act with their hearts. If she slept with you last night then chances are she knew exactly what she was doing and you'd be doing yourself a disservice if you didn't try to make things work."

  How was he supposed to do that? Once he was free, he planned to remain at the ranch and he was certain Alex wouldn't want to do the same. Not that he blamed her. The atmosphere of the Bar K was the complete opposite of what she was accustomed to.

  "How do you propose I make things work? I have nothing to offer her."

  "You have yourself. Convince her staying in San Eduardo is the right decision."

  Brett shook his head. “People have been telling her what to do her whole life. I refuse to do the same. If she stays, it'll be her idea. Not mine."

  "In that case,” Steven said and rose, “don't get attached."

  Easier said than done. He already thought of Alex as his and by the time her six months were up, he had no doubt he would be in love. If this were to occur, he would have bigger problems than simply trying to avoid going to Hutchins. He would have to worry about not having his heart broken.

  * * * *

  Brett had just finished helping Charlie change the straw in the stable when he heard a car coming up the dirt road. He didn't recognize the fire-engine red sports car, but then he supposed he didn't have to. No one in San Eduardo owned a car like that and when he saw the male figure sitting behind the wheel, he stiffened.

  Charlie dropped a hand on his shoulder. “You know what you have to do."

  Brett didn't move. Instead, he stood rooted in place, glaring at the man who had caused Alex so much misery.

  "Come on, man. Don't make me force you into the bunkhouse."

  He tore his gaze away from Greg and set his jaw before starting for the bunkhouse. When Greg caught sight of him, he removed his sunglasses and cleared his throat.


  Brett clenched his fists, but twisted his head to look behind him. “Yes?"

  From the corners of his eyes, he caught sight of Charlie and Matt jogging toward them. Charlie reached the two first and flashed Greg a polite smile while tipping his hat back with his thumb.

  "Something I can help you with?"

  "I'm looking for Alexandra."

  Greg's arrogant tone grated on Brett's nerves, but he managed to keep his thoughts to himself as he entered the bunkhouse and stood next to the open window. He watched Alex emerge from the main house and approach the trio gathered in the road. A tiny grin tugged at the corners of his lips upon seeing the smoldering look in her eyes.

  Give him hell, baby. His lungs tightened at the possessive thought. What was wrong with him? Despite what Alex had said the night before, she wasn't his and nor would she ever be.

  "Don't do anything dumb, Brett."

  Daniel's voice seemed to have come from out of nowhere and Brett turned to look at him.

  "Let Alex handle it. Jason and Steve aren't too far away, so just stay out of it."

  That was his plan, but it didn't mean he wouldn't be keeping an eye on out. He didn't doubt Alex possessed the ability to handle herself—his knee was proof of this—he simply didn't trust the greasy little bastard gaping at her.

  "I'm just watching, Danny. There's nothing wrong with that.” He returned his attention outside and watched as Alex drew to a stop in front of Greg.

  She slipped her hands into her back pockets and raised her eyebrows. “So ... what are you doing here? I already told you I'd mail your ring back.” Upon noticing Matt and Charlie, she offered them a reassuring smile. “Thanks, guys, but I've got this."

  Charlie exchanged quick glances with Matt before stepping off the porch stair and heading for a rain barrel a few yards away. “Let me know if you need any help hanging those pictures, okay?"

  Alex gave him a thumb's up sign without taking her eyes off Greg.

  Greg sputtered for a moment before gesturing to her. “What have you done to your hair? I thought you liked long hair."

  She scoffed. “No, you like long hair.” She reached into her pocket and pulled out what appeared to be the engagement ring she had flung the other night. “Sorry about the gunk stuck to it. Danny had to fish it out of the drain for me."

  She held it out to him when he didn't move. “Here. I'm sure if you clean it up you'll be able to give this to someone else."

  The lines around Greg's mouth tightened. “Don't be foolish, Alex. We both know you're not really calling off the engagement, so be a good girl and put it back on."

  Brett bunched his hands into fists by his sides. Who did this guy think he was? His anger only intensified when a flicker of doubt crossed Alex's face. No. Don't do it. Don't give in to this jackass.

  "No,” Alex shook her head. “I'm not going to be your pet anymore. I've let you tell me what to do for long enough. It's time I make my own decisions.” She grabbed his hand and placed the ring in his palm. “Take it and give it to the next Cocker Spaniel that enters your life. I'm sure Morgan would love to be your lap dog."

  Greg released a dark laugh. “My pet? Is that what these people—no these convicts—have brainwashed you into believing? Come on, Alex. I thought you were smarter than that."

