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Alex Page 17

by Monica Robinson

  "For now,” he conceded in a growl. “In the meantime, is there anything you need?"

  A one-way ticket to Tibet for Sinclair would be nice. “Yes. Can you send me a case of barbecue sauce?"

  By God, she was determined to prove Sinclair wasn't the only one who could make rave worthy meals. She may not know the difference between a teaspoon and a tablespoon, but she had assisted in enough barbecues to know her way around a grill. Why hadn't she thought of this sooner?

  "Uh, I suppose I can do that. Anything else?"

  That remained to be seen. In the meantime, she had a cookout to plan and revenge to seek.

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  Chapter Seventeen

  Alex was scheming, that much Brett was certain, but about what he didn't know—nor was he certain he wanted to know. He swept the broken glass into a pile and peered at her from out of the corner of his eye.

  She might have hidden her face from view, but her posture indicated she was antsy. Unable to stand still, she paced the space between the table and the refrigerator, winding her finger around her hair until the only thing visible was the faint reminisce of her red nail polish.

  "I wish you hadn't witnessed that,” she said after hanging up. She turned to face him and reached for the dustpan sitting on the table. “I couldn't let him make me feel guilty over Greg."

  "I understand.” He allowed her to take the broom from him. “So, is everything okay with your sister?"

  She nodded and crouched to sweep the glass into the plastic pan. “She's fine. My father emptied my trust fund into hers and put my savings into her account.” She glanced back at him with a lopsided smile. “Imagine what I can do to this place with ten grand? I could repaint the entire house, lay all new carpeting, hang curtains and still have enough left over to redo the bunkhouse. Provided you boys let me."

  "I wouldn't stop you."

  He watched with a mixture of feelings as she rose, giving him a spectacular view of her rear end. Her denim shorts hugged her hips and accentuated her firm, round ass. Lord, it should be a crime for a woman to look as good as she did. Dirty, exhausted and frustrated, she still looked as though she could win one of those beauty pageants she kept mentioning.

  He didn't understand why a woman as beautiful and refined as Alex would want him. He was a drug addict, for God's sake. He had sold everything he ever owned—including his dignity—to feed a habit. Fate was now dangling this stunning vision in front of him, urging him to reach for something he could never have.

  She dumped the broken glass into the trashcan before returning to the table. “No, but Charlie might. He may take offense to me putting frilly shower curtains in your bathroom.” She took in his thoughtful expression and her smile softened. “What are you thinking about?"

  Brett turned his eyes away. He couldn't tell her the troublesome thoughts running through his mind. She wouldn't understand. He envisioned her calling him a hypocrite. Well, wasn't he? Here he had been telling her all along to believe in herself when he, himself, had very little confidence of his own.

  Some role model. “Just wondering how round two will go tomorrow,” he joked. “I think tonight ended in a draw."

  Her lower lip protruded, threatening to curl in a pout while her honey-colored eyes sparkled with mischief. It was all he could do to keep from reaching out for her, taking her in his arms and kissing away the teasing pout. He wanted to relive the night they had made love so badly his body ached. He couldn't though. Not with Sinclair and Jason in the house. The possibility of someone catching them was too much to risk.

  "And that's where it will stay as far as I'm concerned. The further away from her I am, the better off we are.” She tilted her head to the side and narrowed her eyes. “That's not what's bothering you, though. Has Hudson gotten on your nerves that badly?"

  No, but his story had certainly struck a nerve. The easy way he spoke of selling his body made Brett's skin crawl. Not so much because Hudson had performed the act, but for the memories it brought back to him.

  He suppressed the urge to shudder and rose. “No."

  "What is it then? You have the same look in your eyes that Danny gets when we have Round Robin,” she murmured while linking her fingers through his.

  "It's nothing, princess.” He gave her fingers a gentle squeeze. “I'm just tired. You should be too, considering you didn't sleep last night."

  As if emphasizing his point, she smothered a yawn. “So much for me trying to seduce you tonight. I think we're both a little too pooped for mischief."

