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Scholar Page 45

by L. E. Modesitt

  “All that is interesting, but scarcely urgent, scholar.”

  “Further, I discovered the scholar princeps had placed at least one spy here in the palace, and that the Master Scholar believed that the spy had been discovered and was being watched.”

  There was only the barest flicker of the eyes from Rescalyn, and Quaeryt continued without pause. “In addition, the scholar princeps—you may recall that he was the one who killed the Master Scholar and fled through the first tunnel—and the Sansang master made many trips into the Boran Hills. Also, the scholar princeps is the son of the hill holder Zorlyn.”

  Rescalyn smiled with his mouth, but not his eyes. “I admire your diligence, scholar, and I can see why you felt you needed to convey such information personally.”

  “I thought you would like to have confirmation of what you doubtless already suspected, and perhaps already knew from your own sources. I also wanted to let you know that the scheming and the attacks which resulted from these men were limited to a handful of scholars, two of whom appear to be dead, and two of whom are in flight to the hills.” Quaeryt inclined his head politely, wondering if Rescalyn would ask about who happened to be dead.

  “Is there any other information you think I should know?”

  “I do not know what you know, sir, but I have heard from several factors that the hill holders have their own silver mines, and that they have stockpiled a great deal, perhaps enough to fund a lengthy military action.” That was entirely a guess on Quaeryt’s part, but a plausible one. He smiled politely. “That is all, sir. It may be that I have thought the information more urgent than you would have judged it, but I am not an officer, although you have accorded me rank as a thoughtful courtesy, and I did not wish to fail you by delaying information you might need.”

  At that, Rescalyn frowned.

  Quaeryt thought the frown was not what the governor felt, but he waited.

  Finally, the older man spoke. “I cannot fault you for your diligence, and I can see why you felt I should know.” He smiled politely. “You may go.”

  Quaeryt bowed, turned, and left, before Rescalyn could remind him to report to the princeps. The fact that Rescalyn had not was another small indication that Quaeryt had upset his thoughts. Once the scholar was in the corridor outside, he glanced around, and seeing no one, immediately raised a concealment, then walked quietly toward the princeps’s anteroom. He did not enter, but turned toward his study and, after several steps, turned and waited.

  Almost half a quint passed before he heard steps. He immediately moved forward and then trailed the governor into the princeps’s anteroom and then into the study. Quaeryt barely managed to squeeze into the study behind Rescalyn, and only because Vhorym was slow to step forward and close the door behind the governor.

  “Has your scholar assistant reported to you yet?” Rescalyn’s voice was moderate.

  Straesyr, clearly startled, rose. “I haven’t seen him. I take it you have.”

  “Did you tell him to report directly to me?”

  “No. He’s always been very respectful of the line of command.”

  “He left my study just a while ago, and…” Rescalyn stopped. “You read his report. What do you think?”

  “He seems to have handled matters relatively well, Rescalyn. No one got killed except for the Master Scholar, and clever as Quaeryt is, I don’t think he could manage killing a Sansang practitioner with a single knife slash. It was a single slash, was it not? Also, Quaeryt doesn’t carry that large a blade.”

  “That was the report from the undercaptain to Major Skarpa.”

  “Then you should be pleased that the damage was so little and that the scholar is reorganizing the Ecoliae along more traditional lines. You should also be pleased that the two guilty scholars escaped to the hills. That was your intention, wasn’t it? That someone escape to warn the hill holders?”

  “I’m concerned,” said Rescalyn smoothly, “that he may have an agenda of his own.”

  “That is a surprise to you? Anyone who has survived the palace of Lord Bhayar, and as a seaman, and the situations in which you placed him, has a modicum of intelligence. Any man with intelligence will have his own ideas. The question you might consider is to what degree he is loyal to Lord Bhayar.”

  “Bhayar thinks him highly loyal. He would not be here otherwise.”

  “I agree. He also has other contacts in the palace, as I mentioned.”

