Tantrum (Kenshaw Ranch Book 3)

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Tantrum (Kenshaw Ranch Book 3) Page 16

by Piper Frost

  He pulls back the slightest. “I'm not perfect, Kaydence.” One side of his mouth lifts in a half smile. “But I am pretty easy to love, aren't I?”

  I giggle and press my lips to his, wrapping my arms tighter around his neck. “I wish I could come over tonight.”

  “Why can't you? Your mom's not stayin' here is she?” His arms tighten around me and he leans against the counter, forcing me to lean on him even more.

  “Yes, she is tonight. But back to my uncle's tomorrow.” I slide my fingers up the front of his shirt. “So maybe tomorrow.” I cock my eyebrow.

  “Absolutely tomorrow,” he all but growls, then kisses me again, not giving up until my brother walks in the room and clears his throat. Chase pulls back and glances over my shoulder, then his eyes fly back to mine and he gives me a small smirk. “Tyler,” he says, his eyes not leaving mine.

  “Chase,” my brother mutters and pulls out a chair. I glance over my shoulder and see him staring at us. “You two going to hide in here and make out the rest of the night? You've already gotten my mom thinking you're a goddamn prince charming. Can't let her down now. Or...that your thing?”

  “Tyler. Are you still hungry?” I blurt and turn out of Chase's arms.

  “Nope.” He smirks at Chase. “And I'm not entertaining mom tonight.” He leaves the kitchen and I drop my forehead to Chase's chest.

  “I'm sorry,” I whisper.

  “Stop fuckin' doing that, Kaydence.” Chase pushes his lips to my forehead. “He'll grow to love me. Kenshaws can't resist me.” He winks and pushes us off the counter.

  I grin at Chase as I walk through the bar door and wiggle my fingers at him as Grant pulls me to a table.

  “Hi, guys.” I accept the shot Felder pushes toward me. “Y'all been waiting for me?” I chuckle.

  “No, why?” Felder blurts. “We look like we're waiting on someone?” He glances around and shrugs, taking a drink of his beer.

  “Just here to have some beer. Chase said you were coming up. Thought you could hang out with us while he works.” Tommy nods toward the bar where Chase is currently slammed. “So how are you today, Kaydence?”

  “I'm great! Thank you. How are you guys doing?” I look around at all three of them.

  “Great!” Felder blurts, looking like he may have already had too much to drink.

  “Happy to be off work,” Grant says and Tommy agrees. “How's teaching those rich little shits how to ride horses goin'?”

  I smile at him and take the beer Felder pushes my way. “They're not little shits. And all my clients are really nice. Really, really nice. I love my job!”

  “I'd fucking hate dealing with those snobs. Right, man?” Grant nudges Tommy and he nods.

  “Hate it,” he mumbles. “Plus I heard Garrison's a hardass. He go easy on you since you're his niece?”

  I smile at them, looking at each of them individually while they stare at me. “He's a hard worker, and he doesn't really get involved with what I do on the ranch. His wife more so runs the lessons. They're all really great people, guys. Family aside.”

  “Yeah, they are,” Grant mumbles, then I see him nudge Felder and Felder clears his throat.

  “I heard shit went down at the shop with Sarah. She's a bitch, huh? I told Chase not to take her as a client, I can't fucking stand her.”

  I sip my beer and stare at him a second. “She's not a bitch. She was upset. As I understand it, her and Chase...had a thing, and she was upset he's no longer available. He needs his clients.”

  The three of them nod then Grant speaks up after finishing his glass of beer. “You're not put off by that, though? That Chase used to be a fuckin' man-whore of this town? And all these girls are gonna hate you for—Fuck!” He glares at Tommy and Tommy's eyes are wide.

  “Not cool, man. Too far,” he whispers.

  “We all have a past, guys. Really, I don't care. Chase is with me now and we're happy.” I nod, still smiling and take another drink of my beer.

  “Why didn't you retaliate when she was being such a bitch to you?” Grant asks, spinning his glass. “It's just weird, Kay. I mean, if you cared about our boy there wouldn't you be a little more...I don't know...angry at that bitch?”

  “Why should I be angry at her?” I chuckle and sip my beer a little quicker, getting uncomfortable they're all glaring at me. “She didn't do anything to hurt me, or him.” I shrug. “It's fine, and happened so long ago. Why are we talking about this?”