  He hated admitting it, but she was right. Though it would be so nice to fall asleep with her in his arms. Keep dreaming. The odds of her waiting for you are slim to none. Yes, and Sinclair had undoubtedly chased slim away.

  "I'll put you to bed,” he offered and guided her to the staircase.

  She had no more than mounted the first stair, when she glanced at his knee still in the brace and then into his eyes. “Should you be going up and down the stairs with your knee still weak?"

  No, but he would climb a thousand stairs if it meant spending a few moments alone with her. The revelation startled him. What was he thinking? Less than a week before, he had wanted to choke the life out of her and now? His heart thudded at the amorous thoughts running through his head.

  "I'll risk it,” he said with a wink.

  Gripping the banister to support his weight, he followed her up, being careful to avoid the creaky boards in the stairs. When she noticed he was favoring the railing, she stopped and placed her hand in the center of his chest.

  "You're in pain,” she accused in a whisper. “I don't want you doing anything that will aggravate your knee."

  He shook his head before taking her hand and placing a soft kiss to her palm. “No, I just don't want to wake anyone.” With a crooked grin he said, “It would be a little hard to explain why I was in your bedroom should anyone come in, don't you think?"

  Once her bedroom door shut with a soft click, he watched her examine her reflection in the plain mirror hanging over the unfinished dresser. She removed the hair clips from her short hair and finger combed the tresses fervently before facing him.

  "No wonder Uncle Jason wants me to take it easy tomorrow,” she laughed. “I look like something the hogs trudged up."

  He met her in the middle of the room and brushed a stray curl from her forehead. “You look beautiful to me,” he replied. “A little tired perhaps, but you have a good reason for that."

  Alex planted a quick kiss on his cheek. “I can't decide whether you're incredibly charming or a horrible liar.” She patted the place where she had kissed him. “But I appreciate the compliment just the same."

  He sat on the arm of the faded chair near the window and folded his arms. “I've been called many things in my time, but charming isn't one of them.” He contemplated her for a moment and tried to ignore the growing warmth seeping into his neck. “I've also never been called sweet before. Did you mean that?"

  "Of course, I did.” She eyed him skeptically. “Don't tell me you have a fragile ego, cowboy."

  When did he have the opportunity to develop an ego? With the exception of the few hours he spent at the monthly dances in town, he had little contact with women. Even then, none of those women made him feel the way Alex made him feel. Of course, this wasn't the response she was looking for. She wanted him to be her self-assured fantasy cowboy and though that wasn't what he was, he could be that for one night if it made her happy.

  He reached out and tugged her to him, wedging her between his knees before letting his gaze travel the length of her body. A wolfish smile twisted the corners of his lips when their eyes met.

  "What if I do?” He slid his hands onto her hips and squeezed. “Would that ruin your fantasy of me?"

  She shook her head while linking her fingers behind his neck. “No, it would make me think more of you."

  "How so?"

  "It would mean you're human. We all have our faults and we all h
ave our insecurities. It's just a matter of admitting to them,” she said.

  Had he read her wrong? Maybe the toughened cowboy wasn't what she was looking for after all. Regardless, she was what he was looking for and he needed a taste of her before he went insane.

  Keeping a firm grasp on her hips, he bent forward to capture her mouth with his. Her soft lips parted at his tongue's probing and she leaned into him, urging him to take things further. It would be suicide for him to take her with her uncle in the next room, but when she tipped her head back and released a soft moan, his groin tightened.

  "Do you know what you do to me?” he asked against her skin while pushing her shirt up with both hands. She raised her arms and he lifted his mouth from her neck to pull the garment over her head. “I don't think you do."

  Her only response was a seductive smile as she unclasped her bra and let it slip to the floor. His cock throbbed almost painfully at the sight of her upright breasts, the dusky peaks beckoning for his mouth.

