
Home > Other > Alex > Page 22
Alex Page 22

by Monica Robinson

  Charlie rubbed the back of his hair and peeked back to where Jason was standing with the mayor near the refreshment table.

  "The only people who know that I'm slippin’ out are you two and Jason. I had to tell him where I was going and that's why he's talkin’ to Mayor Watson.” He couldn't quite meet Alex's gaze, his ears turning a darker shade of crimson.

  Immediately, she knew where he was going and she pressed her lips together in a smile while rolling back and forth on her heels. “I'll cover for you as well, Charlie. If the mayor looks like he's trying to find Nancy then I'll distract him.” She offered a tiny wink. “Just try to be back before midnight, all right? I don't know if I can detour him for four hours."

  Charlie's blush deepened, but it was apparent he appreciated the offer. “I assure you we'll be back long before then.” He started to slip past the couple, but paused by Brett. “I'll make sure y'all are up before six."

  What did that mean? She was always up before then. In fact, in the week she'd been at the Bar K, she had been awake before five o'clock. Once Charlie disappeared out the door, she turned to look up at Brett.

  "Why did Charlie promise to make sure you're up?"

  He glanced around the packed room before taking her elbow and gently nudging her outside. She followed him to the side of the building and started to ask him what was going on, when he leaned forward to claim her lips with his own. Her body tingled and her blood warmed with desire. She recalled their interlude in the alley from that afternoon and her heart turned a summersault in her chest.

  "Because I don't plan to be in the bunkhouse tonight,” he returned in a velvety voice.

  Between his soft lips and lulling voice, it took her almost a full moment to comprehend what he had said. When it registered, she withdrew several inches.

  Anxiety creased her voice. “You can't sleep in the main house. Uncle Jason will have you sent away if he finds you sleeping in my room."

  A devious smile curled the corners of his mouth. He placed his hand against the wall and leaned forward. “Then we won't sleep in your room. I can think of a dozen places in that house I would love to have you.” His eyes dipped to her breasts and she swallowed when he flicked his tongue over his lips. “The kitchen table comes to mind."

  My, oh, my. The image this suggestion brought to mind was enough to make her knees quiver and her panties dampen. She could easily picture him hoisting her onto the table, kissing her with those skilled lips of his while pushing the skirt of her dress up to her waist. Caught up in their lust, he would rip her panties from her before plunging into her in a single thrust.

  "We can't do that either.” Though the idea sounded so damned good. “What if Uncle Jason wants a midnight snack?"

  He didn't seem fazed by her objection. Instead, he leaned closer still, his lips nearly brushing hers as he spoke. “That would be awkward to explain, now wouldn't it? Perhaps we should go to the creek.” When she didn't so much as blink, he chuckled. “I want to spend the night with you, princess. And unless I'm mistaken, I believe you want it too."

  Oh yeah, baby. She wanted it more than he could possibly imagine. Had it not been for her altercation with Sinclair, she would have given him his wish the night before. Somehow, this was better. Perhaps it was because he was seducing her.

  And doing a mighty fine job of it. “No,” she murmured, “you're not mistaken. I wanted to do this last night, but I was arrested instead."

  He leaned his forehead against hers. “You'll have to trust me when I say I wouldn't have made good company last night."

  His faint shudder left an uneasy feeling in the pit of her stomach and she lifted her eyes. Did something happen that no one told her about?

  "It looks like whatever it was, it's still bothering you."

  He shook his head. “It's nothing to worry about, princess. There are a few aspects of my life I haven't dealt with yet, that's all."

  She wasn't so sure, but she pushed the troubling thoughts aside when he cupped her face and pressed his lips against hers in a hungry kiss that left her trembling.

  I'll find out tonight, she vowed as she pulled him to her. I just hope he'll tell me.

  [Back to Table of Contents]

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Excitement was in the air when the group returned that night. Everyone seemed to be in good spirits, but Charlie's enthusiasm outmatched even Daniel's natural talkativeness.

  "Did Mayor Watson come looking for Nancy?"