  “Just curious. That's all.” Grant nods across the bar. “I mean, she's here right now and she's heading for the bar. So just making sure you're okay with her still being buddy, buddy with Chase.”

  “I trust Chase.” I glance at them but turn my back and drink my beer.

  “I trust him too. He's never cheated on a girl. Ever. But that bitch, on the other hand.” Tommy points his beer bottle toward the bar then shakes his head. “She's relentless.”

  I spin my beer, keeping my eyes on the bottle. “Well, if Chase is more interested in her persistence.” I shrug and look up at Tommy. “There's really nothing I can do. Everything happens for a reason.”

  “So go on up there and claim what's yours, Kay!” Felder blurts, waving toward the bar. “Teach that girl she can't fucking have him.”

  I laugh and shake my head before finishing my beer. “Why? If Chase doesn't want her, why do I have to start something for no reason? You guys just like to get aggressive.”

  “We're not talking go up and punch the chick in her face.” Tommy laughs.

  “Just go talk to Chase. Kiss him. Smile and be that nice bitch we all know is hiding inside. Show her he's yours.” Grant shrugs. “I mean, I wouldn't like some guy pushing his dick all up on my girl. No matter how much I knew she loved me or vice versa. So seeing some other girl shoving her tits up on our boy over there, when we know how happy he is with you is kinda unnerving. And we can't start shit with a girl.” He takes a long swig of his beer. “Plus, I mean, you're not the least bit jealous of that?” He nods behind me and I glance over my shoulder. My stomach tightens and heart starts to beat faster when I see Chase talking to her and she's laughing, pushing her chest toward him as much as she can. I'm sure he has a reason to be talking to her. She's a paying customer and that's reason enough.

  “Should I be jealous of her? Are you guys trying to tell me something? Do you blame her? Chase is sexy.” I giggle and glance back at them again, watching him hand her a drink. “And he's amazing.”

  Felder narrows his eyes at me. “How can you just sit there and let that happen?”

  “Dude, drop it. Maybe she's just not as into him as we thought.” Grant stands and walks toward the bathroom.

  I frown and look at the other two. “I'm just not that kind of girl, guys. I like Chase. A lot. Why do I have to be a bitch for you guys to like me?” I stand and grab the empty beer bottles from the table.

  Walking up to the bar, I set them down and Chase immediately walks over, smiling. “Hey there, beautiful.” He takes the bottles and nods over to the table. “They're not givin' ya a hard time are they?”

  “No.” I push a smile on my face and make it a point not to glance at Sarah. “Can I get a beer please?” I cock my head and stare at him in a white t-shirt and black jeans. He's casually dressed but looks so good doing it.

  “Sure thing. The pumpkin finally went out of season. Blue Moon?” He tosses the towel he was holding on the bar and is still wearing a beautiful smile.

  “Yeah.” With a grin and nod, I lean against the bar. I don't want his friends thinking I'm not into him. I'm in love with him. But I'm just not a fighter like they're expecting. Everything happens for a reason. If Chase wanted Sarah, I wouldn't be able to change that.

  He slides the beer over the bar and leans in, pecking my lips. “You look petty hot tonight in this shirt,” he whispers before pulling back.

  “I was just thinking that about you.” I bite my lip staring at him until I'm bumped into from behind, almost spilling my beer.

  “Sorry.” Sarah scowls at me.

  “No worries.” I grip my beer tight and smile at Chase. “I'm going to sit back down.”

  “We're slowin' down. You can sit up here by me. I'd enjoy the eye candy.” He smirks, his eyes lighting up.

  “I'll tell the boys.” I lean forward, forcing myself to be the girl the guys said I should be and I peck his cheek. When I walk back over to the table, I smile at them. “We should go sit at the bar.” I point and glance, seeing Sarah's sitting there with two other girls and I roll my eyes, but quickly correct my smile.

  “Uh...yeah. Okay.” Felder wiggles his eyebrows. “Let's go sit at the bar, boys.”

  I lead the way and sit next to a platinum blonde, giving her a quick smile. “Hi.” She doesn't respond, but I didn't expect it.

  “Whoa, shit!” I hear coming from behind me then my back is suddenly cold. And wet. “Oh shit, I'm so fuckin' sorry!” Felder blurts, laughing so hard he's almost in tears. “It kinda looks like a dick, guys! Look at that wet spot!”