  The man's patronizing tone ignited a rage deep within Brett and he pushed away from the window before stalking to the door.

  "Son-of-a-bitch.” He jerked to a stop when Daniel gripped his arms from behind. “Let go, Danny. I don't want to hurt you, but I will if I have to."

  Instead of letting go, Daniel tightened his grip. “You're not going anywhere and if I get a black eye in the process, then I'll just have to deal with it."

  Brett could still see Alex and Greg through the open door and though it would be an easy matter to break free of Daniel's grip, he didn't. Not because of the repercussions he would face, but because Alex needed to handle this herself.

  "No one has brainwashed me.” She threw the subtlest of glances in Brett's direction. Their eyes met for only a second before returning her attention to Greg. “And for your information, each of these convicts is more of a man than you will ever hope to be."

  Greg's eyes blazed. “After everything I've done for you, you dare say that to me?"

  "Done for me?” She closed the gap between them, her fury prevalent with each step. “You're the reason I have three OUIs! You're the reason I went to rehab. You're the reason my father thinks I'm useless. In the six years we've been together, all you've done is have me follow you around while you partied and I paid the price for it. I'm tired of it and I'm tired of you!"

  "And what are you going to do? Take up living on a ranch full of prisoners? I suppose they're your type, really. You always were a bit trashy."

  The color drained from Alex's face and she stared at him in awe before slapping his face. Greg held his cheek for only a second before backhanding her. Thrown off balance, Alex stumbled.

  Brett twisted free, a red haze of fury clouding his vision. He didn't hear Daniel's shout for him to stop, nor did he feel the pain in his knee when he hopped the porch railing. All he cared about was getting his hands around Greg's throat.

  "Brett, no!"

  A pair of arms grabbed him around the waist and threw him roughly to the ground. “God damn it, Brett.” Jason pressed his knee into Brett's back. “Stay down before you get your fool self in trouble."

  Jason glanced up and continued in a shout, “Charlie, get Matthew now!"

  Brett squirmed beneath Jason's weight and turned his head in time to see Matt gripping Greg by the shirt. He couldn't remember ever seeing fury as intense as what he saw in Matt's eyes at that moment.

  "You want a fight?” Matt snarled while drawing back his fist. “I'll give you a fight."

  Charlie gripped Matt's balled up fist and twisted it behind his back before slipping his other arm around his neck in a chokehold.

"Back off, man,” he breathed. “He ain't worth going to San Quinton for."

  From out of nowhere, Steven ran with lightning speed over to the commotion and grasped Greg by the back of his hair.

  "Steve!” Alex cried. “Let him go!"

  "He needs to learn a lesson.” He shoved Greg's face into the side of the bunkhouse. “I aim to be the one to give it to him too."

  A groan escaped Greg's bloody lips when Steven pulled him away from the wall. “You like hitting women, huh? Makes you a tough guy, does it? I bet you don't feel so tough now, do you?” As if to emphasize his point, he thrust Greg's head into the barrel of rainwater.

  "For God's sake,” Jason growled. “Daniel, get over here and hold Brett down."

  Daniel used his body weight to keep Brett pinned to the ground as Jason leapt to his feet and dashed over to the barrel. “Let him up."

  When Steven did nothing more than sneer, Jason wrapped his arms around the worker's chest and gave a hard yank. Steven released his hold on Greg and threw a menacing glare in the direction of the barrel.

  Greg coughed and pointed a dripping finger at Jason. “I'll see to it charges are brought up on all of you for this. You all attacked me!"

  For the first time since the skirmish took place, Jason let his anger show. He kept his hold on Steven firm, but flashed Greg a look of pure venom.

  "That would be a very unwise idea, Mr. Hawthorne. Six people just witnessed you strike my niece. Around here, hitting women isn't smiled upon. I suggest you get your cowardly hide off my property before I decide to turn my boys loose on you."

  When Greg took his time rising, he added, “You better move faster than that, boy. I can't hold this one much longer and the one on the ground is almost free."

  Brett glared at Greg before letting his eyes travel to Alex. A growl formed in his throat upon seeing the tiny trickle of blood sliding down the corner of her mouth.

  He would finish the job Steven had started if only he could get up.

  Daniel pressed his elbow into the middle of Brett's back and grunted, “I'm not going to let you get yourself thrown in Hutchins.” He lifted his eyes as Greg stumbled past. “Remember this moment well. Today is the day you had your ass handed to you by a bunch of convicts."


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