  "You shouldn't tempt me like this, princess.” Even as he said this, he cupped her breasts in his hands, weighing the heavy flesh in his palms. With the tip of his tongue, he traced tiny circles around her areolas until both nipples were tight and puckered.

  "Brett,” she whispered on the verge of a pant. “If we don't stop now, we won't be able to.” She hitched a breath when he drew one of the buds into his mouth and sucked hard.

  She was right. Dammit. Why hadn't he taken her to the creek? It would be perfect with the trees surrounding the deserted waterfront, muffling any noise they might make.

  With almost painful reluctance, he released her and allowed her to take a step back. He watched her pluck a silky nightshirt from the edge of her bed and looked away. If he saw her luscious body, he wouldn't be able to control himself. He would lay her across the mattress and pray no one heard them as he made love to her.

  Once satisfied she was dressed, he lifted his eyes to look her over. The dark red nightie revealed a hint of cleavage and fell delicately across the middle of her thighs, making her legs appear longer than they were. This wasn't helping. Having her change was supposed to ease the ache in his thighs, not make it worse.

  Clearing the lump from his throat, he strode over to the bed and turned down the blankets. “I said I was going to put you to bed and I will.” Even if it kills me.

  She held his gaze for a moment before slipping into the bed and sliding beneath the covers. He pulled the covers up to her chin and chuckled at the expression of amusement on her face.

  "I didn't think you meant literally.” Her grin broadened. “That's what I get for thinking, huh?"

  Brett placed one hand on either side of her head before leaning so they were nose to nose. “Cowboys tend to mean what they say,” he whispered and lightly touched his lips to hers. She placed her hand to his cheek to draw him into another kiss, but at the last moment, he lifted his chin so he was pressing a kiss to her forehead. “Sweet dreams, darlin'."

  "Good-night,” she murmured with a trace of disappointment as he headed for the door. “Brett?"


  "Was dinner good?"

  He turned and saw her sitting up in bed with her hands clasped tightly in her lap. A lopsided grin touched his lips.

  "Yes, but it was missing something."

  She eyed him quizzically. “What was it missing?"

  "You. See you in the morning.” With that, he stepped into the hall, making sure the door shut silently behind him.

  He tossed a quick glance down the hall to Jason's bedroom before going to the stairs. He hadn't descended more than two steps when he heard a door click. His heart froze in his chest and he listened hard. Had someone heard him with Alex? Man, he hoped not. The hall was silent and his pulse returned to normal as he crept down the stairs. He would just have to wait to find out who had heard him. Wait and pray.

  * * * *

  "Like to live dangerously, don't you?"

  Brett snapped his head in the direction of the voice and found Charlie sitting on a plastic chair with his feet propped on the porch railing of the bunkhouse.

  "You scared the hell out of me, Charlie,” he said and plunked into the chair next to him. “If I got busted, it sure wouldn't have been for much. All I did was make sure she went to bed. And no, I didn't join her."

  Charlie chuckled. “It makes no difference to me what you do with Alex. I just wouldn't recommend y'all doing it in the main house. Sinclair has it in for Alex just as badly as Alex does for her. Did you see the way those two were glaring at each other during Round Robin?"

  He had noticed the staring match and though it had disturbed him about as much as it had Charlie, he believed Alex when she said she would stay away from Sinclair.

  "Yeah, I saw.” His knee gave a dull throb as he got to his feet. “Who would have thought two little females could cause such an uproar? Last week, I was content to cook and help with the horses. Now, I'm doing everything I can to keep from falling in love. Where did I go wrong?"

  "Repeat that?"

  "Where did I go wrong?"

  Charlie rose and leaned against the support pillar of the porch. “That's not what I meant and you know it."

  Brett raked a hand through his hair. “I think I'm falling for Alex. There. Are you happy now?” He sulked when Charlie's smile grew. “What are you grinning about? My life has become inexplicably complicated and you're standing there with this crazy smile on your face. Some best friend, you are."