  The other two laugh and Chase's eyes fly to us.

  “What the fuck did you idiots do?” He's got his arms crossed in front of him and I hear Sarah and her friends snickering next to me.

  “Accident, man. She may need to take that shirt off,” Grant says from behind me.

  I stand from the stool and glance at the girls that are laughing next to me. Turning around, my eyes land on Felder and he tries to stop laughing but can't. My cheeks turn red and in a swift move I yank my shirt off.

  “Give me your shirt!” I throw my shirt as his face and hold out my shaking hand, waiting for his.

  “Holy shit!” Grant's uncontrollable laughter does nothing for this situation.

  “What the fuck!” Chase shrieks, running around the bar and holding a towel in front of me. “Jesus, Kaydence. Fuck, Felder!” He's shaking his head. “Felder, take your fucking shirt off for the girl. Since it's your goddamned fault anyway.”

  “I'm not sure my wife would like me coming home without a shirt on, Chase,” he says, giggling.

  “Here,” Tommy blurts, pulling his off and tossing it at me. “Sorry he's a fucking tool, Kaydence.”

  “It was an accident,” I say, managing to keep the tremble out of my tone.

  “It wasn't a fuckin' accident.” Sarah laughs. “He did that on purpose.”

  “Stay out of it, Sarah,” Chase growls. “You're only allowed to stay in here tonight if you keep it shut tight. Did you already forget that?”

  I glance at Chase and my lips part. I'm ready to tell him, or her, to get the hell out of here. Ready to be the girl Chase's friends think I have to be to be with him but when Chase pulls my hair from out of the shirt and softly smiles at me, I don't do it. That's not the type of person I am.

  “Thanks, Tommy,” I say and turn to the bar, grabbing my beer.

  “Last call, guys,” Chase says, still watching me.

  “The fuck, it's barely midnight!” Grant whines.

  “And I said last fuckin' call. It's just you assholes here anyway. Go home and get drunk, we're closin' early tonight.”

  His friends bitch and moan all the way back to the table but Chase won't stop watching me. I quietly finish my beer, sitting two stools away from Sarah and her friends while they talk about it, laughing at me. Chase doesn't seem to notice, and I don't want him to. They don't matter. They're not going to take my happiness away.

  I hold Chase's hand tight as we ring the bell at Uncle Garrison's.

  “When's your mom coming back from Vegas?” I ask as we wait for the door to open.

  “Monday I think,” he says, then takes a deep breath. “She can't wait to meet you. I almost feel bad she hasn't yet.”

  I grin. “I'm excited. I want to meet your sister too! And all her kids.” The door opens and I hug Donna quickly, stepping around her.

  “Come on to the dining room.”

  We make our way through the mansion that goofily sits on this ranch, but Donna loves this house.

  Brandt, Tyler, Jo, my mom, Uncle Garrison, Kinlee, Will, Bo, Wendy, and another boy around the twins age, all the little kids, and a few people I don't really know are sitting at the table talking until we enter the room and all goes quiet.

  “Hi!” I laugh uncomfortably and pull Chase to the open chairs waiting for us.

  I make my rounds hugging everyone and meeting the few people I don't know. When we sit down, talk picks up until we say a prayer. Everyone at the table is talking except Brandt, Tyler, Bo, and Chase. And they're the loudest men, so it's becoming more and more noticeable. And the fact all four of them keep answering questions with short answers is starting to piss my uncle Garrison off.

  “More potatoes, baby?” I smile at Chase and hear my brother groan from next to me.

  When I look up, my eyes meet Uncle Garrison's and he's looking between Tyler and Chase, back and forth before he looks over at Brandt.

  “No thanks.” Chase looks down at his plate. “Good food, Mrs. Kenshaw.”

  “It was mainly Jo,” Donna says. “She's been busting her butt all day and the kids haven't let her be either. Not to mention.” Donna grins across the table at Jo. “She's carrying another Kenshaw. This family grows bigger and bigger every year.” She smiles proudly. “What about you, Kaydence? You gonna grow a little Kenshaw. Oh, well, it wouldn't be a Kenshaw.” She chuckles and looks at Chase.

  Tyler's laugh makes me jump and everyone looks at him. “Kay don't need to be having kids without a father. We know what it's like growing up without a dad.” He glances at my mom and heat starts to flush my entire body in panic.

