MMF Initiation

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by Jackie White

  MMF Initiation

  Jackie White

  copyright 2012 Jackie White

  Smashwords Edition

  The characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, dead or alive, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

  Author: Jackie White

  Web site:

  Table of Contents

  MMF Virgin

  Book 1: Part 1

  Book 1: Part 2

  Book 1: Part 3

  Book 1:Part 4

  Book 1: Part 5

  Book 1: Part 6

  MMF Curious

  Book 2: Part 1

  Book 2: Part 2

  Book 2: Part 3

  Book 2: Part 4

  Book 2: Part 5

  Book 2: Part 6

  Book 2: Part 7

  Book 2: Part 8

  Book 2: Part 9

  MMF Secrets

  Book 3: Part 1

  Book 3: Part 2

  Book 3: Part 3

  Book 3: Part 4

  Book 3: Part 5

  Book 3: Part 6

  Book 3: Part 7

  Book 3: Part 8

  Book 3: Part 9

  Book 1: MMF Virgin

  Book 1: Part 1

  The tree house was so much smaller than Eve remembered. It was three years since she had been up there. Last year, her dad had talked about pulling it down, but she had pleaded with him to leave it be. It held so many happy childhood memories; she couldn't bear the thought of losing it. She looked down over next door's garden. Her neighbours, the Browns, had added a conservatory eighteen months ago. She could see directly in to it from her vantage point. They would probably have objected to the tree house being put up if they'd had the conservatory back then. She was eleven when her dad built it. Could that really be seven years ago? It had been her favourite place in the whole world - somewhere she could escape from mum and dad, and their constant nagging. Her fondest memories were of those days when she and Jack, the Brown's son, were in the tree house together. They would talk for hours about everything under the sun. Sometimes, they would discuss what they wanted to do when they were older. Jack had wanted to be a professional footballer - like most young boys of that age - he hadn't made the grade. Eve had wanted to be an author, but she hadn't written anything for over two years now. Jack was one year older than Eve, and still lived next door. She saw him most days, and they always said hello, and occasionally stopped to chat. Eve had fancied Jack for as long as she could remember. She had never told him, and she thought he had only ever seen her as a friend.

  This week had been the shitest ever. Yesterday, her best friend, Cathy, had told her she was moving to the other side of the country. Then today, Eve had found out she hadn't made the short list for the job that she had applied for at the local library. She had hoped sitting in the tree house might cheer her up, but if anything it had made her feel worse. She kept remembering the good times she had spent up there - most of them with Jack. She was on the point of going back into the house when she noticed movement in the conservatory next door - it was Jack - he sat at a table just inside the French doors.

  The windows in the tree house were no more than small rectangular slits cut into the walls. No one could see her from below, so she continued to stare down at Jack. There was a laptop on the glass topped table in front of him. He started to type and move the mouse around the table. He was in his first year at the local college, taking a course in media studies. Eve assumed he must be doing homework. After a few minutes, he pushed back his chair, and stood up. She expected him to walk back into the house, but instead, she watched in disbelief as his hands went to the waist band of his trousers. He undid the button, pulled down the zipper, and let his trousers fall to his feet. What the hell was he doing? He sat back down again. Eve watched as his hand moved beneath the table. That's when the penny dropped. He was watching porn and masturbating. The rear of the Brown's house was bordered on all sides by a tall fence. The garden backed onto a field, so there was no way for anyone to see into the conservatory - except from the tree house. Jack would know the tree house was never used, so he wouldn't be concerned about anyone seeing him.