  “Yes, you did … as I recall.”

  Straesyr shrugged. “So far, nothing would appear out of the ordinary.”

  “That may be. I would trust that it will remain so.” Rescalyn paused, then added, “Do give my best to your wife.”

  Straesyr stiffened for a moment, then said coolly, “Thank you.…”

  Quaeryt could see the impact the mention of Straesyr’s wife had, as if the pleasantly spoken words had been a threat, but he concentrated on what followed.

  “… As for matters remaining as they are, as you have intimated, I have no reason for it to be otherwise. Even if Quaeryt has another way of reporting what he has observed, all that you have done is entirely within the purview and discretion of a good governor.”

  “As I have always been.”

  “That is true.”

  Rescalyn nodded brusquely before turning and leaving.

  Quaeryt had less trouble exiting the study behind Rescalyn, because the governor did not even try to close the door behind himself.

  Quaeryt eased out of the anteroom and down to “his” study, where, after looking in both directions, he dropped the concealment, realizing, belatedly, that holding it had taken almost no effort at all. A result of all his practice with the heavier shields? Most likely.

  He unlocked the study door, opened it slightly, and then walked back to the princeps’s anteroom, where he heard voices.

  “… shows up, want to see him immediately.”

  Quaeryt repressed a smile and put on a serious face, stepping into the anteroom.

  Straesyr looked up. His expression was not quite grim. “I was trusting you might be here shortly. We need to talk.” He turned and walked into his study.

  Quaeryt followed and closed the door behind himself.

  Straesyr turned. “You’re my assistant. Why didn’t you report to me first?” While his voice was mild, his eyes were like the coldest blue ice Quaeryt had ever seen.

  “I was under the impression, with the governor’s orders, that I was under the military chain of command, sir, and had to report to him first. After that, I had to … ah … and after that I came here, except I saw the governor march into your study. So I waited until he left.”

  Straesyr opened his mouth … then closed it.

  Finally, he said, “Scholar Quaeryt, I appreciate cleverness in support, but not in opposition.”

  “Sir … I am in no way opposing you. If my actions appear that way, it is only appearance and not substance.”

  “Would you mind explaining that?”

  “Might I report on what I told the governor, sir?”

  “Please do.”

  Quaeryt repeated, nearly word for word, what he had told Rescalyn, as well as what Rescalyn had said, then added, “I got the impression he thought I was right to tell him, but that he wished I had told you first.”

  Straesyr nodded. “That’s likely to be so.” After several moments, he smiled wryly. “The governor is a most capable man. He could achieve great things. Were Telaryn at war, he would doubtless distinguish himself for his forethought, his planning, and even his deep understanding of intrigue and when it is best used and when it is not. I would like to think that in the former areas I have close to equal abilities, but, unlike the governor, I have never been more than adequate in dealing with intrigue, as he has gently reminded me, and as I remind you.”

  Quaeryt nodded thoughtfully in reply. “I see, sir.”

  “Knowing from where you come and whom you serve, I believe you do. Need I say more?”

sir.” Quaeryt paused. “Will our conversation serve as my weekly report, sir?”

  “That, it will. After refreshing yourself, you should return to the Ecoliae … the scholarium … and continue your work at reforming it. If either the governor or I require your presence, we will summon you.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “And Quaeryt … I do appreciate your handling of the situation after you met with the governor. I would not have wished to have had to seek you out.”

  “No, sir. I never intended that you should.”

  “I thought as much. Have a pleasant ride back to the scholarium, and do take care.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Quaeryt maintained full shields all the way out of the palace and until he and the two rankers were more than a mille from the lower gates, when he returned to the triggered shields.

