Tantrum (Kenshaw Ranch Book 3)

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Tantrum (Kenshaw Ranch Book 3) Page 3

by Piper Frost

  “And one just exploded on you?” He laughs. “Chase, sorry. I just got your texts. I see my cousin here has you covered, though.” His eyes flick between the two of us before he nods. “Ok then.” He shoves his hands in his pockets and leans against the doorframe.

  “Cousin?” I ask. My eyes dart back to Kaydence and I look into her face, checking for a resemblance but don't see one. “No similarities.”

  “I look like my mom. My brother looks more like a Kenshaw.” She smiles and steps around Brandt to head for the door.

  “I, for one, am not complaining you don't have his ugly mug.” I nudge Brandt but he doesn't budge.

  “Kay, get yourself cleaned up. Your student's here,” he tells her, still watching me.

  “Thanks for the help with the eggs,” I call out to her as she walks away with a small hop to her step.

  “I'll probably see you again,” she yells behind her on her walk to the barn. My eyes travel to her ass and in those jeans it's damn near perfect.

  “Dude,” Brandt blurts and I move my gaze to him and grin.


  “My little cousin.” He crosses his arms in front of him.

  “That she is.” I grab the carton of eggs. “Thanks for these, man.” I pat his shoulder before sliding around him and heading back to my truck.

  “Kay, please, just fuckin' hurry!” Tyler groans from outside the bathroom door as I grab my robe, throwing it on.

  Having one bathroom in a house you share with your brother is the most regrettable thing about this move so far. Maybe I could ask Uncle Garrison to build us another bathroom.

  “God, thanks.” He shoves past me when I open the door and I stumble with a shake of my head.

  “Careful, Ty,” I mutter, heading for the kitchen.

  Slipping my pill from my robe pocket, I swallow the little white tablet with a glass of water before pouring myself a cup of coffee. It's stupid I have to hide my depression meds from Tyler, but he's so against them, and I don't want to explain myself to him like I used to. Our mom put us on the medication when we were eight, and at sixteen Tyler stopped taking his. He was able to hide it from her. I didn't want to stop, because depression runs in our family and we might just need them. I'd rather stay on my regimen than end up like our sister, Andrea. Her suicide two years ago devastated us both. I'd be lying if I said I hadn't been waiting for it since we were kids. Not anticipating, but worrying that one day she'd go through with it. It was never a threat. I knew she was truly unhappy and it broke my heart while growing up. She was on the meds too, but they didn't work for her, or maybe she pulled what Tyler had. Lied and said she was taking them. I don't know, but she struggled and it scared me every single day. Maybe she's in a better place. Maybe she's not hurting anymore. Whatever the case may be, I'm just grateful for the time I did get with my sister. And I know there was some reason for her death. Everything happens for a reason.

  Scrolling through my phone, I open a message from Tyler, hearing him laughing from the bathroom and I giggle at the meme he sent, responding 'LOL!'. Before I set my phone down, it chimes again with a message from Tim.

  TIM: I'm going to pick you up at 3 for some lunch.

  My brows dip. We didn't exactly part ways on good terms over the weekend, and I haven't heard from him since. I'm surprised he's still interested in me. He really seemed to like Felicia.

  KAY: What about Felicia? She would be hurt.

  TIM: What the fuck about her? She ain't my girl. See you later.

  “Why do you look like that?” Tyler asks, coming out of nowhere and I jolt.

  “I was born this way.” I give him a cheeky smile and he rolls his eyes, snatching my phone. I stand from my chair and blurt, “Ty, don't.”

  After staring at the text a minute, his thumbs fly over my screen before he hands my phone back then walks to the coffee pot.

  KAY: FUCK OFF! Show up at the ranch and you're gonna die

  “Oh, Tyler.” I cover my mouth, feeling bad for Tim. “That was uncalled for.”

  “Kay, you're too nice and that's uncalled for. This is why I have to keep a close eye on you. God! You're so gullible or something. You saw them making out and you were still trying to talk to him! If he really liked you, he wouldn't fucking do that! Fuck that Felicia bitch. And fuck Tim. I ain't playin'. If he shows up, I'm telling Brandt and he'll help me whoop his ass.” He glances at me before pouring milk into his coffee.