  Eve's pulse was racing. Try as she might, she could not see his hand below the table. More disappointing was that she could not see his cock. What wouldn't she give to see it - or better still - to touch it. She moved her legs apart, and reached underneath her skirt. Her fingers pulled aside her panties, and rubbed her clit as she watched his hand moving faster and faster. What a waste of a good erection - she could have done so much with it. Her fingers rubbed faster as she imagined taking his hard cock into her mouth - deep, deeper until she had taken every last inch. Still rubbing her clit, she moved her other hand underneath her skirt, and started to finger herself. She imagined it was Jack's cock sliding inside her. He had pushed back the chair a little; she almost strained her neck trying to see his cock, but still no joy. She rubbed her clit faster; she wanted to come when he did. Faster, faster, he was coming - even from here, she could tell. He was coming. She felt her own orgasm engulf her, as she saw him slump back into his chair.

  Book 1: Part 2

  She could think about nothing else all evening. Did this mean he wasn't seeing anyone? She knew it didn't - she'd often masturbated when she had been in a relationship. Most of the guys she had been with hadn't had the first clue how to satisfy her – so she’d had to do it herself. Mum and dad both commented how quiet she was. She told them she was disappointed in missing out on the job at the library. She wasn't lying, but it wasn't the main thing on her mind.

  The next day, she tried to keep busy, so she wouldn’t think about Jack, but she couldn’t get the image, of him masturbating, out of her head. She’d wanted him for so long; when was she actually going to do something about it? If she didn't, she knew she would regret it for the rest of her life. It occurred to her that what she witnessed yesterday might not be a one-off, so at exactly the same time as the day before, she climbed up into the tree house. The conservatory was empty. She watched and waited.

  Twenty minutes later, Jack appeared. Just like yesterday, he sat at the table, and opened his laptop. Just like yesterday, he undid his trousers. Unlike yesterday, Eve didn't just sit and watch. Instead, she climbed down the tree, so quickly she almost fell. She rushed through the house. Her mum and dad had gone out, so there were no awkward questions. She knew if she stopped to think about it, she would get cold feet, so she hurried straight around to the Brown's house, and rang the doorbell. His parents had to be out; otherwise he wouldn’t be wanking in the conservatory. No answer, so she pressed the bell again. A few seconds later, she saw a shape through the frosted glass at the side of the door. Her heart was almost bursting out of her chest, and for a second she considered running back home. Before she had the chance, the door opened.


  He looked flustered, not surprising under the circumstances.

  “I've just been in the tree house,”

  He looked confused.

  “There's a great view of your conservatory from up there.”

  “Oh.” The penny had dropped. His face flushed.

  “I thought there might be something I could help you with,” she pushed him gently back inside the house, pulled the door closed behind her, and put her hand on his crotch. He was still hard.

  “It feels like you need some help with this.”

  “We can't.”

  “Don't you fancy me?

  “Of course I do. I always have, but...”

  “You'd rather have a wank?”

  “No, but...”

  She started to stroke the bulge in his trousers.

  “Fuck it. Come on.” He too
k her by the hand, and led her upstairs to his bedroom.

  It took them no more than a few seconds to tear off each others clothes. Jack pushed her gently back onto the bed, and climbed on beside her. He parted her legs, his mouth seeking out her pussy. She closed her eyes, waiting for the first tantalising touch. She didn't have long to wait, His tongue circled her, slowly – teasing. She had dreamed of this for so many years, she was going to savour every second. His fingers gently held back her lips to give his tongue access. She ran her fingers through his hair while he went to work on her clit. He needed no guidance; he was doing all the right things. He pushed one, and then a second finger inside her – his tongue still working its magic. Without missing a beat, he shuffled around until his cock was hovering over her face. Hmmm sixty nine – her favourite number.

  She took his cock in her hand, allowing herself a few seconds to admire the beautiful specimen. Long and hard – just the way she liked them. She flicked the head with her tongue. He flinched, but continued to lick her clit, and finger her – a little harder now. She raised her head just high enough to take his cock into her mouth. She managed to focus on the job in hand (or should that be mouth?) for a few minutes, but then his fingers and tongue worked together to deliver one almighty orgasm. Her legs shook, her pelvis thrust upwards, and she thought she might crush his head between her thighs. Afterwards, while she lay back, trying to regain her composure, he sat watching her – she had a huge smile on her face. When she eventually came around, he said, “Did you come?”