  “Well the baby would have a father, Ty.” Donna laughs. “I was kinda meaning Chase and Kay are cute together.” Donna grins at me and Chase again.

  “She's way too good for him, Donna,” Brandt mumbles. “Maybe when she finds someone a little more stable. Then we'll talk.”

  Bo snickers next to him until Kinlee elbows him in the gut, making him go silent.

  “B—” I begin to say until Uncle Garrison cuts me off.

  “Close it, Kaydence.” He points his fork at me then looks from Chase to Tyler, then from Tyler to Brandt and Bo. “Y'all have made my Thanksgiving dinner more uncomfortable than I'd like to admit tonight. I want to know what's got you all so foul that you thought it'd be okay to come in here and ruin the dinner Donna and Jo slaved over for the day.”

  “I'm cool.” Tyler shrugs.

  “Nothin',” Brandt says, shoving a bite of mashed potatoes in his mouth.

  “Sorry, sir,” Chase mumbles, pushing food around his plate. “Kaydence, I'm gonna take a walk. Not feelin' too hungry anymore.” He moves to shove his chair back but Uncle Garrison slams his fist on the table, stopping him in his tracks.

  “Sit down, son,” he demands and Jo sighs, throwing her napkin onto the table before leaning back in her chair and popping the button on her jeans. Everyone's staring at her because it seemed like she had something to say, but I think she's just stuffed.

  “Pants are snug,” she mumbles and looks at Uncle Garrison who's glaring at her with a fury in his gaze. “Brandt, Tyler, and I think Bo. I don't really know, he's usually just the strong silent type, but they all got an issue with Chase because Chase's...past reputation with...” She glances at her kids. “Ladies. He's a ladies man. They somehow think this will affect his and Kay's relationship. They're all throwing tantrums, acting like teenagers instead of thirty-year-old men. Well...not you, Ty, you're practically young enough to be my son.”

  “I'm twenty-one, Jo,” he snickers.

  “Yeah, yeah, whatever. Anyway, they all been makin' Kay's life hell since Chase came into the picture. Who wants dessert?” She reaches for the pie and I dart my gaze to Uncle Garrison who's glaring at Brandt.

  Tonight isn't going to end well. I can feel it.

  “Tyler.” Uncle Garrison points to the office just off the dining area. “Brandt.” He says when Tyler heads for the door. When Brandt stands, Uncle Garrison looks a
t Chase, but then quickly to Bo. “You got something to say?”

  “No, sir. I want whatever makes Kaydence happy. Chase seems to be doin' just that.” He gives Chase a cordial nod.

  “Then next time keep your snickers to yourself.” Uncle Garrison narrows his eyes at him.

  “Yes, sir.” Bo nods.

  “Chase. Office. Now. Let's deal with this like men.” The chair scrapes across the floor when Uncle Garrison stands and I flinch, almost grabbing Chase but he's on his way and already through the door.

  “Jo,” I say in panic.

  “Thank god someone's man enough to deal with this finally.” She shoves a bite of pie in her mouth and I look over my shoulder toward the door with worry.

  Tyler's leaned against the desk, arms crossed and glaring at me from across the room. Brandt's leaning against the window frame, staring out the window with anger written all over his face, and when Garrison slams the door I shake my head, moving for the most comfortable looking chair in the room.

  “You're all too old to be fightin' with each other over a girl. And before any of you start yammering you're not fightin' over a girl, I know damn well what you're doin'. I've known you since you were a boy.” He points at me. “And I've known you two since birth. This isn't like the men I know. Ty, that faded black eye ain't always on that face. And Chase, that split on your nose and lip ain't from walking into a wall. What's goin' on and don't none of you tell me nothin'!” His voice gradually gets louder and now he's just out right screaming at us with his face ablaze.

  Garrison Kenshaw isn't someone I've ever crossed in life, mostly because he's someone I've always respected.

  “With all do respect, sir, they started it.” I nod toward the other two in the room. “I'm tryin' to be a better man.” I cross my ankle on my knee and shift back in the seat. Something tells me we're going to be here a while.

  “Fuck that,” Brandt laughs out.

  “They started it,” Tyler mocks me in a whiny tone. “You sound like an idiot.” He scowls at me.


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