Tantrum (Kenshaw Ranch Book 3)

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Tantrum (Kenshaw Ranch Book 3) Page 13

by Piper Frost

  “At Garrison's house? The ranch?”

  “Yes. The ranch.” I wince with worry he won't.

  “Uh…yeah. Sure, shoot me the date and I'll make sure Willie's got the bar covered.”

  “Okay! I'll find out from Donna today. She just wants to cook Jo dinner and Jo can't... She just doesn't want to party or anything. Anyway, who else is going to the concert?”

  “Tommy and Grant, but they've got their own room. I'm not sharing you with anyone else. Hey, I gotta get to opening the shop. Will I see you at the bar tonight?”

  “Wouldn't miss it. Have a good day at the shop.”

  “I will. You enjoy those horses. And try not to let any little kids get trampled.”

  I laugh. “Bye, Chase. Respond to my text with a selfie of you at work.” I hang up before he can protest because I want that picture. I need to take pictures of us together so I can fill my phone.

  I sigh and lay on Addict's mane, closing my eyes for a minute until my phone chimes with a text. I grin and shoot up to a sitting position and open the picture message of him. Bursting into laughter, I grab onto the saddle before I fall off because I don't get a picture of his face, I get one of below the waist.

  Still keeping it.

  “You smell good.” I try not to moan when I tell him this as we walk toward Uncle Garrison's, but he looks hot and smells better.

  “I do?” He lifts an arm and smells his pits. “Nope. Don't smell it.” He stops walking and pulls me to him, burying his face in my neck and inhaling a long breath before his tongue licks a stroke up my neck. “But you smell and taste amazing. We could just skip dinner and finally fuck in your bed since no one's home.”

  I groan and pull away, gripping his shirt and continue our walk to the house. “No we can't.” I peck his cheek but pull away quickly because he does smell good enough to skip Jo's birthday dinner. “It'll be a quick dinner. Promise. Then we can go back to my place.”

  “And fuck,” he states, pulling me closer to his side as we trek across the field.

  After we greet Donna and Uncle Garrison, we sit down and I hold his hand in my lap. I love the thought of Chase being a part of us.

  “You two look like you're in your own little world over there,” Brandt mumbles from across the table. “Chase, I ran into Sarah in town.”

  “Don't really care, Brandt,” Chase says, taking a drink of his sweet tea. “Jo, what'd you get for your birthday? You're what, sixty now? Walker? Cane?” He smirks at her.

  “I got old and fat is what I got,” she mumbles. “And I figured I could just use your cane. Pretty sure you're the same age.” She smirks and hands him the sweet potatoes.

  “Ouch, Jo. I take offense to that.” He plops a pile of sweet potatoes on his plate and passes me the bowl. “My cane would be too tall for tiny, little you anyway.”

  “Kay, pass me the potatoes,” Tyler speaks up loudly and everyone looks at him because his tone is snippy.

  “Sure.” I smile and hand over the potatoes before taking some, but I think he needs to start eating. “I got Jo new scissors.” I grin and chuckle.

  “I love those freaking things,” Jo says dreamily. “They are like heaven!”

  “Good, I've been needing a haircut.” Chase ruffles his hair. “My stylist's scissors haven't been able to handle this beautiful disaster lately.” His tone is playful and the smirk on his face is too cute.

  Brandt's fork clatters to his plate and all eyes fly to him. “Sorry,” he grumbles. “Excuse me.” His chair pushes out abruptly and he's out of the room in a few long strides.

  I glance at Chase and give his hand a squeeze before smiling at Jo. Donna starts up a conversation about tattoos and for the third time since Chase responded, Tyler's audibly sighed.

  “Ty, you okay over there, little buddy? You having trouble breathing?” Jo snips, glaring across the table at him and I quickly look between them.

  “I'm perfectly fine. Conversation's a little dull.” He shrugs and shoves food into his mouth.

  “You have any ink, Tyler?” Chase asks, taking another bite of his food.

  “Yep,” Tyler responds, keeping his eyes on his plate.

  “Is it stuffy in here?” Donna fans her face then gets up from her chair and walks over to the thermostat.