  “No need to get upset. I didn't know you felt that strongly against Tim.” I hold my mug out for him to top me off.

  “I tried to like him, but he's just trying to get one thing from you.” He eyes me angrily. “And I'm not gonna let some dude use my sister like she's a whore.”

  “Tyler!” I gasp. “I'm not a whore.”

  “I know! That's why I don't want you around dudes like Tim.” He walks around me, grabbing us both a bowl then the cereal.

  “What about that guy from the other night?” I bring the milk to the table and pour our bowls. “The one that showed up on the ranch Sunday.”

  “Who? One of my friends?”

  “No. He worked at the bar. The bartender. He was cute. Maybe he'd like to take me out some time.” The thought of Chase makes me smile. He was really cute, and sweet.

  “The tattooed guy?” He scowls at me while I nod. “Shit, Kay, why do you gotta date anyone?”

  “I don't have to.” I chuckle. “I'm twenty-five, Ty, I enjoy dating and don't want to be single forever. You just think the worst of everyone.”

  “And you think the best of everyone when you shouldn't! Get your head out of the clouds. That dude was your typical tattooed bartender. He wanted to smash Tim's skull more than I did, and just because he could. I'm not saying he wasn't interested, but I think he was more interested in one thing from you. Forget that guy. Maybe when you stop shitting rainbows, I'll be okay with you dating someone.”

  “Why are you being like that?” I softly ask and read the back of the cereal box, not wanting him to see I'm upset by his words.

  He huffs and stands. The chair scraping across the floor makes me jump but he puts his hand on my shoulder. “When you're too nice, you make bad decisions. I know. I've seen you do it my whole life. I'd rather you were happy than…sad, but you see things in people that just aren't there. I'm too young to be worrying about you.”

  “You're right. So don't.” I smile up at him. “Finish breakfast. We should go riding after work.”

  “I, uh, I got a date. I think I forgot to tell you.” The mumble to his voice tells me he didn't forget.

  “With who?” I don't understand why he didn't tell me, unless he doesn't want me to know who.

  “With who?” he repeats.

  A grin starts to spread across my face because he's trying to hide it from me. “Ty! With who?” I excitedly bounce in my chair because if he's avoiding telling me, he must actually like this person more than any of the other girls I've met since we moved here. The only time he tries to hide things is when he doesn't want to get my hopes up. He says it jinxes him.

  “Wendy.” He takes his bowl to the sink and slurps his milk.

  “Wendy? Bo's sister in law? Kinlee's sister?” That's the only Wendy I know but I didn't realize he liked her. Or that she liked him. I thought Wendy had a boyfriend.

  “Yep.” He walks out of the kitchen before I can question anymore and I giggle happily.

  I hope Ty finds happiness, and someday soon. He deserves whatever will make him happy. And if it's a good woman, then that's what I want for him. He, on the other hand, would rather I stay single. I'm happy single or dating, but I'd love to find someone that appreciates me. Someone that likes me for more than my body. Guys have said they did, and I believed them, but their actions said otherwise. One day, I just want to find that guy that won't prove my brother right and me wrong. I may see the good in everyone, but I'm not delusional. I'm positive.

  “Hey, you got a new student today,” Jo says. To help relieve some of the heavy l
oad she's carrying, I grab a saddle.

  Jo is Brandt's wife, and Brandt's my cousin. When Ty called him nine months ago, Brandt was excited for us to come. He guaranteed us jobs. A place to stay. Promised to help us get on our feet. I felt guilty leaving our mom and almost called the whole thing off until Uncle Garrison contacted me. Brandt had told him our plans and he convinced me that our mom would be okay without us. When we got here, Brandt, Jo, Uncle Garrison, and his wife, Donna, made us feel beyond welcome. I love it here, and I never want to leave. I love the ranch, I love my job, I love my family that I didn't get to know well when I was younger because we lived too far away. This is where I want to be. And this is where I want to stay.

  When we first arrived, Jo gave me a job in the beauty salon she runs out of her house. I'm not that great at doing hair, nails, makeup, or even waxing. Needless to say, it didn't work out, but a week later Donna and Jo came up with a new idea. I've been riding horses since I was five so they started offering horseback lessons. Now I educate new riders, and some that have been riding for a while but want tips. I'm living my dream right now! I never thought we'd leave our city because I never wanted to leave my mom behind, but I couldn't be happier about our decision. The ranch is ultimate happiness.