  For the remainder of the ride back to the scholarium, he reflected on what he had seen and heard that morning. The conversation between the governor and the princeps had been most interesting, for what had been said, what had not been said, and what had been intimated and implied. What Straesyr had said to Quaeryt tended to confirm what Quaeryt believed about Rescalyn’s ambitions, especially given Kellear’s “accidental” death, the mention of Straesyr’s wife, and Straesyr’s veiled warning—he’d never told Quaeryt to take care before. Yet Quaeryt had nothing that amounted to hard proof, and he doubted that he ever would. Rescalyn was far too shrewd for that.


  Mardi passed without incident, as did Meredi. They also passed without any word from either the princeps or the governor. By midday on Jeudi, Quaeryt couldn’t help but wonder exactly what was happening at the Telaryn Palace … or elsewhere in Tilbor. He had the feeling that a storm was looming over the horizon, most likely coming from the Boran Hills, but then … maybe he’d just misjudged both Rescalyn and the hill holders.

  At the knock on the open door of the Master Scholar’s study, Quaeryt looked up. He tried not to stare at the ancient chorister who stood there. “Yes … what can I do for you, chorister?”

  “Master Scholar … a few words with you?”

  “I’m not the Master Scholar. I’m just acting as one, trying to reorder matters. You can certainly have a few words and more.” Quaeryt paused. “I’m sorry, but I don’t know your name.”

  As he settled into the seat across the desk from Quaeryt, the old man laughed. “That’s fitting enough for a servant of the Nameless, don’t you think?”

  Quaeryt shrugged helplessly and offered an embarrassed smile. “I’ve heard two of your homilies. I’ve liked what you had to say in both of them, but no one ever mentioned your name.”

  “You were there last Solayi. I fear I do not recall the other time. Oh … I am Cyrethyn.”

  “That was when I first visited the scholarium, in Agostas. I was only here for a few days. You talked about the arrogance of the young and the strong, equating it in a sense, to Naming.”

  “You flatter me, Master Scholar, by recalling what I said nearly two months ago. Such flattery is pleasurable, but I do not deserve it. That is why I am here. I am old. I am old in part because I am not brave. I have known for many years that Zarxes and Phaeryn received golds from Zorlyn. I knew that Chardyn had something to do with the death of Lord Chayar’s envoy. I knew many things. But I did nothing because I knew nothing would change, and I would die. As I said, I am not brave. So I am here to do what little I can.” The chorister smiled wryly. “Are you an honest scholar, Master Quaeryt?”

  “I would like to say that I am, but I have been known to stretch and distort the facts of situations. I have misrepresented matters upon occasion by not revealing all that should have been revealed. I have rationalized that by telling myself that I did so in the service of seeking greater truths and more information. I do not know that I have been totally honest in that regard.”

  “That you are willing to assess yourself so suggests you are honest.”

  “Honest does not mean good,” Quaeryt pointed out.

  Cyrethyn chuckled. “That might make a good homily.”

  “It might, at that.”

  After a brief silence, the chorister spoke again. “There is one other matter that I believe you should know.”

  “What might that be?”

  “As in all things, matters are not what they might seem to be. Your governor—Rescalyn—met with Phaeryn. That was five years ago. So far as I know, that was the only time they met.”

  “That … it seems unlikely…”

  “That may be, but only two people here and alive know about that meeting. I was one; the other was Zarxes. I do not sleep well. Many of my age do not. I was walking well after midnight when I heard a rider. As I told you, I am not brave. I hid in the bushes near where the secret tunnel emerges. I was surprised to see another man walk down the lane. It was Zarxes. They said little, except that Phaeryn said Rescalyn had offered a workable arrangement. Phaeryn said he had accepted it. He had no choice, not if he wanted to keep the Ecoliae intact and the golds coming from Zarxes’s sire. Zarxes agreed. Neither asked whether the governor could be trusted. Then Phaeryn entered the tunnel, and Zarxes walked the mount back to the stables. No one would have known that the Master Scholar had left the Ecoliae that night.”

  “Why would they do that?”

  “You know why Phaeryn would. The Ecoliae was failing. The only golds outside of fees for the school that he received came from Zorlyn. Yes, I know about the canvas bag sent monthly. As for the governor … it had to suit his ends. What those might be, I do not know.”