  “I got my first at seventeen. Became an addiction after that. Even experimented on a few spots when I was training.” Chase laughs at his own expense. “Don't ever do that.” His hand is tight in mine and I can feel him start to clam up.

  “Don't plan on it.” Tyler stands. “Thanks for dinner, Donna. Happy birthday, Jo.” He takes his plate and walks out of the dining room.

  “Well.” Donna looks between us all. “Maybe a bug is going around.”

  “Or maybe he's got something up his ass that doesn't feel good,” Jo mutters.

  “Jo, shh, the kids.” Donna smiles over at her grandchildren. “Tyler can't miss dessert.” She stands and walks into the kitchen.

  “Me and Chase are going to see Machine Gun Kelly in a few weeks.” I grin at Jo.

  “What's that? A movie?” Uncle Garrison asks.

  “He's a musician.” I giggle.


  “No. Definitely not your style Uncle Garrison.”

  “Well, I'm jealous,” Jo says. “Where's he coming to around here?”

  “He'll be up north. About four hours away is the closest I think he's getting. Not sure if you've realized this or not, but we're kinda out in the middle of nowhere,” Chase says, laughing. “Y'all should grab tickets. It'll be a good time.”

  “Tickets to what?” Brandt asks, walking back into the room carrying a plate of dessert with Tyler right behind him.

  “Machine Gun Kelly,” I say, excited they might want to come with us. “You guys should come! It'd be an awesome weekend!”

  “Weekend? As in overnight, weekend?” Brandt's eyebrows dip and his eyes flick between Chase and I. “With each other?”

  “That's the plan,” Chase says, giving me a smile.

  “You guys want to come! You can get a room!” I should probably ask Chase, but I don't think he'd care. He's been friends with Brandt for years.

  “Um...no.” Brandt shakes his head, then turns and leaves the room again.

  “Well I do!” Jo snaps and jumps to her feet, storming after Brandt.

  Uncle Garrison clears his throat. “Must be the full moon,” he mutters in his low voice before taking a bite of pie.

  I smile over at Chase even though there isn't much to smile about. I just worry something's going on that Brandt or Tyler isn't telling me.

  “You ready yet?” I'm lying on her bed, legs stretched out and arms resting behind my head.

  She's been packing for an hour now and as much as I enjoy watching her ass in those jeans as she moves around her room erratically, we need to get on the road. Plus I'd rather not be here with her brother any longer than I need to.

  “One second, babe. Just one more second.” She grabs something else and somehow fits it into that bag she has stuffed. “Which sandals do you like more?” She holds up a gold pair and a black pair, wearing a smile.

  “Black is sexy,” I answer, not really giving two shits because they're sandals, but she's too fucking cute to not act interested. Plus, maybe this will speed us up. She glances at both of them, holding them out in front of her, so I hop off the bed and grab them both, shoving them in her bag. “They're sandals. They'll fit easily.” I grin. “You ready now?”

  “I don't need them both,” she says, pulling out the gold pair. “Something else...” She taps her chin and looks around the room for the tenth time.

  “Hey, doll,” I say, gripping her chin and smiling at her when her eyes hit mine. She smiles at me with that beautiful fucking smile and my world feels right again. “We're going to be late. You're fucking beautiful just the way you are. None of this extra shit matters. And by the time we get back to the hotel room, you're not going to be wearing any of it anyway.” I press my li
ps to hers, letting the kiss linger because I can't get enough of her fucking lips. “So can we please head out and miss the traffic?”

  “Kaydence!” Tyler's voice carries through the house and I roll my eyes, grabbing her bag.

  “Let's go.” She smiles at me and takes my hand, pulling me toward her brother with a bounce. “What's up?”

  “Where you going?” He eyes me from my head to my toes then narrows his eyes.

  “The concert. It's this weekend.” She smiles back at me and I nod, keeping my eyes on her.

  “Great, so you won't be here until late tomorrow?”

  “Um...probably not.”

  “Keep an eye on my sister. Or maybe she needs to keep an eye on you,” he mutters before walking into the bathroom and shoving the door closed.

  “Ty—” I don't let her continue and push her to the front door.