  Following Jo to the barn, I ask about my new student. “How old?”

  “She's fifteen or sixteen. Doesn't want to ride but her mom expects it from her. So...yeah, good luck.” She chuckles then rolls her eyes.

  “I hope I can help her appreciate riding. Maybe the pressure from her mom makes it hard on her. I'll make it fun.” I smile over at Jo and she stares at me with a shake of her head.

  “Or maybe she's a snotty fifteen-year-old and will probably make you want to quit your job by the end of her session.”

  I laugh. “That would never happen. I'm sure she's a nice girl. At fifteen, there're a lot of hormones going on. She's probably misunderstood, not a snot.”

  “Maybe. Oh hey, I didn't know Brandt didn't tell you, he was supposed to, but Empress is getting groomed today so you can't ride with her. You're gonna have to use the one you hate.”

  “Jo, I don't hate him!” I look at her wide-eyed. “I don't hate Surge. He's a little temperamental, but I don't hate him. He's a great horse. Nice and strong. He just doesn't like to be practiced with.” That's going to make my day a little longer, but that's okay. He's still a good horse.

  “Right. Anyway, sorry Brandt didn't tell you.”

  “It's okay. He's busy. No worries.”

  “One last thing, Annie broke the buckle to the saddle that fits you perfectly. Brandt hasn't been able to fix it yet today. You're stuck with that one.” She points to the saddle in my arms.

  “That's okay. I'll be okay. It'll be a good thigh workout today.” This saddle made me fall off Surge the first time I rode him with it, but it's okay, I could use the workout.

  Unloading her arms, she crosses them over her chest and turns to face me. “Does anything put you out?”

  “What do you mean?” I smile and set the saddle on the bench so I can clean it.

  “Doesn't anything piss you off? Or make you a little upset? You've seriously never had one complaint since I met you. I'm constantly bitching about people and shit around here and you have nothing but something nice to counter it every time. Doesn't anything ever just suck for you?”

  I throw my head back while I laugh. “No.” Smiling over at her, I braid my hair. “It could always be worse, Jo. Everything happens for a reason. And once something's done, you can't change it.” I try to keep eye contact with her while she stares like she's studying me, but she's too intimidating right now so I look away. Out of the corner of my eye I see her shake her head.

  “Everything doesn't happen for a reason, Kay. The reason Brandt didn't tell you about Empress was because he forgot. It didn't directly affect his job so he forgot because it's your problem. Love him, but it was a dick thing for him to forget to tell you. And the buckle broke because Annie wasn't being careful. It's not her saddle or her money that will have to replace it. And you can hate Surge. He's a huge pain in the ass and I never wanted that horse on the ranch but he's strong. He sucks to practice with! And you know what? This new student is probably a huge brat! A huge, rich, country brat! Shit!”

  I quickly wipe the surprise off my face and approach her, touching her shoulder. “Jo, you okay?”

  “Fuck,” she huffs and sits down. “You can get pissed off, or hate something, Kay. No one's going to judge you.”

  “I know,” I quietly say. People usually get annoyed with my positivity and Jo is probably stressed with the kids lately.

  “Kay.” She touches my hand while she gets to her feet. “Sorry about that, but it'd be nice if you complained about something some time. Makes you more human.” She chuckles then sighs and whispers, “And I think I'm pregnant.”

  “You are!” I squeal and grab her arms. “Jo, that's so exciting!”

  “No. No.” She puts her hands on my shoulders and pushes me down from bouncing. “If I am, it's a big oops. No changing it regardless, but this is me being annoyed I wasn't careful.” She's pointing to her face and I furrow my brows until she starts to laugh at me. “You never even get annoyed by anything?”

  “It's a happy accident.” I softly smile at her and her lips turn upward while she shakes her head at me again.

  “Don't say anything to anyone yet. I haven't mentioned it.”

  “I won't.” My giggle escapes and I pull her into a hug.

  “You want kids?” She asks heading over to the chicks.

  I nod. “I think so.”

  “You think?” She looks at me over her shoulder with a cocked eyebrow.