  Quaeryt feared he knew exactly what those ends were. “Why did you come here? You don’t even know me.”

  “I know you better than you think, scholar. You are a scholar who offers a better homily than most choristers. You profess not to know whether there is a Nameless, but act in accord with the principles set forth by the best of those who have followed the Nameless. You question more than you declare, and listen more than you speak.” Cyrethyn smiled.

  “That sounds like you’ve been talking to a certain undercaptain.”

  “Why not? I’ve known him since he was a student here, years ago. He was honest then and seems to have remained so. I saw him ride up, and I begged a few moments of his time.”

  Quaeryt nodded. That, in a strange way, made sense … if anything did.

  “I do have one favor to ask, master scholar. I ask that you not disappoint Gauswn. He believes in you.”

  Quaeryt almost swallowed his tongue. That was the last thing he would have expected.

  “For all the goodness you try to conceal, scholar, you are too cynical.” The chorister paused. “Then, perhaps, that cynicism is what protects your ideals.” He rose, slowly, from the chair. “I hope that what I have told you may assist you in determining your course. Every datum refines a position more accurately. So the experienced quartermasters say.”

  “Unless it reveals that other sightings are inaccurate.” Quaeryt rose.

  “You are too careful for that, master scholar.” Cyrethyn smiled, and his eyes twinkled. “I just may talk about honest evil on Solayi.”

  “If I’m still here, I’ll be there to listen.”

  After the old chorister left, Quaeryt sat back down behind the table desk, thinking.

  Had Cyrethyn been telling the truth? Quaeryt had no way of verifying that. Yet why would the old chorister lie? Certainly, choristers, for all their professions of sanctity, ranged from the purest in word and deed to those who cloaked pure evil in the raiment of the Nameless. At the same time, every word Cyrethyn had spoken rang with truth … and, if true, explained more than a few things, and possibly provided an even greater reason why poor Kellear had been killed, because with Phaeryn and Kellear dead, who besides Zarxes would have known about the “agreement” between Rescalyn and Phaeryn? But then, Kellear might not even have known.

  Quaeryt shook his head.


  Vendrei passed without word from the palace, as
did Samedi morning. During that time, Quaeryt met several times with Nalakyn about changes in the course of study, adding in more history, and more emphasis on both Bovarian and Tellan. He also spent time with Yullyd formalizing the charges for the services that the scholarium provided, from rooms and meals to visitors to study and board fees for students. He also periodically met with Squad Leader Rheusyd, but the squad watches and patrols had discovered nothing out of the ordinary.

  Shortly after midday on Samedi, a student Quaeryt did not know peered into the study. “Master Scholar, there is a Factor Embrayt here to see you.”

  “Thank you.” Quaeryt stood and walked out of the study and out to the front foyer, trying not to limp, because, for some reason, his leg was bothering him more than usual.

  The man who stood there was not quite of Quaeryt’s stature, square-bearded, and slightly stoop-shouldered. He did not speak.

  “Welcome to the scholarium. How might I help you, Factor Embrayt?” Quaeryt smiled politely, holding his shields ready, since he had no idea in these days whether a visitor might be unpleasant or truly inimical.

  “Might I have a few words with you?” The factor glanced down the corridor.

  “The Master Scholar’s study is this way.” Quaeryt gestured, then turned.

  Embrayt did not speak until he was seated across the table desk from Quaeryt. “I have heard that you are truly a scholar, but not from Tilbor. Your speech would also suggest that.”

  “But you would like me to confirm that? No … I am not from Tilbor, at least not in the sense you mean. I do not know where I was born because I’m an orphan. My parents died in Solis while traveling when I was barely more than an infant. I was raised there by the scholars.”

  Embrayt nodded slowly, and some of the tension seemed to leave his shoulders. “What of … those who used to be in charge of the … scholarium?”


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