  I toss her bag in the back seat of the truck and help her in, immediately lifting the console for her to scoot closer to me. It's a four-hour drive. I want her close.

  “I think we're gonna make it there before the boys do,” I say, letting my hand grip her thigh. She manages a smile, but there's shit on her mind. “What's goin' on in that pretty little head of yours?”

  “Nothing.” She grins and lays her head on my shoulder. “I'm excited we're taking this trip together.”

  I press my lips to her forehead, trying to stay focused on the road but with her body pressed against mine like this makes it difficult.

  “Know what I'm excited about?” I ask, wrapping an arm around her, leaving one hand on the steering wheel.

  “What's that?” She rubs her hand down my thigh.

  “Sleeping with you in a nice comfortable bed,” I whisper in a groan when her hand runs back up my thigh and grazes my dick. “What're you doing, Kaydence?”

  “Nothing.” She giggles as her fingers pop the button on my jeans. I look down and she stops. “Eyes on the road.”

  I huff and shift my hips instinctively when her palm pushes inside my jeans.

  “Fuck, Kay.” My fist on the steering wheel tightens and I have to focus extra fucking hard on not crashing when she pulls my dick out of my pants and starts stroking me.

  “Promise you'll watch the road?” she sweetly asks as she unbuckles and starts shifting away from me.

  I'm not a stupid man. I know what the hell she's doing and it terrifies me. Because not being able to touch her while she's touching me is utter fucking torture. Both hands grip the steering wheel and I clench my jaw, giving her a tight nod.

  “I can fuckin' do that,” I manage.

  When she leans down and her lips kiss the tip of my dick, I flinch and she pauses with a laugh. “Chase, don't crash.”

  “I'm tryin' not to, doll.” I take a deep breath and let out a hiss when she puts me all the way to the back of her throat. “Fuck,” I mutter, managing to set the cruise control on the truck before we end up getting a speeding ticket.

  She moans and slides down my dick with her hand wrapped just below her lips. She pumps while she sucks and her moans make me want to pull over and fuck her senseless. When I start to get harder because I'm about to come, she stops and bats her lashes up at me.

  “Not yet,” she says.

  I let out a strangled chuckle and my eyes dart down to her. Face flushed, wild red fucking hair, and my dick glistening between her fingertips as she bats her eyes at me and keeps stroking. Fucking hell.

  “Your mouth feels amazing,” I mutter then suck in a breath when her lips go around me again.

  I'm not going to fucking make it much longer like this. I curse, letting my right hand twist in her hair while her head bobs and at one point I find myself briefly closing my eyes because it feels so fucking good.

  “Shit,” I huff, my eyes flying back to the road. Her rhythm picks up and I lose it. “Fuck!” My hips jerk and my vision blurs as she sucks my orgasm from me. “Shit, fuck,” I growl. “Holy fuck,” I pant, blinking away the dots that start to form in my sight.

  She sits up and grins at me and I immediately pull her to my lips, almost murmuring those three little words. Words I know are true, but I don't say them.

  “You're perfect.” She kisses my jaw.

  “You're the fucking perfect one, doll.” I sigh and adjust my pants, leaving them unbuckled because fuck it. “Holy shit, Kaydence. I can say that's never happened before.” I laugh, smiling over at her.

  “I've never done that. I'm just glad it didn't end badly, but now we really need to get to the hotel. I like the no clothes idea.”

  I let out a growl and hit the gas harder. She's right.

  Once we get through traffic there's only time before the show to drop our shit off at our room and head out. I'm a little bitter about it. Then, to add to it, the entire concert all she does is grind on me and I'm certain my balls have never been in so much pain. I need to get her alone. But naturally, Tommy and Grant drag us to a bar for a few rounds of drinks.

  “One round, then we're out of here,” I tell them when Kaydence heads for the bathroom.

  “Don't be a fucking pussy, Chase. You don't get out much. Party with us!” Grant slaps my back, almost sloshing my whiskey out of my glass and I glare at him.

  “One round.” I take a drink and check the women's bathroom door probably twenty times while waiting on her. When she finally comes out, my nerves calm a little.

  “You see this tool?” Tommy laughs. “You fuckin' fell in love with her, didn't you?”