  Brett shook his head at Alex's innocent expression and wrapped his arm around her waist. “You might say that. Alex convinced him to dance with her twice in the time you were gone."

  Alex flicked her hand in a dismissive manner when Charlie groaned. “It wasn't that bad. He's just upset that he had to dance with Donna Browne.” She gasped when he slid his hand to her rear and gave the soft flesh a quick pinch. “Ow! Ooh, you. That's my butt, thank-you very much."

  Charlie chuckled at their behavior before resting a hand on the porch railing. “Regardless, I appreciate y'all keeping an eye out for me,” he replied. “I've been waiting for a night like this for the last six months."

  Alex's eyes filled with awe. “Really? Oh, Charlie. I would have kept the mayor occupied longer had I known that."

  Charlie shrugged before pulling himself up the porch steps. “It's okay. The time I spent with her will last me for quite some time,” he said and frowned when he peered at Brett. “Nancy knows about Jason's arrangement with the DOC."

  Meaning, Nancy knew they were convicts. Damn. He knew eventually people would learn the truth, but for Matt and Daniel's sake he'd foolishly hoped the citizens of San Eduardo would remain in the dark.

  "Did you tell her or did her father?"

  "Her father did. It was his way of trying to detour her from taking an interest in me.” Charlie released a bitter laugh. “His plan backfired. The fact I have a shady past only made her want me more."

  Alex's jaw clenched in anger and her posture stiffened. “That's not fair.” Brett tried to calm her, but she shook her head. “No! You guys are the sweetest, nicest men I've ever met. So what if you made mistakes? Who in this world hasn't?"

  Charlie dropped his head back with a groan as Matt and Daniel approached. Upon seeing the angry spark in Alex's eyes, Daniel paused.

  "What did we miss, or are we better off not knowing?"

  "Mayor Watson told Nancy about us,” Brett sighed. “Alex is simply voicing her objection to this fact."

  "Of course I object. Life is hard enough without people like Mayor Watson using our mistakes as weapons,” she said with an angry pout. “I'm no different, really. I'll never be able to fill out a job application without having to admit I've been convicted of a crime."

  Though he knew she was furious, he risked pulling her against him in a comforting hug. She stiffened at first, but when he stroked her arms, she relaxed in his embrace.

  Charlie relented into a rueful grin. “We're the exception to the rule, Alex. We don't pose a threat to the public, so we're given more liberties than most people in our position. All Mayor Watson knows is what we've done and how long we're here for. He doesn't know us the way you do."

  It was obvious she didn't like hearing this, but as she twisted around in Brett's arms and leaned her back against his chest, she surrendered to a sulk.

  "Well, he should. If he did, then he wouldn't see you as an ex-con, but rather the foreman of the Bar K ranch.” She shot a look in both Matt and Daniel's direction. “If I ever find out he's calling you two murderers, I'll—I'll—well, I don't know what I'll do, but you can bet it won't be nice."

  Matt blinked his surprise, but laughed to cover his momentary shock. He slid Brett a sidelong glance. “Ornery, ain't she?” he asked. “You're going to have your hands full."

  Wasn't that the truth. Brett had never met a more beautiful or more complex woman than Alex. Despite her infuriating tendency to argue, she was also the most compassionate woman he had ever laid eyes on—and he
was in love with her. All he could do was hope that someday she would return those feelings.

  He dipped his head and pressed a soft kiss to her neck. “So, I've noticed,” he replied and glanced to the left to find Jason watching the scene from beside the truck. A flicker of apprehension rippled in his stomach as their eyes locked.

  Despite the fact the day was over, he was certain Jason didn't want them openly displaying their affections for each other. I wonder if it's more for his sake than for the others.

  A faint, half-hearted smile touched Jason's lips as he shut the driver's side door and started for the main house. He paused on the top step and leaned his arm against the support beam.

  "All right, fellas. I know it's been an exciting night, but seven o'clock is going to come pretty fast if you don't hit the sack,” he called.

  With a bit of reluctance, Brett released Alex, but before she could move more than a few steps, he took her elbow. “Meet me here in a half an hour, okay?"