  Charlie let out a hoot of laughter. “You're acting like you have some sort of terminal disease. If you're falling in love then don't fight it. It'll happen regardless of what you do, so you might as well go with it."

  He furrowed his eyebrows in exasperation when Brett didn't reply. “What's wrong with it anyway? You know, I haven't been with a woman in over a year. I would jump at the chance to have what you've got going with Alex. She's smart, she's feisty and she's beautiful. Most importantly, she likes you."

  He hooked his thumbs into the pockets of his jeans, his scowl deepening. What was wrong with it? He couldn't think straight. Alex was constantly on his mind and when she wasn't around, he wished she were. He hadn't felt like this since his heroin days.

  "Don't you think I know this? She's the most incredible woman I've ever met, but what good does falling in love do me when she's gone?"

  Charlie stuck his tongue in his cheek and dropped his head back to look at the starlit sky. He let out a frustrated groan before peeking at his friend.

  "How do you know she's going to leave? She's sinking an awful lot of money into fixing this place, so what sense does it make for her to leave after she's done all of that?"

  "Rich people do weird things. Matt told us that."

  Charlie didn't lose his cynical expression and Brett growled in frustration. “All right! I don't know for sure, but why would she want me? I can't even begin to give her the life she's used to."

  "Do you hear yourself? If that mattered to her, do you think she would have fought so hard to keep anything from happening to this place? She convinced Greg she would take him back if he left the ranch alone and you would have to be blind not to see her biting her tongue around Sinclair."

  When Brett looked at the porch floor, Charlie continued in a softer tone, “And Steve. Not once has he complained about the fact he lost his parole. Do you know what he told me?"

  Brett shook his head.

  "He told me that he'd do it again if Greg ever set foot on Bar K property. And you.” He gestured to Brett with his palm facing up. “I don't think I've ever seen you grin so much. You're a fool if you don't ask her to stay. If she doesn't want to remain on the ranch, then it couldn't hurt to ask her to wait for you. Hell, I would."

  "She said she wanted to see her project through,” Brett murmured without lifting his eyes. “If that's the case, my sentence will be up before she finishes."

  "I'll tell you something. If you don't make that woman yours, I'm certain someone else on this
ranch will,” Charlie replied in a quieter voice.

  Jealousy flared within him and he snapped his head in Charlie's direction. “Who?"

  Charlie glanced at the bunkhouse door before taking a step forward. “I wouldn't put it past the new guy."

  Neither would Brett. Not after listening to Hudson discuss Alex and Sinclair as though they were slabs of meat.

  "I asked her to let him help with her project so he would be out of my way."

  "You should have stuck him with Sinclair. There would be less animosity if you had,” Charlie laughed.

  Maybe, but Brett doubted it.

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  Chapter Eighteen

  The sun hadn't yet risen when Alex's alarm clock buzzed. With a groan, she stretched her legs and slapped her hand against the clock. Why did it have to be morning already? She'd been having the most wonderful dream and now it was only a memory.

  Throwing back the covers, she rose and glanced around the dark room, her blurry eyes focusing on the armchair next to the window. A shiver swept over her at the memory of his hands on her breasts. His husky voice had once again set her motor running, but it was his tongue and teeth against her sensitive nipples that nearly had her begging him to take her.

  Tonight, she vowed. Tonight she would see to it Brett got his wish. He wanted to spend an entire night alone with her and she was going to make sure it happened.

  After a quick shower, Alex slipped down the stairs and entered the brightening living room. Her bare feet sunk into the new carpeting and she wiggled her toes in the fibers while crossing over to the windows. She pulled up the mini-blinds and a cool breeze entered the room as she opened the window.

  "You're certainly up early."

  She spun around with a gasp to find Brett sitting on the couch, a cookbook lying open in his lap.

  "You slept last night, didn't you?” he continued.

  She strode over to the sofa and nodded dreamily. “I slept like a baby, thank-you,” she purred and bent over to place an appreciative kiss on his cheek. “What about you? If I recall, you didn't get any sleep the other night either."


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