  “It's all over that stupid smile on his face,” Grant says, laughing along with him.

  “Shut it, guys.” I stand and walk over to Kaydence. “We can go now, if you want.” I give her my best smile, even though I know she's not going to let us leave.

  “Why are you in a hurry?” She wraps her arms around me. “We're on a mini vacation together! Let's enjoy it!”

  I pull her to me, my lips right next to her ear. “I'd love to be enjoying you in the privacy of our hotel room.”

  She hums and kisses my jaw. “I'd love that too, but we're on a vacation, babe. I could fuck you in your bed just as well. And I do,” she assures with another kiss before grabbing her beer.

  I huff and roll my eyes, walking back to the table I sit down, pulling her chair closer to me than to Grant.

  One round of drinks turns into three and before I know it I'm staring at the bottom of my third glass of whiskey. Surprisingly the guys haven't harassed her too much tonight. I think they're really starting to like having her around, which is awesome because I really think I want to keep her around. Forever.

  “I gotta piss,” I say, pressing my lips to Kay's before standing from the table and looking at Grant and Tommy. “Watch her. Kill anyone that comes close.”

  “Go to the bathroom.” She laughs, giving me a shove and smile.

  The line's fucking long, which is annoying as fuck in a guy's bathroom. Plus, I really need to get back to that table. I've got the best looking girl here tonight and I'm not about to let some dude who thinks he's better than me move in on my territory. When I finally finish up, I round the corner to head back to the table and don't see Kaydence sitting with the guys anymore.

  “Where is she?” I ask, flipping around to check the bar.

  “She needed another drink,” Tommy says like it's no big deal he just threw her out to the masses.

  “Fuck me,” I groan, finding her at the bar standing next to some guy. Smiling. That smile's for me, fucker.

  I walk over to the bar and order another drink, pushing to stand on the other side of her.

  “Hey! I'm getting us drinks.” She leans into me before pointing to the guy next to her. “He knows one of the sound techs at the concert so he got to hang backstage the whole show. I was telling him I'm jealous!”

  Of course she was. She's nice. Kaydence could hold a conversation with anyone, which is one of the things I love about her, but not when anyone is a guy that looks like he wants to devour her as dessert tonight.

p; “How's it goin'?” I nod at him but look at her again. “Let's head back to the table, babe.” I take her by the hip and glance over at concert guy.

  “Our drinks!” She laughs, turning for the bar again and when I look back, the asshole next to her is paying for her drinks.

  “On me.” He winks at her.

  I growl. “She's taken, dude. No need to be buying her drinks. What do I owe ya?”

  “Chase, he's just being nice.” She rubs my arm. “Thank you.” When she tries to hand him thirty dollars, he smirks at me.

  “Keep it. If you get bored later.” He glances at me but looks at her again and moves closer. “Call me,” he says pushing a napkin with his number on it toward her. I swipe it before Kaydence can and crumble it, tossing it to the floor behind the bar.

  “She's good, buddy.” I try to calm the anger inside me but when he lets out a chuckle and raises an eyebrow at her, I can barely hold it back.

  She grabs my arm and quickly spins, pulling us back to the table where the guys have been watching and they're laughing their asses off.

  “I'm sorry,” she blurts with a shake of her head. “I was just being nice.”

  “That guy took nice as you wanting him in your pants.” I take a long drink from my glass and fall to my chair. Tommy and Grant both snicker from across the table and I glance over at them. “What's your problem?”

  “You about murdered that guy!” Tommy laughs.

  “Did you see that? He...he was ready to break that dude's face!” Grant claps through his laughter. “Holy fuck you're pussy whipped!”

  I shake my head, taking another long drink.

  “He's not.” Kaydence smiles at them and rubs my arm. “He's not pussy whipped.” She pushes her fingers through my hair before grabbing her beer.

  “He's in love, that's about as pussy whipped as they come.” Grant groans and stands, stretching. “Fuck, man, I gotta break the seal.” He walks away and I glare daggers in his direction because he just said that.

  “He gets so fuckin' mouthy when he's drunk. Doesn't remember half the shit he's even saying,” I grumble, really fucking hoping she didn't catch him telling her I'm in love with her.


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