  “What do you think?” She laughed.

  Still on the bed, he stood up and leaned with his back against the wall. She got onto her knees, her face a few inches from his crotch. She put her hands on the top of his legs, and kissed the head of his cock, before taking it into her mouth. He looked down at her as she sucked it slowly in and out. After a while he needed more, so took hold of her head, and started to mouth fuck her. She let him set the pace, allowing his cock to slide in and out of her mouth. Her hands slid inwards until they held his balls. Her mouth was full of hard cock, such a wonderful feeling. After a while, she was sure he was about to come in her mouth, but then he released her head, took hold of her shoulders, and spun her around, so she had her back to him. He pushed her onto all fours before kneeling down behind her. She felt him push his hard cock into her wet pussy. His hands found her breasts as he thrust hard and deep inside her. Each stroke was harder and went deeper – his balls slapped against her. Faster, faster – harder, harder. After no more than a minute, she sensed he was about to come. He pulled out his cock, took it in his hand, and started to stroke it frantically. She turned around, so she was facing him.

  “Come on my face.”

  The words had no sooner left her mouth than a stream of warm, thick cum shot across her forehead. The next stream sprayed over her nose and cheeks. She opened her mouth, and licked the cum which was on her lips, He continued to wank, shooting still more cum over her breasts. Spent, he dropped down onto the bed – she lay down beside him.

  “That was better than a wank in the conservatory wasn't it?”

  “Oh yes.”

  Book 1: Part 3

  Over the next few days, Eve's mum and dad both remarked how much happier she seemed. She didn't tell them the real reason – that she'd fucked Jack who she'd fancied ever since she was a kid. Instead, she let them think it was because she was feeling more positive on the job front. She'd only seen Jack once since. He had been with one of his friends, so she didn’t get a chance to talk to him. He did shout hello, and flashed that smile of his. He had said he wanted to see her again, but she was getting impatient (for impatient read horny).

  Eve was in the dining room, which looked out onto the street. It was stifling hot, so she had the window open for air. Seated at the dining table, she had a great view of next door's driveway. She knew Jack's father always went out early to work, but his mother didn't go out every day. Eve assumed his mother must have a part time job which meant she only worked certain days. There wasn’t much to see outside, just a young man hanging around at the end of the street. She didn’t recognise him. Just then, Eve spotted Jack’s mother getting into her car.

  “Yes!” Eve said a little louder than she had intended.

  The car drove off the driveway, and disappeared down the road. That meant Jack was all alone in the house. Eve gave it thirty minutes, and then went up to her bedroom to change. She had invested in new underwear in anticipation of their next encounter. Just putting on her new bra and panties (slutty chic) made her even hornier. She added her favourite red mini skirt and white t-shirt – and she was ready. How she wanted him inside her again. Her mum and dad were out, so she didn't have the hassle of having to explain where she was going.

  “Come on Jack,” she said, under her breath, as she pressed the doorbell for the third time. He must be in - she would have seen him go out. Was he ignoring her? He had better not be. She tried to persuade herself that he might be listening to music, so hadn't heard the doorbell. She was just about to give up, and go back home, when she thought about the conservatory. Maybe he was in there; she could at least walk around the house and take a look.

  He wasn't in there, but the French doors were wide open. She stepped inside and called out his name. No reply. He must be in. He wouldn't go out and leave the doors open. She felt a little nervous, walking through the house uninvited, but she wanted to know what was going on. If he was trying to avoid her then he had better be ready to tell her to her face.

  She was in the hallway. There was no sign of life downstairs. What should she do now? Just then, she heard a sound coming from upstairs. Was it a voice? Maybe – it was hard to tell. Suddenly, a horrible thought crossed her mind. What if he had another girl up there? That would explain why he hadn't heard the doorbell or why he had ignored it. If the bastard was with another girl Eve wanted to know. She didn't want to make a fool of herself by chasing someone who wasn't interested.