  She hesitated and threw the subtlest of glances in her uncle's direction.

  "Uncle Jason may not be asleep that soon. What if he catches me sneaking out of the house?"

  She had a point and with the way Jason was eying them, he didn't want to risk it.

  "Okay, then meet me behind the bunkhouse as soon as you think it's safe. Will you do that?"

  She nodded and took a step toward the house.

  "Promise?” he pressed.

  "Princesses tend to mean what they say, too. I'll be here as soon as I can,” she whispered before blowing him a kiss and hurrying over to where Jason was waiting.

  Brett's cheeks warmed at the gesture and his embarrassment grew when the others cooed in unison. He rubbed the side of his nose and mounted the porch steps.

  "Ah, shut up guys,” he chuckled. “Y'all are just jealous."

  Matt dropped the remainder of his cigarette into a metal can and pulled open the screen door.

  "You're absolutely right, man. I'm jealous as hell, but I'm also happy for you.” He lowered his voice once the other men had gone inside. “Tell her, Brett. Maybe your nightmares will stop if you tell her how you feel."

  Matt was undoubtedly right, but he wasn't sure if it was wise to tell her how he felt just yet. After all, he had barely known her a week. What if she laughed at him? Wouldn't he if she were to tell him that she loved him? Truth of the matter was he would be ecstatic. Okay, that wasn't a help.

  "I don't know. I've only known her a few days. Would you believe me if you were her?"

  "Considering I've known you for five years and I've never seen you this riled up over a female before, I would have to say yes. However, you have to take into consideration the circumstances y'all are under. You have seven months before you're free. She can up and leave any time she likes. If you wait too long, you may lose your chance. Personally, I think that would be worse,” he said. “It's up to you, Brett. To be quite frank, I'd like to see one of us have a happily ever after."

  Brett stood where he was for several moments. Again, Matt made a valid point. Maybe his nightmares would stop if he told Alex how he felt. As he thought of the way Mary had haunted his dreams the night before, a shudder ran through his body. He had to get a hold of himself. Alex wouldn't be put off by his elusiveness for much longer. Eventually, she was going to demand to know what was wrong.

  "I just hope I can tell her,” he murmured. “If not, I may drive her away."

  * * * *

  Just under an hour later, Brett slipped out of the bunkhouse. He eyed the main house and was relieved to see all of the lights were off. Alex would be meeting him in a matter of minutes and a sly grin surfaced.

  He had no more than rounded the side of the bunkhouse, when a pair of hands grabbed his shirt and pushed him into the side of the building. He opened his mouth to protest when Alex giggled and stood on her tiptoes to place a kiss to his lips. A groan lodged in his throat when she caught his lower lip between her teeth.

  Letting the backpack containing two blankets slip from his fingers, he placed his hands on either side of her face and returned the kiss. She slipped her arms around his waist, her mouth welcoming his.

  "Well, hello to you too, darlin',” he said once their lips parted. “To what do I owe a greeting like this?"

  Alex drew in a deep breath and let it out in a dreamy sigh. “The fact that I finally get the opportunity to be alone with you.” She gave his ribs a gentle squeeze. “For an entire evening."

  Just hearing the sultry note in her voice was enough to stir powerful emotions within him. He brushed his lips against hers one last time before grabbing the bag and entwining the fingers of his free hand in hers.

  "Come on,” he encouraged in a quiet voice. “The creek isn't too far from here."

  She tossed a quick glance over her shoulder before allowing him to guide her to the wooded area off to the right.

  "Are you sure Charlie will wake us in time? I don't want to run the risk of you being sent away.” She pushed aside a branch. “I think we've had enough scares when it comes to that, don't you think?"

  "He said he'd come get us at six o'clock.” He glanced up at the moonlit sky, before peering at her. “Unfortunately, it's going to be like this until my time is up."

  She tightened her grip on his fingers and stepped over a protruding root. “I look forward to the day you're considered free."