  I have reasons I'm not sure I want children, but nothing I want to concern Jo with.

  “With a good man. I'm not really lucky in love.” I smile at her and she looks away.

  “You still seeing that one guy?”

  “Tim? No. It didn't really work out. Over the weekend he seemed to drift away.”

  “It's only been a freaking week! I knew he was a douche.”

  “Oh, Jo, he wasn't a douche. Just.” I shrug, not really sure why I'm terrible at relationships. “Didn't work out. Things happen—”

  “For a reason,” she mocks me in a nasally tone.

  “Snot!” I laugh, throwing hay at her.

  “We'll fix you up with someone. I'll talk to Kinlee about it. Between the two of us, we have to know some nice guys. Might not be as nice as you,” she mutters, “but we gotta know a good guy somewhere.”

  “Hey, speaking of Kinlee. Is my brother dating her sister?”

  “Wendy?” She stands and faces me. “No. Wendy's got a boyfriend, why?”

  “I thought Ty said he had a date with her tonight, but maybe I misunderstood.” Keeping my attention on the saddle, I bite my lip, not wanting to say something I shouldn't.

  She wipes her hands on her jeans. “Maybe he meant hanging as friends. Wendy's dating Will's best friend, Ryan. She doesn't need the likes of Ty corrupting her. He'd break her heart.” She grins and I smile, but that's a sad truth. Tyler's not really lucky in love either, but that's by choice. “My first hair appointment is coming in like an hour and I still need a shower. You good? Need help with Surge?”

  “No, I can have Ty help me if he gives me any trouble. Darn horse.” I wave my fist toward his pen and Jo barks out a laugh while I giggle. “That's me angry.”

  “So threatening.” She rolls her eyes and walks out the barn door.

  Surge is temperamental as ever but nothing I don't survive. I have to ride him for the rest of the week and though we've bonded, he's still an angry Shire. I don't mind though, I'm just happy to be working.

  After the text Ty sent from my phone, Tim doesn't show up at the ranch, but that's okay. It was only a few dates I wasted on him. Tonight, I'm going out with one of my brother's friends and I'm excited. He's super fun and respectful. It should be a good evening. Nothing will probably come of it, but
I'm happy to be out for the evening.

  When I get into Kurt's car, I ask him, “Where we going?”

  “Want to get drinks?” He cocks his eyebrow and I smile over at him. He's younger than me, but not too young…I don't think.


  “Willies it is. Ever been?”

  “Yeah.” I think about Chase and glance at Kurt. Kurt's good looking, I guess. But now my mind's on Chase, the cute bartender that stood up for me.

  I tuck my hair behind my ear and immediately look toward the bar when we walk in. I don't see Chase and feel a little relieved because I'm on a date. Not that I can't be, but if Chase wanted to take me out, I don't want him to think he can't ask.

  We head to the bar and my stomach flips when Chase walks out from the back with a crate of glasses. Nerves take flight and I almost leave, but I have no idea why!

  I stand behind Kurt and try to hang back a little, but it's not like Chase won't be able to spot me. I feel guilty I'm this nervous and will probably ruin this date with Kurt. Like I said, I think he's dating a few girls, but he did ask me out.

  Chase steps up and we lock eyes. I smile and give a small wave from behind Kurt.

  “Hey, Kaydence,” he says, then looks at Kurt. “What can I get ya?”

  “I'll have PBR. Kay, you want something?”

  “Pumpkin ale.” I give Chase a smile while he grins with a shake of his head.

  “I think you're the only one here in town that drinks this stuff,” he says, grabbing two glasses.

  “It's good!” I boast. “Have you tried it?”

  “I think it's sick,” Kurt speaks up.

  “Chase, you tried it?” I lean into the bar some.

  “I have. I try everything that comes through these doors. But I can't say I love it.” He shrugs. “To each their own.” When he smiles I bite my lip, getting enthralled by that smile. Chase looks like the type of guy who doesn't smile too much, and when he does, it's a treat. He's got an amazing smile though, and I realize I'm staring when he slides the beers toward us. “So, what're you two up to tonight?”

  I follow Kurt's move and sit on the stool next to him then shrug and smile over at my date. “Just hanging out.”


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