  She tiptoed slowly up the stairs. She didn't hear any more sounds. Had she just imagined it? She was going to find out one way or another. Jack's bedroom was only a few metres from the top of the stairs. She crept over and listened at the door. She could hear movement inside. He had a girl in there with him. Eve was beside herself with anger. She knew she should turn around, and go back home. Instead she turned the handle, and walked into the bedroom.

  Book 1: Part 4

  Her suspicions had been correct. Jack was in bed with someone else.

  “Eve!” Jack saw her in the doorway.

  She couldn't move, couldn't speak. She had been ready to let him know exactly what she thought of him. Instead, she just stared. Jack was standing on the bed, naked, with his back to the wall. Exactly the same position he had taken when she had given him a blow job only a few days before. Today, his cock was in some one else's mouth. Kneeling on the bed in front of Jack was a young man who, hearing the shout, let Jack's cock slip from his mouth. He turned around to face Eve. That was when she recognised him as the man she had seen hanging around on the street. He must have been waiting for Jack’s mum to go out too. He looked about the same age as Jack. Time seemed to stand still. She wanted to turn around and run out of the house, but her legs wouldn't move.

  “What the fuck?” She found her voice.

  “Eve. This is Mike.”

  “Fuck Mike,” she couldn't believe he was introducing the man as though this was some dinner party.

  “Why didn't you fucking tell me you were gay before....”

  “I'm not!”

  “It doesn't look like it. Why was your cock in his mouth then?”

  “I'm not gay Eve. I like both...”

  “Fuck off.”

  “No honestly. I always have. I've known I was bi for years.”

  “Why didn't you say something before we...”

  “I really fancied you Eve. I always have. I still do.”

  “What about him?” She pointed at Mike.

  “I fancy Mi
ke as well.”

  Mike smiled, reached out, took hold of Jack's cock, and said, “We can share. There's plenty enough for two.”

  Jack laughed. Eve wanted to be angry, but she couldn't help but smile. Mike was right. Jack had more than enough cock for two. She thought about leaving, but her body wanted cock – and there was one only a few metres away. Mike was hot too. She'd often fantasised about being fucked by two men (or more!) at the same time. In her wildest fantasy, she had never imagined the guys would be fucking each other as well.

  “Come on Eve,” Jack smiled. “You know you want to.”

  He was right. She did. After no more than a moment’s hesitation, she climbed onto the bed, and crawled over to the two guys. Mike held Jack's cock at the base, offering the head which she took into her mouth. As she did, Mike started to lick Jack's balls. She noticed Mike's erection - he was even bigger than Jack. Mike saw her looking at him, so reached out, took her hand, and put it on his cock. She started to stroke it.

  “My turn,” Mike said after a few minutes. His open mouth was hungry for Jack.

  Eve allowed Mike to take Jack's cock into his mouth. She’d never seen one guy give another guy a blow job. He'd obviously done it many times before. She watched as he took the cock deep into his mouth. She let go of Mike long enough for her to stand up and undress. Once naked, she leaned over, and took Mike's cock into her mouth. As she did, Jack reached down, and found her pussy with his fingers. He started to rub her clit, and finger her. She was giving Mike a blow job, while he gave Jack a blow job, while Jack fingered her. She didn't recall ever being so wet and horny. She tried to concentrate on the cock in her mouth, but it wasn't easy while Jack's fingers rubbed her clit.

  After a few minutes, Jack pushed Mike away from Eve. Jack lay on his back, and shuffled along the bed, so his head was in between Eve's legs. He put his hands on her arse cheeks as he pulled his face up to her pussy. He sucked gently on her lips, and then teased her clit with his tongue, before pushing it inside her. She took Mike's cock out of her mouth, and started to stroke it, while watching Jack eating her.


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