  Her and him both. He'd longed for his freedom for the past three years, but now it felt more like a burning need. Things would be so much simpler once his time was up. He would be free to show his affections for Alex without fear of the DOC finding out, or better yet, without witnessing Jason's disapproval. Despite comments to the contrary, he knew Jason disliked the idea of his niece being in the arms of a criminal.

  "Me too,” he murmured and ducked beneath the overgrowth. “Here we are."

  He stepped out of the way to allow her to pass and watched with satisfaction as she surveyed the clearing in amazement.

  She knelt on the makeshift bed of blankets and stretched her hands out for him to take. “When did you do this? I know you didn't have time to set this up after we got home from the dance."

  He dropped the bag on the blanket and took her hands before easing himself next to her. “This afternoon when we returned from the hardware store.” He ran the backs of his fingers over her shoulder. “After our side trip in the alley, I decided I was going to have you for the entire evening."

  "And had I not wanted to come out here?"

  "I would have snuck into your room and climbed into bed with you.” Her soft skin prickled beneath his touch and he chuckled at her astonishment.

  "You would not have!” she charged. “If Uncle Jason caught you—"

  "But he wouldn't,” he interrupted. “I would wait until he was sound asleep and sneak in, making sure I was as quiet as a mouse."

  Alex murmured an unintelligible reply and kept her eyes closed as he traced the outline of her neck with his lips.

  "What if I were asleep too?"

  He slipped his hand beneath her tank top, keeping his palm fixed on her ribs. “I would watch you sleep, hoping I was a part of your dreams,” he whispered while slipping his other hand beneath the fabric and gently pushing the garment up. “When I couldn't stand it any more, I would lie next to you, wrapping my arms around you."

  She lifted her arms to aid in the removal of the shirt and reopened her eyes. She ran her thumb over his cheek while searching his eyes.

  "Would you let me go?"

  Never, he wanted to say and perhaps he did. If given the opportunity, he would envelope her in his arms and never let go. He had never experienced emotions like this before and though his stomach flip-flopped with the memories of his past, the notion of Alex being his superseded his hesitations.

  "Not until the sun rose and forced you from me. Even then, I wouldn't want to leave,” he replied, running the tips of his fingers down her arms.

  A shiver swept over her and in response, she wr
apped her arms around his neck. She leaned into him, forcing him to lie back on the blankets.

  "I wouldn't move,” she murmured before kissing him. He felt her need for him, the intensity of it charging the air around them with electricity. He held her against him, her soft breasts crushed against his chest.

  After several moments, he withdrew his mouth from hers and looked into her eyes.

  "No?” He grasped her hips and sat up. “You'd stay with me and let me kiss you the whole night through?"

  She released the buttons of his shirt and nodded. Once the last button gave way, she spread his shirt open and dragged her nails over his skin.

  "Absolutely. I love the way you make me feel. For the first time in my life, I know what it means to feel secure and it's all because of you."

  Tell her, his inner voice urged. Tell her that you love her. His heart thundered in his ears. What if he was wrong? What if she didn't feel the same? He would feel like a moron and she would leave him the same way Sharon had. Dear God, he couldn't think of that.

  He drew in a long, slow breath and tightened his hold on her hips. “There's something I've been meaning to tell you."

  A frown crossed her face and she nodded her encouragement. “Does it have anything to do with the fact that lately you've had the same look in your eyes that Danny gets?"

  Yes, but he didn't know how to explain his actions or feelings of disgust whenever he thought of the things he'd allowed other women to do for the sake of a few hundred dollars.

  "Not exactly,” he said with a nervous chuckle. “I wasn't sure until last night but, I think I'm in love with you."

  "You love me?"

  He lifted his gaze and to his surprise, saw tears welling in her eyes. Panic seized him. Okay, Hartman, think. You only have one chance to get this right. Sure, he had one chance and judging by the expression on her face, he'd blown it.

  "I didn't mean to upset you,” he added quickly. “If this is too soon, just tell me and—"

  Wiping her eyes, Alex shook her head. “You didn't upset me,” she said. “I'm crying because I'm happy. When I was arrested yesterday, all I could think was how miserable I was because I didn't get the chance to tell you that I loved you."


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